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JCPT91-03-02 HEAVY OIL Depth-related oil viscosity variation in Canadian heavy oil reservoirs BRIAN P. ERNO, JANET R. CHRIEST Nova Husky Research Corporation and ROBERT C. WILSON Husky Oil Operations Ltd. ABSTRACT The natural variability of oil viscosity in the Clearwater B heavy oilformation in east central Alberta has been examined. Oil sam- ples taken from preserved cores from various depths vary in vis- cosity by as much as tenfold. The data show a consistent trend of increased viscosity with increased depth of origin of the sam- ple. Furthermore, over an area of 16 sections oil
viscosity appears to correlate with structural elevation. Samplesfrom similar abso- lute elevations have similar viscosity. In locations where the reser- voir is structurally high, the viscosity-depth profile shifts toward less viscous oil and, in structural lows, the profile shifts to more viscous oil. Distillation curves of selected sampks confirm that the oil viscosity variations coincide with compositional differences. Single sets of samplesfrom three other heavy oil reservoirs, the McMurray and Wabiskaw in the Caribou Lake area, and the Waseca sand at Pikes Peak in west central
Saskatchewan, show similar trends to increased viscosity toward the bottom of the reser- voir sand. These obervations are compared with others reported in the literature, and possible causes of these compositional vari- ations and of their significance to thermal recovery processes are discussed. Introduction Variations in oil viscosity and composition were first observed dur- ing studies of oil produced from wells in a thermal project near Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. Although much of the variation could be attributed to alteration resulting from the thermal recovery process, some of the
compositional data suggested that the un- altered "native" oil may not be as homogenous as was assumed. Other data (density, viscosity and distillation) for samples produced under primary conditions from other reservoirs in the Lloydniin- ster area, also gave indication that significant viscosity variations occur from wefl to well within the same reservoir. Because varia- bifity of oil viscosity within a reservoir could impact on the suc- cess of a recovery process, and could also affect assessment of the value and amount of recoverable oil, it was of interest to con- duct a more thorough
study to confirm the extent of variabifity in heavy oil reservoirs. The opportunity to conduct such a study in a virgin reservoir area came in 1987 when Husky Oil and Alberta Energy Compa- ny carried out extensive driffing and coring of an area in the Caribou Lake block of east central Alberta This paper reports on a detailed examination of oil variability within the Clearwater 'B' reservoir, in particular in the Caribou Lake area held jointly by Alberta Energy Company and Husky Oil Operations. _ Literature Review Although the subject has received little attention in Canada, oil
variability within individual reservoirs has been observed in many reservoirs throughout the world. Hunt(l) sites a number of examples, including the Coahnga field in California, the Lagunillas field in Venezuela, the Sakha- tin f,,Id in the U.S.S.R., ad the Burgan field in Kuwait which show drainatlc variations in oil viscosity and density with location and/or depth. An early discussion of the Kuwait oilfields and the impli- cations of oil heterogeneity was given by Hetherington and Ho- ran(2). In some reservoirs, sharp transitions from light oil to heavy asphaltic oil occur near the
oil-water contact. In other fields, there is a more gradual change from light to heavy oil, as for example, in the Seria field in Bomeo, where the oil varies from 19 API to 37 API as the depth increases from 300 m to 3000 m(l), or in the LaguniHas field in Venezuela, where oil varies from 10 API to 36 API in different locations in the reservoir. Large variations in bitumen density and viscosity were also reported by Ward and Clark(3), in an early study of the Athabas- ca reservoir in Alberta. Samples from the MeMurray area were found to be I 00 times more viscous than those taken
further north in the Bitumount area and the samples taken from different depths within the 20 m pay interval at Bitumount also showed signifi- cant viscosity variation. Hirschberg(4) has discussed the processes believed to be respon- sible for the compositional variation. In light oil reservoirs, com- positional gradation is attributed to gravitational segregation among hydrocarbons, which leads ot oil having increasing amounts of higher molecular weight compounds toward the bottom of the reservoir. This process and its implications have also been discussed by Schulte(5), using the
Brent reservoir in the North Sea as an ex- ample. A gravitational equilibrium model was developed which accounted for some of the observed variations in composition and PVT behaviour. From the modeffing it was concluded that com- positional gradation increased with increasing aromatics fraction Keywords: Heavy oil, Viscosity, Characterization. Paper reviewed @and accepted for publication by the' Editorial Board of The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology. 36 The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

--JcPi91 - 0 3 -02...

Depth-related oil viscosity variation

in Canadian heavy oil reservoirs
Nova Husky Research Corporation
Husky Oil Operations Ltd.

ABSTRACT area came in 1987 when Husky Oil and Alberta Energy Compa-
The natural ~'ariability of oil viscosity 1fl the Clearwater B heavy ny carried out extensive drilling and coring of an area in the
oil formation in east celllral Alberta has been examined. Oil sam- Caribou Lake block of east central Alberta
ples taken from preserved cores from various depths vary in vis- This paper reports on a detailed examination of oil variability
COSiTY by as much as tenfold. The data shoJI} a consistent trend within the Cleanvater 'B' reservoir, in particular in lhe Caribou
oj increased ~'iscosity with increased depth 0/ origin oj the sam- Lake area held jointly by Alberta Energy Company and Husky
ple. Furthermore, over an area of 16 sections oil viscosity appears Oil Operations.
to correlate with structural elevation. Samples from similar abso-
IIlTe elevations have similar viscosity. In locatiom where the reser- Literature Review
~'oir is structllrally high, the viscosity-depth profile shifts toward Although the subject has received lillie attention in Canada, oil
less viscous oil, and, in structural lows, the profile shiffs to more variability within individual reservoirs has been observed in many
viscous oil. Distillation curves of selected samples confirm that reservoirs throughout the world.
the oil viscosity variations coincide ~ ..'ith compositional differences. Hunt(l) sites a number of examples, including (he Coalinga
Single seTS ojsamples from three other heavy oil reservoirs, the fIeld in California, [he LaguniUas field in Venezuela, the Sakha-
Mdvturray and Wabiskaw in the Caribou Lake area, and the lin field in the U.S.S.R., ad [he Bw-gan field in Kuwait which show
JVaseca sand at Pikes Peak in west central Saskatchewan, show dramatic variations in oil viscosity and density with location and/or
similar trends to increased viscosity toward the bottom of the reser- depth. An early discussion of the Kuwait oil fields and the impli-
voir sand. These obervations are compared with others reported carions of oil heterogeneity was given by Hetherington and Ho-
in the literature, and possible causes of these compositional vari- ranO). In some reservoirs, sharp transirions from light oil to heavy
ations and of their significance to thermal recovery processes are asphaltic oil occur near the oil-water contacL In other fields, there
discussed. is a more gradual change from light to heavy oil, as for example,
in the Seria field in Borneo, where the oil varies from 19 API to
37 API as lhe depth increases from 300 m to 3000 m(I), or in thc
Introduction LaguniUas fIeld in Venezuela, where oil varies from 10 API to
Variatioru in oil viscosity and composition were fIrst observed dur- 36 API in different locations in the reservoir.
ing studies of oil produced from wells in a thermal project near Large variations in bitumen density and viscosity were also
L1oydmimter, Saskatchewan. Allhough much of [he variation reported by \Vard and Clark(J), in an early study of the Arhabas-
could be aruibuted to alteration resulting from the thermal recovery ca reservoir in AJberta. Samples from the McMurray area were
process, some of the compositional data suggested that the un- found to be 100 times more viscous than those taken further north
altered "native" oil may not be as homogenous as was assumed. in the Bitwnount area and the samples taken from differenl depths
Other data (density, viscosity and clistillation) for samples produced 1,I,.'ithin the 20 m pay interval at Bitumount also showed signifi-
under primary conditions from other reservoirs in the L1o}rdmin- canl viscosity variation.
ster area, also gave indication that significant viscosity varialions Hirschberg(4) has discussed the processes believed to be respon-
occur from well to well within the same reservoir. Because varia- sible for the compositional variation. In light oil reservoirs, com-
bility of oil viscosity widuTI a reservoir could impact on the suc- positional gradation is attributed to gravitarional segregation
cess of a recovery process, and could also affect assessment of among hydrocarbons, which leads ot oil having increasing amounts
the value and amount of recoverable oil, it was of interest to con- of higher molecular weight compounds toward the bonom of rhe
duct a more thorough study to confIrm the extent of variability reservoir. This process and its implications have also been discussed
in heavy oil reservoirs. by Schulte(5), using the Brent reservoir in the North Sea as an ex-
The opportunity to conduct such a slUdy in a virgin reservoir ample. A gravitational equilibrium model was developed which
accounted for some of the observed variations in compOSition and
PVT behaviour. From the modelling it was concluded that com-
Ke}words: Heavy oil, Viscosi[y, Charac[erizaLion. positional gradation increased with increasing aromatics rraction

Paper re\'iewed and accepted for publication b]! the Editorial Board of The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology_

_-,:,..,...- Viewing Section

'. r ,
~._+- OWS or ;' ..
Oil Samples

FIGURE 1. Schematic sampling from core.

I: ..
" ....

~. -.

FIGURE J. Type log of B i}'Pical Caribou lJlke well.

lution into water, or be losr to a leaking gas cap. These and other
degradation processes have been described in detail by others(3).
In a study of two reservoirs within the Sakhalin oilfields of the
U.S.S.R., Amosov and Kozina(B) conclude that oxidation was
more important then either water-washing or gravity in causing
the variation in oil density between the edges and crests of the

Oil Sample Preparation and

Measurement Methods
The core used in (his work was cut using conventional unconsoli-
dared coring techniques, including capture and containment in 4
in. PVC pipe, packing in dry ice soon after retrieval, and immediate l~"
, .
transport to a lab with freezer storage.

FIGURE 2. Location of Caribou Lake lease.

Pieces of core material of about 150 g were cut from frozen
core in the way shown in Figure 1. The V-shaped pieces were cut , .. -
~; ' .

\vithout lubricant and were transferred from the core analysis

laboratory to Nova Husky Research Corporation (NHRC) frozen
and decreasing pressure. Observed varations in oil bubble point, in sealed bags. Drillers' depths were determined for each sample
gas dew point, and gas-oil miscibility could be explained. and marked on the bag. The samples were kept frozen until used.
Compositonal gradation in moderately heavy oil reservoirs (20 About one hour before use, a set of six randomly chosen sam-
API to 30 API) has also been attributed to gravitational effects. ples was partially thawed at 22 'C, and each sample was weighed
Hirschberg(4) gives data from a North African field, in which oil into a stainless steel centrifuge bottle. The bottle (about 250 em') ; ): '."
viscosity varies from 2 to 12 mPa.s as the elevation decreases 60 was then filled to the shoulder with I M NaCII reweighed, and
m. In this case. modelling results suggest that settling of asphalt sealed.
(asphaltenes plus resins) aggregates, rather than asphaltenes alone, The six bottles were placed in the centrifuge head, and the head
is the primary cause of the variation. was heated to 9O'C in an oven (1 hour). Preheating the head and
Consideration is also given to the extreme case of a tar mat at samples in an oven is more efficient than heating under the vacu-
the bottom of a formation. Two types of behaviour are predicted wn conditions in the centrifuge. The heated head was then trans-
by the modeL When the asphalt and oil are miscible in any propor- ferred to the centrifuge and spun at 14 (](]() rpm (- 30 (](]() x
tions, a gradual transition from light to heavy oil is predicted. Al- gravity) for 1.5 hours at 9O'C using a Beclanan Model LS/M heat- ,.
ternatively, if solubility of asphalt in the oils is limited, a phase ed ultracentrifuge. The head was then cooled to 22CI and the ';:. ~

transition from oil to tar is expected. bottles removed and weighed to confum that no leakage had oc- (::S~
Tar mats present some unique reservoir engineering problems. curred.
Their presence in several Middle East reservoirs appears (0 im- The oil floating on the top of the brine was transferred to a
pede natural basal water driVe<6.7). small vial with as little brine as possible_ The measurements were
Compositional variabiilty in heavy oils may also be caused by made on portions of the samples within 2 days of separation from
selective gradation of the oil by a variety of processes. Many reser- the core.
voirs allow oil to seep to surface, where oxidation and biodegra- The concentration of water remaining in each sample was de-
dation convert it to tar or asphaltite deposits. Similar processes termined on a 0.5 g subsampie using a coulometric Karl-Fischer
occur when oil comes into contact with oxygenated near-surface apparatus. All samples contained less than 2l1Jo residual water.
"meteoric" waters. Light components may also be lost by disso- Viscosity was measured using a Brookfield Model RVT DCP

May-June 1991, Volume 3D, NO.3 37

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