Writing Is A Callingx

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Writing is a calling.

Franky cherubim
Writers life is their world, wherein many things visualize in their mind,
which are precious and unique values useful for mankind. When you
are chosen to be writer, I use the word chosen intentionally because
writing is a calling ,not a choice quoted by ISABEL ALENDE. Its true
that they connect themselves to the vision, the soul of being ,the soul of
existence ,the driver and many preserved values deep beneath.

Many great leader and writer who induced the soil with wisdom and
unique path, may be harder to practice but it never fails. The writer
visualizes much before others, even one cannot imagine .Mahatma
Gandhi ji used to advocate the value of consumer because he knew
they are powerful and they precipitate values to transformational
change. After sixty nine year of independence the shift is
predominantly visible in the world market from marketers control to
consumer control. His being is the driver of visualizing future of not
only India but the world.
Chosen to be a writer is a calling within:
Honesty and responsibility create a path to wisdom and
Catch the soul of a subject you are writing about.
Read biographies of great leaders give you strength.
Deep dive into the topic to take out the truth which connect
your audience and build a relationship with your reader.
The persona of your personality must be well understood to
your audience.
Be careful when you read newspaper, you must have the
capability to see through in- between lines. It is fast instrument
to lay perception into your mind. After commercialization it
plays vital role in media, they hide the truth which is most
dangerous for writers.
The journey you have with your people will support you and
your communication to yourself, forming the shape as writer is a

Your relationship with your reader will form loyal readers that spread
your written material to people in a massive way. The honest writers
words are precious to readers.

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