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Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.

Answer :
Sure. G o straight on
and turn right. The
library is on your left.

[2 marks]

Hows the food? Answer :


[2 marks]

They are my sons. Answer :


[2 marks]
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Mrs Hii is a very strict English teacher. She wants all her pupils to use correct grammar.
She corrects their mistakes even while they are talking in the canteen or walking along the
corridor. She will then give many examples of correct sentences. Therefore, whenever the pupils
see Mrs Hii coming, they
try to speak English without making any grammatical errors.

One day, a new pupil named Henry fell asleep while Mrs Hii was teaching. She walked towards
Henry. She stood in front of Henry and said angrily, Henry! Why are you not writing the
examples in

your exercise book? Henry sat up straight at once. He quickly thought of an excuse and replied,
I not
have a pencil, teacher.

Mrs Hii said, I not have a pencil? Did you say that? The pupils sitting around Henry smiled.
Hii said to Henry, Now, listen carefully. I do not have a pencil. They do not have a pencil.
He does not have a pencil. She does not have a pencil. We do not have a pencil.

Henry looked at his classmates sitting next to him. Then, he turned around to look at the girl
sitting behind him. He scratched his head and said, Oh dear! What happened to all their

Question 22
Tick () the correct answer.
(a) Mrs Hii corrects her pupils grammar _________________________.

anywhere in the school

during her English lesson

when she goes to the canteen

[1 mark]

(b) When Mrs Hii saw Henry sleeping in class, she ____________________.

scolded him

kept herself quiet

called the headmaster

[1 mark]
Write your answers in the space provided.

(c) Why is Mrs Hii a very strict English teacher?

[2 marks]

I not have a pencil?

Why do you think Mrs Hii repeated Henrys mistake?

[2 marks]

(e) Henry fell asleep while Mrs Hii was teaching. Do you think his action was correct?

[2 marks]

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