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Alexandria University

Faculty of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Depertment
Fourth year
January, 2011 2011
Natural Gas Enigneering CH 424
Time allowed: 180 minutes 180 :
Answer all questions
1. Answer the following:
1. What is the difference between LNG, CNG, NGL, LPG and GTL? (3 marks)
2. Differentiate between Cryogenics and turbo-expanders. (3 marks)
3. What are the public safety issues related to LNG Flammable vapor clouds? (3 marks)
4. Discuss nozzle selection and placement. (3 marks)
5. How LNG kept cold? (2 marks)
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of LNG? (2 marks)
7. What are the quality requirements for gas entering LNG plant? (2 marks)
8. Why mercury should be removed? How is that done? (2 marks)
9. What is meant by compressor surging? (2 marks)
10. Compare between temperature control methods. (2 marks)
11. What are the conditions promoting hydrate formation? (2 marks)
12. Draw basic flow sheet for Amine treating process for CO2 and H2S removal. (2 marks)
13. Draw flow sheet for glycol dehydration system. (2 marks)
2. Solve the following problems (95=45 marks)
1- A natural gas has a specific gravity of 0.85. At a pressure of 3000 psia and a temperature of
230 F, calculate the viscosity of the gas by two different methods.
2- Natural gas is in contact with brine in a reservoir. The brine contains 15000 ppm dissolved
solids. Calculate the water content in lb/MMscf at reservoir conditions of 2000 psia and 200F.
3- Sweet natural gas at 2000 psia and 150 F had an average molecular weight of 19.91
lbm/lbmole. Calculate the gas isothermal compressibility coefficient Cg.
4- H2S is removed from natural gas containing 2% H2S by volume using a DEA solution (30%
wt) to remove 99% of the H2S. The gas inlet conditions: 100 MMSCFD, T=15F, P= 2 atm
Calculate: The amount of DEA solution needed. (DEA (HOC2H4)2NH)
(HOC2H4)2NH +H2S (HOC2H4)2NH2+HS-
5- The process of acid gas removal (H2S), the following information are available:
H2S removal is 95%; Solvent capacity = 0.04 mol H2S/mol solvent
Maximum allowable gas velocity = 3 m/s; Inlet gas conditions; T=50C, P = 2 atm, %H2S =
0.02, volumetric flow = 104 m3/min, gas molecular weight= 17
a) Solvent flow rate
b) Concentration of H2S in outlet streams
c) Minimum tower diameter
6- CO2 gas is being absorbed from its mixture with N2 (CO2 concentration is 0.2% by volume) by
using a tray tower fed with amine solution, where 80% of CO2 gas is removed by the amine.
Fresh amine solution is fed to amine tower at a rate of 2000 lb/min and comes out at the
bottom containing 0.01% by weight CO2. If the maximum allowable vapor velocity is ft/min,
calculate: minimum tower diameter T=80F, P=2 atm, R=10.73 psia ft3/lbmol R
7- A natural gas has the following composition is at 400 psig and 80 F:
Component C1 C2 C3 i-C4 n-C4 C5 C6 C7+ N2 CO2
Mol % 87.09 4.42 1.60 0.40 0.52 0.46 0.29 0.06 4.76 0.40
Assume a molecular weight of C7+, the same as for C7

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a- Show whether it is possible to be liquefied by compression only or cooling is necessary
and why?
8- A casing annulus is filled with gas under the following conditions:
Gas gravity = 0.65 V = 1500 ft3 pav = 1000 psia Tav= 200 F
How much gas in standard cubic feet, must be removed to drop the pressure to 800 psia?
Assume gas behaves as a perfect gas.
9- A sour natural gas has a specific gravity of 0.7. The compositional analysis of the gas shows
that it contains 5 percent CO2 and 10 percent H2S. Calculate the density of the gas at 3500 psia
and 160F.

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Water content of natural gas with corrections for salinity and gravity.

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Variation of CrTr with reduced temperature and pressure.

Variation of CrTr with reduced temperature and pressure.

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Viscosity of paraffin hydrocarbon gases at 1.0 atm.

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Viscosity ratio versus pseudo reduced temperature.


Tpc = Tpc - 80 yCO2 + 130 yH2S - 250 yN2

Ppc = ppc + 440 yCO2 + 600 yH2S - 170 yN2

9.4 0.02 M T 1.5
209 19 M T
X 3.5 0.01M
Y 2.4 0.2 X

g 10 4 K exp X / 62.4 Y
Tc = 168 + 325 g 12. 5 g2 (R)
Pc = 677 + 15.0 g 37.5 g2 (psia)
Atomic weights [C = 12, H =1, N = 14, O =16, S =32]

Best of luck
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