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T'o: Kathrl,n S i{erman/Judge R-obin Vanno1,.

Assistarrl ('our1 Administrator'

Juvenile Olficer

Fronr : Priya Sha' ui' me' el)rMlSecured Farty/Lien Holder/Holder-ln - Jg&i,riitH, &,Q,.ffgt*i,[ Iv"*u,
38o 40" 5" N.Lat: 94" 12' 37" W.Long
Cahokia. : Altan/ :'I'urtl e-lsland ; --,
;\- i'
Clo39l6 N.Florissant St.Louis, Missouri {631071 . :., ,

Acceptance for Value and Consideration for Full Discharge Settlement and Closure of The Account case
Numbers: i622-JU00599 associated with 1622-JR00818 and 1622-JU00600 associated with 1622-JR00811

I, Sionya Michelle HaleyOrM now kno'nm as Priya Siran Sha ul'Me'elOrM am a Secured partylLien Hoider, a
flesh and blood Indigenous/Autochthonous female, of Aniyuwiya/Cherokee descent Title 28 U.S.C.1360, alive
and not dead or lost at sea in Law on Cahokia, Tufile Island. I, ACCEPT FOR HONOR VALUE &
CONSIDERATION, your letter sent on August l,2AL7 and the CITY OF ST.LOUIS, MISSOURI CUSIP
NUMBERS: 79165T 5D4,79165T SE2, 79165T SF9, 79165T 5G7,19165T SH5, 79165T SJl, 79165T SK8, 791657
5L6,19165T SM4, 79165T SN2, 79165T SP7, [n accord with: HJR-|92,PUBLIC LAW 73-10, Congressional
record page A3220 May 11,1955, Motu Proprio July 2013, Title 31 U.S.C. $ 5118(d) 2,U.C.C. $ 3-401,
U.C.C.$ 3-603(b), TINCITRAI, LINIDRIP, ADzuP, U.C.C. $ 3-305.This Item is being returned to you for tull
discharge, ciosure and settlement of MISSOURI state court case numbers:1622-1U00599 associated with 1622-
JR00818 and 1622-1UA0600 associated with 1622-JR00811. Please use private exemption CUSIP# &
AUTOTRIS# G75318195 as the account and the case is prepaid and exempt from Lery under Rule 8 of The
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Please adjust the account and release all the proceeds, products, disbursement,
documents and fixtures herein. Release the order of the court to me Immediately. U.C.C S I-2A2
Release the Bid Bonds and CUSIF nurnbers. ln the Great Spirit of my Ancestors.....

Our Statutory Declarations was J'endered to the Go-r.emcr of h4issouri 'Ihe Honorairle Jeremiah ".la\," Nixon.
Irttps:,'/ii u,il .scrii;d.c':r:r,di;ctirneni,'-1286i22.!:i"if a-Siran-Stat!1qq1-Deqig&lcff_lfkf4,l-:_!ii0l])2i-0{}01,A4arshawn-Statutory,-declaration-upload-20161 023-000 i -pdf

You must Cc a cop1, to the Public Officials list beiow,

Cc: Pope F'rancis I/ THE VATnCAl.t

Cc: Governor of Missouri The llonorable Eric Creitens
Cc: Attorney General Josh Harvley
United Nations l)eclaration on the right of indigenous Peoples-
( u ff.Uii.o!-*.,'egilot_ditiUpp_fli,'cilrcuntenlsi'Df{i!lS-_i1q;1cl!) United Nations Convention on Economic,
Social & cuitural Rights, United Nations Char-ter; Article 55 & 56. Presidential procianration 7500,H.i.R. 194.
S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200. HJR-3

Affirrned to and subscribed before me this ]Ldu> of August 2017 A"r{tU.*,d' ?Ut1qSOf l-a} ,o.g _

Affiant UCC 1-308 ut prejudice

Produce Identification Type and # ID i'1,j,,,,,, r l!,. \)r',*,, 1,,,,,J.

-, lIY I r'{O\'JIY
C,)/ "/c,
l"'' \, ,l'.'.itssoi;,ql
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I\4r, (''cr*nricqinn v6xin+i,. --".. ip,r, 3.2u J
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{.*C f,.",;.'i T*ryy



-4' '

pRsvto. tenrr\ffaae<ii.\
ciotrrirrg sherter.
d# ^iafy
*y'o* 3. ctlHi'y'r llivi\ canrlot corlsent [o nt'r:

In ir* &1, un,l Judg,o"n, ,.,f Di*Pc,ri19: qd 2a\7k/

rrtt ttt tlrtl i ttit t
rrec csla
L e/to t -r

5. i, i^ r:"*C*odgr.ur*enr ro treat dental caries dqin r;1nYS,

The child
teeth. The proposeci treatm.n, .orrrrlffioverage crowns of those -iectir.
q'hiie the chlldGl6r,
child's age and inability ro cooperate. the $gry"t needs to be performed

under general anesthesia. Also, because of frerQradiographs have not been obtained'

dentist intencls to take radiographs while the child is under general anesthesia to deterrnine
if any

additional caries is present aud it-i need of treatment.

6. Ottcc ailthorized 1o do so- Dr. l}ni}1' Iiailn' a pedialric dentist s'ith St. Louis

Cirilcl'en's Flospita.l I)enial Clinic. riill perlbrlll the proceciltte.


1'o: Judge R.obin \/atiLro) " af 22"d liariril5. Court

92{-l Y andeventr:r Ave.
St.L.oi"tis Missouri 63 1 iI
From: Pnya Sha'uX'me'eiOrM/Secured Fa*y/Lien I{oider,4jorozn:}ili]H-i*ij*,Fi:,,i,1 igeno us woman
3Eo 40" 6" 1.{.J-at: 94" 12' 37" \\/.I-ong
Cahokia, : Altanl :Turtle-Isiand
Cla 39n 6 N.Florissant St.Lauis, h4issouri L$1A7] t, ,

I{E{ree_qf f{eqeryp&ssj-&{_he_eflEss&g rcl,icf fE'6EES Lalsuresry n_Ij!_dtseso,ushlld. &th{ya&E@}q:l

ry:ry&qu,LegAle!&&mq,,5bqlljffs _e_E-_n&_@cse.rd"sl_d_hTieelkderal Eules_qlcji.tlps,e{:edqqe_lule 69,

i. Sionya ll4ielteile HaleyOrM Ilolder,

novs kncvm as Fri5ra Siran Sha ul'N.4e'el@rM &rn a Seeured p2152/1-i** a
flesh arld blood trndigenor-rs/Autoehthonous flerrlale, of Aniyuwi5ra/96*."kee descent Title 28 lJ.S.C.;350,
clairns relief,frorsl surgery on the behalflof my indigeraous ehild Ethe,ryah Hatey now knou,n as Alesiranee
Sha' ul'N4e'ci for f,raud.

Judge Robin Valrno}, of The Fan:i}3r Court, k:nor,vi6gly and wiltring eommit fi-atld and yioiated our lndigenous
R"ights" Jucige R.ohin Vannoy have the of knowledge of tire goi<l flinges around the U.S. flag and the
MfSSOURJ flag, in the eourt in roont, adveftising Admiralty/Maritime jurisdletion, and the eonstitr.ltion being
suspended ln the room, detcrniine her ornrn julrisdietion. I have aeceptcd for value and eonsideratr.ion Judge R.obin
I"/annoy Oath of Oflfiee rvhere shc promises to u-p hotrd hcth thc U"S constituticr-l and the }I4ISSOURI
eonstitution while heing a prcduct cf the MISSOURI plan, cpcrating in thc eoilrt not ereated hy eongress, did in
faet make orders, and judgnents without. pcssessing or prodtieing any viotrated delegatlon of autfiority, has I
have produee nnaxly doeuments ehalienging the jurisdietion of the Farniiy Court. As I resr.alt Judge R.obin
Vannoy has heen respomsible for the abuses frorn ttre assisting agents and ageneies, the Missouri Children's
Division, Danielle Ju,nger/Louis" Shilo Santiago, Annie, Ashley Latinnore and Robin Lundt, nho havc gone to
great links to repeatedly violate cur Indigcnous riglrts. Now Eritily }{anh, ageirt at the Chiidren's Flospital, who
have assisted on the neeessity of dentatr surgery and refuses to aeknownedge our Xndigenous mediea] praetiees
and treatn'lent, is protected by artiele 2,4-of the LTNDRIP" Ti,re Missoilri Children's Division harie ssssiys4
knor*4edge our of ntedieal treatment and have refuse to allcw rnore tirne for me tc pcrform. our treatmcnts in
visits and leave negleeted to perf,onn the treatments t]remse]ves or ttr'rou.g]r t]ee Annie and Ch-ris" which is
ntedieal ncgleet" Danielie.lunger/Louis, Shilo Santiago purposeiy avold,ed mc a:id seeretly eanceleC the
sehcdule visit on -nuly f5. 2017 with my ehitrdren w,hile i was intenvievr trying to n^reet the requireitrent of,a
finaneial stahilit5, as a stipulation on to tre reunite with my ehildren, as a slaoeking reatrity on the dcbtor's nzune
SIONYA HALEYOTM beirag tainted by false allegations of negleer/ by the Ashley Latirnore and R*bin
],undt of'the Nv{issouri Chiidren's Division,&4issouri's Family Care Safuty R.eglstry. As a result I was mable t<t
quali$, flor the position and was refused flrom the visit with nl), ehiidren, while tr w,as going to give my daughter
a treatment to reverse the damagcs whieh had ooeurred througli rncdieal neglect and a high starch" aeidle diet
florccd olx my etrrildreri. Thcse aetions are fraud em their nature and only have the Birrpose of rriolating our rights"
to do h.ann to nay ehildren. and girre the fbise appearanee of a soiution by {hg agent and agemeies a.ssisteci the'
FamilS, Courit rtiriele origenated i* fraud"
I.j denrand ficr the surger),' to be canceled as ! never give an1, eonsent cr signed an)/ collLracis anrj ri,ere cienv
the right to in tii;ne to trcatment rn3, d-arighter rvith m],medieal trcatment. 2. A hearing be heletr'whcre judge
R.obin Vanttoy ean prerduce a delegaticn of authcrit. and proof oflraly ehildren she claim to he in radth tire
provisici'ls of I{ShztrO 211"031 .1 . as .!ve atre dcscribed in 25, USC seeticn 865(CX 1 B) as a non-resident cf,the "{.Jni'ied
States". We are tirerefore. as described in 26 CFId 1.871-2 and26 USC sectioil 77A1{b} a "non-rcsidelitalien" u,ith respeet
t* the "UNil'tsD STATES" and v./e are cutside the general !,eilue and.!urisdiction of the "[JidiTED STATES"( Tirle 28
USC sec 1002(i5XA), Title 48 tJSC Sec 814j.3. h,4y chiidren to b,e retunl iCI my custod5z Immeciiately as being
rzietims of fiaud Title iE Ll.S"C. $120X, Title i8 Lr.S.C. $1091, done hy "ludge RoLrin Vai.irloy the Faarily Cc'urri
a"nd ageneies assisting trer.

l.iotice U.C.C$ 1- 242" to Ashley Latirnore and F-obin Lundt of ttrte Missouri Chitrelren's llivisroie/Missouri's
Famil5, Care Safuty Rcgistry, SIONYA IIALEYOTM is a eopyrrighted legal name flrr the benellt of thc Seeured
Farty, anv use of the nan1e, slzulder and prcpaganda, i viiil suc for damages. Oni}, I irave the rigiit to do bu-siriess
with that name if n so ctr'tocse to. I have Aceepted for honor Vafue & Ccnsideration AII Charges Irr return post
FUI.L diseltarge, elcsurc and settiemcnt of the aeeount, aecord r"rzittri H.IR 192" PLrblie l,aw 73-10. " " retrease the
Ilid Eond and CUSIF numher for ease numbers: 1522-.I{J00599 assoeiatcd wrth 1622-JR.008i8 and 1622-
JU00600 assoe iated n ith I 622-JIt008l 1 .

Relcase thc tsid Bonds and CLISIP numbers. In the Great Spirit of nty Ancestors. "...

Our Statutory EleeXaraticns w,as Tendered to the Goverutor cf Missouni Tlae I'lonorable "leremiah "'.nal"'l{ixon.
irllptii\\,rll\,.scribi.conr,'dq!_tU4efftii286lUj2ij'ri1a.-jqAlf:U3lUlc111-aeciaratio&-t-rpload-l,J i 6 i02i-00q1

You rnusf C-'e a cop1, to tlie tr)ublic Offieials iist belorv,

Ce: Fqpe Fr4qcis i/ l-I{E VA?}CAN

Llc: Governor of lr,fissouri The Honorable Erie Greitens
Ce: Attomey GeneratrJosh Fiarnlcy
Cc: N4issouri's Farnily Care Safety Rcgistry

Nations Deelaration on ttrre rigtrt of Xndigenotis Feoples-
Ggg-'rli\l\, ) tJreitcd Nations Convention oir Eeonomic,
Sooial & eultural Rights. united Nations Charter; Artielc 55 & 55, Fresidcntial proeiarnation 7500"F1"i"It. 194.
S" Cron. Res. 25 S. 1200" X-{:lR.-3

Affinmed to and sui:rsedbed bcfore me this 1[ *u, of Augusr 20tr7 A.rkeu ,Z-J fugra<nlo] *<*-l
l -iJ} ',,+t','r fi;'{irr

' llrod,;celdentLlieation i )'fte aflLl 1+ .tLJ lflig5u".,i No.n*,,.rr L;*ou S i1l0*ocil
fffioTr',t .l r'i(iVlFY
.i,tarV PrJDl..
N,,tatV I.iul:ryY >rol
l!Ul3r rro'
StAtt 3, i,i lS:aLiRi
imrins:, ia.ri'i'ar f or SI LL:-;r'l-r
6lir:ri:,rl.,i'i'cl Couttr'
:-;" s L;o1-lnly,
1,. . -: ri .- !l
'-L, - r-:
,. :,1
' ' l-lE---
.. r
] o"t- .l
t::: j:.?" your ownlts to determine your own
I#f,: ^6"^,"h v,
or to seek legal counsel.

lf you would like our Court to nsel for you, that can be arranged./1
v, t
There would be no cost to you should you ddi ;'"i)u li:
want i",
Ji,X;',"' f,il:
legal COUnSel |*lr,
* : appolnteo.
ili ZZ -V/t>
lf you choose to have iegal counsel appoi call your deputy juvenile officer, CJt
Terry Carter at 552-2166 io inform hirn that you legal counsel appointed.
Kathryn S. Herman


cc: Terry Carter


W. -'-'k4

WffiiiW'," *dry;,roo'"tr;Y*&ff

r t A d m i nj s t r at o
4: :.': :r :',f,flu .

-"ru. Yo,?o,*o*n.**h
%I=T:-HN luty zr, zalr
i, .Duo"_ "r,
'ho,r"orour#.fpr"}lu"rtonJuty Oq,
- 'h, *'
no records available that meet V;* rry*r.U
?r&,,ou,,, -%;
lr"/r^ .t94
[:l:3i;,ff;,1s,,aro, 79,


1'o: Kathrl,n S. Fleman

A ssistantCourt Adntinistralor
.Iuvenile Officer

Fron-i: Friya Sha'ul'me'elOrM/Secured Part1,71;e, Hol derllJol de?$+i-fl USq@rSfi n{-igprpus Woman
38" 40" 6" N.Lat; 9Ao 12' 37" W.Long
Cahokia" : Altail :Turtle-lsland :i

Cla 39 i 5 N.Florissant St.Louis. Missouri f63 1071

Title 42 U.S.C. 1986

I. Friya Sha'ul'me'elOrM have spoken to you (Kathryn S. Herman) on June 8" 2017 about reviewing the
documents of; Hurnan Rights Violations. Genocide. Kidnapping all of the abuses that the Farnily Coud is doing
and has done that I have presented to the Court and also about Cancelling of the dental surgery. I and the Father
of my children have not given any consent and have not sign any-contnacts giving consent for our daughter to
have dental surgery.

Kathryn S. Herman response on June 15.2017 replied you "were not an attomey and I am unable to give you
legal advice" and you directed rne to legal counsel. i was never looking for an attorney, or any legal advice i
don't find attomeys good in my best interest. See: l1ttpi,,,\ oriLlia\,qri_u!g<l:,L.qr"pusjuris
:i1g l r;.lr.l i .

Ifou,ever- you Kathryn S. Herman have stayed silent on the abuses and the Violating of Human Rights from
The F'arnily Court; you did not help nor try to stop the abuses" as you are a Adrninistrator- a person responsible
fbr rururing a husiness, arganizaticn, Corporation etc. Friya Sha'ul'me'elOrM is a Secured Party, flesh and
[rlooa], Indigenous Woman, of Aniyuwiya/Cherokee descent on the public and private side, see:

rq:j-+r::i.b{g urt - 20 i 7 9j ii2:jl!! 1

I have Accepted for Value & Consideration your response In accord with the MISSOURI SUNSHINE LAW.
Kathryn S. Herman stated you have "received my request of July 27,2017 (return of.the Bid Bond and Cusip
number) We do not maintain any records relating to bid bonds or CUSIF numbers for the case numbers you
listed, and therefore there are no records available that meet your request."

Here is detailed PROOF you are THE CORPORATION that issue bonds
ER758609-ERI160063.pdf .ST.LOUIS MUNICIPAL FIN,ANCE CORPORATION, municipal Bond offerings
site: http:l/m+,w.munideals. and Google COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE
DARLENE GREEN, FINANCE DEPARTMENT, All of the public officials including you Kathryn S Herman
are aware that private securities are being traded on the stock market under the ticker symbol standard & poor's.

Mrs. Kathryn Herman this is the CORPORATION/BUSINESS you work with, now you should know more
than me about the CORPORATION, you are an Administrator doing business in the public, and I did not wish
to be engage in commerce with you/The Family Court any longer, that is a copyrighted legal name: SIONYA
HALEYOT*. Only I have the right to do business with, the same for my children and my dhildren's property, as
I have already required the return of the Bid Bond and the Committee on Uniform Security'Identification
procedures (CUSIP) identifies the Securities on municipal Bonds. The Family court is in violation under The
Missouri Sunshine Law; this requirement was made on Jutry 27,2AI7. tr still have not received the bid bond and
CUSIP num|":t associated 8"T9^i 62?jy_00.6^09
9:^*J_:11t"1 !62?-Iua^0:ee .with ^1622-JR008l
All Corl'esp,:ndence rvill be published
1091. anC added to the complaint to TFIE \4lSSOURI ETHICS
coMh,{lssioN Ll.c.c. $ 3-s01.

In accord with RSMO Chapter 610 Missouri Sunshine Larv" Title 5 tJ.S.C.$ 552, Articles 1, I 1" 13, 15.17-22"
23.26-28,32 -37,38-46 of the United Nalion Declarations cn the R.ights of Indigenous People, under tire
authorit;,of the inter-American Declaration Rights of the Indigenous People, US Congress apology to African
Anrerican 1br Siavery. S.Con.Res26.1. Priya Sha'ul'nte'el want the Bid Bond and CIJSIP numbers for case
numbers: 1622-iU00599 associated u,ith i 622-JR00Ei 8 and 1622-JUA0600 associated with 1622-JR0081 1

returil to me knmediately.

1" I want the BID BOND and CUSIP numbers for case Numbers: 1622-1U00599 associated with 1622-
JR00818 and 1622-11J00600 associated with 1622-JR0081 1 retum to me Immediately.
2. Inform the Family Court for a hearing to implement our treatment for our daughter Etheryah Haley
now kqown as Aleshanee Sha'ul'Me'el teeth, in accord with Article24 of the UNDRIP and the
carpe|ling of the schedule dental surgery for August L1,2017.
3. trnforc] the Family Court, Piya Sha ul me'el has Accepted for Value & Consideration All Charges In
returupost FULL discharge, closure and settlement of the account, accord with HJR 192, Publip
Lary 73-10... release the Bid Bond and CUSIP number for case numbers 1622-1U0A599 associated
with 1622-JR00E 1 8 and 1 62?-t1J00600 4ssociated with 1522-JR0081 1

In the Great Spirit of my Ancestops.. ...

You must Cc a copy to the Public Officials list below,

Cc: Pope Franeis I/ THE VATICIAI.J

Cc: Goventor olMissouri Tlie Honorahle Eric Greitens
Cc: Attomey General Josh Har,r,le1,

United Nations Declaration on the right of lndigenous Peoples-
(it1_!itrrl'.r:t\ iiq,:_ll$::.driLllrqE$gllRll9j:iuail) United Nations Convention on Economic.
Sooial & cultural Rights, United Nations Charter; Article 55 & 56, Fresidential proclarnation 7500.1{ 194.
S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200" I-IJR-3

Affiinred to and subscribed before me this lL au, of August 2017 fo+i ,r/-pd i@p',
B)': I r3o"! L-*hlti pi ry'vciic
ut prejudice

A lI L,*, nr*- sil lae,ocz,-

Produce identification Type and # ID r5:r"'," i t\ie,,r 1) Y v'er'

L-! -
-Tl;"{eirHY .r f :r-rr'r's /
0't, '/Ll, f'l-ri2,1i ,:li , i:r'irY S" 'i
sli. l'. or MiSsai,Jitt
My Commission Expires C:r:ntis-' rir'S: i" 5CJi'1tY
i,uU.n.,::..:iL', ,'s A; I8 2j'9
Corim jssion ; ::l1i' 15i!

l *i: ,1
lr4ar1, Dav i scion ana Diarca Llross-Dav i s(GAI- )
92C Vandevcnter Ave . Ira-r-uli3,, Court
St.Louis L4issouri 63 1 18

0",,,, I{oider/rncirgencrrs \,?oniar} dr6"Fs.tffiyf,ifh*rcky" ,J,e7enr

Cahokia, Alta*/ : Tur-tle-Is lanfr
Cla 39l6 i{.F'trorissant St.[,ouis, Missouri f$lA7) i-r?l

Porver of Attontey lor fufiehaef Fuiiilovc lrou,'knornn as lo4arshawn Sha'ul"n;e'el a flesh anri hlooci" Indigenous male of,
A ni5ru1 /iyYCherokee descent.

Lettei-of RoEator),

l. sionya Haley,ri{ nolv known as Priya'uri'nle'etrorM am a securd par4,/[-ien !-{o!derAndigei.Lor.js \.r.,crran,/powcr of
Allorirey.l hanre Aeeepted for value & considenation (tJ.c--.c. $ 3-40tr, u.c.c. $ J-419" t,i.c.ct. $ 3-501) Alldoeuinents
anci [nstrumelits issLred. signed, dralted and swci'ri to hy STCNYA HAI-EYOrI{. AI} doeunienfs and lnstruments issued
Slonya I-XaXeyOrM arc exempt from Lev\,.

i" Priya Sha'utr'Me'elOrM and on the hehaif on It4arshalur Sha'u1'Me'el made no ipdication or has given
consent in any \ 1ay the need of neitlner of your services of eounseiing ficm: h4ary Davison and Diarra Cross-
Davis(GAL) in this lclatter as yoLI are third*pa:1y INTERLOFERS" Ycu ail were foreed on us in ti,ae interest of
Judge Rcbin R" Vannoy, a*d Anne N4arie Ctrarke, to tu52 3s6 make us look ilke qiards of,the ocurt ai:ld ptred us to
the jurisdiction of the Famitry Court" See: ltilpt,,:.ouare
a[q]IrCIiElrQAl". I" Friya Sha'ul'Nzle'eiOrM and on behalf oi'Marsha-wn Sha'url'Me'ei hereby require l\4ar5,
Ilavidson and Diama Cross-Davis to comply with the requirements heiow or you must tenninate any and ail
services. agreernents, offers with us inermediateXy, yorr arc Fired Fircd F-ired"

\ve require for l\4ary Davidson and Diarra cross-Davis to do the follou,,ing:

1" Inl'orm rhe Far:ti15'Courr j-or a hearrrtg ro inlplement our treatment forourdar;ghter ;1rher;,alr Haley nori
known as Aleshanee Sha'uj'h4e'el teeth, in aeeord with A.r'tiel e 24 at the UNDRIF and the eaneeping of
tlre sehedule dental slrrgcty 'ftrr August lI. ZAfi.

2" Inflcnn the Family CcuIt, Friya SIea u,i ttle'elOrh{ I'ias Aeeepted for Value & Consideration A1tr Charges
}n return post FULL discharge, closure and setltrement of the account, aeeord p,itli I-{.iR tr92, Fublie l-aw
73-rc.. " rciease the Eid tsond and CUSIP numbm for ease nr-lrnbers: 1622-JIJ*A599 assoeiated with
1622-JR00EIE and 1522-[uaa500 assoeiatcd r.virh r622-JR00EI i.
-l^ Request fioni The Farnily cor.lrt to show proof of an existeng eontract.

4. Ilrovide for us froni The FamiX5, Clourt Annie and Chris fulI narrtes and address in aeeord lvith: Missouri
Supreme Coud Rule 25"03 a;rd the N4issor:ri Sunshine tr,arv di0.

Thcse requirem:ents are atrso made in aeeord witlr the Missouri Sunslune }-arn,6lil arid no extension
time it'ili Lre pe nit-ted as the eourts as aeted under ar,rthority that serves the interest of rziolatirrg our
Indigerious ilights, zu:ld have lreen mainly resporrisibXe for tirc kidnaSiping and dispnacement c,f our
Indige*ous shildren tbr the past t 0 montils.

\,+ J

In il^ie Great Spirits o1'my Airc";siors

Our Statutory Deciaratiofis rr,ras l'encier"ei ta tLie Goveri-lex of'Misscuri The fr-cncrahle ieremiai-i ""ia-r"' ]tixon"
!tlp!,t,/r-r'n iv. scribd, ci;nr ldocrinElil,/ j186i 72i:/ iir ecial'atiorr- [.r]ri-oarl-lir i o i ii]l "iiu!1
https:/;cumerfil32E657EI 5/h4arsliarry:r-Statutory-declar:ation-uptroad-20161023-0001-p,Jf

You urust Ce a. copy to the Publrc Oftle iais list hetrovr,

Ce: Fcpe F-raneis {/ Ti-{E VATIC'A}{

Ce : Govemor <;i Missouri The Flonorable Eric Greitens
Cc: .Attomey General .Iosh Ha'a,le5u

United Naiioils f)ecIaration on the right of indigenous Peoples-
( soc-der,r'unpfiiidccunientsiQelS*qtu2dl) Llniteci Nations Convetttion on iieonon:ic,
Sociatr & cultural Rights. llnited Nations Charter; Artieie 55 & 55, Fresidential proclamation 7500"H"J.R" 194..
S. Con. Res. 25 S. 1200" Fl-lR-3

Afllnnied to and subseribed be Fore me this!) day ol-August 20i7o,,hor,r.

i-.,, kt"u-1, p,.gu:{ic.

i -308

i Produceklentification Xype and # H) ft1r ( Jovrr i it et h,. ,,,*- {-"


i''kl),-- /:4/t'r'/z'i

Lb\.r"'1 ?ebr, [- ]u\,] &ornrn,'s:ionr

d. P"'q5

llliary Pll-:ii:; l,l.ta[y Ssal
S lrf,lE tiF i,,i lSSOl.l r-l
Ccn-rmi:,s;li-r;d lor 51. County
i;4;r Cot,rl,t.',rc -r irti:s' Arrii 8. 2013
Ccrr|l:,si:: ,:. r ltlf 4648

-ri i )
0\,,-z t
Friya Siran Siaa'utr'Me'el@rM Seeured Farty/{.iem F{oXder'/Hoider-fm-Dale-Cor-lrse/
trndigcnous Woman
38" 40" 6" N.Lat; 909 12' 37" W.Long
Cahokia, ;dtrtan/ :Turtle-Isnand
C/o 3916 N.Ftrorissant St.Louis, MO I531071

Emitry A" F{anfx D.D.S Fediatric Dentist

Cne Cneindren's Flace
St.{.ouis, tu{o 531 1A-1077

T'irte 42 U.S"C" 19E6

Greetings Emaily F{atm,I, Friya Sha'ul Me'el@rM formrally lc'lown as Sionya Haley om tlie bchalf on ney
daugletcr Ettrleryah F{aley now known as Aleshanee Sha'un me'el, who is
a flestr and Blood, Indigenous femrale
chiid of ,Anipwiya/Cherokee desoent. This is the Seeond notiee now, on the behatrf
of,my etrild, Not givcn
eonsent to Dental Surgery Last Notice 4-28-2fi17. You reeently made a statement
of it being medically
meeessary to perfonn Dental surgery on my 3 year oXd {mdigenous
ehild, whieh I have not and will Not give you
Consent tmder these eireumstanees U.C.C.$ 1- 282. You heing a medical professional
give an Opinion of
expertise base on a Void judgment frorn Judge R.obia'l R Vannoy in division
30 of the rfulty Cor.*-t, wlro is in
violation of: Title 28 U.S'C. $ 1350, Title lE U.S.C.
$24x, Tid; nB U.S.C. #z4z,Title tB u.s.c" $i2gi, Title 1E
U'S"C" $109i, ConqleSional Record page 43220 tu{av tr955, who had dispiayed
a bias and prejuiice demeanor
and who orders are voID ab initio" You havc atrso stated the surgery is being
medically nu**rr*ry without giveir
any atrternative treatments bcsides surgery. You have stated it's;edically
nJcesrary and this eould happen if
left matrcatcd" It shouldn't be left untreated heeause { have provided the Family
Court with naturai horne
remedies for nay ehild's tceth' Crowning using metal or eerarmic and
using nuori6e for some kind of dentai
work is not mcdically necessary, wlten you hJve otlier effieative horne ,***di*,
as treatment. yo" h;;;;
considered how the surgcry sould affcct her lifc, how it ean af,fleet her
menta]ly and physieally, the adverse
affeets of the drugs you are trying to expose her to, nor have you reeonsider
what gpe of affects on the fluon"ide
ti"eatment can do to aggravate the hyperthyroidism slee was aileged
diagnosed wittr, ihis is malpractt;;:yj;""-"
lrave rnade no attempts to speak or to contact rnyself or trrer father
MarJhawn Sha,cl,k{e,el rvho are the
biologieal, flesh and blood, Indigenous, legal and nawful parents, If your oonoems
is really the best intercst of
my daughter' Instead your aetions are mueh like a pnedator, as you have never
spoken to me about any type of
treatrnent ooneeming my daughter or the needioatr praetiee of our anoestors,
whieh would eure her with no side
effieets, and have instead giving aid to the Faneity bourt who have
repeatedly violated our rights and are
brcaking the Law" The Motu proprio of ft.rly 1i,20tr3 by Fope Francis t" tras
taken away all immuniry from
pubtrie of,ficials ftom transaction national organized
crinies, i*po"pm use of the market and of the economy, as
wcll as by terrorism wirieh covers kifuapping Genocide,,apartheid and rap. Ttrese are
the asts of the Farmitry
court and all ofthe assisting ageneies and iniludc you trnriiy Hahn as wefi. you
are an agent doing business
though an ageney Children's Hospital and as sueh ire suhjeat to the {Jniform
Comrnorcial Codes Jt**1, {, }eave
authori$ to put into affeet to reecive remedy for abuses *ipr**u and authonty by publie
offieials. I, did Not
have a aontraet with you nor do have my Consent to performa dental
surgery on *y ehild, If you eontinue to
prooeed wittrt the surgery on rny Indigenous child {, will sue yoil
for dariages. In aceord with the fu{issouri
Sunshime Law 610: You must produce the contraet given nny
eomsefit for Jental surgery or the dentai se*

lnthe Great Spirit of my,Aneestors...."

Our Statutory Declarations was Tendared to the Goveneor of fu{issouri The

Honorabie.Xeremiah.,Jay", Nixom"
hups://www'scribd"com/document/328Oszg I slTvl*shri*r*Statotory-a"otarutlo*upload-20161023-0001-pdf
You rnust Cc a copy to the Public Officials list below,

Cc: Pope Francis Y TI{E VATICAN

Cc: Governor of Missouri The Honorable Eric Greitens
Cc: Attomey General Josh Hawley
Cc: Andrew M. Kim D.M.D M.S.
United Nations DeeXa.ration on the right of peoples-
socdev United Nations Convention on Economie"
Soeiatr & culturatr Rights, Unitcd Nations Chacer; Artiole 55 & 55, Fresidential procla:nation 7500,F{."{.R."
S. Con. 26 S. tr200, H.fR.-3

Affimned to and subseribed before me this i& O*V ofAugus;t 2017 A*B*b*i-
l'3e6u,i$koei Prfldicc
Affiant 1-308 prejudiee

Froduse {dentifieation Type and + fO flisgr"* N* P.i* L,u^r-

0 //n r/z rr t
' Ir,try Comrnission Expires

TrHnoTHv J. i'Jown
Notarv Public - Notary Seal
S ri,re of MISSoURI
Commissioned lor St. Louis CountY
My Connriss.ion Expires: Ap,ril8' 201
1 5634648

O,,v!. r)
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
3t \b
ETHNlclry AND nncEin*tt'"tiolt
(Please read the Privacy A"t
Guide to Personnel Data Standards "nd
Birthdate (Month and Year)
Social SecuritY Number
Name (Last, First, Middle lnitial)

PrivacY Act Statement

and in compliance with
the authority of 42 U.S.c. Section 2000e-16
Ethnicity and race information is requested-under classification of Federal Data on Race
r gsz'R"ui;ions to the'stanJ"ro" tot the
the office of Management and Budget,s but in the instance
v-otuntarv ,no 1o irpr.i on your employment status,
and Ethnicity. providing this information is i"-io"*itivouirale ino einnicity by visual observation'
of missing information, your emproying ag"n"i;;iiilit"rrpt
plan for equal employment opportunity-thr:'91?-'t
the Federal government' lt
as necessary to
This information is used 'Personnet
Management or empioying agency maintaining the records to locate
is also used by the u. s. otri"" of 'proouitioi of descriptive statistics and
in tne
individuars for personner research o,. .u*"y-i"rpo*"" "na orfor related workforce
t6rwnicn the records are"cJtecteo and maintained,
anaryticar studies in support of the function
g3g7, which requires SSN be used
under the authority of Executive order
Sociar security Number (ssN) is requested is voluntary and failure
of personn"L ie"orl.. Fioviding this information
for the purpose of uniform, orderry administration lf ssN is noiprovioed,-however, other agency sources may be
to do so will have no effect on your urptoy*lni rtrtr=.

of Your answer to
signed to identify your ethnicity and race' Regardless
question f , go to question 2' :: : :: ::::: ;:.:-: ;;::: I^,i** or central American' or other
q*"tion 1. Are You Hispanic or Latino?. A p*".. "f crb"'l ttlt"*iEn,-'1o nican' south
Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race )
,.- . r:! - L-. -l^^i^^ uY" rn lha annfol
an "X" in
pracing ^h the appropr'iate
or categories with which you most closery identify by
Question 2. prease serect the raciar category
box. Check as many as aPPlY.
(Check as many as aPPIY)
inlny of tn" original peoples of North and South America
A person having orrgrns "mainiaini tribal affiliation or community
(including Central nmerr"a],''aiO'*f,o
peoples of the Far East' Southeast
A person having origins in any of the original
or the lndian .rO"ontin"nt includin!' for example' Cambodia' China' lndia'
Japan, Korea, Malaysia,
p"Xitt"t, the Philiipine lslands' Thailand' and Vietnam'

racial groups of Africa'

A person having origins in any of the black
B Bucf or African American
peoples of Hawaii' Guam' Samoa' or
A person having origins in any of the original
f] Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific lslander
other Pacific lslands.
peoples of Europe' the Middle East' or
A person having origins in any of the original
North Africa.

Standard Form 181

Revrsed August 2005
Previous editions not usable

42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16

NSN 7s40-01-099-3446
,_ '!

U.S. Office of Personnel Management

Guide to Personnel Dala Standards
(Ptease read rhe Privaey Act statement and
instructions before eompreting form,)
Name (Last, First, Middle lnitiall
Social Security Number


Ethnicitv and race information is requested:rq:r^ri"ufhgrity

of 42 u-s.c. section 200oe-16 and in comptiance
with lhe office d M"l3g:Tent and Budgefs
1997 RevisionJ to tr,* standards for the classification
Data on Race and Ethnicity' Providing inis informatbn of Federal
is voiuntary and ha1 no impact on your emplnyment
iirormatlon, va'emptoving as"n"y win anempi to ioeniiry
:|x*:d;l'Iif,fflffirflmissins your la-ce ano

This information is u*"d nee$sary tg dan lor equal employment opprtunity

3: throughout the Federal
frecords to locate individuals r"y"hl-?IT^:::p1yy:n1s"*or
for personnet research *
or e*nproyins asency mainraining rhe
*::ffffi ,
;ffi# il
;ffi. ;;& ; il rJ,J"l;i#*' r,J''**ou are corecreo ano
socialsecurity Number (9sry1is requested unjqr-the
a,uthority of Executite order g3gr, wfiich requires
used for the purpose of uniiorm, broerrv adrninisfiation ssN
oi'p*oonnel records. pioviding thiEjpformation be
;ffi ffi iuffi ;:;IJi,,ootp,ureo,howeyer.

Ev"' [r,ro
ffif&';ffi,*"s =
(Check as many as apgy) DEFINITION OF CATEGORY

ffi a.neri"n lndian or Alaska Native ryry- having

I(induding orpins in any olthe orgind peopres of i,rortr and
south America
Genhat America), and who di"t il" *iLr
oi *iinrriv
attacfiment "naton
f,asian A person having origins in.any of the originar peopres
of the Far East, Southeasr
Asia, or the rndian subcontinent incrudini,
forexampre, cambodia, china, lndra,
Japan, Korea, Maravsia, pakisr,an, tne eiitippine-iganas,
rnairanJ, ii"t"u*.
I elacf or African American
A person having origins in any of the black racial groups
of Africa.
f] t'tative Hawaiian orOlher pacific tstander A..puryn havirE origins in any of the original peoples
of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or
other Paciliclslands.

fi wn;t" A person having origins in any of the originar peopres

of Europe, the Middre East, oi
North Africa.

Standard Forrn 181

Revised Augusi 2005
Previous editions not ueable

42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16



Guide 1o Personnel Data Standards (Please read the Privacy Act StryfiiriFnffgdi"Ft"fff n$bS-!e completing form.)
Name (Last, First, Middle lnitial) Social Security Number Birtirdate (Month and Year)

I\Auprr ETr\L\\rqu 3 I'ht;t rnh(r ,l,ii?

AS"r"y Use dnf
:t I;i{
Prlvacy Act Statement

Ethnicity and race information is requested under the authoriiy of 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e''16 and in compliance wi'rh
the Offile of Management and Budget's 1gg7 Revisions to the Standards for the Classiflcation of Federal Data on Race
and Ethnicity. eroviOing this information is voluntary and has no impact on your employment status, but in the instance
of missing information, four employing agency wili attempt- to identify your race and ethnicity by visual observation.

This information is used as necessary to plan for equal employment opportunity throughout the Federal governmeni. li
is also used by the U. S. Office of-Personnet Management or employing agency maintaining the records to locaie
individuals for personnel research or survey response and in the production of summary descriptive statlstics and
anayical studies in support of the function for which the records are collected and maintained, or for related lcrorkfcrce

Social Security Number (SSN) is requested under the authority of Executive Order 9397, which requires SSN be used
for the purposl of unifiorm, orderty administration of personnel records. Providing this infonnation is vol$*ary and failure
to do so will frave no effect on your employment status. lf SSN is not provided, however, other=genrySurces may be
used to obtaifl ii. -e

@hetuoquestionsbelowaredesignedtoidentifyyourethnicityandrace.Regardlestofyoelanswerto |' !o
question 1, go to question 2.
Question 1. Are You Hispanic or Latino? (A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central
Spanish cufture or origiB, regard!=ss of race.)
EYes E tto
Questi,on 2. Pbase select the racial category or categories with r,rrhich you most ciosely identafy by placing an "X' inQtb appropriate
- 6r
bor Check as many as apply.
(Check as many as apply)
lndian orAlaska Native A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and Souih America
ftlmerican (including Central America), and vrho maintains tribal affiliation or communitv

J Asian A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeasi
Asia, or the lndian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, lndia,
Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine lslands, Thailand. and Vietnam

ff atact< or African American A person having origins in any of the blac* racial groups of Africa.

I Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific lslander A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam. Samoa, or
other Pacific lslands.

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe. the Middle East, or-
.Wtrite North Africa.

Standarci Form i81

Revised Augusi 2.005
Previous editions nol usabie

42 U.S.C Seciion 2000e-16

NSN 7540-01-09S-3446

U S Office of Personnel Management ETHNICIry AND RACE IDENTIFICATION

Guide to Personnel Data Standards (Please read the Privacy Act Statement and instructions before completing form

Name (Last, First, Middle lnitial) Social Security Number Birthdate (Month and year)

kuLr: Lo\n lqrcH&t 4

Agency Use Only
ffi 'Tlrrhcr

Privacy Act Statement

Ethnicity and race information is requested under the authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16 and in compliance with
the Office of Management and Budgefs 1997 Revisions to tha Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race
and Ethnicity- Providing this information is voluntary and has no irnpact on your employment status, but in the instance
of missing information, your employing agency will attempt to identify your raie anO etfrnicity by visual observation.

This information is used as necessary to plan for equal employment opportunity throughout the Federal government. lt
is also used by the U. S. Office of Personnel Management or employing agency maintaining the records to locate
individuals for personnel research or survey response and in the produition of summary descriptive statistics and
analytical studies in support of the function for which the records are collected and maintained, or for re[ated workforce

Social Security Number (SSN) is requested under the authority of Executive Order g397, which requires SSN be used
for the purpose of uniform, orderty administration o{ personnel iecords. Providing this information is voluntary and failure
to do so will have no efiect on your employment status. lf SSN is not provided,-lrowever, other agency souices may be
used to obtain it.

question 1, go to question 2.
Question 1. Are You Hispanic or Latino? (A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other
Spanish cuiture or origin, regardtess of race.)
D yes ,eNo
Question 2. Please select the racial category ot
tox. Check as many as apply.
(Gheck as many as appty) DEFINITION OF CATEGORY

Q,American lndian orAlaska Native A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and south America
(including cenlral America), and who maintains kibal affiliation or community
c A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, southeast
Asia, or the lndian subcontinent including, for example, cambodia, china, lndia,
Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the philippine lslands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

ff alact or African American A person having origins in any of the black racjal groups of Africa.

ff Native Hawaiian or Olher pacifc lslander A.Oers^on having origins in any of the original peoptes of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or
other Pacific lslands.

-'!v wnit. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or
North Afica.

Standard Form 181

Revised August 2005
Previous editions nol usable

42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-i6

511612Arc Apostoiic Letter lssued l\,4otu Proprio On the Jurisdiction of Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State in Criminal Matters (11 July 2013) | Francis

-i- l*llt IIP l-a;
i;i:t -" *-"---

fupeed RSS

Francis Motu Proprio







In our times, the common good is increasingly threatened by transnational organized crirne, the improper
use of the rnarkets and of the economyr as rvell as by terrorism.

It is therefore llecessary for the intemational community to adopt adequate legal instruments to prevent
and courlter criminal activities. by promoting intemational judicial cooperation on criminal matters.

In ratifying numerolls intemational conventions in these areas, and acting also on behalf of Vatican City
State, the Holy See has constantly maintained that such agreernents are effective rneans to prevent
criminal activities tl-iat threaten human dignity, the common good and peace.

With a view to renerving the Apostolic See's cornmitment to cooperate to these ends, by 1l1eans of this
Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio,I establish that:

1. The competent Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State shall also exercise penal jurisdiction over:

a) crirnes committed against the security, the ftlndameutal interests or the patrimony of the
Holy See;

b) crirnes referred to:

- in Vaticarl City State Larv No. VIII, of 1 1 July 201l,3, containing Supplementary
Norrus on Crimina/ Layv Matters'.

- in Vatican City State Law No. IX, of 11 July 2013, containing Aruendntents to
the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code:

511612416 Apostolic Letter lssued Motu Proprio On the Jurisdiction of Judicial Aulhorrties of Vatican City State in Criminal Matters (11 July 2013) Francis

when such crimes are committed by the persons refen'ed to in paragraph 3

below, in the exercise of their fi-rnctions;

c) any other crime whose prosecution is required by an intemational agreement ratified by

the Holy See, if the perpetrator is physically present in the teffitol'y of Vatican City State and
has not been extradited.

2. The crimes refened to in paragraph I are to be judged pursuant to the criminal law in force in Vatican
City State at the tirne of their commission, rvithout prejudice to the general principles of the legal systelr
on the tempolal application of crirninal 1aws.

3. Forthepurposes of Vatican criminal lau,, the folloivingpersons are deemed, "public

a) mernbers, officials and personnel of the various organs of the Roman Curia and of the
Institutions connected to rt.

b) papal legates and dipiomatic personnel of the I{oly See.

c) those persons who sert,e as representatives, managers or directors, as u,ell as persons u,ho
even de facto manage or exercise control over the entities directly dependent on the Holy
See and listed in the registry of canonical jr-rridical persons kept by the Govemorate of
Vatican City State;

d) any othel person holdin_e an administrative or judicial mandate in the Holy See,
pennallent or temporary, paid or unpaid, irrespective of that person's seniority.

4' The jurisdiction referred to in paragraph 1 comprises also the administratiye tiability ofjuridical
persons arising from crimes, as reguiated by Vatican City State lau,s.

\\/hen the same matters are prosecuted in other States, the provisions in force in Vatican City State on
concurrent jr-rrisdiction shall apply,

6. The content of arlicle 23 of Larv No. CXIX of 21 Novernber 1987, rvhich appro\res the Juclicial Order
of l/atican Cit- State remains in force.

This I decide and establish, anything to the contrary notu,ithstanding,

I establish that this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio u,illbe promulgated by its publication in
L'Osservatore Romano, entering into force on 1 September 2013,

Given in Rorne, at the Apostolic Palace, on ll Jullt 2013, thefirst o.f nty pontificate.


(O Copyright - Librer.ia Editr.ic-e Vaticana



110'rH CONGIttrSS *
1s'r'stissrc,x H. RES. 194
Apologizing ibi' thc ettslavclnetlt trnt'l lacia I se gre gtrtion of ,Ui'ica n -r\liei'ic an s.


I,'EnRI-,\RY 27, 2007
l\,h'. (lttrrHx (ft1. [irusclf, ]h'. Jrlltxsox ol Geolgia, ]ls. J-tt't<sttx-LIlIl ofl
.lcxas. llr. Bn-rr;r.- rtf Pennsrt.atria. ll'. \\'uxt,nn, lls. I(tt,r"r'rnIcx, l"Is.
\Yoor,snr-. ^\h'. ['}.u,r,ttxt'l, -\Is. Lnn' ]\li'. lL'(]ovurlx, lls St'Ittl(o\vsK\',
]h's. [Ltt,oNEY of Nel, Yorli, Jh'. Ctlxvntls, Xh'. ]Itln.s of \-ilgiiiia, lli"
(,Lr.tNrt. Jh'. R,rxt+nr,, -\{r. P,ttlNtl, I'Ir. ,JuFt"titlSON, }"Ir' Elr'tsox, }Ir'
Ar, (itnn^* of .1.cxas, lh.. II'.r.lnnIriELI), -\ls. \\"1't'stlx, lli'. ITINt'Hnl_,
]h.. clr,n-trll;n, lls. Ll-rrisr-rx, n,h.. Isn,tt:t, lh'. ,\tlIiElilI-L\, xlr. Drvts of
-\ltrbanta. Ili.. Lrr\yrs of Georgia, flr. ;\snnt'ROIII"IE, lh'. IJ,rnn.
Kuxxrirly. fls. I]-rt,unlri. -\'L'. lIotlus, 1\lt'. I.'tt,)it:8, ]h'. lIOxrr-1, antl
11,. Illt,rxtlII) sliJ)111itterl tlr, ftrllol'irig lesolutiotr; l'hich s'as lcfi'rl'tld trl
thc ConTnrittee ott tlrc' .Iudicittn'

Apologiziltg for the enslal'Oment ancl racial segregation of
Altican-r\In ericaIIS.

\\lliereits nrilliorts of Afrittarts alld their clestleticlatlts \\-ere

(-.nslavotl iii thc l]nited States a,nc1 the 1ll American colo-
nics froitr 1619 tlrrough 18ti5;
\Ylrereas slar,er.). in Ameriri.r resemLtlecl iio other firrln of invol-
urrtary, sen.itucle l<nonn iii histor1,, as Afi'icalls \vere cap-
turecl und solcl at alrction like inanittrate objects oI ani-

\\'lrereas ,\frictrtis fbi'r,ecl into slavert' \\'ere llnrtalizecl, hi.rniili-

atcd, clelmila,nizccl, a,uc1 suhjectecl to thc indigriitv of
being strippecl of their nanles and heritage;
\Vlrereus enslar,ecl families \yere torti it1'riti't trfter har,iltg beert
solcl separately fi'om one auothet';

\\hereas thc. s1-sterL of' slat't:r1' anrl the r-iscret'ai lacisrri against
persor)s of' Africalr cles(rerrt upori utit:li it cleltenclecl be-
carne erttrt-'nchecl in thc' Nation's soctial falll'ic;

officialll, tibolishccl until the pussa,ge

\ sl2i1.g1'tr nras rtot
of the 13t[r Arnerrcln'retrt to tlie Uuitecl States (lcinstitu-
tion iii 1865 aftei' the eucl of tlie Civil \\'ar, s'lich l'as
fbuglrt over thc sla\,er.\'issue;
\\'lrereas aflter ernattciputicln fi'ont 246 l-ears of slaver.y, Afri-
can-Americans soorl sArv the fleeting political, social, and
econortric gtrins thetv nrade ch-Lring Recrr-rustruction
r.eratecl ltr- r'inrlerrt ra,cism, lvrrchings, cliserrfrattcltisemettt,
Black Cocles, a,ncl racial segregation lam's that irnl-rosecl a
rig'id s.vstcm of officialll' sanctionecl racial segregation in
virtuallv all trreas of'Iif'e;
\\hei'eas thc sysfgm of de jure racial seg'r'ega,tiott knotttt as
".Ii[I ('ro\\'," u'hicli arose in ct'rtain pa,rts of thc Nation
fbllou,irrg the Civil \\.ar to create septtrate arncl uiiequal
socictics for nltites a,ncl Africatt-Americans, \\'as a, dii'ect
result clf the rticisitt against persons of African dcscent
engertclered b1' slaverr';

\Vliereas the sl,stcur of Jim Crou. lan's officialll- eristecl into

thc 1960's-a centun' after thtr official end of slavery in
Arnerica-urrtil Clongress tooli atrtiori to encl it, but tlie
vestiges of Jim Crou. cotrtinue to this c1a"v;

\\hereas AJrican-.\nericans contiuue to suffer from the con-

seqllerl(ies of slaver.r' attcl ,Iim Crou.-loirg after both s1-s-

.HRES 194 IH

teins \yere forn'rall1' allolishecl-through enormous clnmage

ancl loss, both tang'iblc' ancl intangible, inclucling the loss
of hurnan dignitl' ancl libertl'. thc fi'ustration of ca,reers
ancl prcifessiotta.l, irtrcl the long-term krss of ittcrttne
ancl opportr-riritv;

\\he'reas the ston' of the enslavenrent artd cle jurt-' sc'grergation

of r\fi'irrnrr-.\nrericarrs turci the clehumarrizing attrocities
committecl ag'ainst thc'nr shoulcl not be purgecl from or'

rriinirnizecl in the telling of Ancrican liiston';

\\'lrereas orr Julr, 8, 2003, cluring a trip to Goree Island, Serr-

egal, a former slilr.e port, Prcsiclent Georgc \\r. Bush a,c-
linou'lcclgcc1 slaverl,'s continr-Ling lcgacv in Arrei'ican lif'e
anci the need to rronfront tlrat lega(,t'ttlren he st:ttecl that
slar,er), "\\'a,s one of the greatest crimes of histor,r,
" The ra,ciul bigotw t'cd bv siaverl' did not end lvith
slzneL'.), or l'ith seg'reg'ation. .\lcl mall\r of the issues tliat
still trouble America har.e roots in the bitter eqrerience
of othc.r tilres. Illt iros.or,ey lolg the jcilrne\r) o11r destinr.
is set: libertl' ancl .justice f'or all."1
\\hereas Presiclent llill Clinton also acknonledg'ed the decp-
seaterl problems crilusccl b)' the continuing' cif rttc-
ism ergairrst .,'\f'r'icart-,\trierict,tns tltat begitn u,ith slaver,\,
rvhen he initiatecl a national clialogue about race;

\\hcrcas a genuirie apologl, is an importaut ancl nccessar)'

first step irr tlre process of racial recont'iliation;
\\'hcrca,s an apologl' for centui:ies of lrrutal clelir-Ltnanization
ancl iiljusticcs cannot erasL' the pzrst, br-Lt confcssion ofl
tlre u'rong's comrrittecl (iali speecl rat'ial lieeLling' itnd rc,c-
onciliation ancl help An'iericans confrout the ghosts of
their past;

.HRES 194 IH

\Ylrereas the legislature of the Critrmonu,ealth tif'\rirginia has

recentll' ta,keir the leacl in a,tlopting a resolutiotr officia,lll'
erlrressing' appropriate rt]lrorsL' for slavcn' ancl othci'
State le-,gislatures .rre consiclering sinrilar resolutior)S; a,llCl
\\trcreas it is iilportaut for this courttrl,, rvliich legallv recog,-
nizet.l slur,cn. throug'h its Coitstitution nnd its la\\'s, to
riiiLke n frinlial apokig.r, lirr fbr its srlc(iessol",
sltrr,erl- arrcl
Jim Cron', so tha.t it cari move fonvarcl and seek rec-
cincriliation, justict:, and hanuony for all of its citizt:ns:
Nou,, tlrerefirre, he it
1 l?esolued, That the llouse of Represcntativ

2 (1) aclinou.lcdgcs the fturdautcrnttil irljustice,

3 crueltr,, brutalit,v, tutc] inlturntrtiltt' of slen'en, zrticl

4 Jim Lli'ol.;
5 (2) apolog'iztrs to .{Jricar}-Al}itrriclns on behaif
6 of the people of tlre llriitecl States, fbr tire \\Torigs
7 cclinmittercl agaiirst them ancl their anccstors u'ho

8 suffcred unrlcr slar,'er'), ancl .Iiru (lrori'; and

9 (3) expresses its rrornuLitmerrt tu rectifv the lin-
10 gering' consequerlces of the misdeeds committed
11 t.rg'ainst i\1t'ican-Anerictlns under slar,trr'.J. and Jirn
12 Crtxv itttcl to stcip the oc('urrelr(re of humatr riglrts
13 r'iolatioirs in the futurc.
11t14t2016 XLVlllworld Day of Peace 2015: No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters I Francis



1 JANUARY 2015


1. At the beginning of this New Year, which we welcome as God's gracious gift
to all humanity, I offer heartfelt wishes of peace to every man and woman/ to
all the world's peoples and nations, to heads of State and government, and to
religious leaders. In doing So, I pray for an end to WarS, conflicts and the great
suffering caused by human agency, by epidemics past and present, and by the
devastation wrought by natural disasters. I pray especially that, on the basis of
our common calling to cooperate with God and all people of good will for the
advancement of harmony and peace in the world, we may resist the temptation
to act in a manner unwofthy of our humanity.

In my Message for Peace last year, I spoke of "the desire for a full life". which
includes a longing for fraternity which draws us to fellowship with others and
enables us to see them not as enemies or rivals, but as brothers and sisters to
be accepted and embraced".f1] Since we are by nature relational beings, meant
to find fulfilment through interpersonal relationships inspired by justice and love/
it is fundamental for our human development that our dignity, freedom and
autonomy be acknowledged and respected. Tragically, the growing scourge of
man's exploitation by man gravely damages the life of communion and our
calling to forge interpersonal relations marked by respect, justice and love. This
abominable phenomenon, which leads to contempt for the fundamental rights of
others and to the suppression of their freedom and dignity, takes many forms. I
would like briefly to consider these, So thatr in the light of God's word, we can
consider all men and wOmen "no longer slaves, but brothers and Sisters"'

Listening to God's plan for humanity

2. The theme I have chosen for this year'Smessage is drawn from Saint Paul's
letter to Philemon, in which the Apostle asks his co-worker to welcome
Onesimus, formerly Philemon's slave, now a Christian and, therefore, according
to Paul, worthy of being considered a brother. The Apostle of the Gentiles
writes: "Perhaps this is why he was pated from you for a while, that you might
have him back for ever, no longer as a slave but more than a slave, as a
11t14t2016 XLVlll world Day of Peace 2015: No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters I Francis

beloved brothei" (w. 15-16). Onesimus became Philemon's brother when he

became a Christian. Conversion to Christ, the beginning of a life lived Christian
discipleship, thus constitutes a new birth (cf. 2 Cor 5:t7; 7 Pet 1:3) which
generates fraternity as the fundamental bond of family life and the basis of life
in society.

In the Book of Genesis (cf . L:27-28), we read that God made man male and
female, and blessed them so that they could increase and multiply. He made
Adam and Eve parents who, in response to God's command to be fruitful and
multiply, brought about the first fraternity, that of Cain and Abel. Cain and Abel
Were brothers because they came forth from the same womb. Consequently
they had the same origin, nature and dignity as their parents, who were created
in the image and likeness of God.

But fraternity also embraces variety and differences between brothers and
sisters, even though they are linked by birth and are of the same nature and
dignity, As brothers and sisters, therefore, all people are in relation with others,
from whom they differ, but with whom they share the same origin, nature and
dignity. In this way, fraternity constitutes the network of relations essential for
the building of the human family created by God.

Tragically, between the first creation recounted in the Book of Genesis and the
new birth in Christ whereby believers become brothers and sisters of the "first-
born among many brethren" (Rom 8:29), there is the negative reality of sin,
which often disrupts human fraternity and constantly disfigures the beauty and
nobility of our being brothers and sisters in the one human family. It was not
only that Cain could not stand Abel; he killed him out of envy and, in so doing,
committed the first fratricide. "Cain's murder of Abel bears tragic witness to his
radical rejection of their vocation to be brothers. Their story (cf. Gen 4:1-16)
brings out the difficult task to which all men and women are called, to live as
one, each taking care of the other".[2]

This was also the case with Noah and his children (cf. Gen 9:t8'77). Ham's
disrespect for his father Noah drove Noah to curse his insolent son and to bless
the others, those who honoured him. This created an inequality between
brothers born of the same womb.

In the account of the origins of the human family, the sin of estrangement from
God, from the father figure and from the brother, becomes an expression of the
refusal of communion. It gives rise to a culture of enslavement (cf. Gen 9:25-
27), with all its consequences extending from generation to generation:
rejection of others, their mistreatment, violations of their dignity and
fundamental rights, and institutionalized inequality. Hence, the need for constant
conversion to the Covenant, fulfilled by Jesus'sacrifice on the cross, in the
confidence that "where sin increased, grace abounded all the more". through
Jesus Christ" (Rom 5:20-21). Christ, the beloved Son (cf. Mt 3:17), came to
11t1412016 XLVlll World Day of Peace 2015: No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters I Francis

reveal the Fatherb love for humanity. Whoever hears the Gospel and responds
to the call to conversion becomes Jesus"'brother, sister and mother" (Mt
12:50), and thus an adopted son of his Father (cf. Eph 1:5).

One does not become a Christian, a child of the Father and a brother or sister
in Christ, as the result of an authoritative divine decree, without the exercise of
personal freedom: in a word, without being freely conveted to Christ. Becoming
a child of God is necessarily linked to conversion: "Repent, and be baptized,
every one of you, in the name of lesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins;
and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38). All those who
responded in faith and with their lives to Peter's preaching entered into the
fraternity of the first Christian community (cf. 1 Pet 2:t7; Acts 1:15-16,6:3,
15:23): Jews and Greeks, slaves and free (cf. 1 Cor 12:13; Gal 3:28), Differing
origins and social status did not diminish anyone's dignity or exclude anyone
from belonging to the People of God. The Christian community is thus a place of
communion lived in the love shared among brothers and sisters (cf. Rom 12:10;
1 Thess 4:9; Heb 13:1; 1 Pet l:22; 2 Pet 1:7).

All of this shows how the Good News of Jesus Christ, in whom God makes ')all
things new" (Rev 21:5),[3] is also capable of redeeming human relationships,
including those between slaves and masters, by shedding light on what both
have in common: adoptive sonship and the bond of brotherhood in Christ. Jesus
himself said to his disciples: "No longer do I call you servants, for the seruant
does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all
that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you" (Jn 15:15).

The many faces of slavery yesterday and today

3. From time immemorial, different societies have known the phenomenon of

man's subjugation by man. There have been periods of human history in which
the institution of slavery was generally accepted and regulated by law. This
legislation dictated who was born free and who was born into slavery, as well
as the conditions whereby a freeborn person could lose his or her freedom or
regain it. In other words, the law itself admitted that some people were able or
required to be considered the property of other people, at their free disposition.
A slave could be bought and sold, given away or acquired, as if he or she were
a commercial product.

Today, as the result of a growth in our awareness, slavery, seen as a crime

against humanity,[4] has been formally abolished throughout the world. The
right of each person not to be kept in a state of slavery or servitude has been
recognized in international law as inviolable.

Yet, even though the international community has adopted numerous

agreements aimed at ending slavery in all its forms, and has launched various
strategies to combat this phenomenon, millions of people today - children,

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11t14t2016 XLVlll World Day of Peace 2015: No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters I Francis

women and men of all ages - are deprived of freedom and are forced to live in
conditions akin to slavery.

I think of the many men and women labourers, including minors, subjugated in
different sectors, whether formally or informally, in domestic or agricultural
workplaces, or in the manufacturing or mining industry; whether in countries
where labour regulations fail to comply with international norms and minimum
standards, or, equally illegally, in countries which lack legal protection for

I think also of the living conditions of many migrants who, in theirdramatic

odyssey, experience hunger, are deprived of freedom, robbed of their
possessions, or undergo physical and sexual abuse. In a particular way, I think
of those among them who, upon arriving at their destination after a gruelling
journey marked by fear and insecurity, are detained in at times inhumane
conditions. I think of those among them, who for different Social, political and
economic reasons, are forced to live clandestinely. My thoughts also turn to
those who, in order to remain within the law, agree to disgraceful living and
working conditions, especially in those cases where the laws of a nation credte
or permit a Structural dependency of migrant workers on their employers, as, for
example, when the legality of their residency is made dependent on their labour
contract. Yes, I am thinking of 'tslave labour".

I think also of persons forced into prostitution, many of whom are minors, as
well as male and female sex slaves. I think of women forced into marriage,
those sold for arranged marriages and those bequeathed to relatives of their
deceased husbands, without any right to give or withhold their consent.

Nor can I fail to think of all those persons, minors and adults alike, who are
made objects of trafficking for the sale of organs, for recruitment as soldiers,
for begging, for illegal activities such as the production and sale of narcotics, or
for disguised forms of cross-border adoption.

Finally,I think of all those kidnapped and held captive by terrorist groups/
subjected to their purposes as combatants, or, above all in the case of young
girls and women, to be used as sex slaves, Many of these disappear, while
others are sold several times over, toftured, mutilated or killed.

Some deeper causes of slavery

4. Today, as in the past, slavery is rooted in a notion of the human person

which allows him or her to be treated as an object. Whenever sin corrupts the
human heart and distances us from our Creator and our neighbours, the latter
are no longer regarded as beings of equal dignity, as brothers or sisters sharing
a common humanity, but rather as objects. Whether by coercion or deception,
or by physical or psychological duress, human persons created in the image and
11t1412016 XLVlll World Day of Peace 20'15. No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters I Francis

likeness of God are deprived of their freedom, sold and reduced to being the
propety of others. They are treated as means to an end.

Alongside this deeper cause - the rejection of another person's humanity -

there are other causes which help to explain contemporary forms of slavery.
Among these, I think in the first place of poverty, underdevelopment and
exclusion, especially when combined with a lack of access to education or
scarce, even non-existent, employment opportunities. Not infrequently, the
victims of human trafficking and slavery are people who look for a way out of a
situation of extreme poverty; taken in by false promises of employmentr they
often end up in the hands of criminal network which organize human
trafficking, These network are skilled in using modern means of communication
as a way of luring young men and women in various pafts of the world.

Another cause of slavery is corruption on the part of people willing to do

anything for financial gain. Slave labour and human trafficking often require the
complicity of intermediaries, be they law enforcement personnel, state officials,
or civil and military institutions. "This occurs when money, and not the human
person, is at the centre of an eConomic system. Yes, the person, made in the
image of God and charged with dominion over all creation, must be at the
centre of every social or economic system. When the person is replaced by
mammon/ a subversion of values occurs".[S]

Further causes of slavery include armed conflicts, violence, criminal activity and
terrorism. Many people are kidnapped in order to be sold, enlisted as
combatants, or sexually exploited, while others are forced to emigrate, leaving
evefihing behind: their country, home, propety, and even members of their
family. They are driven to seek an alternative to these terrible conditions even
at the risk of their personal dignity and their very lives; they risk being drawn
into that vicious circle which makes them prey to misery, corruption and their
baneful consequences.

A shared commitment to ending slavery

5. Often, when considering the reality of human trafficking, illegal trafficking of

migrants and other acknowledged or unacknowledged forms of slavery, one has
the impression that they occur within a context of general indifference.

Sadly, this is largely true. Yet I would like to mention the enormous and often
silent efforts which have been made for many years by religious congregations,
especially women's congregations, to provide support to victims' These
institutes work in very difficult situations, dominated at times by violence, as
they work to break the invisible chains binding victims to traffickers and
exploiters. Those chains are made up of a series of links, each composed of
clever psychological ploys which make the victims dependent on their exploiters.
This is accomplished by blackmail and threats made against them and their
11t14t2016 xlvlllworld Day of Peace 2015: No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters I Francis

loved ones, but also by concrete acts such as the confiscation of their identity
documents and physical violence. The activity of religious congregations is
carried out in three main areas: in offering assistance to victims, in working for
their psychological and educational rehabilitation, and in effotts to reintegrate
them into the society where they live or from which they have come.

This immense tas( which calls for courage, patience and perseverance,
deserves the appreciation of the whole Church and society. Yet, of itself, it is
not sufficient to end the scourge of the exploitation of human persons. There is
also need for a threefold commitment on the institutional level: to prevention, to
victim protection and to the legal prosecution of perpetrators. Moreover, Since
criminal organizations employ global networK to achieve their goals, effotts to
eliminate this phenomenon also demand a common and, indeed, a global effort
on the pat of various sectors of society.

States must ensure that their own legislation truly respects the dignity of the
human person in the areas of migration, employment, adoption, the movement
of businesses offshore and the sale of items produced by slave labour. There is
a need for just laws which are centred on the human person, uphold
fundamental rights and restore those rights when they have been violated. Such
laws should also provide for the rehabilitation of victims, ensure their personal
safety, and include effective means of enforcement which leave no room for
corruption or impunity. The role of women in society must also be recognized,
not least through initiatives in the sectors of culture and social communications.

Intergovernmental organizations, in keeping with the principle of subsidiarity, are

called to coordinate initiatives for combating the transnational networK of
organized crime which oversee the trafficking of persons and the illegal
trafficking of migrants. Cooperation is clearly needed at a number of levels,
involving national and international institutions, agencies of civil society and the
world of finance.

Businesses[6] have a duty to ensure dignified working conditions and adequate

salaries for their employees, but they must also be vigilant that forms of
subjugation or human trafficking do not find their way into the distribution chain.
Together with the social responsibility of businesses, there is also the social
responsibility of consumers. Every person ought to have the awareness that
"purchasing is always a moral - and not simply an economic- act".l7l

Organizations in civil society, for their paft, have the task of awakening
consciences and promoting whatever steps are necessary for combating and
uprooting the culture of enslavement.

In recent years, the Holy See, attentive to the pain of the victims of trafficking
and the voice of the religious congregations which assist them on their path to
freedom, has increased its appeals to the international community for
11t14t2016 XLVlll World Day of Peace 2015: No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters I Francis

cooperation and collaboration between different agencies in putting an end to

this scourge.f8] Meetings have also been organized to draw attention to the
phenomenon of human trafficking and to facilitate cooperation between various
agencies, including experts from the universities and international organizations,
police forces from migrants'countries of origin, transit, or destination/ and
representatives of ecclesial groups which work with victims. It is my hope that
these efforts will continue to expand in years to come.

Globalizing fraternity, not slavery or indifference

6. In her "proclamation of the truth of Christ's love in society",[g] the Church

constantly engages in charitable activities inspired by the truth of the human
person. She is charged with showing to all the path to conversion, which
enables uS to change the Way we see our neighbourc, to recognize in every
other person a brother or sister in our human family, and to acknowledge his or
her intrinsic dignity in truth and freedom. This can be clearly seen from the story
of Josephine Bakhita, the saint originally from the Darfur region in Sudan who
was kidnapped by slave-traffickers and sold to brutal masters when she was
nine years old. Subsequently * aS a result of painful experiences - she became
a "free daughter of God" thanks to her faith, lived in religious consecration and
in service to others, especially the most lowly and helpless. This saint, who lived
at the turn of the twentieth century, is even today an exemplary witness of
hope[10] for the many victims of slavery; she can suppoft the effotts of all
those committed to fighting against this "open wound on the body of
contemporary society, a scourge upon the body of Christ". [11]

In the light of all this, I invite everyone, in accordance with his or her specific
role and responsibilities, to practice acts of fraternity towards those kept in a
state of enslavement. Let us ask ourselves, as individuals and as communities,
whether we feel challenged when, in our daily lives, we meet or deal with
persons who could be victims of human trafficking, or when We are tempted to
select items which may well have been produced by exploiting others' Some of
us, out of indifference, Or finanCial reasons, or because We are caught up in our
daily concerns, close our eyes to this. Others, however, decide to do something
about it, to join civic associations or to practice small, everyday gestures -
which have so much merit! - such as offering a kind word, a greeting or a
smile. These cost us nothing but they can offer hope, open doors, and change
the life of another person who lives clandestinely; they can also change our own
lives with respect to this reality,

We ought to recognize that we are facing a global phenomenon which exceeds

the competence of any one community or country. In order to eliminate it, we
need a mobilization comparable in size to that of the phenomenon itself. For
this reason I urgently appeal to all men and women of good will, and all those
near or far, including the highest levels of civil institutions, who witness the
5t16t2016 Pope Apologizes For Catholic Church's 'Offenses' Against lndigenous Peoples


Edilion: US w
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r-." AriChnir:

Pope Apologizes For Catholic Ghurch's 'Offenses'

Against lndigenous Peoples
"l humbly ask forgiveness...for crimes committed against the native peoples
during the so-called conquest of America."
O criog,L ots 0l t4 pm E-t I Updated.lut 10. ?{.l1ai

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SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia (AP) *

Pope Francis apologized Thursday for the sins and HuffPost i_i

"offenses" committed by the Catholic Church against indigenous peoples during the
colonial-era conquest of the Americas, Religion tx

History's first Latin American pope "humbly" begged forgiveness during an

encounter in Bolivia with indigenous groups and other activists and in the presence HUFFPOST NEWSLETTERS
of Bolivia's first-ever indigenous president, Evo Morales.
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advertisements. Learil lJote.
St16l2O16 Pope Apologizes For Catholic Church's'Offenses' Against lndigenous Peoples
Francis noted that Latin American church leaders in the past hact acknowledged
"grave sins were committed against the native peoples of America in the name of
God." St. John Paul ll, for his part, apologized to the continent's indigenous for the
"pain and suffering" caused during the 500 years of the church's presence on the
continent during a 1992 visit to the Dominican Republic.

But Francis went fa(her.

"l humbly ask forgiveness, not only for the offenses of the church herself, but also
for crimes committed against the native peoples during the so-called conquest of
America," he said to applause and cheers from the crowd.

Earlier in the day, Francis denounced the "throwaway" culture of today's society that
discards anyone who is unproductive as he celebrated his first public Mass in

The government declared a national holiday so workers and students could attend
the Mass, which featured prayers in Guarani and Aimara, two of Bolivia's
indigenous languages, and an altar carved from wood by artisans of the Chiquitano

ln a blending of the native and new, the famously unpretentious pope changed into
his vestments for the Mass in a nearby Burger King.

Speaking to the crowd in South America's poorest country, Francis decried the
prevailing mentality of the world economy where so many people are "discarded"
today * the poor, the elderly, those who are unproductive.

"lt is a mentality in which everything has a price, everything can be bought,

everything is negotiable." he said. "This way of thinking has room only for a select
few, whrle it discards all those who are unproductive."

The day, however, threatened to be overshadowed by President Evo Morales'

controversial gift to Francis upon his arrival: a crucifix carved into a hammer and

,,r,.. pope francis evo

Both the Vatican and the Bolivian government insisted Morales wasn't making a
heretical or political statement with the gift. They satd the cross, dubbed the
"Communist crucifix," had originally been designed by a Jesuit activist, the Rev.
Luis Espinal, who was assassinated in 1980 by suspected paramilitaries during the
months that preceded a violent military coup in Bolivia. On Wednesday, Francis, a
fellow Jesuit, prayed at the site where Espinal's body was dumped.

"You can dispute the significance and use of the symbol now, but the origin is from
Espinal and the sense of it was about an open dialogue, not about a specific
ideology," said the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi.

The Bolivian government insisted the gift wasn't a political maneuver of any sort,
511612016 Pope Apologizes For Catholic Church's'Offenses' Against lndigenous Peoples

but was a profound symbol that Morales thought the "pope of the poor" would

"That was the intention of this gift, and it was not any sort of maneuver ... lt was
really from great affection, a work designed by the very hands of Luts Espinal,"
Communications Minister Marianela Paco told Patria Nueva radio.

Associated Press writers Paola Flores and Carlos Valdez contributed.

Also on HuffPost:

W: F*p* iffrx*si*'s Wr*st l*nnp3't*ti* $ta**r*tr.".

Morg: fr..,ll; ii alaliraiic a)ill;ir iri'a-'ir* Fi:rilri! Pope Pcr:n,r:1;t;ior;1,,

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