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Jordan Madrigal

UHON 2860
Writing Assignment 1
Ann Yoachim
February 2, 2017
A New Beginning

As I think about the way this semester has started, I recognize the value of the insights from last

semester our class has internalized. As simple as it may have seemed, we realized that place is not easy

to define. We learned that place influences people, and people influence place; the main factor in the

equation seems to be the people. We learned that community perceptions often saturate the minds of

newcomers which is not necessarily a good thing. We also learned that while new ideas may seem

innovative, real advances are made in empathizing with our fellow classmates and community, and

meeting their needs as we use the design thinking process to connect students to the community.

Innovation is hard, and it takes critical thinking and creativity to navigate through ideas, research, and

insights. To develop an adaptable solution first requires a problem to be solved, however.

Through the iterative processes of this lab, my attention has been drawn to the issue of

homelessness. During my mission trip to Indonesia this past Christmas break, I was inspired by those

who had seemingly so much less than I. They were often aware of their struggles and poverty compared

to normal standards of living, but God is alive in their lives. They have not grown more discouraged, but

encouraged. As I spent more and more time around these people, this place, humility seeped in. When

I returned home, I realized that homelessness is awful, but a community full of resources that wont

make a difference is far worse. Shane from Jazzanooga said that strong community building is sharing

history. There are many misconceptions about homelessness among our student body that is clear

through the student interviews and interactions. Last Thursday, I met Tony. He is a young man about

my age, and is enrolled at Chattanooga State Community College. Him, his mother, and his three

younger siblings are homeless. They are receiving care from an organization called Family Promise of

Greater Chattanooga. Tony said he has gone through a lot and it is nearly impossible to imagine yet

he said despite the struggles they have gone through, it has made him thankful, tough, hardworking,
humble, respectful, and God-seeking. I see great possibilities in aiding those in need while

strengthening the relationship between community and student body. In the greater Chattanooga area,

there are around 600 homeless people at any given day.

I believe it imperative to learn how organizations like Family Promise, Chattanooga Room in the

Inn, Chattanooga Rescue Mission, and Community Kitchen would like to see greater community

involvement, specifically, among UTC students. I would like to learn how they would use a body of

students to help bring about greater community involvement, aid to those in need, and give a new

perspective for those who may be considered better off. We need to help each other. I would like to

learn how the administrators of these organizations see the world, and how they imagine finding better

solutions to those in need.

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