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Leaders ofthe Masses. Plague Priests are the leaders of kaven packs They are harsh rulers, constantly chastising ther disciples and forcing them to work harder and harder This s accepted by he pack however, 15 the Plague Priests are seen as demigods due to ther spellcasting ‘abies, E PRIEST Piae mor Class 14 (hide armour Hit Points 4 logue Bringers. Theze clergy delight in spresding hore diseases Speed 30 to.everyone and everything susceptible. They command vast armies of infested skaven and rats, sending them into cities to cripple the inhabitants ofthe surface world STR DEX. © CON.sINT. = WIS_— CHA Skills Arcana +6, Seealth +6. Survival Damage Immunities Condition Immunities poisor Senses dark 0 fe, passive Perception 10 Languages Co Challenge 6 (2 Keen Smell. The shaven has advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on smell Spelfcasting. The skaven ic 4 7tvlevel spelleaster spelicasting abiltyis Intelligence (spell save DC 14, 6 to hit with spel attacks). The mage has the following spells prepared: Cantrips at will): poison spray. thoumsatursy 1st level (4 slots): ray of sickness, sleep 1 level (3 slots): blincness/deajness, ray of enfeebleme 34d level (3 slots: slow, stinking cloud 4th level (3 slots): blight Sth level (1 s Act Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 0 hit, reach Sft., one target. Hie 3 (16) bludgeor bludgeoning damage if wielded with ng damage or 4 (148) wohands.

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