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BUS Brainstorm Specific Ideas

- Auction (Amy)
o Fundraiser
o Talks
o Advertise to community to come
o Ex: Dinner with famous people
o Ex: Teach a lesson at a school
o Ex: JDou does your voicemail
o Ex: lesson on computer programming
o Goal: raise money and outreach
- Science Salons (Vetri)
o Go to a cafe or bar or something and talk about scientific issues
o Presentation and Q&A
o Framework already exists, just go to one and see whats up
o Possibly set up a different framework if need be
o Goal: outreach, maybe network-building
- Family friendly picnic (Alec)
o Invite broader community
o Provide food or booze for money
o Hang out with our community
o Goal: fundraise and outreach and advertise ourselves
- Summer softball outreach/fundraiser (David)
o Continue beer hour fundraisers
o Softball league, bring a grill and sell hotdogs and drinks and have
- Billboard (Ryan)
o Offer a voice in other areas
o Put salient, humanizing message in from afar
o Goal: outreach in other areas
- Op-eds in conservative places (Katie)
o Option 1: Fake news their asses/propaganda/hidden authors
o Option 2: Maybe dont be anonymous, maybe reach out as the enemy,
maybe be honest
o Jennifer(??) Kahn(??), professor in journalism with techniques on this
o Goal: outreach in other areas, spread our message beyond ourselves
- Ten dollar microscope (Daniel)
o Cheap microscope to show kids that science is cool
o Goal: outreach to show science to kids
- On-campus panel/debate about whether competitive funding in science is a
good idea (Thornton)
o Competitive vs equitable funding in science
o There are assumptions that we allow in our scientific community that
lead to unanticipated, negative consequences
o What are other models for how resources are distributed in the
scientific community?
o Goal: improve science community

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