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Establishing classroom rules

One of the first steps to take to improve classroom management is to take a look at the rules.

Class rules should not be complicated; Keeping it simple for Students should be your
Be consistent and fair with your rules.
Be stern (Especially in the beginning of the year).
Be indifferent.
Make a printed list of the rules and post it in your classroom. Also you can give each student
two copies. Have one copy signed by both the student and a parent, for your records.
Assign teacher detentions for classroom infractions. Use that time to communicate with the
student to find out what is causing the behavior and how to help fix it.
Have students raise their hands to answer or ask questions.
Expect your students to be on time.
No student should be admitted to class tardy without a tardy readmit from the registrar/front
Expect your students to sit and wait quietly for class to begin.
Don't take it personal or make it personal.
Do not yell.
Do not allow students to yell.
Listen to them (Students)
Disrespect will not be tolerated.
Do not tolerate bullying.
Altercations demand immediate action.
If your classroom becomes out of control, take names and take action with the dean.
Use peer pressure as needed. If students are given an occasional break from homework for
excellent behavior, you may have better cooperation.
Create a system that provides acknowledgement for good behavior.
Establish a system for bathroom breaks.
Never demean a student or call them "stupid".
Maintain professional teacher/student boundaries.
Students must address teachers as Mr. ____, or Ms. ________.
Never leave your classroom doors unlocked when not in the room.

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