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Drow s ‘ALKER Drow Stalkers are expert hunters of sentient prey. They attack unseen, and by the time their enemies know what ishappening, itis already too late, as they are hit wth a barrage of poisonous arrows and flurryof blades from shadows inal directions. Inthe rare event that an enemy manages to fle, they are quickly overtaken by the skilled trackers, only to realize the'r fate Is inescapable Monsters by u/themanclaw, art by Kendrick Lim ——— Drow STALKER Armor Class it Points Speed STR DEX CON INT WIS_—CHA Saving Throws 0 Skill Rerobaves “7, Pe Senses Challenge ‘Ambusher. The drow stalker has advantage on attack rolls ‘against any creature thse surprised, Evasive Fire. Aftec mating a ranged attack. asa bonus action the drow may move up to 15 ft. cirecty avay from its target This acon doet not provole an attack of opportunity even if there was an enemy within5 ft, solong asthat enemy is also the one targetedfor the ranged attack, which stil has cisadvantage under those circumstances. Fey Ancestry. The drow staker has advantage on saving {rows against bring chermed, end magic can’t put tve drow stalkerto sleep, Innate spelkasting. The drow talkers innate spellcasting ‘blity @ Charisma (2pll ave OC 12, +4 to hitwith spell attacks). Itcan innately cast the following spells, requiring no ‘material components: Atl: dancing lights day: darkress, frie fire, levitate (self only) Sneak Attack (1/turn). The drow stalker deals an extra 10 (a6) damage wren ithits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack oll, or when the target is within 5 feet ofan ally ofthe drow stalker that isn't incapacitated and the drow staker doesn't have disadvantage on the attack rll Sunlight Sensitivity. while in sunlight, the drow stalker has disadvantage on attack rolls, as wells on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rel on sight. ‘Multiettack. The drow makes two melee or ranged attacks. Langbew. Rgec Weapon Atack: +7 to it, range 150/600 %. cone creature. it 8 (168+) piercing damage, lus 10 (346) poison damage, and the target must succeed on aC 15 Constitution saving throw er be poisoned for 1 hour. Ifthe | seving throw fails by Sor more, the target als unconscious cit plzonedin this way. The target wakes up if see damage or another creature takes an action to shake it awake | shorteword. Melee Weepon Attack: +7 hit, reach sft. one creature, Hic7 (136 + 4) piercing damage, plus 10 (366) poison damage. $a

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