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Informal Letter

1. The glorious sun shone brilliantly in the sapphire sky columns of creamy white cloud glided
carelessly in the sky.

2.Sheet of rain pelted down relentlessly, drenching the surrounding and soaking me from head to
toe. I looked like a wet dog, all straggly and grubby.

3. woke up feeling perky

4. had hearty breakfast

5. all geared up for the program on Saturday itinerary, which was hiking to Fraser Hill

6. with high spirit

7. accelerated

8. traumatised

9. toppled in a pathetic heap

10. a resounding thud

11. flushed with exhaustion

12. abrupt halt

13. screeching tyres

14. bleeding profusely

15. without hesitation

16. wail of siren could be heard from a distance


18. a whale of time

19. in high spirit

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