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Algebra I

North Side High School

Course Syllabus: 2017-2018
Ms. Nicole Bond 731-215-2446(classroom) Conference Time-
Room N7
Call or e-mail to schedule an appointment.
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Course Description
The purpose of this course is to satisfy the Algebra I requirement of the TN Ready
Mathematics Standards recently adopted by the State of Tennessee. All students in the
Jackson-Madison County School district are required to take and pass this course as a
requirement for graduation under the current Tennessee graduation requirements. This
course fits into an overall program of mathematics studies with a rigorous academic core
by extending what students have learned in lower level mathematics courses as well as
introducing more advanced topics. These advanced topics include understanding our
number system, solving, graphing, and writing linear equations and inequalities, linear
systems, exponents, quadratics, polynomials, and factoring.
Instructional Philosophy
This course introduces students to key concepts and theories that provide a foundation
for further study in mathematics (Geometry, AlgebraII, and beyond) and increases
students mathematic literacy, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. The problem
solving and critical thinking skills that students learn in Algebra I are valuable tools that
can be taken to and applied in other disciplines.

The kind of learning activities in which students will engage can be described as
cooperative group investigations, partner collaboration, or individual work (depending
on the topic and assignment.) All of which are designed to help students understand and
explain the key concepts presented in this course, incorporating mathematical
reasoning, analysis, communication skills, and real world applications. Students will
learn and apply the principles of Algebra I while employing 21st Century Skills, including
creativity/innovation, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving,
and decision-making.

Students will experience hands-on activities and participate in class discussions with
open-ended problem solving. Students will conduct computer-assisted research and/or
assignments and use word processing to complete some assignments and projects.
Students will also use collaborative tools (wiki, blogs, etc.) to help them achieve course
goals by creating multi-media presentations.

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
Course Goals
o Students will be expected to demonstrate skills that will be valuable not
only in this course but in future educational and vocational settings
including (but not limited to) reading for comprehension, writing
coherently, oral presentations, and technology usage.
o Read mathematical problems efficiently.
o Solve, graph, and write linear equations, inequalities, and functions.
o Solve linear systems in two variables by graphing, substitution, and
elimination methods.
o Manipulate and solve quadratic functions by graphing, factoring, finding
square roots, and using the Quadratic Formula.
o Manipulate exponents and exponential functions.
o Factor polynomials.
o Perform mathematical operations on polynomial expressions.
o Write effective solutions to problems and projects
o Present solutions to problems effectively
o Use a variety of appropriate resources including the computer and
calculator to solve mathematical problems
o Employ multiple critical and creative thinking strategies in reasoning
and problem solving
o Demonstrate a knowledge and appreciation of how mathematics can be
used outside the mathematics classroom
Required Supplies
o 1 inch(or larger) 3 ring binder with 5 dividers
o Pencils
o Highlighters
o Notebook paper
o Graph paper
o Journal
o Graphing calculator (optional) or internet access (For home use an online link is
provided on the class web page and TI-Nspires are provided for in class use only.)

Types of Assignments
o Reading- online and in text.
o Videos
o In class writings
o Journals/Response logs- Reflections
o Group Projects- team building, cooperative learning, group presentations
o ACT and TN Ready EOC Preparation- practice tests, practice multiple-choice
o Group research
o Technology based research and observations.

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
o essays and projects for reflection purposes
o Problem Solving Activities
Category Percentage Types of Assignments
Homework 10% Reading, Videos, writings, research,
experiments, daily assignments, journal entries.

Daily/Quizzes 30% Reflections, Portfolios, Observations and Daily

Quizzes, Reading, Videos, writings, research,
experiments, daily assignments, journal entries
Tests 60% Unit Tests, Group Projects, Individual Projects,
Problem Solving Activities
o Quizzes
o Tests

Guidelines for Course Grade (This is subject to change at the discretion of the
school district)

The students final grade is calculated as follows:

Quarter 3-----------------------37.5%
Quarter 4-----------------------37.5%
Exam ----------------------------25%

Attendance Policy
It is important to attend class and participate in class discussions and activities. Please
make sure you follow the district attendance policy in order to earn credit for the course.
Any junior or senior will be exempt from the final exam if one of the following applies:
Student has an A average and 3 or fewer absences
Student has a B average and 2 or fewer absences
Student has a C average and 1 or fewer absences
All freshman and sophomore students must take final exams per board policy.

Tardy Policy
You must be in their seat with their calculator before the bell rings. There will be
consequences enforced for all tardiness: 1st Tardy = verbal warning, 2nd Tardy = parent
contact, 3rd + tardy = office referral

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
Assignment/Make-Up Policy
excused absence that keeps you from either turning in an assignment or receiving
instructions for an assignment, it is your duty to secure the
assignment/instructions/class notes. All missed quizzes will be made-up during
mentoring time for your class.
MAKE UP WORK-. All Make-Up work should be turned in to the appropriate
make-up tray in the back of the classroom. Per board policy, students have two
(2) days, for each day absent, to complete and turn in the work missed. Any work
assigned prior to the absence is due the day the student returns. This includes
quizzes and tests. It is the students responsibility to secure make-up quizzes
during mentoring time.
Units of Study
The Algebra I Pacing & Assessment Guide can be found on the JMCSS website at
I. Foundations for Algebra
II. Solving Equations and Inequalities in One Variable
III. Understanding Functions
IV. Linear Functions
V. Exponents and Exponential Functions
VI. Polynomial Expressions and Factoring
VII. Quadratic Functions and Equations
VIII. Systems of Equations and Inequalities
IX. Statistics

Classroom policies

Students are expected to:

o Be present and on time.
o Come to class prepared and ready to work.
o Participate in and complete all classroom activities and homework.
o Be polite and respectful to all members of the classroom.
o Turn in all work in a timely manner.
o Listen and follow directions the first time they are given.
o Ask focused questions.
o Maintain a clean working environment.
o Respect school property.
o Study on a daily basis.
o Use all time wisely.

Students :

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
o Should NOT eat during class unless they have been given special permission. All
food should be placed in book bags or purses during class.
o Should NOT place book bags on the floor or in the isle. All book bags should be
on the back of the students chair or on top of an empty desk or chair. If a
student repeatedly fails to keep his/her book bag out of the floor, he/she will
not be allowed to bring a book bag into the classroom. It will either be left
outside the door or in a locker.
o Should NOT copy other students work. Doing so will result in a zero for the
assignment for both individuals.
o Should NOT be talking or texting on or have out cell phones during class unless
they have been given special permission. Doing so will result in a referral and
surrendering of the phone until the following day. Having a cell phone out
during a quiz or test will result in an automatic zero. Phones should be in a bag
or a purse during all assessments.


I , ______________________________________, have received, read and understand

PRINT student name

Ms. Bonds syllabus, classroom rules and procedures.

____________________________________________________ date ___/____/______

Student signature

I , ______________________________________, have received, read and understand

PRINT parent/guardian name name

Ms. Bonds syllabus, classroom rules and procedures. I also understand

that if I need a copy of these rules, a copy can be found online at the class web page

listed above.

____________________________________________________ date ___/____/______

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.

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