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Hidden lore

A Tome and Blood Web Enhancement by Skip Williams

Heres a few handy things for all you fans of arcane E n d u r e E l e m e n t s . Ignores 5 damage/round
spells out there. The first item is a combined list of sor- from one energy type.
cerer/wizard spells from the Players Handbook and Hold Portal. Holds door shut. Additional Credits
Tome and Blood, with short descriptions of each spell. Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/
Its handy for comparing the new spells from Tome and Law. +2 AC and saves, counter mind Editing: Jesse Decker and
Julia Martin
Blood with the traditional fare from the Players Hand- control, hedge out elementals and Web Production:
book. outsiders. Julia Martin
S h i e l d . Invisible disc gives cover, Web Development:
SORCERER AND blocks magic missiles. Mark A. Jindra
WIZARD SPELLS Conj Grease. Makes 10-ft. square or one Graphic Design: Sean Glenn,
Cynthia Fliege
object slippery.
0-LEVEL SORCERER AND Mage Armor. Gives subject +4 armor Based on the original
Abjur Resistance. Subject gains +1 on saving throws. Mount. Summons riding horse for
E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson
and on the new edition of the
Conj Ray of Frost. Ray deals 1d3 cold damage. 2 hr./level. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game
Div Detect Poison. Detects poison in one creature Obscuring Mist. Fog surrounds you. designed by Jonathan Tweet,
or small object. Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
Summon Monster I. Calls outsider Rich Baker, and Peter Adkison.
Ench Daze. Creature loses next action. to fight for you.
Evoc Dancing Lights. Creates torches or other lights. Unseen Servant. Invisible force D&D, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and DUNGEON
Flare. Dazzles one creature (1 attack). obeys your commands.
MASTER are registered trademarks owned by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards charac-
Light. Object shines like a torch. Div Comprehend Languages. ters, character names, and the distinctive like-
nesses thereof are trademarks owned by
Illus Ghost Sound. Figment sounds. Understands all spoken and written Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Necro Disrupt Undead. Deals 1d6 damage to one languages. This material is protected under the copyright
laws of the United States of America. Any
undead. Detect Secret Doors. Reveals hidden reproduction or unauthorized use of the mate-
Trans Mage Hand. 5-pound telekinesis. doors within 60 ft.
rial or artwork contained herein is prohibited
without the express written permission of
Mending. Makes minor repairs on an object. Detect Undead. Reveals undead Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
O p e n / C l o s e . Opens or closes small or light within 60 ft.
This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity
to actual people, organizations, places, or
things. Identify. Determines single feature events is purely coincidental.
Repair Minor Damage. Cures 1 damage to a 2001 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights
of magic item. reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
construct. True Strike. Adds +20 bonus to your
Univ Arcane Mark. Inscribes a personal rune (visible next attack roll.
or invisible). Ench Charm Person. Makes one person
Detect Magic. Detects spells and magic items your friend.
within 60 ft. Hypnotism. Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
Prestidigitation. Performs minor tricks. Sleep. Put 2d4 HD of creatures into comatose
Read Magic. Read scrolls and spellbooks. slumber.
Evoc Lesser Acid Orb. Ranged touch, 1d8 acid
1st-level Sorcerer and Wizard damage; +1 orb/two levels above 1st (max 5
Spells orbs).
Abjur Alarm. Wards an area for 2 hours/level. Lesser Cold Orb. Ranged touch, 1d8 cold
damage; +1 orb/two levels above 1st (max 5 Shocking Grasp. Touch delivers 1d8 +1/level
orbs). electricity.
Lesser Electric Orb. Ranged touch, 1d8 Spider Climb. Grants ability to walk on walls
electricity damage; +1 orb/two levels above 1st and ceilings.
(max 5 orbs).
Lesser Fire Orb. Ranged touch, 1d8 2ND-LEVEL SORCERER AND
fire damage; +1 orb/two levels above 1st Abjur Arcane Lock. Magically locks a portal or chest.
(max 5 orbs). Filter. Makes subject resistant to inhaled toxins.
Lesser Sonic Orb. Ranged touch, 1d8 sonic Gaze Screen. Subject has a 50% chance to avoid
damage; +1 orb/two levels above 1st gaze attacks.
(max 5 orbs). Obscure Object. Masks object against
Magic Missile. 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile/two
levels above 1st (max 5). Protection from Arrows. Subject immune
Tensers Floating Disk. 3-ft.-diameter
to most ranged attacks.
horizontal disk that holds 100 lb./level. R e s i s t E l e m e n t s . Ignores 12 damage/round
Illus Change Self. Changes your appearance. from one energy type.
Color Spray. Knocks unconscious, blinds, or
Conj Choke. Target takes 1d4 points of damage each
stuns 1d6 weak creatures. round from strangling hands.
Nystuls Magical Aura. Grants object false Fog Cloud. Fog obscures vision.
magic aura. Glitterdust. Blinds creatures, outlines invisible
Nystuls Undetectable Aura. Masks magic
items aura. Ice Knife. Ranged attack, 1d8 points of cold
Silent Image. Creates minor illusion of your
damage and 2 cold Dexterity damage.
design. Melf s Acid Arrow. Ranged touch attack; 2d4
Ventriloquism. Throws voice for 1 min./level.
damage for 1 round + 1 round/three levels.
Necro Cause Fear. One creature flees for 1d4 rounds. S u m m o n M o n s t e r I I . Calls outsider to fight
Chill Touch. 1 touch/level deals 1d6 damage
for you.
and possibly 1 Str damage. S u m m o n S w a r m . Summons swarm of small
Negative Energy Ray. Ranged touch, 1d6
crawling or flying creatures.
negative energy damage; +1d6/two levels Web. Fills 20-ft. radius spread with sticky
above 1st (max 5d6). spider webs.
Ray of Enfeeblement. Ray reduces Str by 1d6
Div Detect Thoughts. Allows listening to surface
points +1 point/two levels. thoughts.
Trans Animate Rope. Makes a rope move at your Locate Object. Senses direction toward object
command. (specific or type).
Burning Hands. 1d4 fire damage/level See Invisibility. Reveals invisible creatures
(max: 5d4). or objects.
Enlarge. Object or creature grows +10%/level
Ench Indifference. Makes subject resistant to fear,
(max +50%). compulsion, and morale effects.
Erase. Mundane or magical writing vanishes. Tashas Hideous Laughter. Subject loses actions
Expeditious Retreat. Doubles your speed.
for 1d3 rounds.
Feather Fall. Objects or creatures fall slowly.
Evoc Continual Flame. Makes a permanent, heatless
Jump. Subject gets +30 on Jump checks.
Magic Weapon. Weapon gains +1 bonus. Darkness. 20-ft. radius of supernatural
Message. Whispered conversation at distance.
Reduce. Object or creature shrinks Daylight. 60-ft. radius of bright light.
10%/level (max 50%). Flaming Sphere. Rolling ball of fire, 2d6
Repair Light Damage. Cures 1d8+1/level
damage, lasts 1 round/level.
damage (max +5) to a construct. S h a t t e r . Sonic vibration damages objects or

crystalline creatures. (max +10) points of damage to a construct.
Illus Blur. Attacks miss subject 20% of the time. Rope Trick. Up to eight creatures hide
Disguise Undead. Changes the appearance of in extradimensional space.
undead creatures. Whispering Wind. Sends a short message one
Hypnotic Pattern. Fascinates 2d4+1 HD/level mile/level.
of creatures. Univ Familiar Pocket. Creates an extradimensional
Invisibility. Subject is invisible for hiding place for your familiar.
10 min./level or until it attacks.
L e o m u n d s T r a p . Makes item seem trapped. 3RD-LEVEL SORCERER AND
M a g i c M o u t h . Speaks once when triggered.
Abjur Dispel Magic. Cancels magical spells
Minor Image. As silent image, plus some
and effects.
sound. Explosive Runes. Deals 6d6 damage when read.
Mirror Image. Creates decoy duplicates of Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law. As
you (1d4 +1/three levels, max 8). protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and
Misdirection. Misleads divinations for
10 min./level.
one creature or object. Nondetection. Hides subject from divination,
Necro Command Undead. An undead creature obeys scrying.
your commands and does not attack you. Protection from Elements. Absorb 12
False Life. Gain 1d10+1/level (max +10)
damage/level from one kind of energy.
temporary hit points. Conj Corpse Candle. Incorporeal hand and candle
Ghoul Touch. Paralyzes one subject, who
reveals hidden creatures and objects.
exudes stench (2 penalty) nearby. Flame Arrow. Shoots flaming projectiles (extra
Scare. Panics creatures of less than 6 HD
damage) or fiery bolts (4d6 damage).
(15-ft. radius). Phantom Steed. Magical horse appears for
Spectral Hand. Creates disembodied glowing
1 hour/level.
hand to deliver touch attacks. Sepia Snake Sigil. Creates text symbol that
Trans Alter Self. As change self, plus more immobilizes reader.
drastic changes. Sleet Storm. Hampers vision and movement.
Blindness/Deafness. Makes subject blind
Stinking Cloud. Nauseating vapors,
or deaf.
1 round/level.
Bulls Strength. Subject gains 1d4+1 Str
Summon Monster III. Calls outsider to fight
for 1 hr./level.
for you.
Cats Grace. Subject gains 1d4+1 Dex
Div A r c a n e S i g h t . Magical auras become visible
for 1 hr./level.
to you.
Darkvision. See 60 ft. in total darkness.
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance. Hear or see at a
Eagles Splendor. Subject gains 1d4+1 Cha
distance for 1 min./level.
for 1 hr./level. Tongues. Speak any language.
Endurance. Subject gains 1d4+1 Con
Ench Hold Person. Holds one person helpless;
for 1 hr./level.
1 round/level.
Foxs Cunning. Subject gains 1d4+1 Int
Suggestion. Compels subject to follow stated
for 1 hr./level.
course of action.
Knock. Opens locked or magically sealed door.
Evoc Ice Burst. Chunks of ice deal 1d4 points of cold
Levitate. Subject moves up and down at
damage and 1 point of blunt damage/level
your direction.
(max 10d4+10), 30-ft. radius.
Owls Wisdom. Subject gains 1d4+1 Wis
F i r e b a l l . 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius.
for 1 hr./level. Gust of Wind. Blows away or knocks down
P y r o t e c h n i c s . Turns fire into blinding light
smaller creatures.
or choking smoke. Leomunds Tiny Hut. Creates shelter for
Repair Moderate Damage. Cures 2d8+1/level
10 creatures.

Lightning Bolt. Electricity deals Mass Resist Elements. As resist elements,
1d6 damage/level. affects one subject/level.
Wind Wall. Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, Minor Globe of Invulnerability. Stops 1st-
and gases. through 3rd-level spell effects.
Illus Displacement. Attacks miss subject 50%. Otilukes Dispelling Screen. Creates a barrier
Illusory Script. Only intended reader can that dispels magic on contact.
decipher. R e m o v e C u r s e . Frees object or person from
I n v i s i b i l i t y S p h e r e . Makes everyone within curse.
10 ft. invisible. Stoneskin. Stops blows, cuts, stabs, and slashes.
Major Image. As silent image, plus sound, smell Conj Evards Black Tentacles. 1d4 +1/level tentacles
and thermal effects. grapple randomly within 15 ft.
Necro Feign Death. Makes one willing, living creature Leomunds Secure Shelter. Creates sturdy
appear dead. cottage.
Gentle Repose. Preserves one corpse. M i n o r C r e a t i o n . Creates one cloth or wood
Halt Undead. Immobilizes undead for object.
1 round/level. Solid Fog. Blocks vision and slows movement.
Negative Energy Burst. 1d8+1/level (max +10) Summon Monster IV. Calls outsider to fight
negative energy damage, 20-foot radius. for you.
Vampiric Touch. Touch deals 1d6/two caster Div Arcane Eye. Invisible floating eye moves
levels; caster gains damage as hp. 30 ft./round.
Trans Blink. You randomly vanish and reappear for Detect Scrying. Alerts you of magical
1 round/level. eavesdropping.
Fly. Subject flies at speed of 90. Locate Creature. Indicates direction to familiar
Gaseous Form. Subject becomes insubstantial creature.
and can fly slowly. Scrying. Spies on subject from a distance.
Greater Magic Weapon. +1/three levels Ench Charm Monster. Makes monster believe it is
(max +5). your ally.
Haste. Extra partial action and +4 AC. C o n f u s i o n . Makes subject behave oddly for
Keen Edge. Doubles normal weapons threat 1 round/level.
range. Emotion. Arouses strong emotion in subject.
Repair Serious Damage. Cures 3d8+1/level Lesser Geas. Commands subject of 7 HD or less.
(max +15) points of damage to a construct. Evoc Acid Orb. Ranged touch, 1d6/level (max 15d6)
Secret Page. Changes one page to hide its real points of acid damage divided as you see fit.
content. Cold Orb. Ranged touch, 1d6/level (max 15d6)
S h r i n k I t e m . Object shrinks to one-twelfth points of cold damage divided as you see fit.
size. Electric Orb. Ranged touch, 1d6/level
Slow. One subject/level takes only partial (max 15d6) points of electricity damage divided
actions, 2 AC, 2 melee rolls. as you see fit.
Water Breathing. Subjects can breathe Fire Shield. Creatures attacking you take fire
underwater. damage; youre protected from heat or cold.
Univ Enhance Familiar. Your familiar gains a +2 Fire Orb. Ranged touch, 1d6/level (max 15d6)
modifier on saves, combat rolls, and AC for points of fire damage divided as you see fit.
1 hour/level. Ice Storm. Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder
40 ft. across.
4TH-LEVEL SORCERER AND Otilukes Resilient Sphere. Force globe protects
Abjur Dimensional Anchor. Bars extradimensional but traps one subject.
Shout. Deafens all within cone and deals
F i r e T r a p . Opened object deals 1d4 +1/level 2d6 damage.
Sonic Orb. Ranged touch, 1d6/level (max 15d6)

points of sonic damage divided as you see fit. damage (maximum 15d6) from one kind of
Wall of Fire. Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. energy.
and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals M o r d e n k a i n e n s P r i v a t e S a n c t u m . Prevents
2d6 +1/level. anyone from viewing or scrying an area for
Wall of Ice. Ice plane creates wall with 15 hp 24 hours.
+1/level, or hemisphere can trap creatures Conj Cloudkill. Kills 3 HD or less; 46 HD save
inside. or die.
Illus Hallucinatory Terrain. Makes one type of Leomunds Secret Chest. Hides expensive chest
terrain appear like another (field into forest, on Ethereal Plane; you retrieve it at will.
etc.). Lesser Planar Binding. Traps outsider until it
Illusory Wall. Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, performs a task.
but anything can pass through. Major Creation. As minor creation, plus stone
Improved Invisibility. As invisibility, but and metal.
subject can attack and stay invisible. Mordenkainens Faithful Hound. Phantom dog
Phantasmal Killer. Fearsome illusion kills can guard, attack.
subject or deals 3d6 damage. Summon Monster V. Calls outsider to fight for
Rainbow Pattern. Lights prevent 24 HD of you.
creatures from attacking or moving away. Wall of Iron. 30 hp/four levels; can topple onto
Shadow Conjuration. Mimics conjuring below foes.
4th level. Wall of Stone. Creates a stone wall that can be
Necro Contagion. Infects subject with chosen disease. shaped.
Enervation. Subject gains 1d4 negative levels. Div Contact Other Plane. Ask question of
Fear. Subjects within cone flee for extraplanar entity.
1 round/level. Prying Eyes. 1d4 floating eyes +1/level scout
Negative Energy Wave. Surge of negative for you.
energy rebukes or bolsters 1d6 HD/level Rarys Telepathic Bond. Link lets allies
(max 15d6) worth of undead. communicate.
Trans Bestow Curse. 6 to an ability; 4 on attacks, Ench Dominate Person. Controls humanoid
saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each telepathically.
action. Feeblemind. Subjects Int drops to 1.
Dimension Door. Teleports you and up to Hold Monster. As hold person, but any
500 lb. creature.
Mass Darkvision. As darkvision, but affects all Mind Fog. Subjects in fog get 10 Wis, Will
creatures in a 10-foot-radius sphere around you. checks.
P o l y m o r p h O t h e r . Gives one subject a new Evoc Bigbys Interposing Hand. Hand provides 90%
form. cover against one opponent.
Polymorph Self. You assume a new form. Cone of Cold. 1d6 cold damage/level.
R a r y s M n e m o n i c E n h a n c e r . Prepares extra S e n d i n g . Delivers short message anywhere,
spells or retains one just cast. Wizard only. instantly.
Repair Critical Damage. Cures 4d8+1/level Wall of Force. Wall is immune to damage.
(max +20) points of damage to a construct. Illus Dream. Sends message to anyone sleeping.
Univ Fortify Familiar. Your familiar gains +2 natural F a l s e V i s i o n . Fools scrying with an illusion.
armor and a 25% chance to avoid critical hits for Greater Shadow Conjuration. As shadow
1 hour/level. conjuration, but up to 4th level and 40% real.
Mirage Arcana. As hallucinatory terrain, plus
Nightmare. Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage,
Abjur Dismissal. Forces a creature to return to native
Persistent Image. As major image, but no
Energy Buffer. Absorbs 1d6/level points of

concentration required. creature.
Seeming. Changes appearance of one Mass Suggestion. As suggestion, plus one/level
person/two levels. subjects.
Shadow Evocation. Mimics evocation less than Evoc Bigbys Forceful Hand. Hand pushes creatures
5th level. away.
Necro Animate Dead. Creates undead skeletons and Chain Lightning. 1d6 damage/level; secondary
zombies. bolts.
Magic Jar. Enables possession of another Contingency. Sets trigger condition for another
creature. spell.
Spiritwall. Creates a wall of wailing spirits that O t i l u k e s F r e e z i n g S p h e r e . Freezes water or
inspires fear; 1d10 points of damage and energy deals cold damage.
drain on contact. Illus Greater Shadow Evocation. As shadow
Trans Animal Growth. One animal/two levels evocation, but up to 5th level.
doubles in size, HD. Mislead. Turns you invisible and creates
Fabricate. Transforms raw materials into illusory double.
finished items. Permanent Image. Includes sight, sound, and
Ghostform. You become incorporeal. smell.
Passwall. Breaches walls 1 ft. thick/level. Programmed Image. As major image, plus
Stone Shape. Sculpts stone into any shape. triggered by event.
Telekinesis. Lifts or moves 25 lb./level at long Project Image. Illusory double can talk and cast
range. spells.
Teleport. Instantly transports you anywhere. Shades. As shadow conjuration, but up to 5th
Transmute Mud to Rock. Transforms two 10-ft. level and 60% real.
cubes/level. Veil. Changes appearance of group of creatures.
Transmute Rock to Mud. Transforms two 10-ft. Necro Circle of Death. Kills 1d4 HD/level.
cubes/level. Undeath to Death. Destroys 1d4 HD/level
Univ Permanency. Makes certain spells permanent; undead (max 20d4).
costs XP. Trans Control Water. Raises or lowers bodies of
6TH-LEVEL SORCERER AND C o n t r o l W e a t h e r . Changes weather in local
Abjur Antimagic Field. Negates magic within 10 ft.
Disintegrate. Makes one creature or object
Globe of Invulnerability. As minor globe, plus
4th level.
Eyebite. Charm, fear, sicken or sleep one
Greater Dispelling. As dispel magic, but +20 on
Flesh to Stone. Turns subject creature into
Guards and Wards. Array of magic effects
protect area.
Mass Fly . As fly, but affects one subject/level
Repulsion. Creatures cant approach you.
within range.
Conj Acid Fog. Fog deals acid damage.
Mass Haste. As haste, affects one/level subjects.
Planar Binding. As lesser planar binding, but up
Mordenkainens Lucubration. Recalls spell of
to 16 HD.
Summon Monster VI. Calls outsider to fight for 5th level or less. Wizard only.
Move Earth. Digs trenches and build hills.
Stone to Flesh. Restores petrified creature.
Div Analyze Dweomer. Reveals magical aspects of
Tensers Transformation. You gain combat
Legend Lore. Learn tales about a person, place, bonuses.
Univ Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability. You transfer
or thing.
True Seeing. See all things as they really are. spells to your familiar.
Ench Geas/Quest. As lesser geas, plus it affects any

7TH-LEVEL SORCERER AND more weight and do not have to accompany
WIZARD SPELLS what youre teleporting.
Abjur Banishment. Banishes 2 HD/level extraplanar Plane Shift. Up to eight subjects travel to
creatures. another plane.
Energy Immunity. Subject is immune to Reverse Gravity. Objects and creatures fall
damage from one kind of energy. upward.
Otilukes Greater Dispelling Screen. Creates a Statue. Subject can become a statue at will.
barrier that dispels magic (as greater dispelling) Teleport without Error. As teleport, but no
on contact. off-target arrival.
Sequester. Subject is invisible to sight and Vanish. As teleport, but affects a touched
scrying. object.
Spell Turning. Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at Univ Limited Wish. Alters realitywithin spell
caster. limits.
Conj Drawmijs Instant Summons. Prepared object
appears in your hand. 8TH-LEVEL SORCERER AND
Mordenkainens Magnificent Mansion. Door
Abjur D i m e n s i o n a l L o c k . Teleportation and other
leads to extradimensional mansion.
forms of dimensional travel are blocked for
Phase Door. Invisible passage through wood or
1 day/level.
Mind Blank. Subject is immune to
Power Word, Stun. Stuns creature with up to
mental/emotional magic and scrying.
150 hp.
Prismatic Wall. Walls colors have array of
Summon Monster VII. Calls outsider to fight
for you.
Protection from Spells. Confers +8 resistance
Div Greater Scrying. As scrying, but faster and
Conj Greater Planar Binding. As lesser planar
Vision. As legend lore, but quicker and
binding, but up to 24 HD.
Incendiary Cloud. Cloud deals 4d6 fire
Ench Insanity. Subject suffers continuous confusion.
Evoc Bigbys Grasping Hand. Hand provides cover,
Maze. Traps subject in extradimensional maze.
pushes, or grapples.
P o w e r W o r d , B l i n d . Blinds 200 hp worth of
Delayed Blast Fireball. 1d8 fire damage/level;
you can delay blast for 5 rounds.
Summon Monster VIII. Calls outsider to fight
Forcecage. Cube of force imprisons all inside.
for you.
Mordenkainens Sword. Floating magic blade
Trap the Soul. Imprisons subject within gem.
strikes opponents.
Div Discern Location. Exact location of creature or
Prismatic Spray. Rays hit subjects with variety
of effects.
Ench Antipathy. Object or location affected by spell
Illus Mass Invisibility. As invisibility, but affects all
repels certain creatures.
in range.
Binding. Array of techniques to imprison a
Shadow Walk. Step into shadow to travel
Demand. As sending, plus you can send
Simulacrum. Creates partially real double of a
Mass Charm. As charm monster, but all within
Necro Control Undead. Undead dont attack you
30 ft.
while under your command.
Ottos Irresistible Dance. Forces subject to
Finger of Death. Kills one subject.
Trans Ethereal Jaunt. You become ethereal for
Sympathy . Object or location attracts certain
1 round/level.
Mass Teleport. As teleport, but you can move
Evoc Bigbys Clenched Fist. Large hand attacks your

foes. into Astral Plane.
Great Shout. Devastating yell deals 20d6 sonic Hide Life. You lock away your life force into a
damage; stuns creatures, damages objects. small receptacle and cannot be killed while the
Otilukes Telekinetic Sphere. As Otilukes receptacle remains intact.
resilient sphere, but you move sphere Energy Drain. Subject gains 2d4 negative
telekinetically. levels.
Sunburst. Blinds all within 10 ft., deals Soul Bind. Traps newly dead soul to prevent
3d6 damage. resurrection.
Illus Screen. Illusion hides area from vision, scrying. Wail of the Banshee. Kills one creature/level.
Necro Clone. Duplicate awakens when original dies. Trans Refuge. Alters item to transport its possessor to
Horrid Wilting. Deals 1d8 damage/level you.
within 30 ft. Shapechange. Transforms you into any
Trans Etherealness. Travel to Ethereal Plane with creature, and change forms once per round.
companions. Teleportation Circle. Circle teleports any
Iron Body. Your body becomes living iron. creature inside to designated spot.
Polymorph Any Object. Changes any subject Temporal Stasis. Puts subject into suspended
into anything else. animation.
Univ Symbol. Triggered runes have array of effects. T i m e S t o p . You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds.
Univ Wish. As limited wish, but with fewer limits.
Abjur Absorption. Absorbs spells and spell-like effects
targeted at you.
Freedom. Releases creature suffering
Imprisonment. Entombs subject beneath
the earth.
Mordenkainens Disjunction. Dispels magic,
disenchants magic items.
Prismatic Sphere. As prismatic wall, but
surrounds on all sides.
Conj Gate. Connects two planes for travel or
Power Word, Kill. Kills one tough subject or
many weak ones.
Summon Monster IX. Calls outsider to fight for
Div Foresight. Sixth sense warns of impending
Ench Dominate Monster. As dominate person, but
any creature.
Evoc Bigbys Crushing Hand. As Bigbys interposing
hand, but stronger.
Chain Contingency. As contingency, but you
can trigger up to three spells.
Meteor Swarm. Deals 24d6 fire damage, plus
Illus Weird. As phantasmal killer, but affects all
within 30 ft.
Necro Astral Projection. Projects you and companions

spells (always a good idea). The table below shows the
EXAMPLE SPELLBOOKS number of spells the wizard has at each character level
Here are some suggestions for NPC wizard spell- and how much money the wizard must spend to have
books. The spells selected reflect what an adventurer that number of spells.
might use.


As their levels increase, wizards get a small number of
spells they can add to their spellbooks. The Example
Spellbooks presented here assume the wizard begins
play with an Intelligence score of 14 or 15 and that the
two free spells usually are allocated to the highest spell
level the wizard can cast. It is further assume that the
wizard spends a modest amount of cash on additional

Table: Base Number of Spells per Level

Level 0* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Scribing Cost/Cost**
1 16 5 0
2 16 7 0
3 16 7 2 0
4 16 7 4 0
5 16 7 5 2 1 2nd-level spell 400 gp/550 gp
6 16 7 6 4 1 2nd-level spell 400 gp/550 gp
7 16 7 6 5 2 1 3rd-level spell 600 gp/975 gp
8 16 7 6 6 4 1 3rd-level spell 600 gp/975 gp
9 16 7 6 6 5 2 1 4th-level spell 800 gp/1,500 gp
10 16 7 6 6 6 4 1 4th-level spell 800 gp/1,500 gp
11 16 7 6 6 6 5 2 1 5th-level spell 1,000 gp/2,125 gp
12 16 7 6 6 6 6 4 1 5th-level spell 1,000 /2,125 gp
13 16 7 6 6 6 6 5 2 1 6th-level spell 1,200 gp/2,850 gp
14 16 7 6 6 6 6 6 4 1 6th-level spell 1,200 gp/2,850 gp
15 16 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 2 1 7th-level spell 1,400 gp/3,675 gp
16 16 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 1 7th-level spell 1,400 gp/3,675 gp
17 16 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 2 1 8th-level spell 1,600 gp/4,600 gp
18 16 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 1 8th-level spell 1,600 gp/4,600 gp
19 16 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 1 2nd-, 3rd, and 4th-level spell 1,800 gp/3,025 gp
20 16 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 1 5th- and 1 6th-level spell 2,200 gp/4,975 gp

*These are the 16 cantrips from the Players Handbook. Wizards who have chosen to specialize in a school of
magic will have fewer cantrips than this because they cannot have spells from opposing schools in their spell-
books. With your DMs approval, you can substitute other cantrips (such as the repair minor damage cantrip from
Tome and Blood for the cantrips in the Players Handbook.
**These are spells for which the wizard pays to add to the book. The number before the slash is the base cost to
write the spells into the book if the spell is obtained from another wizards spellbook, The number after the slash
shows the total cost if the wizard has to obtain the spell by purchasing a scroll (base cost to scribe the spell plus
the market price of the scroll).
Plus one extra first-level spell per point of Intelligence bonus (2 spells if the wizard begins play with an Intelli-
gence score of 14 or 15).
Plus the bonus 1st-level spells the wizard gained at 1st level (2 spells if the wizard begins play with an Intelli-
gence score of 14 or 15). Wizards who increase their Intelligence scores later in the their careers, the extra Intelli-
gence doesnt give them any additional 1st-level spells for their spellbooks.


0-Level Spells (Cantrips) 0-Level Spells (Cantrips) 0-Level Spells (Cantrips)

Arcane Mark. Arcane Mark. Arcane Mark
Dancing Lights Dancing Lights Dancing Lights
Daze Daze Daze
Detect Magic Detect Magic Detect Magic
Detect Poison Detect Poison Detect Poison
Disrupt Undead Disrupt Undead Disrupt Undead
Flare Flare Flare
Ghost Sound Ghost Sound Ghost Sound
Light Light Light
Mage Hand Mage Hand Mage Hand
Mending Mending Mending
Open/Close. Open/Close. Open/Close
Prestidigitation Prestidigitation Prestidigitation
Ray of Frost Ray of Frost Ray Of Frost
Read Magic Read Magic Read Magic
Resistance Resistance Resistance

1st-Level Spells 1st-Level Spells 1st-Level Spells

Change Self Change Self Change Self
Charm Person Charm Person Charm Person
Color Spray Color Spray Color Spray
Mage Armor Mage Armor Mage Armor
Magic Missile Magic Missile Magic Missile
Shield Shield
Spider Climb Sleep

2nd-Level Spells
Cats Grace


0-Level Spells (Cantrips) 0-Level Spells (Cantrips) 0-Level Spells (Cantrips)

Arcane Mark Arcane Mark Arcane Mark
Dancing Lights Dancing Lights Dancing Lights
Daze Daze Daze
Detect Magic Detect Magic Detect Magic
Detect Poison Detect Poison Detect Poison
Disrupt Undead Disrupt Undead Disrupt Undead
Flare Flare Flare
Ghost Sound Ghost Sound Ghost Sound
Light Light Light
Mage Hand Mage Hand Mage Hand
Mending Mending Mending
Open/Close Open/Close Open/Close
Prestidigitation Prestidigitation Prestidigitation
Ray Of Frost Ray Of Frost Ray Of Frost
Read Magic Read Magic Read Magic
Resistance Resistance Resistance

1st-Level Spells 1st-Level Spells 1st-Level Spells

Change Self Change Self Change Self
Charm Person Charm Person Charm Person
Color Spray Color Spray Color Spray
Mage Armor Mage Armor Mage Armor
Magic Missile Magic Missile Magic Missile
Shield Shield Shield
Sleep Sleep Sleep

2nd-Level Spells 2nd-Level Spells 2nd-Level Spells

Cats Grace Cats Grace Cats Grace
Hypnotic Pattern Detect Thoughts Detect Thoughts
Invisibility Hypnotic Pattern Hypnotic Pattern
See Invisibility Invisibility Invisibility
See Invisibility Resist Elements
See Invisibility
3rd-Level Spells
Dispel Magic 3rd-Level Spells
Fireball Dispel Magic

Minor Globe of Invulnerability
0-Level Spells (Cantrips) 0-Level Spells (Cantrips) EXAMPLE SPELLBOOK
Arcane Mark Arcane Mark 9TH-LEVEL WIZARD
Dancing Lights Dancing Lights
Daze Daze 0-Level Spells (Cantrips)
Detect Magic Detect Magic Arcane Mark
Detect Poison Detect Poison Dancing Lights
Disrupt Undead Disrupt Undead Daze
Flare Flare Detect Magic
Ghost Sound Ghost Sound Detect Poison
Light Light Disrupt Undead
Mage Hand Mage Hand Flare
Mending Mending Ghost Sound
Open/Close Open/Close Light
Prestidigitation Prestidigitation Mage Hand
Ray Of Frost Ray Of Frost Mending
Read Magic Read Magic Open/Close
Resistance Resistance Prestidigitation
Ray Of Frost
Read Magic
1st-Level Spells 1st-Level Spells Resistance
Change Self Change Self
Charm Person Charm Person
Color Spray Color Spray 1st-Level Spells
Mage Armor Mage Armor Change Self
Magic Missile Magic Missile Charm Person
Shield Shield Color Spray
Sleep Sleep Mage Armor
Magic Missile
2nd-Level Spells 2nd-Level Spells
Cats Grace Cats Grace
Detect Thoughts Detect Thoughts
Hypnotic Pattern Hypnotic Pattern 2nd-Level Spells
Invisibility Invisibility Cats Grace
Resist Elements Resist Elements Detect Thoughts
See Invisibility See Invisibility Hypnotic Pattern
Resist Elements
3rd-Level Spells 3rd-Level Spells See Invisibility
Dispel Magic Dispel Magic
Fireball Displacement
Fly Fireball 3rd-Level Spells
Haste Fly Dispel Magic
Lightning Bolt Haste Displacement
Lightning Bolt Fireball
4th-Level Spells Haste
Charm Monster 4th-Level Spells Lightning Bolt
Ice Storm Charm Monster

Magic Missile
4th-Level Spells 3rd-Level Spells Shield
Charm Monster Dispel Magic
Dimension Door Displacement
Ice Storm Fireball
Minor Globe of Invulnerability Fly 2nd-Level Spells
Polymorph Self Haste Cats Grace
Lightning Bolt Detect Thoughts
Hypnotic Pattern
5th-Level Spells Invisibility
Cone of Cold 4th-Level Spells Resist Elements
Teleport Charm Monster See Invisibility
Dimension Door
10TH-LEVEL WIZARD 3rd-Level Spells
Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Phantasmal Killer Dispel Magic
0-Level Spells (Cantrips) Displacement
Polymorph Self
Arcane Mark Fireball
Dancing Lights Fly
Daze 5th-Level Spells Haste
Detect Magic Cloudkill Lightning Bolt
Detect Poison Cone of Cold
Disrupt Undead Teleport
Wall of Force 4th-Level Spells
Charm Monster
Ghost Sound
Dimension Door
Mage Hand 11TH-LEVEL WIZARD Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Phantasmal Killer
Open/Close 0-Level Spells (Cantrips)
Polymorph Self
Prestidigitation Arcane Mark
Ray Of Frost Dancing Lights
Read Magic Daze 5th-Level Spells
Resistance Detect Magic Bigbys Interposing Hand
Detect Poison Cloudkill
Disrupt Undead Cone of Cold
1st-Level Spells Teleport
Change Self Wall of Force
Ghost Sound
Charm Person
Color Spray
Mage Hand 6th-Level Spells
Mage Armor
Mending Chain Lightning
Magic Missile
Open/Close Greater Dispelling
Ray Of Frost
Read Magic
2nd-Level Spells Resistance
Cats Grace 0-Level Spells (Cantrips)
Detect Thoughts Arcane Mark
Hypnotic Pattern 1st-Level Spells Dancing Lights
Invisibility Change Self Daze
Resist Elements Charm Person Detect Magic
See Invisibility Color Spray Detect Poison
Mage Armor

Disrupt Undead Cone of Cold
Flare Teleport
3rd-Level Spells
Dispel Magic
Ghost Sound Telekinesis
Light Wall of Force
Mage Hand
Mending 6th-Level Spells Haste
Open/Close Chain Lightning Lightning Bolt
Prestidigitation Disintegrate
Ray Of Frost Greater Dispelling
Read Magic Mass Haste 4th-Level Spells
Resistance Charm Monster
1st-Level Spells Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Change Self 0-Level Spells (Cantrips) Phantasmal Killer
Charm Person Arcane Mark Polymorph Self
Color Spray Dancing Lights
Mage Armor Daze
Magic Missile Detect Magic 5th-Level Spells
Shield Detect Poison Bigbys Interposing Hand
Sleep Disrupt Undead Cloudkill
Flare Cone of Cold
Ghost Sound Teleport
2nd-Level Spells Telekinesis
Cats Grace Light
Mage Hand Wall of Force
Detect Thoughts
Hypnotic Pattern Mending
Invisibility Open/Close 6th-Level Spells
Resist Elements Prestidigitation Chain Lightning
See Invisibility Ray Of Frost Contingency
Read Magic Disintegrate
Resistance Greater Dispelling
3rd-Level Spells Mass Haste
Dispel Magic
Displacement 1st-Level Spells
Fireball Change Self 7th-Level Spells
Fly Charm Person Banishment
Haste Color Spray Delayed Blast Fireball
Lightning Bolt Mage Armor
Magic Missile 14TH-LEVEL WIZARD
4th-Level Spells
Sleep 0-Level Spells (Cantrips)
Charm Monster
Dimension Door Arcane Mark
Ice Storm 2nd-Level Spells Dancing Lights
Minor Globe of Invulnerability Cats Grace Daze
Phantasmal Killer Detect Thoughts Detect Magic
Polymorph Self Hypnotic Pattern Detect Poison
Invisibility Disrupt Undead
Resist Elements Flare
5th-Level Spells See Invisibility Ghost Sound
Bigbys Interposing Hand
Cloudkill Light

Mage Hand Resist Elements
6th-Level Spells See Invisibility
Chain Lightning
Prestidigitation 3rd-Level Spells
Ray Of Frost Dispel Magic
Globe of Invulnerability
Read Magic Displacement
Greater Dispelling
Resistance Fireball
Mass Haste
1st-Level Spells Haste
Change Self 7th-Level Spells Lightning Bolt
Charm Person Banishment
Color Spray Delayed Blast Fireball
Mage Armor Power Word, Stun 4th-Level Spells
Magic Missile Spell Turning Charm Monster
Shield Dimension Door
Sleep 15TH-LEVEL WIZARD Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Phantasmal Killer
2nd-Level Spells 0-Level Spells (Cantrips)
Polymorph Self
Cats Grace Arcane Mark
Detect Thoughts Dancing Lights
Hypnotic Pattern Daze 5th-Level Spells
Invisibility Detect Magic Bigbys Interposing Hand
Resist Elements Detect Poison Cloudkill
See Invisibility Disrupt Undead Cone of Cold
Flare Teleport
Ghost Sound Telekinesis
3rd-Level Spells
Light Wall of Force
Dispel Magic
Displacement Mage Hand
Fireball Mending 6th-Level Spells
Fly Open/Close Chain Lightning
Haste Prestidigitation Contingency
Lightning Bolt Ray Of Frost Disintegrate
Read Magic Globe of Invulnerability
Resistance Greater Dispelling
4th-Level Spells Mass Haste
Charm Monster
Dimension Door 1st-Level Spells
Ice Storm Change Self 7th-Level Spells
Minor Globe of Invulnerability Charm Person Banishment
Phantasmal Killer Color Spray Delayed Blast Fireball
Polymorph Self Mage Armor Power Word, Stun
Magic Missile Prismatic Spray
Shield Spell Turning
5th-Level Spells
Bigbys Interposing Hand
Cloudkill 8th-Level Spells
Cone of Cold 2nd-Level Spells Horrid Wilting
Teleport Cats Grace Polymorph Any Object
Telekinesis Detect Thoughts
Wall of Force Hypnotic Pattern

Minor Globe of Invulnerability
0-Level Spells (Cantrips) Phantasmal Killer 0-Level Spells (Cantrips)
Arcane Mark Polymorph Self Arcane Mark
Dancing Lights Dancing Lights
Daze 5th-Level Spells Daze
Detect Magic Bigbys Interposing Hand Detect Magic
Detect Poison Cloudkill Detect Poison
Disrupt Undead Cone of Cold Disrupt Undead
Flare Teleport Flare
Ghost Sound Telekinesis Ghost Sound
Light Wall of Force Light
Mage Hand Mage Hand
Mending 6th-Level Spells Mending
Open/Close Chain Lightning Open/Close
Prestidigitation Contingency Prestidigitation
Ray Of Frost Disintegrate Ray Of Frost
Read Magic Globe of Invulnerability Read Magic
Resistance Greater Dispelling Resistance
Mass Haste
1st-Level Spells 1st-Level Spells
Change Self 7th-Level Spells Change Self
Charm Person Banishment Charm Person
Color Spray Delayed Blast Fireball Color Spray
Mage Armor Power Word, Stun Mage Armor
Magic Missile Prismatic Spray Magic Missile
Shield Spell Turning Shield
Sleep Teleport Without Error Sleep

2nd-Level Spells 8th-Level Spells 2nd-Level Spells

Cats Grace Horrid Wilting Cats Grace
Detect Thoughts Polymorph Any Object Detect Thoughts
Hypnotic Pattern Sunburst Hypnotic Pattern
Invisibility Symbol Invisibility
Resist Elements Resist Elements
See Invisibility See Invisibility

3rd-Level Spells 3rd-Level Spells

Dispel Magic Dispel Magic
Displacement Displacement
Fireball Fireball
Fly Fly
Haste Haste
Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt

4th-Level Spells 4th-Level Spells

Charm Monster Charm Monster

Dimension Door EXAMPLE SPELLBOOK Dimension Door
Ice Storm 18TH-LEVEL WIZARD Ice Storm
Minor Globe of Invulnerability Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Phantasmal Killer 0-Level Spells (Cantrips) Phantasmal Killer
Polymorph Self Arcane Mark Polymorph Self
Dancing Lights
5th-Level Spells Daze 5th-Level Spells
Bigbys Interposing Hand Detect Magic Bigbys Interposing Hand
Cloudkill Detect Poison Cloudkill
Cone of Cold Disrupt Undead Cone of Cold
Teleport Flare Teleport
Telekinesis Ghost Sound Telekinesis
Wall of Force Light Wall of Force
Mage Hand
6th-Level Spells Mending 6th-Level Spells
Chain Lightning Open/Close Chain Lightning
Contingency Prestidigitation Contingency
Disintegrate Ray Of Frost Disintegrate
Globe of Invulnerability Read Magic Globe of Invulnerability
Greater Dispelling Resistance Greater Dispelling
Mass Haste Mass Haste
1st-Level Spells
7th-Level Spells Change Self 7th-Level Spells
Banishment Charm Person Banishment
Delayed Blast Fireball Color Spray Delayed Blast Fireball
Power Word, Stun Mage Armor Power Word, Stun
Prismatic Spray Magic Missile Prismatic Spray
Spell Turning Shield Spell Turning
Teleport Without Error Sleep Teleport Without Error

8th-Level Spells 2nd-Level Spells 8th-Level Spells

Horrid Wilting Cats Grace Horrid Wilting
Mind Blank Detect Thoughts Maze
Polymorph Any Object Hypnotic Pattern Mind Blank
Sunburst Invisibility Polymorph Any Object
Symbol Resist Elements Sunburst
See Invisibility Symbol
9th-Level Spells
Dominate Monster 3rd-Level Spells 9th-Level Spells
Meteor Swarm Dispel Magic Dominate Monster
Displacement Meteor Swarm
Fireball Mordenkainens Disjunction
Fly Wish
Lightning Bolt

4th-Level Spells
Charm Monster

Wail of the Banshee
Charm Monster
Dimension Door
0-Level Spells (Cantrips) Dimensional Anchor
Arcane Mark Ice Storm
Dancing Lights Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Daze Phantasmal Killer
Detect Magic Polymorph Self
Detect Poison
Disrupt Undead
5th-Level Spells
Bigbys Interposing Hand
Ghost Sound
Cone of Cold
Mage Hand
Wall of Force
Ray Of Frost
Read Magic 6th-Level Spells
Resistance Chain Lightning
1st-Level Spells Globe of Invulnerability
Change Self Greater Dispelling
Charm Person Mass Haste
Color Spray
Mage Armor
Magic Missile 7th-Level Spells
Shield Banishment
Sleep Delayed Blast Fireball
Power Word, Stun
Prismatic Spray
2nd-Level Spells Spell Turning
Cats Grace Teleport Without Error
Detect Thoughts
Hypnotic Pattern
Invisibility 8th-Level Spells
Magic Mouth Horrid Wilting
Resist Elements Maze
See Invisibility Mind Blank
Polymorph Any Object
3rd-Level Spells Symbol
Dispel Magic
Fireball 9th-Level Spells
Fly Dominate Monster
Haste Meteor Swarm
Lightning Bolt Mordenkainens Disjunction
Sepia Snake Sigil Time Stop

EXAMPLE SPELLBOOK 4th-level Spells Time Stop
20TH-LEVEL WIZARD Charm Monster Wail of the Banshee
Dimension Door Wish
0-Level Spells (Cantrips) Dimensional Anchor
Arcane Mark Ice Storm
Dancing Lights Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Daze Phantasmal Killer
Detect Magic Polymorph Self
Detect Poison
Disrupt Undead
5th-Level Spells
Bigbys Interposing Hand
Ghost Sound
Cone of Cold
Mage Hand
Wall of Force
Ray Of Frost
Read Magic
Resistance 6th-Level Spells
Chain Lightning
1st-Level Spells Disintegrate
Change Self Globe of Invulnerability
Charm Person Greater Dispelling
Color Spray Mass Haste
Mage Armor Project Image
Magic Missile
7th-Level Spells
Delayed Blast Fireball
2nd-Level Spells Insanity
Cats Grace Power Word, Stun
Detect Thoughts Prismatic Spray
Hypnotic Pattern Spell Turning
Invisibility Teleport Without Error
Magic Mouth
Resist Elements
8th-Level Spells
See Invisibility
Greater Planar Binding
Horrid Wilting
3rd-Level Spells Maze
Dispel Magic Mind Blank
Displacement Polymorph Any Object
Fireball Sunburst
Fly Symbol
Lightning Bolt
9th-Level Spells
Sepia Snake Sigil
Dominate Monster
Meteor Swarm
Mordenkainens Disjunction

BLADESINGER The bladesingers class skills (and the key ability for
It seems there is an imposter lurking on pages 49 and each skill) are Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con),
50. Its a bladesinger alright, but there are a few pieces Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Perform (Cha),
missing. Heres the complete version: Spellcraft (Int), Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2+Int modifier

Bladesingers are elves who have blended art, sword-
play, and arcane magic into a harmonious whole. In Class Features
battle, a bladesingers lithe movements and subtle tac- All of the following are class features of the
tics seem beautiful, and belie their deadly martial effi- bladesinger:
ciency. W e a p o n a n d A r m o r P r o f i c i e n c y : The bladesinger
Multiclassed fighter/wizards can become gains proficiency in the use of no weapons and with
bladesingers most easily, though any elf who can wield light armor.
a martial weapon and can cast arcane spells can become If the bladesinger wears medium or heavy armor, he
a bladesinger. Bladesinging ranger/wizards, rogue/wiz- loses all benefits of any of his song abilities (bladesong,
ards and bladesinger bards are not unknown. lesser, spellsong, song of celerity, greater spellsong,
Bladesingers command great respect in most elf song of fury).
communities and NPC bladesingers usually serve as A bladesinger suffers the normal arcane spell failure
itinerant guardians and champions of the elf commu- chance when casting spells while armored (except as
nity at large. noted below).
Hit Die: d8 Bladesong: When wielding a longsword in one hand
(and nothing in the other), the bladesinger gains a
dodge bonus to AC equal to his Intelligence bonus.
Requirements Lesser Spellsong: When wielding a longsword in one
To qualify to become a bladesinger, a character must hand (and nothing in the other), the bladesinger can
fulfill all the following criteria. take 10 when making a Concentration check to cast
Race: Elf, half-elf. defensively.
Base Attack: +5 Song of Celerity: When wielding a longsword in one
Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge, Expertise, Still Spell, hand (and nothing in the other) and using the full
Weapon Focus (longsword) attack action, the bladesinger can cast one bladesinger
S ki l ls: Concentration 4+ ranks, Perform 3+ ranks spell each round as a free action.
(dance, sing, + any 1 other), Tumble 3+ ranks Greater Spellsong: The bladesinger ignores arcane
Special: Proficient with longsword, ability to cast 1st- spell failure when wearing light armor.
level arcane spells Song of Fury: When wielding a longsword in one
hand (and nothing in the other) and using the full
Class Base Fort Ref Will Spells per Day
Level Attack Save Save Save Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 +1 +0 +2 +2 Bladesong 1
2 +2 +0 +3 +3 Bonus Feat 2 0
3 +3 +1 +3 +3 Lesser Spellsong 2 1
4 +4 +1 +4 +4 3 2 0
5 +5 +1 +4 +4 Bonus Feat 3 2 1
6 +6 +2 +5 +5 Song of Celerity 3 3 2 0
7 +7 +2 +5 +5 Greater Spellsong 4 3 2 1
8 +8 +2 +6 +6 Bonus Feat 4 3 3 2
9 +9 +3 +6 +6 4 4 3 2
10 +10 +3 +7 +7 Song of Fury 4 4 3 3

attack action, the bladesinger can make one extra
attack in a round at his highest base attack, but this
Bladesinger Spell List
attack and each other attack made that round suffer a 1st-Level Spells
2 penalty. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it affects
Expeditious Retreat
attacks of opportunity the bladesinger might make
Mage Armor
before his next action.
Magic Weapon
Bonus Feats: The bladesinger gets a bonus feat. These
feats must be drawn from the following list: Any Meta-
True Strike
magic feat, Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical
(longsword), Improved Disarm, Mobility, Quick Draw,
Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack. 2nd-Level Spells
Spells per Day: Every level a bladesinger gains, the Blur
character gains new spells per day as shown. When Bulls Strength
casting bladesinger spells, the bladesingers caster level Cats Grace
is equal to his bladesinger level. A bladesingers bonus Mirror Image
spells are based on Intelligence. The Difficulty Class Protection from Arrows
for saving throws against bladesinger spells is 10 + the
spells level + the bladesingers Intelligence modifier. 3rd-Level Spells
A bladesinger keeps a spellbook and must prepare Displacement
spells each day as a wizard does. He can have any Greater Magic Weapon
number of bladesinger spells in his spellbook (see Haste
Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook, Players Hand- Keen Edge
book, page 155). At levels 1 through 9, a bladesinger
gain two spells he can add to his spellbook free. These 4th-Level Spells
spells must be bladesingers spells the character can Dimension Door
cast. Fire Shield
Improved Invisibility


A senior roleplaying game designer at Wizards of the Coast, Skip Williams is a game industry veteran who
started behind the cash register at TSRs Dungeon Hobby Shop in 1976. He was part of the team that created the
newest edition of the D&D game, was the primary author of the new Monster Manual, and is Dragon Magazines
Sage. Skip is fond of old movies, old airplanes, and old books, but not necessarily in that order.


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