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angry HUNGRY MIND REVIEW'S 100 BEST 20TH-CENTURY AMERICAN BOOKS Page 1 of 4 This selection of books was issued by the Hungry Mind Review as an alternative to the Modern Library's selection of "100 Best Novels published in the English Language Since 1900." Although the Modem Library List was criticized for including 6 books by nonwhite writers, only nine books by women, and very few books published after 1960, it initiated a lively national discussion. The HMR list reflects, the editors believe, a far more realistic race and gender balance, and includes a good number of contemporary books. This list is limited to books written by Americans and includes books of nonfiction and collections of short fiction. {IF YOU WISH TO BUY NEW OR USED BOOKS CLICK HERE} [Adams, Henry [The Education of Henry Adams. 1918 [Agee, James & Walker Evans [Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. 1941 [Allison, Dorothy [Bastard Out of Carolina. 1992 [Anaya, Rudolfo [Bless Me Ultima. 1972 [Anderson, Sherwood Winesburg, Ohio. 1919. [Angelou, Maya [I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. 1970 [Anzaldua, Gloria [Borderlands/ La Frontera: The New Mestiza, 1987 [Baldwin, James [Go Tell it On the Mountain. 1953, [Baldwin, James [The Price of The Ticket: Collected Nonfiction. 1985 [Ball, Edward [Slaves in the Family. 1998 [Bellow, Saul [Herzog. 1964 [Bowles, Paul [The Sheltering Sky. 1948 [Burroughs, William [Naked Lunch. 1959 [Capote, Truman. lin Cold Blood. 1966 (Carver, Raymond [Cathedral. 1983 [Cather, Willa [O Pioneers! 1913 [Cather, Willa [Death Comes for the Archbishop. 1927 (Cheever, John [Collected Stories. 1978 (Cisneros, Sandra [House on Mango Street. 1984 [DeLillo, Don [White Noise. 1985| hungry. html 12/17/2010 hungry Page 2 of 4 [Didion, Joan ISlouching Towards Bethlehem. 1968 | [Deloria Jr., Vine [Custer Died for Your Sins. 1983 [Dos Passos, John [U.S.A. 1930 [Dreiser, Theodore [An American Tragedy. 1925 DuBois, W.EB. [The Souls of Black Folks. 1903 ison, Ralph linvisible Man. 1952 [Erdrich, Louise [Love Medicine, 1984 [Faulkner, William [The Sound and the Fury. 1926 (Faulkner, William [As I Lay Dying. 1930 [Faulkner, William [Go Down, Moses. 1940 [Fitzgerald, F. Scott [The Great Gatsby. 1925 [Fisher, M.F.K. [The Art of Eating. 1954 (Goldman, Francisco [The Ordinary Seaman. 1997 [Haley, Alex. [Roots. 1976. [Heller, Joseph [Catch-22. 1961 [Hemingway, Emest [The Sun Also Rises. 1926 [Hemingway, Emest [The Short Stories. 1928 [Herr, Michael [Dispatches. 1984 [Himes, Chester [My Life of Absurdity: The Autobiography. 1976 [Hogan, Linda [Mean Spirit. 1990 fhooks, bell [Ain't Ia Woman: Black Women and Feminism. 1982 [Hurston, Zora Neale [Their Eyes Were Watching God. 1937 flames, Henry [The Wings of the Dove. 1902 [fones, LeRoi jlues People: Negro Music in White America. 1963 [Kerouac, Jack [On the Road. 1957 [Kesey, Ken [One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. 1962 [Kincaid, Jamaica [Annie John. 1983 [Kingston, Maxine Hong [Woman Warrior. 1976 [Kosinski, Jerzy [The Painted Bird. 1976 [Lee, Harper [To Kill a Mockingbird. 1960 [Lee, Li-Young. [The Winged Seed. 1995 [Lewis, Sinclair [Babbitt. 1922 [McCarthy, Cormac [The Crossing. 1994 icCullers, Carson [The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter. 1940 aller, Norman [The Naked and the Dead. 1948 falamud, Bernard [The Magic Barrel, 1958 [Malcolm ¥ & Alex Haley [The Autobiography of Malcolm X. 1965 [May, Rollo [Love and Will. 1969 [Merton, Thomas [The Seven Storey Mountain. 1948 i W T! /hungry.htm! 12772010 hungry. Page 3 of 4 Miller, Henry [Tropic of Cancer. 1934 lomaday, N. Scott |House Made of Dawn. 1968 lorris, Wright [Field of Vision. 1956 lorrison, Toni Sula. 1973 lorrison, Toni \Song of Solomon. 1977 [Morrison, Toni [Beloved. 1987 [Morrison, Toni jazz. 1992 labokov, Vladimir (Lolita. 1958 |Neihardt, John G. [Black Elk Speaks. 1932 [O'Connor, Flannery |A Good Man Is Hard to Find. 1955 [Olson, Charles {Call Me Ishmael. 1947 Olson, Tillie Tell Me a Riddle. 1961 [Okada, Jon lo-No Boy. 1977 Paley, Grace [Collected Stories. 1994 [Percy, Walker [The Moviegoer. 1961 |Porter, Kaherine Anne ‘lowering Judas and Other Stories. 1930. chon, Thomas |Gravity's Rainbow. 1973 Rich, Adrienne (On Lies, Secrets and Silence. 1979 [Roth, Philip Portnoy's Complaint. 1969 [Salinger, J.D. [The Catcher in the Rye. 1951 [Sarton, May [At Seventy. 1984 Silko, Leslie Marmon. |Ceremony. 1977 |Singer, Isaac B. [The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer. 1982 |Stein, Gertrude [The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas. 1933 |Steinbeck, John [The Grapes of Wrath. 1937 Styron, William \Sophie's Choice. 1979 [Thurber, James {A Thurber Carnival. 1945 [Toomer, Jean |Cane. 1923 (Twain, Mark [Letters From the Earth. 1962 (Updike, John Rabbit, Run. 1960 |Vidal, Gore [The United States: Essays, 1952-1992. 1993 (Vonnegut, Kurt [Slaughterhouse Five. 1969 |Walker, Alice Color Purple. 1982 farren, Robert Penn [All the King's Men. 1946 fest, Nathaneal [The Day of the Locust. 1939 |Wideman, John Edgar [Philadelphia Fire. 1990 [Williams, William Carlos lIn the American Grain. 1925 (Wilson, Edmund (To the Finland Station. 1940 [Wolfe, Thomas [You Can't Go Home Again. 1941! 12/17/2010

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