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Minggu / Hari / Tarikh 1 Monday 2/1/2017

Kelas/Masa/Mata Pelajaran 4 PINTAR 8.00 9.00 English Language

Tema/Tajuk Standard UNIT 1

Pembelajaran World of Self, Family and

Content Standard 2.2 By the end of the 6 -year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
demonstrate understanding of variety of linear and non-linear texts in the
form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct

Learning Standard 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from:

(a)linear texts

ObjektifPembelajaran By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:-

i) Study the pictures and say at least two correct sentences about
the activities they saw in the pictures with teachers guidance.
ii) Answer three out of five Wh-questions correctly.

Aktiviti PDP 1. Pupils talk about their recent activities with their friends.
2. Pupils look at the picture in the textbook (page 3)
3. Pupils repeat after the teacher when reading the passage.
4. Pupils do the exercise of answering wh-question in page 3 in their
exercise book.
5. Teacher discusses the answer and pupils check their friends answer.
6. Teacher reinforces the lesson.
7. Teacher sums up the lesson.

Ilmu/Nilai helping one another

EMK/KB/BCB Language

Kemahiran / Skill(s) Reading / Writing

Bahan Bantu Mengajar textbook, activity book

Penilaian PDP/Pentaksiran Wh-questions based on a passage.


Refleksi/ImpakdanKerjaRumah _____/_____ of the pupils were able to understand the lesson taught.

_____/_____ of the pupils were able to complete the assigned task(s).

_____/_____ of the pupils needed extra guidance/reinforcement.

_____/_____ of the pupils participate actively during the lesson.

The teacher will carry out the lesson on the next day due to

Catatan / Notes

Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh Minggu 1/ Isnin/ 2.1.2017

Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani

Kelas/ Masa 4 Pintar / 7.30 8.00

Tema / Tajuk Gimnastik Asas: Unit 1:Mari menghambur

Standard Kandungan 1.1 Berkebolehan melakukan kemahiran hambur

(spring) dan pendaratan dengan lakuan yang

2.1 Berkebolehan memahami konsep hambur

dan pendaratan.

Standard Pembelajaran 1.1.1 Melakukan hambur tangan dari tempat

tinggi dan mendarat ke tempat rendah.

2.1 Mengenal pasti penyerapan daya semasa

mendarat dengan kedua-dua belah kaki.

Objektif Berkebolehan melakukan pergerakan yang

memerlukan kawalan badan dan sokongan.

Aktiviti 1. Memanaskan badan

2. Balak tumbang

3. Hambur tangan dan


4. Menyejukkan badan

Pengisian Kurikulum EMK: Kreativiti dan inovasi

Nilai : Kerjasama, berani mencuba

BBM/ Alatan Peti lombol, tilam mendarat dan bangku


Penilaian PDP/ Pentaksiran Murid boleh melakukan imbangan dengan betul.

Refleksi/ Impak

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