Aadei Sample Paper

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Note on Sample Questions:

1. 5 sample questions each have been provided for General Science, Social Science, Maths in
Section A; Aptitude and English in Section B; and Comprehension and Composition in Section C.

2. These questions have been selected at random from some of the chapters in each subject.

3. Questions of similar level would be asked in the examination from other chapters as well.

4. Out of 5 questions on each subject, answers have been provided for 3 only. It is expected that
the students would search for the answers for the balance questions.

Section A: General Science

Question 1

Section A: Which type of variation is inherited?

Select one:

A. Somatic Variation
B. Germinal Variation
C. Both Somatic and Germinal
D. None of these

The correct answer is: Germinal Variation

Question 2

Section A: The Oxygenated blood is carried from lungs to left auricle by

Select one:

A. aorta
B. pulmonary artery
C. vena cava
D. pulmonary vein

The correct answer is: pulmonary vein

Question 3

Section A: Butanone is a four-carbon compound with the functional group

Select one:

A. ketone.
B. aldehyde.
C. carboxylic acid.
D. alcohol.

The correct answer is: ketone.

Question 4

Section A: The equation Cu + XHNO3 Cu(NO3)2 + YNO2 + 2H2O, the value of X and Y are

Select one:

A. 4 and 2 respectively
B. 3 and 1 respectively
C. 8 and 6 respectively
D. 7 and 1 respectively

Question 5

Section A: The magnetic field inside the solenoid is

Select one:

A. Variable
B. same at all points
C. zero
D. Non uniform
Section A: Social Science (English)

Question 1

Section A: Which one of the following factors has once again opened the opportunity for jute

Select one:

A. Increasing concern for the use of biodegradable materials

B. Increasing productivity
C. Improving quality
D. Enhancing the yield per hectare

The correct answer is: Increasing concern for the use of biodegradable materials

Question 2

Section A: Which one of the following prices is announced by the government in support of a crop?

Select one:

A. Moderate support price

B. Influential support price
C. Minimum support price
D. Maximum support price

The correct answer is: Minimum support price

Question 3

Section A: Which one of the following is an example of endemic species?

Select one:

A. Nicobar Pigeon
B. Asiatic Buffalo
C. Hornbill
D. All the above

The correct answer is: Nicobar Pigeon

Question 4
Section A: Printing was first developed in

Select one:

A. Portugal
B. China
C. Japan
D. Germany

Question 5

Section A: Democracy is based on the idea of?

Select one:

A. Majority
B. Minority
C. Deliberation and negotiation
D. None of these `

Section A: Mathematics (English)

Question 1

Section A: The tangents drawn at the ends of a diameter of a circle are ________

Select one:

A) parallel

B) perpendicular

C) nonparallel

D) none of these

The correct answer is: parallel

Question 2

Section A: Find the nature of the roots of the equation 4x2 - 2x 1 =0.
Select one:

A) real and equal

B) rational and unequal
C) irrational and unequal
D) imaginary

The correct answer is: irrational and unequal

Question 3

Section A: Which of the following is not an irrational number?

Select one:

A) 5 - 3
B) 5 + 3
C) 4 + 2
D) 5 + 9

The correct answer is: 5 + 9

Question 4

Section A: Given that sin A=1/2 and cos B=1/2 then the value of (A + B) is:

Select one:

A) 30
B) 45
C) 75
D) 15

Question 5

Section A: The ratio of the length of a rod and its shadow is 1 :3. The altitude of the sun is:

Select one:

A) 30
B) 45
C) 60
D) 90
Section B: Aptitude (English)

Question 1

Section B: Pointing to Varman, Madhav said, "I am the only son of one of the sons of his father." How is
Varman related to Madhav?

Select one:

A. Nephew
B. Uncle
C. Father
D. Father or Uncle

The correct answer is: Father or Uncle

Question 2

Section B: Statements:

Fact 1: Jessica has four children

Fact 2: Two of the children have blue eyes and two of the children have brown eyes.
Fact 3: Half of the children are girls.
If the first three statements are facts, which of the following statements must also be a fact?

I: At least one girl has blue eyes.

II: Two of the children are boys.
III: The boys have brown eyes.

Select one:

A. I only
B. II only
C. II and III only
D. None of the statements is a known fact.

The correct answer is: II only

Question 3

Section B: In a class of 60 students, the number of boys and girls participating in the annual sports is in
the ratio 3 : 2 respectively. The number of girls not participating in the sports is 5 more than the number
of boys not participating in the sports. If the number of boys participating in the sports is 15, then how
many girls are there in the class?
Select one:

A. 20
B. 25
C. 30
D. Data inadequate
E. None of these

The correct answer is: 30

Question 4

Section B: In Arun's opinion, his weight is greater than 65 kg but less than 72 kg. His brother does not
agree with Arun and he thinks that Arun's weight is greater than 60 kg but less than 70 kg. His mother's
view is that his weight cannot be greater than 68 kg. If all are them are correct in their estimation, what is
the average of different probable weights of Arun?

Select one:

A. 67 Kg
B. 68 Kg
C. 69 Kg
D. Data inadequate
E. None of these

Question 5

Section B: A motorist knows four different routes from Bristol to Birmingham. From Birmingham to
Sheffield he knows three different routes and from Sheffield to Carlisle he knows two different routes.
How many routes does he know from Bristol to Carlisle?

Select one:

A. 4
B. 8
C. 12
D. 24
Section B: English

Question 1

Section B: The statements below are divided into four parts in the question. Please identify the part which
is incorrect.

Select one:

A. I could not put up in a hotel

B. because the boarding and lodging charges
C. were exorbitant
D. No error.

The correct answer is: I could not put up in a hotel should be I could not put up at a hotel. Hence
answer is A.

Question 2

Section B: Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the
sentence meaningfully complete:

This partly explains how the Mehta family has been able to ...... its lavish lifestyle in recent times, despite
the fact that all its assets have been ......

Select one:

A. keep, removed
B. afford, attached
C. develop, liquidated
D. keep up, destroyed

The correct answer is: keep up, destroyed

Question 3

Section B: In the question below, the sentences have been given in Direct speech. From the given
alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect speech:

The boy said, "Who dare call you a thief?"

Select one:

A. The boy enquired who dared call him a thief.

B. The boy asked who called him a thief.
C. The boy told that who dared call him a thief.
D. The boy wondered who dared call a thief.
The correct answer is: The boy enquired who dared call him a thief.

Question 4

Section B: In the question given below is given alternatives to the bracket part which may improve the
sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, option 'D' is the answer:

(If the room had been brighter), I would have been able to read for a while before bed time.

Select one:

A. If the room was brighter

B. If the room is brighter
C. Had the room been brighter
D. No improvement

Question 5

Section B: From the following questions, choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given


Select one:

A. Lean
B. Gaunt
C. Emaciated
D. Obese

Section C: Comprehension and Composition

Please note: While the sample comprehension passage below is in English, in the examination the
passage may be available in the language of choice of the student, if that is possible. The student may
answer in that language. If the language of the students choice is not available, the comprehension
passage would be available in Hindi and English, and the student may answer in either Hindi or English.


Section C: Even as the debate over global warming and other climate change issues continues, and
analyses has shown that floods and other weather-related disasters have been soaring during the past
decade across the world. While the number of earthquakes, volcanoes and other geophysical disasters
remained quite the same over the last 10 years, there was an. increase in floods and other
weather-related disasters.
The loss of life and property due to weather-related disasters has also been on the increase in recent
years. Though earthquakes proved to be the deadliest disasters, with much of it attributed to the
killer-quake in Gujarat on January 26, over the 1990, floods, windstorms, drought, famine and other
hydrometeorological hazards were responsible for as much as 71 per cent of all lives lost due to disasters.

Disasters cannot remain within the area of disaster managers alone. Development experts must play a
bigger role in disaster management and risk reduction. Climate change associated with global warming
could give all sorts of disease-causing organisms the chance they need to cause harm to plant and animal
species -including humans. For example, mosquito-borne infections, like malaria, dengue fever, yellow
fever and certain tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis, appear to be
spreading, possibly due to milder winters.

Read the passage carefully and mark the correct answers:

Question 1

Analysis shows that the debate over global warming has failed to:

Select one:

A) Control disasters related to weather

B) Control disaster related to nature
C) Control geophysical disasters
D) Control floods, earthquakes and volcanoes
E) None of these

The correct answer is: Control disasters related to weather

Question 2

Of all the disasters recorded in the last to last decade, the disaster made by ----
is severe.

Select one:

A) Flood
B) Volcano
C) Weather
D) Earthquake
E) None of these

The correct answer is: Earthquake

Question 3

The role of controlling disaster lies with:

Select one:

A) Disaster managers
B) Disaster management
C) Development experts
D) Disaster managers and development experts
E) None of these

The correct answer is: Disaster managers and development experts

Question 4

The gradual decline of the presence of severe winters in the recent decades has led to:

Select one:

A) Many disasters
B) Deadliest disasters
C) Cause several diseases
D) Rise in disease-causing organisms
E) None of these


Section C: Write an article in about 150 words on any of the following:

A. Each one plant one
B. India of my dreams
C. The sport I love to play

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