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31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People


ByLawrence Du

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31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

What Subscribers Are Saying About 31 Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful



31 EQs is an inspiring eBook which contains the "Secret Concoction" that most
successful people possess in order to be successful. It is encouraging that Lawrence
managed to use the 31 EQs to break free from poverty by being awarded a
scholarship to further his university study and to achieve much success in life.

- Aldora Kong 20 May 2017


Dear Lawrence, I am inspired by your story! You prove that despite having a tough
family back-ground, we can still overcome obstacles and turn adversity to
opportunities. A life-changing book filled with useful lessons to inspire us to achieve a
successful life.

- Lex Yeo 22 May 2017


31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

To my parents, Mdm Ding Zhilan and Mr Du Hanyi and Mr Zhao Shizhong (Step
father) , Im eternally grateful to all theunconditional love and sacrifices youve
made, I love you!

To my elder brother, Mr Du Chunxiang, I greatly treasured your great care and

support during the childhood and study times.

To my wife, Selena Wu, Im truly grateful for your understanding, encouragement

and enlightment during these years. To my 11 and 9 year old daughters, Xinyao and
Xinqi, you brought so much joy and meanings to my life, Daddy will love you
unconditionally always.

To my mentor, Mr Yee Shun-jian, you inspired me to write this eBook about myself
and re-discovered deeper me through this writing journey!

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Table of Content
Introduction 6
#2 EXRT 17
#3 FOCUS 19
#4 PRVRN 22
#15 COURAGE 46

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

#24 LEARNER 64
#28 GIVER 72
#31 OPTION 77

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

This is Lawrence Du, the author this eBook, 31 Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful
People and the founder of personal development website,, which
provides success resources that accelerate your journey to success and empower you to live
your truly purposeful life!

Before I share with you the 31 Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People or 31 EQs,
I would like to share you with my personal success story first, which is how a poor village
boy without hope of surviving the hardship became the 1st university student studying
overseas of their home town.Everything is possible!

1. Tough Childhood Life

I grew up in a typical village in Shandong province, China. When I was 2 years old, my
father died at age of 32 years due to illness. Not only my family lost the breadwinner, but
also carrieda considerate amount of debt owed to relativesfor buying the medicine to cure
my fathers illness.

The only photograph with my mother and elder brother at age of 5

My family became one of the poorest families in the whole village. In order to support my
older brother and me, my mother has to re-marry when I was 5 years old. Luckily, my step-
father is a very good man and treated us as nice as his own sons and he did mainly the
hardest work in the field and family.

However, the life was tough at that time, really tough. As young as 6 years old, I need to
support the family by helping take care of the hens, ducks, pigs and cows raised in my
family. Daily routine after the class was to cut the grass from the field and bring back to feed

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

the animals at home. These heavy works were tough but it built up my strong body thatI
cherished today and enormous willpower that pushed me to study hard to get out of the
hard life.

At 3rd year of primary school, I was facing a life-changing choice between to pursue table-
tennis as an athlete or to continue the academic path. I played table-tennis quite well in the
school, and it is a national sport for the kids in China at that time.

My parents decided for me to pursue academic path as thats the only safe and promising
way to achieve success in China for such underprivileged child like me. Also during this time,
I am determined to be the top student all the time in order to get out of poverty and have a
better life. Till today I am not regretting the choice my parents made for me and felt thats
one of the wisest decisions my parents made!

2. Even Tougher Teenager Life

The life in secondary school was much like the primary school. As becoming the teenager, I
started to help do more heavy works during the harvesting season, like harvest the wheat
under the hot sun. It was not an easy task, the back ached in a few minutes time and the
sweats just rolled down like nobodys business.

The few hundred meter long field appeared endless to me, how many times, I wanted to give
it up and run away from it, why the life is so unfair to me to let me suffer from all these! But
when I straightened my back and looked at my parents who worked even harder than me,
the caring expression in their eyes when they looked at me with the flash of guilty of letting
me gone through these tough stuffs.

My heart pumped again and I cannot let my parents suffer as well. I need to study well and
get a good job to let them enjoy the same good life like me when I grew up. The hot sun,
running sweat and pain in the muscles refuelled my willpower to achieve the best academic
results as much as I can. Otherwise I will suffer this for the rest of my life! For the rest of my
life of doing this, what a scary thing to even think about it!

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

3. Setback Point in High School

When I entered 1st High School of Changle County with the honor of top student in my
secondary school, I faced a big problem. Because the education quality of my secondary
school was so low that my results are only in the middle of my class despite that I was the
top student in my secondary school. I will have no chance of getting into good university 3
years later if I remained in the current level.

I felt very scared and hopeless as I knew this soon after the school started. I felt that I let my
parents down and wasted their hard-earned money for nothing. I knew that I need to study
hard and get back to the top again. And one teacher encouraged me and gave me more
confidence. And he was my form teacher, Mr Zhang Futao, for 3 years in high school.

Photo with my Teacher, Zhang Futao with his daughter

I can still vividly recall the encouragement from him. That day is a very soothing autumn
sunny day, he called me out of the class room and talked to me like this. Hey, Ruixiang (my
Chinese name: ), I knew you were the top student from your school, and I went there
for intern in your school before and knew the education quality is not so good. But I have
faith in you that you will catch up and become a top student if you put in extra effort.

At that time, I was so touched that my form teacher can say the encouraging words like that
because I had totally no relationship to him at all. And this gives me great strength and
confidence in achieving my study goal.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

4. Study My Way Back To Top Student

With the hard push of familys poor condition, the strong desire to achieve a good life and
the heart-felt encouragement of my teacher, I studied really hard by not only utilising every
minute available but also understanding every area of textbooks and questions. I still recall
the schedule of waking up 5 AM in the morning and sleeping at 10 PM at night for 6 days a
week.Going back to home once a month became a luxury relief to escape from this terrible
routine that is in contrary to our playful nature of youngster. But I need to press on and the
great life ahead is waiting for me

And I had bought many books about the famous people, like the scientists, engineers, etc
that we learnt in the textbook. Many times, I imagined myself standing in the big school hall
to share my successful study tips and even presented my great inventions/discoveries to the
world after I became the famous scientist in the world All theirsuccess stories, beautiful
wishes, positive mindset kept the burning desire alive in my heart, which helped me sail
through these tough time and leap forward in my study and thinking. I also became one of
the few students that always asked teachers a lot of questions to gain more knowledge that
were not in the textbooks.

Displayed Photo in Window of Fame in High School

And my effort was paid off, by end of 1st semester of 2nd year, I became top student in my
class and my photo was displayed in the window of fame in the school together with other
top students from other classes. At the same time, I also helped other classmates that are
keen to learn from me. I shared the methods of study so that they can achieve better grades
and enter the university of their choice for a better life. By 3rd year, which is the graduation

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

year, I was the top 3 in the whole level which has more than 400 students. And I entered the
BEST University in Shandong province in year 1995!

5. Scholarship to Singaporeand Way Forward

After enrolled in Shandong University, I was then selected by Ministry of Education
Singapore as one of the 200 scholars from China to pursue tertiary study here with full

To many families, it is a must or a default to have the son to enter universities. However it is
a major achievement for my family. I became the 1st university students that studied
overseas in the history of my village, even my town. My family cried in joy for this gift from
heaven that is impossible to imagine when I was a kid!

After 6 month of English proficiency study in National Institute of Education and 4 years
study in Nanyang Technological University, I graduated in yr 2000 with honor degree. I
found the job that I really love and start the next journey of my life. Now I am married and
have two lovely daughters, and am working for a Fortune 500 company.

Graduation Photo from Nanyang Technological University

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

6. Conclusion
I, once a poor village boy without the possibility of surviving through the hard time, now
started my own family and supported my parents to have a better life. To many others, my
current life is just a typical day since they are born without any excitement. However, to me,
it is a great success and blessing from Heaven to have what I have now, to live what I live
now. I felt extremely grateful to Heaven and to the people who helped me along the way.

In the past few years, I had met and interacted with many highly successful people and
learnt many life, mindset and relationship changing wisdoms from them during various

Denis Waitley, American motivational speaker,

the best-selling author of the audio series, The Psychology of Winning

Yee Shun-Jian, Internationally famous Affiliate Marketing Superstar

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Seah Seah, value investing guru who achieved his financial freedom at the age of 30 and the first Singaporean
to receive the value investing training from Mary Buffett(ex Warren Buffetts daughter in-law).

Kevin Green, a self-made multi-millionaire and social entrepreneur, one of the UKs largest residential
property landlords and a multi-business owner.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

During the time that I admired their big successes, I realized that they have extraordinary
qualities that propel them into the success they have today. As I reflected on my own
success journey, I found many common traits even though these higly successful peoples
are coming from different backgrounds and achieved exceptional results in their own areas.
Even part of these extraordinary qualities have changed my life from a poor village boy to a
1st university student that studied overseas in the history of my village.

I would like to share them with you, and you can transform your life to the unbelievable
level that isfar beyond our imaginations And I would like to see your journey to success
too! Do share the joy with me when you succeeded!

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People


Lawrence Du

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Ambition Intgt Su

Wht Ambtn?

"Ambtn th gnrtr tht wr motivation nd ntgt th will to ud"

-Audr Mrln

Ambtn a burnng dr t hv mthng. Whether it t l weight, gn

fnnl frdm, earn a jb rmtn, or gt a better dutn. Yu n have mbtn
nt nl fr urlf but fr th l u lv, fr ur hldrn, ur fml. Yur
mbtn for thm drv u t t thm t xl.

Whn u are mbtu, u have a vn. You envision ur lf n a rtn w. Yu

drm f ur futur nd h t r to ur mbtn. Yu n th urgn t tk
tn. Yu fl a vd nd tht ntgt u t lvt urlf t a hghr lvl of

Yur mbtn wn't llw u t bm mlnt r ttl fr l. Even whn

dvrt r, th mbtu rn wll eventually rkndl tht mbtu flm. Yu
yearn t lmb th lddr f u nd hv th vn u hv fr urlf. Whn u
r mbtu, u are ntntl n rh f opportunities t tk u t tht nxt lvl.
Yu feel a rtln to nvtgt, nur. Yur thrt fr learning nd knwldg

I Ambtn Inhrtd r a Lrnd Bhvr?

Thr h bn trmndu research but the ntur vru nurtur u f rnlt

traits. Thr r tud tht urt th trng gnt nflun n personality trt uh
mbtn. Hwvr, environment n play a gnfnt rl n one's lvl f
ambitiousness as wll. In my humbl nn, I blv n' dgr f mbtn a
mbntn of bth gnt nd nvrnmnt.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Thr m b tutn whr n nhrt thr fr hr f th mbtu gn (if thr

uh a gn) but rumtn n arise n thr lives tht n ur thr mbtn. Or
thr m b mn tht ddn't nhrt tht ambitious gn but bu th w rd n
r xd t a gl-rntd nvrnmnt, thr lvl f mbtn w llwd t flourish.

If u hn t nhrt ur rnt' lvl f mbtn b thnkful nd enhance t t th

bt f ur blt. Fr those wh n fl that mbtu rk burnng wthn but
mn r mthng tfl t, fnd ut hw u n rmv urlf frm th knd of
tutn. If u rgnz tht t ndd ur lvl f mbtn tht nd t b
ddrd, fnd w t mrv t. Remember, ur u n lf frt dtrmnd b
hw mbtu u r.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

#2, EXRT
Yur Exrt I Vlubl

Gnng xrt m t b th rdr f th d. Vru xrt who n dlvr rlbl

rv or rdut r n great dmnd. You n bm n xrt f u hv th trng
rtn t bm skilled nd knwldgbl n a rtulr fld tht xt u. Th
rlt tht u r lrd n xrt n mw u jut nd to dvl ur xrt
furthr nd blv in ur vlu.

Grt At

Th kll nd knwldg u wrk hrd t ur r grt t, th can brng

ntl vlu t th lf f mn l. Th rlztn mght stimulate ur n f
rnblt nd mtvt u t rfrm t th bt f ur blt n rdr t offer
mthng precious t nthr humn bng. Rnblt mn tht u nul
h t u ur wr t tvl nflun th lf of mbd. Wh k that t

A Wise Invtmnt

It m hv tkn u r t ur th kll nd knwldg tht mk u a

rfnl. Whn u fft n mrvmnt in somebody's lf thnk to your xrt,
u knw that th hur nt n trnng wr nt a wt of tm, but a w nvtmnt.
Evn though th mmtrl rwrd vrtull rl, bng d fr ur hrd wrk
rtnl n essential mn f rgntn that gurnt th survival and grwth of your

Hvng xrt mn tht u can l rtl thnkng, vlut dt nd tn,

make dn, urt th u/rgr f thr, lv problems, be rtv, and b

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Exrt nd Slf Mngmnt

Mngng urlf mn knwng ur limitations, ur r f grwth nd ur strong

nt, ur mbtn; nd ung this knwldg t gud ur tn. Yu wth ur
hl nd mntl hlth. Yu are nt numd b lf-dubt nr think that u are
inadequate. You give yourself a hn t gn du rgntn by hrng ur vlubl

B dlvrng hlful rv r rdut nd l ntntl tng n a humane nd

thl mnnr, u vntull rn th rtn f ur utmr nd buld a thrvng

On th thr hnd, you r nt vrnfdnt thr. Mltn n ur rr m mk

u fl self-assured, but u mk td ffrt in rdr t ntnu t offer vlubl nd
rlvnt xrt nd hv nw rr milestones.

So u push urlf t brdn your knwldg nd k trk f the latest dvlmnt

n your fld. Yu knw that u need t b flxbl, n, nd wllng to hng n rdr t
urvv n n vlvng bun nvrnmnt. Bng n expert a nturl r whh
builds n tntl vr time. Your xrt vlubl. It' unu. Knw that nd wn

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

#3, FU
Fu th Srt of Lf

Frm th moment u wr born, your mnd bgn ukng u nfrmtn, storing it away,
nd ung t to rt n internal m f wh u r nd wht ur rltnh t th
rt of the wrld. Th ntrnl map f rlt is wht rt th ntrnl xrn you
hv nd th xtrnl rult u gt n ur lf.

Hw th m ntrutd th mn dtrmnng ftr f ur u r ur flur,

nd your hn or unhn. Unfrtuntl, this m - nd its mmnt b mmnt
wrkng - hn, fr lmt vrn, unnul, outside thr wrn.

Th mn tht your m ftn creates rult that u d nt wnt, wthut ur bng

bl t how th r gnrtd. Because th are gnrtd unnul, th rult
seem f th "jut hn," rthr thn th tull m frm u.

T rt th rult u wnt, nd nd ut, and t d nul nd ntntnll,

u mut rmk that m n uh a w tht t rfrm th way u wnt t t.

Th rl rt bhnd ll f th thng, th ngn tht ull th trn, th n ftr, tht

whn u "gt it" u ur blf, ur vlu, ur rtng methods, ur w f
mkng dtntn, ur ntrnl fltr, your w f making ntrnl rrnttn f
rlt t urlf, nd ll your ntrnl tt and external rult, t fll nt l wht
u fu ur mnd n.

Yu ur mnd wrful tht whtvr u fu t n hn. Yur mnd h

uh rtv wr tht whatever u fu t n m t b. Th rblm 99.99% f
l r dng thr fung unnul.

Th r not hng, wth awareness, wht to fu n. Th r llwng thr brn t

focus n whtvr t h bn rgrmmd to focus n, gttng th rult f tht fung,
nd thn wndrng wht n th dvl hnd.

Hr' an example f hw th r n g m. Whn l r bud, wounded r

trumtzd n m w, they to thmlv: "Th wrd dngru, nd I hv t

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

wth out fr dngr I n vd thm." Th fu n potential dangers, thnk but

thm nd watch out for thm.

Wht d ur brn d whn u d th? It tk th ft tht u r fung n

mthng n ntrutn t rt t, or drw t t you nd t flwll d .

Plu, if thr a lt f mtn tthd (which ftn thr ), ur brn thnk: "Nt nl
d I nd t rt th, t' urgnt."

S f u r gttng wht u d nt wnt n lf, ntrnll r xtrnll, th rt u

tht u r fung ur mnd n avoiding wht u dn't want, nd ur brn
rtng fr u wht u r fung n.

Th mn tht whn u wrr but mthng, ur mnd thnk u wnt t!

Of ur, when u get wht u dn't wnt, u tnd t think u mut nt hv fud
hrd nugh n vdng t, so u rdubl ur ffrt, whh u ur brn t
rdubl t efforts, nd thn u gt mr f wht u dn't wnt, u fu vn
hrdr, and n nd n.

If u fu ur mnd n what u wnt - if u talk t urlf but wht u want, mk

tur nd f wht you wnt, thnk but wht u wnt, nd n nd on, ur
beliefs wll rrgn thmlv n uh a w that u gt wht u wnt, ur vlu wll
hng t urt what u wnt, nd ur brn wll rt th ntrnl trtg u
nd, th fltr u nd, th rtng r u need nd vrthng l u nd.

Y t hl to wrk wth h f th r, rrtng th problems tht mght be ung

u t rt th utm u don't wnt.

But th mtr wth ur focus. If u dd wht you wnt, and rlntll fu ur

mnd n t, ll th rest of ur ntrnl m f rlt wll rh tlf t llw ur brain
t rt whtvr u r fung n.

It d nt mttr f u r fung n wlth, hlth, frnd, hn, nnr - r

ll th thng u r frd f r, dn't wnt, r r wrrd but. If u fu n t, ur
brn, lk rn fllng bng drggd along b a magnet, wll rfrm tlf n whatever w
nr t gt u whtvr u focus n.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Yu r lrd gd t this. Whtvr hnng fr u, rght nw, is the rult f

whtvr u hv fud ur mnd n. Th rblm nt ur mind's blt t rt
rlt, which rtt muh nfnt. Th rblm tht u t nw, u hv bn dng
ur fung unnul, mtm gttng wht u wnt, nd sometimes gttng
wht u dn't wnt.

Thr r thr w t rrt this. Yu n lk t, nd tk rt, h t f ur

rlt: ur blf, vlu, decisions, tttud, fltrng mhnm, w f trng nd
rtrvng information, nd n.

Yu n rt, rt, rt, untl u trn urlf t nt th tm whn u

r fung n wht u dn't wnt, and thn vr tm u nt this ngtv fu, you
hng t fung n wht u d wnt. Sml ut: decide and k what wrk, nd rd
what dn't.

Th nd w is t mdtt. Whn u mdtt, ur nu wrn f all th

ntrnl processes bm grtr nd grtr, nd wht w unnu bm
nu. A tht hn, u bgn t th fft f fung ndrmntl nd
unnul... nd u t dng t.

Th thrd w hn. Thrugh hypnosis u bm wr f hw ll th dffrnt

t f ur ntrnl m f rlt gnrt ur experience nd rult of lf. Th rt
that d nt rv n b l rrgrmmd (b u r the hnthrt) t lgn wth
ur nu gl and desires. Old hbt nd bhvr fd w. Wh?

Bu u n ntnu t d mthng tht does nt rv u nl f you do t


S thr u hv t. Th whl rt t lf wht u fu n. If u want to b n

hrg f wht u rt, lrn t fu ur mnd ntntnll nd nul n wht
u wnt. If tht' th nl thng u d, u wll b fn. Bu wht u fu n
ntrl vrthng l.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Th Pwr Of Prvrn

T hv success rur a numbr f rnl ult.

Talent, hrd wrk, ddtn, mmtmnt, fu- these r ll thng tht u nd t

xrn th wt tt f u.

But f there's n nr ult tht vr rd ll th rt thn wthut hesitation I

wuld t' th wr fPERSEVERANCE.

Whn u thnk bk n ll th grtt nd mt uful l thrugh th

generations, t' thr wr f rvrn tht tnd ut bv vrthng l. Su
a lng nd wndng rd... flld with btl nd hllng. Ann who thnk
dffrntl dumb, nv nd dtnd fr flur.

Nn f u r unutbl to hllng and difficulties tht lf thrw n frnt f u, but

w do possess th wr t h hw we dl wth t.

S wht d you d whn u m u gnt n btl r hllng? D u jut ut nd

mv n t mthng l? Or d u find ways t overcome t u n ntnu twrd
th uful fulfilment f ur gl?

Unfrtuntl, w nw lv n a society tht ntnull rh f instant rwrd and

grtftn. Our dreams nd gl r thrwn on the rubbh h f w dn't gt t rlz
thm vrnght.

Wht mrtnt t rmmbr tht th dvrt w mt durng ur lftm r a

necessary rt f ur grwth nd dvlmnt. Advrt nvtbl w jut hv t
t thm, dl wth thm nd move n. Sur, I'v wntd t gv u at tm wll, but
t' been t th vr tm when I'v ddd t hng n n tht I'v hvd mt f m

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

N quote bttr hghlght t wr f rvrn t vrm hllng than n b

Jhn Qun Adm: "Curg nd rvrn hv a magical tlmn, bfr whh
dffult dr nd btl vnh into r."

Ok, u m nw b ng "Yh Rhd, t' vr t rh but the mrtn f

rvrn and t k gng, but wht f I'm confronted wth constant flur, hw n I
thn ntnu n undtrrd toward m gl."

Fng up t ntnt flur n b xtrml tugh nd ttll ul-dtrng, but I

wuld like to give u n example whr dvrt nd flur ddn't dtr but rthr
nrd thm to g n to hv trul grt u.

Thm Edn

Thm Edn' ut t invent the lght bulb w hm fl mr than 10,000 tm, but
th didn't dtr hm. H hld tdft t h vn nd demonstrated incredible

H jut rfud t ut, nd ntd learned frm his flur nd ntnud t move
forward. Evr flur dd nt fr one mnut detract hm frm h end gl. Rthr, t
mvd him n step lr t h vntul grund brkng nvntn.

Whn kd about th numbr f failures h endured n h quest t nvnt th lght bulb h

fmul rld:

"I hv nt fld, I hv jut dntfd 10,000 w tht t dn't work."

Abv are jut tw examples, but thr n ndl lt of thr grt and hight hvr
wh fund that u inevitably rrv fr vrn wh perseveres.

If you have a drm r gl t hv, mmt td t ng it thrugh. It t gv

u whn u'r nfrntd with hllng nd dvrt, but Edn, Lnln nd lk
ddn't t tht w. It jut ld thm n t lr t u.

Using nthr f Edison's ut

"Mn f lf' flur r l wh dd nt rlz hw l th wr t u whn

th gv u,"

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

A vr mrtnt ln n be lrnd hr. Stng whn w fl n b ftl. W mut

dvl th tttud t k gng, bu when w do w wll vntull r th rh
rwrd of success tht w k nd dr.

It really dn't mttr hw ukl u gt thr, th mt important thng tht you jut
k gng. Move whlhrtdl twrd ur gl, drm nd vn. Rt t m nt
f u mut but dn't vr ut.

Rmmbr what th grt ftbll coach Vn Lmbrd d: "Wnnr nvr ut, nd

uttr nvr wn".

S unlh th power f rvrn n ur lf... t wll, wthut dubt be th rnrtn

f ur success.

Th k t unlkng th dr t u tht f rvrn. Th wr t rvr has

bn the cornerstone t the u of many f th wrld' hgh hvr.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

#5, PN
On Pn

Pn ur ful. It mtvt u t r n. It rl you u th muntn f ur

drm nd gl. Have a n for lf, for l, for nml, fr your causes nd ur
nvtn, nd u wll b nrl untbl. B a hmn fr th wh hv grt
needs nd n't d nthng but t themselves. Sk wth passion, teach wth n,
ld wth n, lv with n, l wth n, nd nj wth n.

Someone wh nt intriguing t watch nd t ltn t. Th r uull

energizing t b rund. Th ut grt r into each nd vr dtl f what th hv
n fr. A nt mun l a vr nd vr untl t rftn fr hr
and th udn.

Eh und rftl crafted nd rnt url, huntngl, and brilliantly. Evr

song on th lbum m nt b rft, nd mtm t m th mrk, but w rgnz
th n nd r mvd b th tr told, hw t w dn nd rh wh it w dn.

Pn drw l n, nd t u. Th wnt t b rt f tht n. Th wnt t b

mtvtd u are. Th wnt t tuh tht n, nd mbr t. Pn lifts people
u t a nw lvl, whh th n fl fr themselves nd frm u.

Pn nurg and wh nw nrg nt l nd rjt. Evrn wnt t feel

n fr mthng. When u m t rdblk n lf, ur n wht brng
u beyond h nd vr hlt. Whn thr n nvlvd, u have a nd t mv
frwrd, nd rh bnd vr xttn twrd th fulfllmnt f drm nd gl.

If u become td n lf, nd f u hv n for lf r fr n t f ur wrk,

dg d wthn urlf t fnd wht really mtvt nd tvt u, nd thn fnd
brnd nw t f ur n r ur lv tht u hd nt n bfr. Yu fnd nw
dr t n; you grvtt twrd thr nt l. Yu rt new th wth
ur n nd d dr.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

A rn wh does nt hv tht n n wallow n th lw nt f hr lf, nd hv

great trouble fndng th mnng f t. Yu mut gv mnng t your own lf. Yu must
dvr th n f ur lf nd wrk.

Mt tm, n n ur lf dvl lwl. You trt b doing thng tht u nj

dng: kng, ntng, htgrh, performing, t. Whn u fnd a rtn t that
u r rll njng, nd mr time dng t.

Learn but t, dvl ur ntrt and ur knk fr t, nd fnd w t bm mr

nvlvd wth ur hbb r tm. Whn u start t bm nt but
mthng, thn u want t nd muh f your tm u n b bng n nd rund

Yu wnt to lrn vrthng tht u n about ur tht aspect. Yu wnt t b wth thr
l wh hv ur m ntrt nd n. Thr n nd lv ful ur
n. Rmmbr, mll thng n bm bg drm f you r nt but thm.

Tk care f th mll dtl wth th m r nd rgrd f t wr a grt bg vnt

nd you wll mv u th muntn wth a steady ur ft. Pnt ldr rgnz
nt l, nd th dtl of n, nd th hire nd rmt nt
wrkr, nd rt nng fr th l.

Yu n b nt but nthng. And rmmbr tht nthng bm mthng t

th rght rn. Smll r lrg, f u r nt but t, you n hug rult;
ur passion n tk u t great l.

Yu n mk ur lvng b doing wht you lv to d, f someone wnt t u fr

wht u lv t d. If u n't fnd a b tht lv wht u d, u n b ur wn

Strt ur wn mn f u r nt nugh but wht u r dng. Either

w, ur n will open a nw dr. Othr l wll bm wr of ur n
nd ur rv. Thr r mn utmr ut thr fr ur rv; u jut hv t
fnd, trgt, nd mrkt t thm.

It thrllng whn u bgn t wth ur drm bm rlt, nd u n all hr

in the vtr tgthr. Nw th tm h dvld a ruttn f excellence nd n.
Yu wll tht mr rtv nd nrgt l r drwn t th tm bu th lk

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

wht th r ng. Bu of tht, ur tm wll b bl t d mr thn th uld

bfr, nd d mr wm projects.

Yur tm wll b bl t l mbl hght n a vr hrt rd f tm, nd

perhaps u wll rh th grtt nnl f u tht u have vr drmd but.

S hv n, tk rk, t ut n fth. Lv a nt lf, nd u wll ttrt thr

nt l, nd u wll fulfill your drm. Tll urlf "I mbr th fulln f
m lf." D it. Yu wn't rgrt a mnut f your lf tht w.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Patience Wn the Gl

In th g f "ntnt vrthng," tn m t b a rtt rr mmdt.

Knwldg nd mmuntn r l as ur fngrt. Intnt grtftn is
bmng mr ddtv thn vr. Ptn a rtulrl important trt t b thng
ur hldrn, many f whm um, because f current thnlg, tht it's nrml t have
wht w wnt whn we wnt t.

But ur hldrn certainly dn't hv th mnl n lk f tn. W'v rhd a

mmnt n ur vlvmnt whr, f w n't hv t "nw," w ftntm fnd urlv
nxu, trd ut nd unhappy.

Nw think but th fmu ut by n f the fundng fthr of th Untd Stt,

Bnjmn Frnkln: "H that n hv tn n have wht he wll."

Hw n u l th thught t your lf? Thnk but th but f tn. If we rll

could hv vrthng w wntd ntntl, we'd fnd urlv vr unh bu our
dr dn't lw coincide wth wht is bt fr ur Slv.

Mt f u nd tht elusive thing lld "tm" t think thng through, llwng ur minds
to th u wth ur hearts, ll whn in m t mul nd dr. A Bnjmn
Frnkln also d, "If a mn uld have hlf f h wh, h would dubl h trubl."

Thnk but m f th thng you n d wth tn

- Rlx
- Feel t ease
- Brth
- Hl frm wund or lln
- L wght
- Dvl one f ur tlnt into xlln
- Bm a triathlete

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

- Amlh n gl u t ur mnd t

Here's n experiment th may hl u dvl ur tn nd wn th gl tht, un

rfltn, trul mttr t you.

Mk a dlrtn tht u wll rt tn fr n wk. S t ut lud: "I wll

rt tn ll wk, with vrthng nd vrn." On you've announced ur
intention, thnk but wht th wll require n ur rt and hw u n mk t n

Hr r m uggtn

1. Commit urlf to th important xrn. Know tht dvlng th

urm hrtr trt wll ntrbut t ur life being bttr nd hr - n mr w
thn u n mgn. Th mrtnt! Knw t nd blv it.

2. Prr urlf fr th xrn. Rvw ur hdul fr th wk. Wht r

some f th thng tht could tt ur tn? Trff, md ddln, nd fml
mmbr, dtr' ntmnt tht nvtbl run lt, lld ff, ndut
utmr rv, bng mundrtd, getting let dwn, njurng urlf?

3. Ch your wn. Wht wll u d whn lf t you th nvtbl urv bll

and ur tn is ttd?

- Th bt wn is t Brth. W tk breath fr grntd, t t k u lv. If w

nntrt n brthng, t clears ur mnd nd mk u feel bttr - bttr than n drug!
Ld a hrt und fl onto ur rtbl ud dv rght nw tht wll hl u relax.
K t wth u. Use it. Knw u hv t ur rt wn whn u fl lk u
wnt t lh ut, r u fl t wt nd, r u'r frd t t tll even thugh u dn't
wnt t.

- Anthr wn t t vrthng. Brth. St mvng, knwldg th ngtv

httr in ur hd nd thn lt t go. Imgn yourself l rmvng ur brn fr a
moment nd hkng ut ll the ngtv thught tht r ung u stress. Sml u
wth th thoughts tumblng out. Then mgn urlf uttng ur brn bk whr t
blng, nd ntng how muh bttr you fl - hhhhhh.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

- If u'r runnng lt, mgn a lk lwl ticking bkwrd. Jut mgn t. Lt

urlf go thr nd fl th fun f t. Breathe...Know u wll mlh vrthng u
nd t...Brth...Knw u r rtd...Brth...Knw u r wndrful and dng
th bt u n nd tht xtrrdnr!

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Bnft nd Imrtn of Effective Tm

Time ru. Th tm n lt nnt b rgnd n ur lf, n mttr wht you d

r hw muh you nd. Thr r nl 24 hur n a day, whh hv t b wl nt
wth gd tm mngmnt t nur u mk mxmum u f whtvr tm you hv.
A u n nvr tr, v or brrw tm, u fftv time mngmnt t mng your
tm as tm n gn, t gn.

It is to dfn th management f tm; t jut nvlv managing ur time wll. It

wth gd mngmnt tht u improve ur ffn nd d mr f wht u hv t

Tm mngmnt d not ml tht u hv t ut rnr r rdu th ult f ur

wrk; t jut mn u hv t whtvr hr u hv t d ukr nd nr. Once
you lrn t manage ur tm, u lrn hw t wrk mrtr nd nt hrdr or lngr
thn rurd!

Rdu Str

Wth fftv tm mngmnt, u rdu th munt f n unhlth tr u fl.

No mttr what u do, u lw hv lt f request, work, dmnd nd dtrtn to
ttnd t vrd. It nl if u lrn hw t mng ur tm wll wll u b bl t
mlt ll th tasks, nd m vn fnd tm fr urlf.

Whn u thnk f tm management, u gnrll think tht u have t u time

mngmnt ftwr, lt, dr nd lnnr t hndl u tk. Whl th is tru,
there mr t th fftv mngmnt f ur tm.

Yu hv to lrn t rrtz ur h nd dn bd n ur vlu. On u

know wht mttr, and u d it ffntl, t mn you hv nt ur tm wll. Th
gv u a flng of fulfllmnt nd a lr nd more satisfied hd t hndl mr tk.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Mr Enrgzd to D Mr

Anthr mrtn f tm mngmnt th ft that it lv u wth more energy.

On u mlt tasks n tm, u ttn a level of tftn nd nrg whh mk
you fl gd. On u fl good, ur bd rl endorphins, nd lv u nrgzd
t tkl mr work nd tk.

B lrnng t mng tm, u rt tn, rtn, lf dln nd lrn t

b more rtv wth life. Yu learn to dvl mr ult whh hl u ttn mr
in nd wth lf. Yu l lrn t fnh mr whtvr u trtd wth nr nd lrn to
vrm procrastination nd thu lrn hw t nt wt tm.

Of ur, n u mng t hndl ll ur tasks, u fl nfdnt and tfd wth

urlf u hv tkn care f ll your rnblt. Yu r thn lft wth tm t d
thng u lv like rdng bk, wthng tlvn, vtng frnd or lng m
rt. Th n turn gives mr mnng t lf, nd u trt njng your life mr.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Imrtn f Social Ntwrk

Cmn after vr nrng th d f utilization f ntrnt nd l ntwrk b

ndvdul ddd t u l ntwrk t bm more nd mr ulr n trm f
thr bndng trtg, tnng, mrktng tvt, customers rv and
fdbk, mlmnttn f -CRM and lk.

Pl u l ntwrk n rdr to mmunt, hr thr d, nd u the flw f

nfrmtn nd thr mn f ublhng nfrmtn but thmlv.

Althugh n 1990, utlztn f ntrnt, mn l ntwrk nd ntrnt tl had

mrgd, it w nt ulr. Rntl, thrugh th dvlmnt f l ntwrk n
frndl tmhr nd wth less mlxt n trm f functioning fr ndvdul, th
service (l ntwrk rv) h bm rt f l' lives.

In trm f lrftn of nl n utmr tftn, utmr rtntn, nd

utmr relationship mngmnt and utmr fdbk, l ntwrk l a vtl
rl. A a rult mn hv trd t utlz Sl ntwrk rv n rdr t bttr
rv utmr nd obtain thr vru bjtv.

Mt mn rgnzd tht l ntwrk t (SNS) lk Ntr, Fbk, nd

Twttr nd on r th bt l t thm n rdr t hghlght thr brnd mg
thrugh whh th n nr thr mrkt hr, nd utnblt.

Wht a Sl Ntwrk?

It ndrd a ltfrm thrugh whh l rltn wll be bult mng l nd

information sharing wll b flttd. Thrugh l ntwrk t rnl nfrmtn
and rltnh n b shared nd ur n t n tuh.

Mt f SNS rvd a rnl g fr tng, blt t rh fr friends nd thr

u lk updating rfl nd personal dt nd hv th blt t rtrt and/or conceal
th mntnd nfrmtn b g owner frm th eyes f ubl r f l.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Th Onln flt (SNS) hv improved the mvmnt f ndvdul n nln tk,

especially n th mntnd l ntwrk fr th purpose f mntnng frndh
rgrdl f dtn (ggrhl lmttn). Nt nl tht but l it enables l t
fnd bttr jb nd rtnr.

Rgrdng th tn f these t b l, mn hv bm ntrtd t gt

involved n th r thrugh which they n ll thr products nd rv nd bttr
rv utmr 's nd and wnt nd thrugh nl f numr bung ttrn nd
thr fdbk th n fn tun their dn mkng r well thr trtg.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Th Great Pwr of Optimism

Th wr nd fr f optimism can nvr be undrtmtd. In ft, ur rnl

development nd grwth vr ur lftm dnd un t. Whn u r able t th
tv n every situation, u r bttr ud t rgnz nd tk dvntg f
rtunt tht m ur w.

In thr wrd, u r mr bl t rng nt tv tn n th f f lf'

challenges. Plnt f rrh h been dn tht hw hw tmm l a bg rl in
hghr hvmnt.

Prh th mt gnfnt t f optimism its wr t trnfrm th ngtv

thught n ur hd. Ngtv lf-tlk mltl lmt ur blt t think rtvl and
gt urlv ut f tk situations. Whn w uh forward in the f f ngtv lf-tlk,
w are rtng tmm.

Ptv self-talk grtl nr ur chances of u and f mvng frwrd n tugh

tutn. Th vr ful f u ur tmt belief tht w n mt tutn and
l a rl n th utm f ur lv. When thng begin to lk drk nd ur mnd
concocting vr bl negative utm, lk fr th rnbw f tmm tht lw
vlbl n ur mnd.

"Lv lng nd rr"

Thr r mn t f ur lf that n b tvl mtd wth tmm.

Su n rltnh, wrkng nvrnmnt, fnn, nd hlth r ll nrdbl
sensitive to ur lvl f tmm.

Tk, fr ntn, sales: A study f th l personnel t Mtrltn Lf Inurn wr

ttd fr tmm nd u rt. Th wh rd th hght lvl f tmm ld
a whng 37 rnt mr lf nurn thn those wh scored mt (Slgmn,
1990). Thr w nthr tud dn on dbt lltr n a large, mttv gn.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

The mt uful collectors n the agency wr hwn t have muh hghr scores n the
r f tmm, ndndn, nd lf-tulztn (Bhmn et l., 2000).

On vr significant tud hd lght n th wr f optimism t nourish hlth

rltnh, hl vtlt, nd lngvt. In th fmu bk by Dr. Grg E. Vllnt
lld Th Wdm f th Eg, th Hrvrd mdl rfr tlk but ndvdul wh
hv "bth th capacity t be bnt wthut brkng nd the t, n bnt, to rng
bk." Vaillant tlk but ur grtt source f rln mng frm ur internal
t fr tmm.

In Dr. Vaillant's nxt book, Agng Wll: Surrng Gudt t a Hr Lf, h tk it

vn a t furthr. Th Dtr ndut three tud wth 800 l f ll dffrnt
bkgrund nd gndr wh wr rrhd fr 50 r f thr lv.

The tud fllwd thm frm dln thrugh ld g, nd t w dvrd tht th

mt mrtnt ftr nvlvd n hlth gng w each n' blt t "make lmnd
ut f lf' lmn." Tht is th vr mlt dfntn f tmm!

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Wht th mnng of "humbl?" Hw bng "humble" xrd and there a vlu t
b fund in t? Humble th rt wrd fr "humlt."

Th mnng f "humlt" : Th ult f bng modest nd rtful. Humlt, n

various ntrrttn, wdl n a vrtu n mn rlgu nd hlhl
trdtn, bng connected with ntn f not hvng n ego. Th th meaning gvn b

Humlt m frm th Ltn wrd "humlt" which trnltd humbl, grundd

r frm th earth. Th nt f humlt ml ntrn lf-wrth. Th quality f
humility mhzd n mt rlgn.

In Buddhm, humlt ul to a nrn of bng frd frm th uffrng f lf nd th

rblm f th humn mnd. In Chrtnt, humlt nntd t th vrtu f bng

In Hndum, it tught tht t b humbl nd gt nt n' self, you hv to kll th g.

In Ilm, th Qur'n, th Arb wrd nv the mnng of humlt r ud nd th
vr trm "Ilm" n be ntrrtd t mn "Surrndr (ubmn) t Allh, humlt"

Okay, I thnk w ll nw know th mnng f "humbl." Wht w wnt t know "wht

d lf gv u n xhng fr this tttud?" Humlt rtt us frm getting t uffd
up wth PRIDE!

It gd t b lf-nfdnt, but mtm w n bm full f urlv that w

nnt rll urlv. W trt t thnk tht w r bv ntrutv rtm nd
rrtn! We huld lw b n a path f gnng mr knwldg but urlv, but
mtm PRIDE tnd n th w!

W have t humbl urlv nd knwldg tht thr is a lt fr u t lrn. W have t

submit t humlt nd m n a rt f a Studnt f Lf. If we hv t muh PRIDE w
wn't b bl t d th.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Humility n f th greatest qualities tht w can hv bu t allows u t dmt tht

w nd mr ntrutn n whatever we DESIRE t rft r rr n.

Lgtmt humility mr th fllwng bhvr nd tttud:

1. Submttng t God nd lgtmt authority.

2. Rgnzng vrtu nd tlnt tht thr possess, rtulrl th tht surpass n'
wn, nd gvng du honor nd, whn rurd, bdn.

3. Rgnzng th lmt f n' tlnt, blt, or uthrt.

Bng HUMBLE d nt mn u llw yourself to bm mn' doormat! Know

your true vlu nd n u knw th t gv u th confidence u need t develop a

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People


'Whtvr th mnd f mn n nv nd blv h n hv'. Nln Hll ut

n h ulr bk 'Thnk and Grw Rh'. Prrdn is the k ftr t hv u
n ur life. Yu hv t rr urlf mntll t hv and rv success. You hv
to hv grt blf n urlf t grb u. Yu hv t thnk nd nv th d n
your mind.

Thn nl u wll b bl t rlz ur u. Evrbd fllwng th m u

formula frm Tnng Nrk, wh lmbd Munt Evrt t td' Gunn Wrld
Rrd rtr.

Prrdn wll hv thr h. These r Idtn, tn and vulzng th

nun ftr u. Th thr phases tgthr wll mlt th r f
rrdn. Mnd th rt u fr ll hv nd happiness n ur lf.

Yu hv t tvt ur mind dl through gvng xr t ur mnd wth ur

thught. A mnd wthut thught wll bm wk.

Evrd a mnd n gnrt xt thund d. Nnt fv rnt f ll th thught

wr brught frwrd frm trd' thught. A w lmt ur thught r, thr
n l fr nw d. Frt, w have t nhn ur thught r.

Suful l always fllw th r. Dl rdng f bk, meeting nw l

wll nhn ur thnkng r nd nvr allow u t fll r t ngtv thught.

Yu n rt wndr with ur mntl wr. Mhtm Gndh dl xml fr

mntl trngth and preparedness. Though t rttv t mntn Mhtm Gndh fr
h mntl trngth, mgn a thn nd wk lkng rn lk hm h rtd terror n
th minds f mght Brth and thrwn thm w frm th Indn l.

H mental trngth nd rrdn md him t tk n th Brth. Mlln f Indn

fllwd hm wthut n t f dubt. Tm Mgzn h ltd hm 'Mt Pwrful
Prnlt f th Cntur'.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Thn, hw t rt mntl rrdn t hv u n ur lf? The fllwng t

wll hl you t hrn ur mnd nd rt u fr u.

) Alw nlz but how fr u r hrnng ur mnd dl.

) Shrnng ur mnd mn hurnng your thught dl. Th wll hl u n

rblm lvng.

) Whn u r trtng a tk, lw d t wth rrdn nd observe th ukn

n unfolding rult.

v) Nvr llw ngtv thught t hamper th thnkng r f ur mnd. Ngtv

thnkng lw a great btl fr mntl rrdn.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Self-Control nd the Workplace

An idea like lf-ntrl n und fn n a hthtl level, but wht t d t lk like

in ur d t d lv? Wht d t lk lk n ur rltnh, hl, nd l of

Prh, the tru tt f ur self control nt in th xtrml difficult tutn whh

enter ur lv muh n ur dl rutn nd tn, whr the mrtn f lf-
ntrl jut ubtntl, t m b mr ubtl.

Slf-ntrl n be the dtrmnnt n whthr w have tv rltnh n th

wrkl nd a mr tr free xtn, r a wrkl filled wth nxt, tn
rltnh, nd n vrll ngtv vb. S, hw w n ftr th lf-ntrl n th

Th frt, nd in m nn, th mt mrtnt t gn ntrl vr ur emotions. It

so t llw ur tmr, frutrtn, nd nnn t turn nt mthng ugl
thrugh th ur f th d. I knw a thr (ll whn I m thng 6th
grdr), th mthng tht I nd t constantly b rmndng mlf f.

If I d nt ntrl m mtn, I wll l th rt nd th ntrl f th class. Hwvr,

th d nt just xtnd t th classroom. Th ntrl f ur mtn n f th grtt
trngth tht w n hv n ur rltnh t wrk nd also n ur lv a whl.

Sndl, w nd t lrn t hv ntrl vr ur nvrtn. For mn f u, t vr

n th ur f our d to start ng thng tht huld nvr hv bn brught up,
huld hv rmnd secret, r ml huld hv bn lft fr a dffrnt tm nd l.

Smtm, w lk a lttl drm r nflt n th wrkl; t m t u ur

mtm drr d. Hwvr, n ur dr to nd rd thng that wuld b bttr
lft und, w n rt mr rblm fr thr and urlv n th futur.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Fnll, w hv t hv ntrl vr ur rutn vr thr' opinions f us. Sm

l m not lk you; tht mthng tht we need t lrn t t nd nt llw t
destroy our d.

It t l ntrl f wht w should b fung n b n vr nrn f hw thr

l r vwng u, tlkng but, t. Of ur, th lk f control vr ur wrr
ml lv u mr trd, l rdutv, and more rrtbl.

In th nd, w nd t tr nd ultvt th frut f lf-ntrl n a d-t-d b. If w

r nt lvng it ut n ur dl rutn, we can nvr h t lv t ut whn mr rng
and trful tutn ntr ur lv.

Th wk, trt ng ur wrkl, hl, etc. an rtunt t grw in ur wn

lf-ntrl, whh wll n turn gv u a mr peaceful and jful lf. Sk Gd, nd llw
hm t lt this frut grw nd flurh in ur dl rutn of lf.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Th Pwr f Ptv Influence

A tv influence m m n mn h nd z. Thr a thr I rd but,

ut a lng tm g but tht thr lft n mt n m. It g mthng lk th; jut
th t f brvng mthng n hv n nflun n wht being brvd.

In ml trm, t lk at something r jut b in t rn actually hng t ntur.

Now f I w t xln wht th mn I wuld hv t g into a h ln nd tht
nt wht this but. Th vrll rnl and how t rlt t humn bhvr nd
ntrtn wht I m mt ntrtd in.

Whn w m nt ntt wth thr l w nd t have th knwldg and

nlntn t drn whthr they wll have a tv nflun vr u r a negative n.

Whl l n hv ll rt f nflun vr each thr, thr are two gnrl classes

tht w n xmn nd th are ngtv nd tv. Ngtv nflun r t b
vdd r wknd n their wr vr u.

These r l wh r mt, complaining, hl, dtv, nd bll

blvng tht lf n ndl struggle.

Fllng ur lf with tv nflun wll hv a fr better fft n ur ultmt dtn.

Ptv influences are l wh r tmt, dlnd, nfdnt, urtv,
hrful, hnt, lvng, nd gnrll blvng tht th n control thr lives nd

Th dgr f influence w hv vr h thr muh mr wrful thn u m hv

vr known. Th mr rn f mn wth a ngtv rnlt can fft u in a
ngtv way. Yu tttud r ntgu.

Th trk t fr urlf frm th ngtv nflun whl, t th m tm, nng

yourself to th tv ones. Luckily, tv nflun r ut thr n bundn, nd
u n urrund urlf wth th wh hld a tv tttud fr th purposes of
mutul nurgmnt nd urt.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Thr no rn wh th ngtv nflun n th wrld huld hv more wr vr

u thn th tv n, r thn th nflun u hv vr ur wn dtn. Ngtv
influences tr t hold u bk, but u n fr urlf frm thr luth.

The k l n recognizing thm fr wht th r and ngtng thr fft n u. A

tv nflun wll tnd ut n a rwd well a ngtv nflun will. Thrfr t
ur job t h t fill ur lf wth nl tv nflun nd n mttr wh t m
b, rt urlf frm th ngtv n.

Th munt f rvl we rv frm th l rund u wll fft hw muh they

nflun u. W nul r unnul d mn thng t wn th rvl of ur
r, nd th d not rfr nl t tn r fvr.

Th rblm m whn w actually trt lvng lk th rn tht thr want u to b in

rdr t mr thm. Th r nt th tn triggered b tv nflun.

You it t m th gn nd w m nt vn be wr tht w r dtng th

tttud nd blf of those rund u. S, u must h w nd wll th l tht
mk u ur wn rnl nnr rl.

T th nd, t' bt t b a tv nflun urlf. Th wll rv t untr th

ngtv nflun nd brng a mr tv ntwrk f l nt your lf. In th f
nflun, opposites dn't ttrt, "lk" d. And whn lk gt together, th nfluntl
fft multld. S surround urlf wth tv influences, nd wth th
xnntl fft th wll hv vr ur ultmt dtn.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Th nl ntnt thng n lf hng. Successful l r gvn t hng whenever
th nd r. Th r flexible nd l adapt t nw ideas nd thnlg tht wll
nhn th utnblt nd rftblt f thr businesses.

Fllwng th m ttrn vr nd vr gn wthut gttng desired rult a gn f

rgdt nd dgmtm. A successful mn n tht rn t fftv hng tht wll
rub n th vrll wll bng f h bun.

Bng tt n a dnm wrld n bring grt dtr. W lv n n vr-hngng

m; for u to xl n t, u mut b u nd dng. Dvl urlf; ugrd ur
knwldg nd kll thrugh rdng bk, attending mnr, t. Invtng n ur
rnl dvlmnt n f th best investments. Knwldg gt utdtd ugrd
ur knwldg t th tm nd trnd. Synergize nd mtrmnd wth thr

Th ult f success n rltn t ur blt t gnrt nw ideas, thng frm a

dffrnt rtv, to lv rblm n n original w and t mntn n n, uk,
uru nd xlrng mnd

Flxblt th rf vr th buldng f lftm u nd hltr t frm flur. In

ft, Flxblt fftvl lmnt flur frm lftm u! Flxblt llw fr th
humn lmnt - mrftn - nd rvn f n r ll rt f ur u plan.
Flxblt llw u t gv urlv a break, gt bk n trk, nd djut t a mr
rlt lftm u ln.

Knwng wht ur hrt nd lng trm gl r fr ur rfnl lv or bun

mrtnt t lrf. Planning t hv t ntl. Dvng t b t tn ln fr
hw t gt thr vr hlful.

Thr nd t b ml hrt rthr thn pages f dtl. With the wrld mvng t th
d t d nd thng hngng rapidly ur ln nd t b flxbl and w nd t be
gl mngr, bl t hng ukl huld tutn dmnd t otherwise w gt lft
bhnd nd tuk in th t.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

It ftn umd tht uful l hv l fr thn mt l. In ft th
opposite tru. Th strength of uful l n thr blt t f fr, a rult
th tvl t ut frm thr mfrt zn t seek fear nd tkl t ur n, t th
thrll f th unknwn nd vrmng t.

Sm l wll ttl fr a lf of nd bt, f mrm, mdrt nd f undr-

hvmnt ml bu th are

Cntrlld by fear
Alw lkng fr the cheap w
Nt always rrd t th r and

Th truth rll can t u fr. Once u r fr, then what?! Thnk but th, f a mv
w bng md but ur lf, wuld you hv th nfdn t b th tr n t r wuld
u ml b a ttr? Mlt Cmbll, th 1956 Olm Dthln Gld Mdl wnnr
d: "Gd rtd u t b a hmn.

Yu have bn ndtnd t b a ttr." Bng nfdnt t knw tht u

knw...nd nfdn wll unlk th dr t ur u.

How d u knw tht u nnt d mthng tht u hv nvr ttmtd? Mb u

fl you hv physical, ntlltul r mtnl brrr. Mb mn tld u tht u
couldn't. Mb mn told u nt to even tr. And mb u believed thm.

Thnk but th mt uful l thr in ur lf r n the wrld, lv or dd. D

you thnk they vr fll n their f? D u thnk t kt thm dwn? N matter wht th
tvt r undrtkng, thr lw a "first tm" Whn u wr a bb r vr mll
hld, thnk f the thng tht u dd wthut fr.

Think f th thng that u lrnd t n lrmng rt. Dd you knw hw t d th

thng bfr you ttmtd thm? N, but u did t nw. Dd u m u? Prbbl.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Yu kt gng until u dd t unnul. If u hv hldrn n ur lf, u can

watch t hn frt hnd.

S wht hnd? Wh dd w "ll f a uddn" dtrmn tht thr r thng tht w

uld nt d w dn't vn try? D dwn nd f ll f u th blt t mlh
jut but nthng tht w dr.

Hwvr, ur t xrn hv mhw nvnd u tht we huldn't even ttmt

t fr fr f flur, lkng tud or n numbr of false rn. I ll thm fl rn
bu th r nt rl. They hv bn made u n our wn hd t k u frm dng

Our wn lf-rrvtn wll t t nthng t rtt u frm anything tht mght fl

bd. So wht f w lkd at the rult, rgrdl f th turnout, differently. Nt flur,
but ntnud dutn. Whn w wr hldrn lrnng hw t wlk r d something
l, thr w nvr n thught f flur. Jut gt u and d t gn. Wht wuld hn
if ur children gv u after th frt fll, r wr still, never trd n th frt l?

If Thm Edn wuld hv td ftr th frt 50 "flur", w wuld hv bn

lvng n th drk fr whl lngr. (I tht bu mn else wuld hv stepped up
nd invented th lght bulb; th probably wuld have ud Edn' dt t dtrmn wht
nt t d)

Pl wh lw tk the rd mn a times nd n mdrt. Avdng dmfrt

n rb u f th thrll nd xrn f rnl grwth. Whtvr u g thrugh in
lf th u ln nd th teachings n't b tught n n unvrt.

T ud n lf, u mut go bnd urlf. Strth urlf nd tntl untl th

r fr mercy. Humn' r lk rubbr band th work bt whn trthd. Unlmt
urlf t b a u.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Whn u r ntnl determined t rh ur gl, rgrdl f th btl u
nuntr, u wll mutr th rtn nd rvrn t rr u thrugh. It th
lk f dtrmntn and rtn t succeed tht rt lk f gl hvmnt. Yur
dtrmntn nd mbtn wll gv u a well frm whh t drw trngth u f
challenges nd btl tht uld drl ur rgr.

If you fl dllund when th gng gt tough, ndr rvtng ur rvu

successes. Ak urlf: Wht kt me gng thn? Wht motivated m? Wh/wht hld
me t focused? Al, tlk wth ur lvd n, friends, llgu but what m t be
nurmuntbl. Th u lv, rt nd trut can l rmnd u f ur strengths,
urg nd ttrbut. Th wll t u n rnwng ur n t ud.

Anthr mrtnt aspect of gl achievement to rvlut

ur gl

I ur gl mr mbtu (xnv) thn t nd t b?

Culd m t() f ur gl b lmntd nd tll gv u wht u
ntll wntd?
Culd u hv ur gl ung a different rh?
Ar th ddln u t t hv each t f th rjt t tght, thu
lvng u frutrtd nd dllund whn u m a t mbtu time

Th nwr t th utn wll t u n rvmng ur gl hvmnt r

nd ut u n hrg f wht ml hd bm mbl.

Aftr this vlutn u n bgn anew wth th m dtrmntn nd persistence

bfr. Prtn wll hl you hv u b allowing u t f th btl wth
renewed nfdn.

Flur nd rdblk n make ur gl m ut f rh and fool u nt thnkng

tht the rd t tftn nd rnl trumh futl. But rtn l t th rt of

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

vr u. Yur rrvr f trngth nd urg wll b th rdut f ur high lvl

f intent t ud.

Whn u rfu t gv u r lt dtrtn turn u w frm ur goals, u

unconsciously rnfr ur ddtn t ur rtn. Th dtrmntn nd
persistence u xhbt wll rr u frwrd, thu, brngng u lr t th fulfllmnt f
ur gl, drm, rtn nd ultmtl personal nd fnnl success.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People


Yu n't dnd n nthr t rt ur u. Yu n't dnd n mn else t d
ur mrktng fr u. Th h bn tru thrugh th ntur but vn more td.
Yu hv t b nt nl pro-active (tv nd frthrght) but rtv (ng

wht coming nd tnng urlf fr t). Th mt mrtnt in a htl nttd

ltl r. W n't dnd n n candidate t lv ur rblm.

Mn fl tht f th nl lt th rght n tht ur problems wll b solved nd th wrld

wll b a bttr place. Htr h hwn vr nd vr the fll f tht rh. If
people fr tht th wrng n wll b ltd, they mbr frnz and rgumnt tht
rut n l f vl discourse. Hwvr, th truth tht ur lf u 99.99% u t
th n you look t n th mrrr.

Rlh Wld Emrn wrt h fmu Essay n Slf-Rln whh I ndr a mut-
rd n th wonderful, dvnturu jurn lld lf. In tht he dmnh u t
rl nt n th whm nd ng fn f th d, but t rl n our wn kll nd
frttud t f th nrttud f lf. Th true n bun.

W dn't knw th futur. Mtk r ftn made blvng tht th t ul th

futur. Life ntntl rntng u wth nw vntur, nw opportunities nd new
hllng. What wrkd n the t wll nt nrl work n th futur. Thrfr, th
w rgulrl dt, change nd mrh ntnull nt wht wll rgmtll be fftv
td. Th rl u.

Tk ntrl f ur wn dtn fr ur bun u. If u'r n l (and rn't w

ll?), dn't rl n mn l t gnrt ld fr you. Mk t hn. If u'r n
mngmnt dlgt tk, (Peter Drukr hld u nrmul wth th mrtnt
dmntn) but dn't t wth dlgtn. Yu hv to take rnblt fr fllw-u
nd nfrmtn that th tk mltd. Ultmtl t u t u.

Edut urlf continually. Thm Jffrn blvd tht dutn w nt

rrtn fr lf but a w f life. Th th creed f th uful bun rn

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Th rlztn mk lf xtng. Your u nt dndnt n th rn ltd!

Yu r nt dndnt n the rrnttv wh hn t wn n ltn. Frnkl, u
have much ntrl vr tht a mosquito burng n a tdum. Intd, u hv full
ntrl vr ur wn rtn nd what u r gng t d about ur wn business nd
ur l. Tk mttr nt ur wn hnd. Rl n what wll wrk fr u rtll
nd n a tngbl w. Fu n hlng others and mkng their lv bttr nd gd wll
nvtbl come bk to hl u.

So wh nt mk t your gl td t d mthng n ur wn, t help thr nd buld

your wn l nd bun? Mk th xtr l ll. Learn tht extra wrthwhl
bun-buldng kll. G th xtr ml.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Intutn a frm of nrg tht w ll hv. W l have th wr t trngthn tht
energy b constant wrn nd ltn.

I remember a tm when I w hng nd a r ju mng md t l ut t m

frm th produce bkt, t I gnrd t. And whn I gt home rld tht I ndd it fr
th muth-wtrng urr I was kng fr dnnr.

Tht w a mlfd vrn f nt fllwng m ntutn. Cn u rmmbr a tm lk


Yu n rt ung your ntutn n a dl basis nd watch n dlght t hw thng

begin t hng fr you.

Intutn uh n mrtnt ftr whn mkng decisions, bg r mll. Dn r

wht ur lv r md u f. B fllwng ur ntutn (nd nt gnrng th gnl tht
th Unvr ndng u) w r ld jfull nd ntntvl twrd ur tru drtn.

Evn thugh th lft d f ur brn m rm t u t thnk gn r tk a t

bkwrd, u wn't ltn. Yu will hv a knowing that lmt mgl.

B fllwng ur ntutn w lrn t mk bttr dn ftr nd tk dv action,

which ld t mr rdutvt nd better nd bggr rult n ur lv. Th wht
mn ll "u".

Success f ur mn mn dffrnt thng dndng n wh w r kng t.

Wht w r ntrtd in hr thugh is th nrg nd ntutn t f u. When

ur main ur f nrg drv frm ntutv ur w fnd tht we r ulld frwrd
rather thn having t truggl t uh urlv t gn th u w rv.

W bm mr fud nd nrd b ur ntutn nd xrn grtr u.

W ll hv "tuff" hn n ur lv nd hw w dl wth it th b f hw we
xrn lf. It' nt wht hn t u but rthr ur rtn nd rn tht
dfn ur character nd lf xrn.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Th is nthr tm whn ntutn nd t b ntr tg n ur dn mkng. Th

mr mfrtbl w bm ltnng t our "nnr voice" th mr dt w bm t
hndlng th big dn tht lf l n ur drt.

Th nxt tm u hv a mjr dn to make (r vn a mllr n) t utl fr a fw

mmnt breathing ftl and llwng ur nnr dn mkr to tun n nd gv u
th gudn that wll hl u decide ur bt w frwrd.

Yu n't fr th, don't tr, nd f nthng hn tht' fn. K practicing, nd th

nxt tm u'll lkl have a bttr rult.

Th mg f ntutn tht u gt t t bk nd simply fllw ntrutn. th

mmnt u bgn t nlz th mmnt th mg dr lk a uff f mk.

It ll bgn wth ur wllngn t ur nnr knwng nd ltn t t t gud

you t live ur mt uthnt lf. Th life u wr brn t lv, ntutvl

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

The k to u in n ndvr starts wth a tv mntl tttud. Thr a ng
tht g 'f u thnk u n u n nd if you thnk u n nt u r rght' nd th is
tru. Hv u vr noticed tht l wth tv tttud r lw ubt nd
mtvtd? In ft t n b d tht a tv mntl attitude th best mtvtn u
n hv since t bd un blvng n yourself. Whthr it bun r personal ur
bt hn to bm uful t ANYTHING bgn wth a trng nnr blf you wll

Hr r quick t u n IMMEDIATELY bgn t u t dvl a 'strong' tv

mntl tttud. Cutn: th u f th t m vr wll have u mlng frm r t
r wthn the frt wk... rd rfull!

Imgn Th Pblt

Focus ur nrg mr n hw u n bm uful t a rtulr ndvr

ntd f nvnng urlf t n nt b dn. Hw ftn hv u vdd vn TRYING
t accomplish mthng because u tlk urlf ut f t? Evn wr lttng thr
nvn u tht gl or bjtv are ut f ur reach. Sml ttd f t h bn dn
b mbd l t tnd t reason tht it n l be dn by u!

Ltn T Yur Slf Tlk

Tlkng t yourself d nt mn u r crazy, in mt cases nw, nd n tull b

th ur f m f th bt mtvtn u may encounter. On th other hnd however
tht ur wn self-talk n jut l btg ur ffrt r motivation.

Lrn t mntr th 'reinforcements' u tend t gv t urlf nd nul AVOID

any ngtvt. The rtd u f uh nnnt but negative reinforcement uh
'tud' r 'idiot' whn drbng ur wn bhvr n l ld u t 'um' th
lf-tlk is tru.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Practice Affrmtn

Rl n ngtv thught wth mr nurgng n tht wll hl u t dvl a

mr tv mntl tttud.

Art Wht Yu Hv

Lrn t rt wht it u m lrd hv nd allow th flng of thnkfuln

t hl u dvl a mr tv mntl tttud. All f u tnd t tk things fr grntd
much w frgt wht w hv.

St Bng Envu

Intd f nv tr dmrng mn fr wht th hv r what th hv mlhd.

This rl th feeling of nv r rnng wth a mr tv flw f thught that opens
th dr fr u t rgnz that th m rtunt xt fr u. Env n num
ur energies nd dtrt ur fu frm taking mr rtv mur n ur wn lf.

Fnd Inrtn frm Othr

Intd of rnng fr wht thr m hv fnd nrtn in th ft tht f th n

ttn t n u. A we mntnd bv wht n person n mlh can l b
mlhd by nthr. Realizing th th bt mtvtn u n hv to hl u tk
th nr tn t rlz n rtulr bjtv you m have hn.

Ptv tttud r th k t u n jut but nthng u n mgn tht wrth

mlhng n ur life. T bm uful at anything u MUST th proper
mtvtn and a tv mntl tttud th bt motivation u n bl hv.

A rn wh h a trng belief n thr wn nvtn nd abilities n nt b dnd

u. The 10 t w rvwd above r mnt t rv as a gud fr buldng a healthier
mndt tht WILL hv n mmdt nd tv mt n ur lf. Sml fr u
lrd wht it tk t lv th lf u wnt. Strt unlhng t td

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Abrhm Lnln d, "Yu n fool m f th l ll f th tm, and ll f th l
m f th tm, but u can nt fl ll f th people ll f th tm." And Wllm
Shkr d, "Hnt th bt l. If I l mine hnr, I l mlf."

Th tw gnt knw wht th wr talking but nd th wr rght n their

umtn. Intgrt whh m be dfn th ult f having a n f hnt nd
truthfuln n rgrd t th mtvtn fr n' tn ndd th rl thw t
rnl and rfnl u.

Prnl ntgrt dmnd tht w fllw the th f ur convictions nd tht w rmn

tru t ur vlu. It m nt lw b th hrtt and t rut but t th nl n
tht will rvl n th lng run.

On of mn' grtt asset h wrd. It rd nd, n mttr wht th rumtn

are, t should nt b ld n jeopardy. It th b un which trut nd nfdn r
bult nd t th hallmark f a man f ntgrt.

W d lv in a wrld whr, fr m, ll tht mttr the rult nd w hv n th

fft f that hbb thnkng. Gnt rrtn n th brnk f dtr nd CEO' in
dhnr r n jl.

A trng structure nd a ld fundtn. S d a successful rnl nd rfnl

lf. The rnr tn of tht fundtn r hnt nd truthfuln. A lack f ntgrt
m win a bttl but hn r xtrml hgh tht t wll l th wr.

Ltng u dnd on lng trm thnkng. It dnd n ult thught, dd nd

bhvr. It dnd muh n personal ntgrt t does n ffrt nd quality

When w lk t th mn nd wmn who hv tvl fftd th ffr f mn, w

hnr, truthfuln, urg nd ntgrt. Thr r no xtn t tht rul. Grt
mlhmnt r th rult f ult ndvdul. Pl wh hd th n f
hrtr nd nobleness. Not f l wh wuld l fr nvnn r ut rnr fr

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Our tn and th rult of th tn r a rfltn f wh nd wht w r. W

rgnz a tr b t frut. Pl f character wll rdu grnd and wrth
hvmnt nd th f lw moral wll lv a trl f dtr nd dtrutn.

Thr r no hrtut t rnl nd rfnl success. It rur lnnng, efforts,

fu, ddtn nd bv ll ntgrt. It is that rnl ntgrt tht wll mnt ll
th lmnt tgthr. Wthut it, vrthng bund t rumbl sooner r ltr.

A rn n be hghl gftd nd ntllgnt but wthut a trng mrl r, ll that

mt. Whn mbtn nd grd rul dtr ur t nu. A man wthut trng
rnl ntgrt lk a h wthut a ruddr. That rn wll b gudd b whtvr
td, urrnt nd wind tht m h way. Not nl wll h nvr rh rt but h will l
b a mn t nn n h th.

T vr h to nj both rnl nd professional u, n mrv bg f tools

nr. Amng these r dr, nfdn, fu, tlnt, ddtn nd bv ll
rnl ntgrt with ll tht t ntl. A rn m buld a great lf wthut m f
th tools... but t cannot b dn wthut ntgrt.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

If you wnt t b uful n lf u nd to mmunt fftvl. Efftv
mmuntn n hl u n work, n ll f ur rltnh wth fml and friends,
as wll socially. Thr r mn t t mmuntn ll f whh, mbnd
tgthr, n mk u uful n lf.

Mn f ur mmuntn kll r lrnd nd bu th r lrnd w can hng,

mdf, and dvl thm twrd rdung mr success n ur lv.

Skng by fr th mt mrtnt mmuntn tool w , whthr tht b

gn lngug r vrbll. Skng is mmuntn n t purest frm.

Th lngug w u nd ur tn f v ut a flvr f rt n what w are ng.

Thrfr, n rt t u n lf t ttntn t ur h f wrd whn
mmuntng wth thr. U th rrt wrd for th rrt nvrnmnt.

Tn f v l n mrtnt rt f ur vrbl mmuntn n that ur tone

mtnll mhz ur words. All l r fftd b nthr rn' tn of v.
It a natural part f human ntur nd w u it t nv th emotional rt f ur

A w grw u w lrn tht rtn tn n rt rtn rtn nd w n u th

tn t ur dvntg r mu thm t ur ddvntg. Eh tn h a ur n ur
vrbl mmuntn. Thus, u n tht it's mrtnt t l th rght tn to th
right nvrnmnt r tutn f u wnt u n ur lf.

Bd lngug nthr mmuntn tl w u whn w ntrt wth thr. It nd

thr mg tht m nt nrl b nvd n our words, much lk ur tn f
voice. Our body language n tll l but th lvl f ur lf-nfdn and xr a
vrt of mtn, nd n vn gnl rnlt trt.

Hw u t, tnd, r wht u d wth ur hnd mt th vrll mg th thr

rn rv whn mmuntng with you.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Bd lngug also nlud fl expressions. Our facial xrn n thr attract

people t us r u thm t vd u. All human bng hv th nnt ability t rd
fl xrn wth m dgr f ur nd d rt t t.

Ptur urlf walking dwn the dwlk and ng mn wth a mn wl n

thr f. Wuld u introduce urlf t tht rn r wuld u b mr t t vd
thm? Your fl xrn n tll mn f u are rhbl or unrhbl.

Anthr vr mrtnt mmuntn rt ur bhvr. Y, our bhvr a frm

f mmuntn nd vlum about wh w are. Our bhvr n what ur
hrtr lk, hw hnt w r, hw muh w r, nd mr. If ur bhvr
ntntl r we can't xt muh u in lf. Hwvr, f ur bhvr frl
gd we can xt mr u thn flur. Th gd thing but ur bhvr tht
mt f t hngbl wth m ntrtn nd dtrmntn.

A u mght wth the xml w have lkd t bv, t tull a mbntn f

thng tht mk u hw w mmunt t others, whh n turn n fft ur u n
lf. Yu mght l tht t hv u n lf w nd thr. Th xtl wh hw
we communicate with thm h a drt brng on ur wn u n lf.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People


Airplanes without fuel can never fly you to any destination, likewise a Dream without
Actions can never begat success.

Rght tn Is The Bggt Key T u

Su dn't hn wthut a ln nd ln dn't gt mltd wthut tn. Aftr

u frmult ur ln fr wht u wnt you nd to dtrmn th tn u wll tk
t mlmnt ur ln.

Hw D u Knw f You're Tkng Th Rght tn

Th th nt n ur ln where you m gt tuk, whr t m lk lk you're

rrtntng bu u rn't tkng any tn. Whn u ut ur ln fr u
tgthr u nt only want t vrf wth yourself tht your plan wll gt u wht u wnt,
but tht whn u gt wht u wnt t wll b n lgnmnt wth ur values.

A You're Thnkng but ur Actions n njuntn Wth ur

ln Fr u Mk ur u'r Clear but ur Vlu

Yu knw bnd a dubt whn u'r dng something r but t d mthng tht
ntrr to ur vlu. Yu knw it bu u thnk but doing t, r u d it, u
fl vr unmfrtbl. It n't th knd f unmfrtbl u fl whn mthng nw,
t' th knd of unmfrtbl u fl whn u r mn l brh ur vlu.

It' the hard knt n ur thrt, r th k feeling n ur tmh, r mb the hr

tndng u n th bk f ur nk. Whn u hv an nnr flng tllng u mthng
wrng, ltn t urlf.

Atn Tht Brh Your Vlu Aren't Rght tn

If u llw urlf t brh ur vlu the u u gt wn't b th u u

wnt. S hw d u avoid gttng in th tutn n th frt l? Bfr you vn ut
ur ln together lt your values, and thn as u frmult ur ln mk ur ur

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

plan urt those values. Your vlu r ur gudt fr rght tn nd fulfllng


Rght tn tn Tht lgnd Wth ur Vlu nd

Mv u Closer T Success

Wth a lr undrtndng of bth ur vlu nd ur ln you're armed t mk gd

dn nd tk rght tn. Pln ur tn bd n th tn tkng u lr
t u nd urtng ur values.

When ur tn r th tn f th rund you bgn t brh ur vlu g bk t

ur list f values nd ur ln fr u and dntf whr ur ln h gttn ut f

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

It tk mr thn bng a gd ltnr t be successful. It' vr mrtnt u k th
rght utn. One f m fvrt ng . "Anwr rrl r n thr wn. Anwr
nl m ftr u hv kd a utn". On t I u whn I ask utn to wt
untl the individual h fnhd wht th wr ng nd unt t thr. Th wll m
lk n trnt but u will gt bttr at t with tm.

Th ur fr th , th ndvdul spoke but what frt came t thr mnd. It is after

th dd r tht th ndvdul will m ut wth mr nfrmtn ftr th hd a
hn t thnk about t dr. Th when th rl gd tuff m ut. W rvdd
them wth th urt t fnh thr thught. Whn w listen w rjt trut. Whn thr
trut, th will tll u mr.

Hw mn tm n your lf hv u hrd mn . I n nvr rmmbr nm. I

blv th u tht th l r nt listening. Wht tkng l th are
thnkng but wht th r gng t nxt.

Wll gu wht! Whn u are thnkng but wht u wll nxt, u are nt ltnng
fftvl. If u trt t ltn ntntl u wll rmmbr thr nm. If u ltn ntntl
u rjt tht u really r wht th hv t . If u ltn ntntl th wll tll u
mr thn th wuld thrw hv d.

Wht does ll th hv t d wth bng uful? Whn w are tlkng w r xrng

wht w lrd know. Whn w r ltnng w hv the rtunt to gain knwldg.
Knwldg wr. Knowledge hl u wth mkng und dn n lf nd bun.

In m nn thr r four ways t gn knwldg

T b n rnt nd gn xrn wrkng bd a mtr.

G t hl. Gu wht hn n hl? 80 t 90 percent f the tm
nt ltnng.
Rd about thng tht wll expand ur knwldg and rvd you with
xrt. Bu u wnt to!!

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Ltn ntntl frm th wh hv knwldg nd mt mrtntl tk

nt whn u hv a hn fllwng th nvrtn. Wrtng hl u
t rtn wht w hv hrd. Think f th thng w hv wrttn n
nkn durng a lunch meeting. D u gt m nt?

T hv a positive tttud u nd t b nu f ur thught. Th m l t

ltnng. Slw t dwn nd b nu of th utn u k nd hw u ltn. Yu
wll fnd t mzng wht u wll lrn. T b uful n lf u nd to be frvr
lrnng nd xndng ur knwldg. Bng thirsty fr knwldg wll wtr th d f

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

In Th 8th Hbt: From Efftvn t Grtn, bt llng uthr, Sthn Cv
states tht h believes tht over 20 rnt f th rnt wrkfr bmng blt,
nd unl th rddt nd rnvnt themselves, within a fw r, nthr 20 rnt
wll become blt. Pl r thr lng thr jb r grdull bng trnfrmd b
th nw dmnd f thr nw jb.

Cv goes n to , "Th Infrmtn Ag trnfrmng so rdl nt th Knwldg

Wrkr Ag tht t gng t tk ntnul nvtmnt in ur own dutn nd trnng
t t abreast.

Muh f th wll b dn b th school of hrd knk, but l wh see what

hnng nd wh r dlnd wll tmtll ntnu thr dutn untl they
ur th new mind-set nd th nw skill-set rurd t ntt nd mmdt th
rlt f the nw g."

It is ntl tht w nvr t learning. Lflng dutn a mut f u wh t

succeed. Obvul, a llg dutn h trmndu bnft. Hwvr, mn l
hv bn vr successful wthut llg dgr. And vn th wth llg dgr
mut ntnu t lrn ftr the pomp and rumtn f grdutn.

Whr d n acquire lflng lrnng? Thr a wlth f nfrmtn ll around u,

jut fr th taking. It u t h f u t maximize ur potential b lrnng as muh w
n, nd thn applying tht dutn t ll f ur gl and urut.

Hr r a fw w t ntnu lrnng

Lrn Frm Yur Exrn

Th is th hl of hrd knk tht trt smart u lm thr lm mtr. It is

a grt w t xnd th dmnn f ur knwldg, f u tk th time t tull
lrn frm ur xrn nd not jut lt them b. We n lrn frm u nd
flur, but ftn w forget t lk fr th ln, nd dwll n misery nd dft.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Rmmbr Edn ' vw tht h tm h rdud a light bulb tht dd nt wrk, t was
nt a flur, but one t lr t fndng th rght w nd hvng his gl.

Frml Edutn

Whl th chapter mnl n dutn thr thn llg, t should b pointed ut tht
btnng a frml dgr h bm r wth th bundnt night, wknd, nd n-ln
ur vlbl.

Mn unvrt ffr ur nd dgr rgrm tht n b taken while tll wrkng

full tm. Whthr u r wrkng twrd a dgr, r jut k u a class hr nd thr
continued education fr ur jb r n r f ntrt, unvrt nd llg hv a lt
t ffr.


A fntt w t lrn t fnd mn wh h dn wht you wnt to d, nd hv tht

rn bm ur mntr. Th n xtrml powerful mthd f lrnng n u
hv dvld a trng mntr rltnh with mn wllng t th u nd hl
u lng.

D nt b frd t k uful people t mntr u. Th wrt th n is th d

nt hv tm. Yu wll b mzd tht many l r frd t ask, nd mn
uful l r wllng t hr thr u, knwldg, and dv t th wllng
t lrn.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Ptv rnl mt n mrtnt k t rnl nd rfnl u. If you
wnt t rt tv rnl mt u nd t d three thng. Frt, dvl, nurtur
nd constantly rmt ur unu personal brnd. Snd, b mbl n ur
rnttn f lf - in rn nd on ln. Third, knw nd fllw th b rul f

Hr Are Fv rnl Fr Becoming uthnt

Know Yurlf
Trnfrm Yur Fr
Exr Yurlf
Be Bld
Clbrt Wh Yu Ar

Hr r m Of d n Each f Th Principles

Yu n gt t knw urlf b...

- Sml ng ttntn - t wht you d nd nd hw u rt t dffrnt

- Lrnng but yourself nd personality , u a commercially vlbl rnlt
mnt tl lk th DISC, MBTI, Strngth Fndr. I m n MBTI xrt. I n
hl u bttr undrtnd urlf b ung th tl. Snd m n ml f u'r
- Artng ur trngth - whn I w young, wrd nd wrtng m l,
mth nd n w dffult. It tk me a whl t rlz tht I wuld d bttr n
lf f I ntrd a rfn whr I uld u m nturl tlnt wth wrd.

Hr r m thr thng u nd t consider...

Hv mn fr ur wkn
At urlf
Gt fdbk

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Whn t m t fr, u nd to:

Knw t
Art t
Admt t
Own t
Fl it
Exr t
Lt g of t
Tk tn

Grt mmn n dv. I hv ftn said tht fr th nm f lf nfdn. Fear

l th nm f uthntt nd ur rnl brand.

But wht but nflt? Cnflt r a lt f l. It n b dmgng t rltnh.

I hv n bt of dv on rlvng nflt tht I ffr vr nd vr.

When u r n nflt wth nthr rn, wrk hrd t fnd m nt f grmnt,

hwvr mll. U this nt f grmnt t help th tw of u buld a rtvl lutn
t your dgrmnt.

Th a grt w t xr urlf tvl n a nflt tutn.

The Dtnr.m dfntn fr th wrd "bld" ...

"Nt httng r frful n th f f tul r bl dngr r rbuff; urgu

nd drng."

Thr r fv k t bng bld n lf...

B tru t yourself.
Lv wth n.
Step ut.
Lean n thr.
Gt u whn u fll down.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Fnll, whn t m t celebrating wh u r, u nd t...

Mk wth urlf, u'r OK jut u r.

Frgv urlf - nd thr.
Art urlf.
Hnr yourself.
Own ur personal greatness.
Lv urlf

Th mmn n nt hr ml. Suful l tnd out b rtng tv

rnl mt. Yu n bgn t rt tv rnl impact by dvlng, nurturng
nd ntntl lvng ur unu rnl brnd. While ur personal brnd huld b
unul u, t huld b bd n uthntt nd ntgrt. "B Yurlf, Evrn El
Alrd Tkn" a trur trv f dv n uthntt.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

W ll know tht hvng lf-nfdn the k t success but wht w dn't knw wh
and how?

Wh lf-nfdn The K T u?

Suful l blv in their blt: Suful l r jut l wh

blv n themselves nugh t knw tht th n hv whtvr it tht th
wnt t hv.

Th hv lrnd t ut th v r th rund thm nd to jut ltn to thr wn

bu th r nfdnt n thr blt nd n thmlv a rn.

Nn-uful l rr themselves t fl: Wht hn is tht th who

lk th lf-nfdn n thmlv in rdr t protect thmlv, th rr
thr mnd t t the flur bu th dn't blv n thr blt t ud.
Nt rll nw.

I undrtnd th fr t wll nd it tk m a lng time to realize tht my bhvr w the

bhvr f mn wh lkd nfdn. M bhvr was tht f a nn-uful

Successful l k trng vn when hllng arise: Chllng r gng t

hn. Mt f the tm thr m rt f btl presented whn u r
trng to d mthng dffrnt r trng t mk mthng hn.

Th wh hv strong blf n thr blt wll b bl t wthr thrugh th

hllng nd lk t thm hllng rather than unmvbl btl.

Non-successful people quit t th frt gn f a hllng: Whn u lk th

confidence n urlf it is r fr you t hllng nurmuntbl
obstacles. It r t ut bu your xttn fr urlf lrd lw.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Successful l undrtnd tht t wn't b : It wn't b but t bl.

Believing n th blt nd blvng n urlf nugh to th possibilities
a k dffrn.

Nn-uful l tvl k ut th w: Whn u lk th lf-

nfdn n urlf t bm vrtull impossible t th blt. It
bm ur gl t k ut th r solutions. Problem , most f th tm th
easier solutions r nt rl u nd f lng mr thn f you hd ml tuk
wth t t bgn wth.

Hw lf-nfdn Th K T u?


Drv th rn t keep gng: Fndng nrtn rund every rnr. Fndng

th trngth t g whn u dn't knw how u n keep gng. Th n f th
k t u.

Pushes the rn t tr harder: Thnk f n thlt nd hw th uh thmlv to

mv faster, thnk hrdr, g frthr.

Mtvt th rn thrugh th hard tm: Whn th hrd tm m nd thng

look blk.

Th whn t kk in nd lk fr lutn r brv thrugh th trm bu th

gd tm r just bnd th bnd nd w r lmt thr. Enj th jurn nd th
rd wll m t n u t u.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Today's thught buld n tw quotes b n f m fvrt thnkr, Albrt Einstein. H
md his ruttn a ntt, but I blv he w much hlhr ntt--
rh th k t h u.

Entn d:

"Th mrtnt thing is not t t utnng. Curt h t own

rn fr xtng."
"Imgntn mr mrtnt thn knwldg."

Entn' gnu m frm h blt t ml imagination t see thng nvr nvd

b thr scientists. H w a mtr f "thought xrmnt". Whl most ntt u
tt tub nd umnt to tt hth, th thr Entn w urung wr nt
ttbl n a lbrtr.

He hd t rely n mgntn nd urt t vrf h ideas. H hd to n h mnd nd

xnd h ul t blt whr thr w nl mtn. H ltrll gv brth
to m f th grtt d n humn htr directly ut f th m vd.

On xml th thught xrmnt tht ld Entn t h l theory f rltvt.

H fmul mgnd himself rng wth a bm of lght. H rrtd n hn when
h "w" tm lw h rhd th d of light.

Entn fllwd h urt. H abandoned ld rdgm t a tm whn mn f h

llgu blvd th paradigms mmutbl. The nw d tht rultd fundmntll
trnfrmd th wrld and our ntn f t.

What but u? Yu see, thr w nthng unu but Albrt Entn. H w

ntlltull brllnt, no dubt. However, b h admission, th dffrn mkr r
urt nd mgntn.

Ar u wllng t llw ur curiosity and imagination to rr u bnd th hl nd

mntl hrzn tht hv bm ur dft lf bundr?

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Th wr rght there wthn you. Rl t td. Hv m fun with t. Wh knw

hw ur urt nd mgntn wll hng th wrld. A hundrd r frm nw t just
m b ur tr f dvr nrng humnt

#28, GIVER
It is often said that givers never lack, it is often believed that when the hand is folded tightly
and nothing Is coming out to another person from there, definitely nothing can also enter
such hand.

When you able to see widely the needs of others and you attend to those needs in your own
simple intrest, you leave a positive shade and landmark on the persons path, and one way
or the other, the little act of giving that you have rendered will amount to the aids that will
enhance your outstanding success.

Success is mostly not measured by the amounts of wealth, riches or assets one has been able
to acquire, but success is otherwise measured by the amount of lifes you have been able to
impact positively, the number of homes you have groomed, the amount of hopes you have
helped raised, the amount of dreams of people that you have helped bring to reality.

A giver doesnt expect from where he has given, or from whom he has given to, that is why
only outstanding people are successful people. Your ability to read through peoples needs
and render the necessary assistance needed has made you successful.

Success grows, likewise successful people grows, successful people growth is steady, because
those whom you have helped will definetly want to pay you back in their own little way, it
may be through prayers, or some other help they will render in the future.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People


Yu m lrd have a tv mntl tttud, u m lk fr lutn rthr thn
rblm, but u nd wlth jut d not m t b mng ur w. Yu nd t
fnd ut f u hv n abundance mntlt. Wthut t, rtunt for u, vn
wth a tv mntl tttud, wll b fw nd fr btwn.

Yu knw tht a tv mntl attitude ntl fr u, hwvr u huld l

knw tht thr r mn thr ftr tht fft ur u. On tht ftn gt
frgttn hvng n bundn mentality.

Whn u hv a tv mntl tttud, u blv tht thr' a lutn t vr

rblm, where thr' a wll there's a w. Hwvr u may tll be thnkng mll, u
may tll b uffrng frm ngtv nrg.

Fr xml, u m hv a tv mntl tttud but tll blv tht thr' nl

muh t g rund. So whn u mn l bng successful n ur fld, u thnk
tht th'v gt ur "l f th pie" nd u become rntful nd jlu. Th n
xml f a rt mntlt - whh is th t f n bundn mntlt!

Wth a rt mntlt u n nd u trapped n mdrt, nt hvng your tru

potential nd lkd in vrt.

An bundn mntlt mr thn u through a tv

mntl tttud

Wth n bundn mntlt you believe tht thr enough t g rund fr vrn and
tht thr mr thn nugh f vrthng u nd t mlh ur gl. Yu blv
tht your u d nt mn flur fr others, n th ntrr, th mr uful u
r, th mr thr r fftd n a tv w.

Wth n bundn mntlt u n g nt vr relationship wth a wn/wn tttud

nd u n mk th mt of vr tutn. Yu blv tht l wnt t hl u
rthr thn hndr u. Of ur nt vrn h n bundn mntlt, but th
trngr your abundance mntlt, th l gnfnt thr' rt mntlt bm.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Rmmbr: abundance trt n your mind. Yu frt believe thr n bundn n th

wrld nd thn u wll trt t nj n bundn n ur lf. Th more bundn u
nj, th mr u wll fnd tht your mntl tttud bm mr tv nd th mr
u wll b uful.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

In rdr to hv u, vn th mt bl of ntrrnur MUST t
rnblt fr thr tn wthut making xu f n knd. Th is ll
dffult t d because ftn thr r frequently xtnutng rumtn tht ml
can't b ntrlld nd tht DO thrtn t rvnt hvmnt.

Lf is not w wuld h. And tull, lf n b rtt darn hrd whn w

wnt t mlh bg thng. I wn't ugr t th. But I fnd tht w make lf hrdr
whn w trt to mk xu fr urlv nd for thr.

Thr a distinction btwn a rn fr something nd mkng xu fr mthng

nd untblt, r th lk f, fftd b th tttud tht n h. I d m bt
nt t llw mlf, or m lnt t mk xu. W ml dn't have time fr t nd it
whn w dn't hld urlv accountable b mkng excuses w wt vlubl tm.

Prnl untblt l dffult but t is absolutely nr fr dvlng th knd

f trngth f hrtr, ntgrt nd rt tht w mut hv -- fr thr as wll fr
u. On f m grtt rnl gl t lw hv ntgrt n vrthng I d-
ll whn n n lkng. Th nt nl a rnrtn f m bun but l m
lf. Thr n frm of u tht wrth t whn integrity mrmd.

S k yourself a ml utn. T whm are u untbl? If u ukl responded

"t mlf" b rful. W hv ll njd tht xtr cookie r tw whl telling urlv
tht w wuld mk u for t tmrrw.

But wuld w hv bn uk t ndulg f w hd a rnl trnr wthng? Or hw

but th lt tm tht rdt rd gt wd ntd f vng th h bfr urhng
frt? Wuld u hv dn that whl your fnnl advisor w wthng? In bth f th
, th nwr is rbbl nt. And why? Bu t' t w wll mmt t
mthng, t w l whn no n hldng u untbl.

Whn we hv mn hldng u untbl fr ur tn, we tend t stick t th ln

nd hv th rult we hd rgnll t ut t hv. Prfnl f all wlk of lf
attain mr whn they nt nl hld thmlv untbl, but whn th r

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

untbl t mn l. Tht jut th w w humn r wired. Tht wh h

f ll knd r rul t the u f thr tudnt.

Your Atn Pln Fr Th Wk:

Idntf ONE thng tht u hv bn ng u wr gng to mlh r


Wrt dwn ll of th xu you hv m u wth n th past tht hv kept u

frm accomplishing th.

Wrt dwn th t u nd t tk t mlh r mlt th.

Hr mn! You mut pay mn, rfrbl n expert in th r you need, t hld
u untbl; f u dn't hv kn n the gm r mn on th tbl you wll nt b

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Yur d r flld wth a ntnt trm f decisions. A tud frm Clumb Unvrt
fund tht wr bggd dwn b a good 70 dn a d.

Sm dn r mnr, lk wht t t, whh rut to drv t wrk, r n wht rdr t

tackle tk. Othr r mr dffult, lk ddng btwn tw jb ffr, whthr t
mv t a nw t fr mn u lv, r whthr to ut a tx rn out f ur lf.

With mn decisions tkng u each d, learning t rrtz thm nd mk them

fftvl ntl t ur u nd hn.

Whl Im familiar wth mn trtg uful l u fr fftv dn-mkng,

wht fllw r th rm f th r.

Th Turn Smll Dn Int Rutn

Dn-mkng wrk lk a mul: u u it vr th ur f th d, t gt t

xhutd t funtn fftvl. On f th best strategies uful people u t wrk
rund thr dn ftgu t lmnt mllr decisions by turning them nt
rutn. Doing fr up mntl rur fr mr mlx dn.

Stv Jb fmul wr a blk turtlnk t wrk vr day. Mrk Zukrbrg tll dn a

hd. Bth mn hv ttd tht these n mg are th ml rult f dl rutn
ntndd t ut dwn on dn ftgu.

Th wr bth wr f ur finite dl blt t mk gd dn, Brk Obama,

wh d, "Yu'll I wr nl gr r blu ut. I'm trng t r dwn dn. I don't
wnt t mk dn but what I'm eating r wrng, because I hv t mn thr
dn t mk."

And Mk Big Dn In Th Mrnng

Anthr grt w t bt dn ftgu t v mll dn fr after wrk (whn

dn ftgu grtt) nd t tkl mlx dn n th mrnng, whn ur
mnd fresh. Whn ur fng a trm f mrtnt dn, a grt trk is to wk

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

u rl nd wrk n ur mt mltd tk bfr you gt ht wth a bunh f

dtrtng minor dn (hn rngng, -ml mng n).

A mlr trtg t d m f th mllr thng th nght bfr to gt a hd trt n

th nxt d. For instance, l ut ur utft t nght so u dont vn hv t thnk but
t whn u wk u.

Th P Attntn T Thr Emtn

Thr n ld ng: Dont mk rmnnt dn bd n temporary mtn,

nd t dfntl rng tru. Suful l rgnz nd undrtnd thr mtn
(nludng thr ntnt nd mt n bhvr) that th r bl t lk t dn
bjtvl nd rtnll bl.

Unfrtuntl, mt l rnt gd t mngng r vn rgnzng thr emotions.

TlntSmrt h ttd more thn a mlln l nd found tht nl 36% of u r bl
t urtl dntf ur mtn th hn.

Strng decision mkr, n th other hnd, knw tht a bd md n make thm lh ut

r tr frm thr mrl compass jut l a gd mood n mk thm
vrnfdnt nd mulv.

They Evlut Their Otn Objtvl

Whn rll wrd u n a dn, uful l weigh thr tn against a r-

dtrmnd t f rtr bu th knw tht th mk dn-mkng r nd
more fftv. Hr r some hlful rtr t ndr: Hw d th decision bnft
m? Hw d it hurt m? Hw d th bnft me ? Hw d t hurt me? D th
dn rflt m vlu? Would I rgrt mkng th dn? Wuld I rgrt nt mkng
th dn? D th dn rflt m values?

Slng n ur dn nur tht u hv lrt f thught whn u rh t th

nxt d. It l llw tm fr ur mtn to run thr ur. Whn u t t
ukl, u tnd t rt, but whn you gv mr focus nd tm t ur dn, u
x mrtnt ft f t tht u ddnt bfr.

Suful l knw th mrtn of gathering as muh nfrmtn as th n, but t

th m tm, th mk rtn nt t fll r t nl rl. Instead f waiting fr

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

th mn t lgn, successful l knw tht th need t hv a tmtbl t fllw n

rhng thr dn. On th t tht dt, th r mtvtd t do thr hmwrk
nd m ul rhng in rdr to mt th ddln.

Th U Exr T Rhrg

Th tr f a mjr decision nturll rdu rtl, the hml tht trggr th

fght-r-flght rn. Crtl clouds ur blt t thnk lrl nd rtnll. Whn
u fnd urlf trng but a dn, tr xrng. A lttl 30 mnut ll t
tk t gt a gd ndrhn-fuld buzz nd t rturn t mntl lrt.

Exr also hl u gt t tht fght-r-flght tt b uttng th cortisol t rtl

u. Rrh shows tht lng-trm xr mrv the vrll funtnng f th brn
rgn rnbl fr dn-mkng.

They Alw G Bk T Thr Moral Compass

Suful l knw th mrtn f tkng t thr mrl whn mkng an

mrtnt dn. Mrl rv trutd guides whn ur mtn r ullng you n a
dffrnt drtn.

They Sk Outd Cunl

Whn rhng a dn, w hv a nturl tndn t k an alternative nd thn t

gthr nfrmtn t urt tht decision, ntd f gthrng nfrmtn nd thn
hng a d (this lld nfrmtn b).

A great w t bt nfrmtn b to k utd nn nd dv frm l

wh brng dffrnt rtv t ur tutn. Their rtv hl u wgh ur
tn mr bjtvl nd t t ur ubjtv r rrtnl tndn.

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Th Rflt On Prvu Dn

Mrk Twn drbd th mltd ntur f dn-mkng fllw: Gd

dn m from xrn, but xrn m frm making bad dn. Th
nt t tht the only w t bm a grt dn mkr t make a tn of mtk;
t jut mn tht t mrtnt t k t dn frnt f mnd. Successful l are
wr nugh f t dn t u thm t thr bnft whn something mlr m

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Thanks for your enormous patience of completing this book, please give yourself a BIG
round of applauses for that! You are now more determined than ever before to become
more successful!

There are 7 areas to master in your life: Spiritual, Mental, Vocational, Financial,
Relationship, Social and Physical. You can treat them as 7 days of the week and map each
area to a particular day of the week basing on your preference. Then improve each area on
that day and continue to raise the bar each single day. By this way, with little effort, your life
will be gradually improved to an astonishing level without your consciousness, what a
amazing thing it is!

In the following pages, youll find resources that are focused on Mental, Physical and
Relationship. The more areas will be covered in the eNewsletter you are going to received
from me regularly. Feel free to check these resources out and get them if you need specific
help on that area to manifest the success in life. Remember that

Rght tn Is The Bggt Key T u

as elaborated in 22nd Extraordinary Qualities (#22, Action Taker). If we take the right action
and constantly upgrade ourself with right mindsets and right tools, the success will be
attracted to and manifested on us. Personally I had invested close to $10,000 cumulatively
to upgrade myself over the years and will continue to do so in the years to come!

Also do check out the FREE eNewsletters sent to you regularly, they provide abundant
resources on how to manifest your successes and live your abundant life thereafter!!

Looking forward to YOUR success!

To Your Success
Lawrence Du
Your Success Partner
Author of 31 Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People
Founder of

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Resource on Mental
Manifestation Miracle
Manifestation Miracle is truly unique. Very seldom I read
something more than once, but this document I have already read 3
times and I keep discovering new things every time. You have
definitely delivered more than I expected. - Mats

Millionaire's Brain Academy

"Winter, you're my savior...
Terrible gambling problem: Changed!
And now money is coming my direction...instead of leaving it.
This is repairing my family, my relationship with my husband...
It's changed literally EVERYTHING.
I've never felt so's like I've gotten a completely
upgrade..." - Victoria

Tesla Code Secrets

"Thank you so much Alex. You have revealed to me that success
doesnt have to be hard; it only takes a simple shift in my thought
processes. And this shift has triggered a phenomenal change in my
life and allowed me to live the dream lifestyle of happiness, wealth
and success - Andrew Langfield
Panic Away
I AM FREE of panic attacks!
After all this time suffering and trying everything else - I paid and
received your book. No money can make me give the knowledge of
THE ONE MOVE back! Who would??? Thank you so very much and
hope that the good thoughts of all people you have helped and will
help will get back to you!!! - Yolanda

Chakra Activation System

"Managed to find a new job that pays me 35% more..."
After I lost my job and my girlfriend in the same week, I decided to
use Stephanies system to align my chakras. I cant believe how my
luck has turned around. Within 3 weeks I've managed to find a new
job that pays me 35% more than my previous job. Can you believe
that? Its like Im living a completely new life!
- Robson, Dallas, TX

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Resources on Physical
Unlock Your Hip Flexors
Physical Therapist Approved!
"With so many people suffering with Hip Pain out there, Ricks program
"Unlock Your Hip Flexors" is a great tool for any fitness or health professional
that wants to reduce pain, and improve strength, performance and overall
The exercises are sensible and easy to learn and your clients will be happy,
healthy and thank you for it!"."
- Erin Nielsen, Physical Therapist

Old School New Body

The 2 Week Diet

After starting The 2 Week Diet plan, I lost 5 pounds in the very first week!
And it just kept coming off. By the end of the month, I had completely
reversed a whole year of bad eating and laziness. Im still losing weight
weeks later. I cant wait for Christmas Amelia

The Unexplainable Store

The Manifestation recording is enlightening and powerful. During the
session, I performed creative visualization to find a solution to a relationship
issue with my girlfriend. About 8 hours later, my girlfriend and I felt more
confident, carefree and optimistic. It must be magic. Please use these
recording with caution for it does activate and amplify the concept of the
Universal Law of Attraction. - Anthony Vazquez

31Extraordinary Qualities of Highly Successful People

Resources on Relationship
The Ex Factor Guide
Brad, i literally cannot believe how well the 'magic texts' worked
when i sent them to my ex bf... he called me right after that, and
after only a couple weeks we're already pretty much back together.
it all began with your text messaging ideas! you rock!!" - Emma

Make Woman Want You Now

"Hey man, there was this one girl who I've wanted for SO long but
she saw me more as a friend and I never knew what to do exactly.
Then I bought your book and it explained almost instantly what I
had been doing wrong. I mean, you really cleared it right up for me.
So I did what you said, followed your 3-step system and a week
later now, she's my girlfriend.
Your book is amazing, it literally changed my life forever, I cannot
thank you enough." David M.

The Devotion System

Would like to learn a powerful set of words called a Devotion
Sequence that make a man lust uncontrollably for you (even if he
says hes not interested)? Lets check it out!

The Woman Men Adore

My boyfriend and I had a conflict over behavior that I felt was
inappropriate. I spoke to him exactly how you taught me and he
was quiet and ATTENTIVE to everything I said. In fact he said to me,
What can I do so the next time I dont hurt you the way I hurt you
tonight? He really wanted to make me feel better, he wanted to
please me. It was exactly how you described it would be.
Sincerely,- Nathalie Mourin


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