RPP Short Story

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Nama Sekolah : SMP Islam Diponegoro Surakarta
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII/2
Keterampilan : Reading
Topik/Tema : Narrative text (Short Story)
Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 menit (1 pertemuan)

A. Standar Kompetensi
11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar
11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk nararative.

C. Indikator
11.2.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi komunikatif, langkah retorika, dan ciri kebahasaan
teks narrative.
11.2.2 Mengidentifikasi ide pokok dalam teks narrative.
11.2.3 Mengidentifikasi informasi secara implisit dalam teks narrative.
11.2.4 Mengidentifikasi informasi secara explisit dalam teks narrative.
11.2.5 Mengidentifikasi makna kata dari konteks dalam teks narrative.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Melalui serangkaian pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat:
1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi komunikatif, langkah retorika, dan ciri kebahasaan teks
2. Mengidentifikasi ide pokok dalam teks narrative.
3. Mengidentifikasi informasi secara implisit dalam teks narrative.
4. Mengidentifikasi informasi secara explisit dalam teks narrative.
5. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dari konteks dalam teks narrative.

E. Materi Pembelajaran
Narrative Text
1. Social Function:
To amuse or to entertain the reader(s).
2. Generic Structure:
(who were involved in the story, when and where)
(a problem arises and followed by other problems)
(provide solution to the problem)
3. Text
Beauty and the Beast

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Beauty. She lived with her father and
her sisters in a small village. Beauty was a beautiful girl. She was also hard-working.
She always helped her father on the farm.
One day, her father set out for the city. He saw an old castle and went in. No-
one was in but there was food on the table. Then he walked around the castle. He picked
a rose from garden for Beauty. Suddenly an angry Beast appeared. He wanted to kill
Beautys father unless Beauty was brought to him. Beautys father told her daughters
what had happened. Beautys sisters ordered her to see the Beast.
Beauty went to see the Beast and had to stay at the castle. She felt scared, lonely
and sad. She tried to run away but was stopped by the Beast. The Beast treated Beauty
well. Soon, Beauty began to like the Beast.
One day, through the Beasts magic mirror, Beauty saw that her father was sick.
The Beast allowed her to go home. Her father was happy to see her. One night, Beauty
had a dream. A fairly told her that the Beast was sick. Beauty hurried back and saw the
Beast dying. She began to cry. Tears fell onto the Beast. Suddenly, the Beast changed
into handsome prince. Beauty and the Beast got married and lived happily ever after.

Adapted: www.belajarbahasainggris.us
4. Language Features
Noun Phrase: Action Verbs:
e.g.: a huge temple, a beautiful e.g.: walk, sleep
princess Saying Verbs:
Connectives: e.g.: say, tell, ask
e.g.: before that, then, finally Thinking Verbs, Feeling Verbs,
Adverbial Phrases: Verbs of Senses:
e.g.: in the jungle, two days e.g.: She thought he was
ago angry
Simple Past Tense: She felt hungry
e.g.: he walked away from his She smelt something
house burning

F. Metode/Teknik
Pendekatan : Genre Based Approach
Teknik : Learning Cell

G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Deskripsi Alokasi Waktu
Pendahuluan Guru menyapa siswa dan berdoa bersama. 5
Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa.
Guru menyampaikan tema, tujuan, ruang
lingkup, dan manfaat pembelajaran yang
akan dicapai siswa.

Inti Building Knowledge of the Field 10

Siswa diperkenalkan degan topik yang akan
dipelajari melalui tanya jawab dengan guru
Guru memperkenalkan vocabulary yang akan
digunakan pada narrative text.

Modelling of the Text 15

Guru memberikan contoh teks narrative
berupa fabel.
Guru meminta siswa untuk mengidentifikasi
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan ciri
kebahasaan dari teks yang telah diberikan.
Guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan
terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan ciri
kebahasaan teks narrative.
Guru memberi contoh bagaimana membuat
pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan indikator
Joint Construction of the Text 20
Guru membagi siswa secara berpasangan
dengan ketentuan dalam setiap pasang terdiri
dari anak yang baik dalam reading dan anak
yang mengalami kesulitan dalam reading.
Guru memberikan teks narrative berupa fabel.
Siswa membuat pertanyaan yang sesuai
dengan indikator reading.
Secara berpasangan, siswa saling bertanya
dan menjawab terkait pertanyaan yang telah
dibuat berdasarkan teks fabel.
Guru dan siswa mendiskusikan jawaban

Independent Construction of the Text 20

Guru memberikan teks narrative berupa fabel.
Siswa secara individu mengerjakan soal-soal
terkait teks.
Guru memeriksa dan memberikan balikan
(feedback) terhadap pekerjaan siswa.

Penutup Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan apa yang telah 10

Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi tehadap
kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan.
Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran
pada pertemuan berikutnya.
Guru mengucapkan salam.

H. Sumber Belajar
LKS MGMP kelas VIII Semester II
I. Penilaian
Instrument (lampiran I)
Rubrik Penilaian (lampiran II)

Tugas Kelompok (Berpasangan)

Read the following short story

Long ago, an old carpenter named Gepetto carved a puppet in the shape of a boy
and named it Pinocchio. He wished for the boy to be real one. A fairy heard his words
and fulfilled his wish. She added life to the puppet

But she wanted that if he was to be a real boy, he must always be a good boy.
Gepetto loved him dearly, but Pinocchio was quite naughty and rarely spoke the truth.
As soon as he lied, his wooden nose would grow long. He always promised to be a good
boy from the next time. But he soon forgot his word and left the school with his friends
to join a circus. Now, he began to miss Gepetto.

One day, he heard that his father had been swallowed up by a huge whale. He
immediately went to find the whale. The whale swallowed him as well. Inside the
whales belly, Pinocchio and Gepetto were so happy to see each other. They made a plan
to get out and began ticking the whales stomach. As soon as the whale opened his mouth
and sneezed, Pinocchio and Gepetto slipped out.

They reached home safely. The fairy was pleased with Pinocchios bravery and
she turned him into a real fleshed and blood boy. From that day, he was a very good boy
and never missed school. The father and son lived happily ever after.
Adopted: www.bedtimeshortstories.com
Write your questions related to main idea, explicit information, implicit information
and the meaning of the word(s). Ask your partner and discuss it together!

Key Answers:
Indicators Example of Question Answer
Finding main idea What is the text about? The story of Pinocchio.
Inferring for implicit How can Gepetto and They began ticking the
Information Pinocchio slipped out from whales stomach. When the
the whale? whale opened his mouth,
they slipped out.
Scanning for explicit What should Pinocchio do He must always be a good
Information if he wants to be a real boy? boy.
Guessing meaning and rarely spoke the Fact
truth. truth is the same
meaning with.
Tugas Individu
Indicators The Number of Items
Finding main idea 1, 6 and 7
Inferring for implicit 2, 3 and 10
Scanning for explicit 5 and 9
Guessing meaning 4 and 8
Total 10

Read the following short story and answer the questions.

Snow White

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her
aunt and uncle because her parents were dead.
One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the
castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didnt have enough money to
take Snow White. Snow White didnt want her uncle and aunt to do that so she decided
that it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away into the woods. She
was very tired and hungry. Then she saw a little cottage. She knocked but no one
answered so she went inside and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. There they found
Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said,
What is your name? Snow White said, My name is Snow White.
Then, Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story. The dwarfs said, If you
want, you may live here with us. Snow White answered, Oh, could I? Thank you.
Finally, Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

1. What is the text tell us about? 3. What is the character of the

A. The story of a little girl dwarfs?
B. The story of Snow Whites A. Helpful C. Sly
aunt and uncle B. Grumpy D. Shy
C. The story of Snow White
D. The story of the seven 4. When did Snow White run away
dwarfs to the woods?
A. In the afternoon
2. What is the main idea of B. In the morning
paragraph four? C. In the evening
A. Snow White told the dwarfs D. In the full moon
the whole story
B. The dwarfs found Snow 5. Why Snow White ran away to
White sleeping the woods?
C. Snow White saw a little A. Her parents passed away
cottage B. Her uncle was angry with her
D. Snow White and the seven C. Her uncle and aunt would go
dwarfs lived happily to America
D. Snow White was happy to
run away
6. Where did Snow White live after 8. How did Snow White meet the
she ran away to the woods? seven dwarfs?
A. She lived in the cave A. She entered and slept in
B. She lived in the lion nest their house
C. She lived everywhere in the B. She was kidnapped by the
woods seven dwarfs.
D. She lived in the dwarfs C. She met in the castle
cottage D. She saw the seven dwarfs
when they were walking in
7. According to the text, before she the forest
ran away into the woods, why did 9. about leaving Snow White in
Snow White live with her uncle the castle because. What is
and aunt? the underlined word mean?
A. Because she loved them very A. Palace C. Great Wall
much B. Tower D. Cottage
B. As a result of forcing attitude
from them 10. Then she saw a little cottage.
C. Because her parents were What is the similar meaning
dead with the underlined word?
D. Because she were afraid of A. Cave
the dwarfs B. Hut
C. Balcony
D. Cage

Key Answers

Number Indicators Answer

1 Finding main idea The story of Snow White

2 Finding main idea Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily

3 Inferring for implicit Helpful

4 Scanning for explicit In the morning
5 Scanning for explicit Her uncle and aunt would go to America
6 Scanning for explicit She lived in the dwarfs cottage
7 Scanning for explicit Because her parents were dead
8 Scanning for explicit She entered and slept in their house
9 Guessing meaning Palace

10 Guessing meaning Hut


Scoring Rubric
No Kind of test True False Number of items Total Score
1 Multiple choice 1 0 10 10

Achievement = Achieved Score X 100 =

Maximum Score (10)

Daftar Nilai Evaluasi Meeting 3

No. Nama Siswa Skor

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