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Great Balancing Bushra

It was a lovely day today so we all went out before morning tea. I
noticed you watching Aemon and Saloomi running down the ramp.
As they ran you clapped your hands and smiled with excitement. It
wasnt long before you decided to have a turn. You climbed up the
stairs and when you got to the top you stood up straight and looked
at the ramp with great intrepidation. I wondered if you might have
been a little bit scarred as it looks like a long way up. I watched as
you got your balance and then slowly walked down. As you got down
to the middle part you sat down and clapped your hands, as if to
say I made it half way. You stood up and then ran the rest of
the way down. The look on your face was of share enjoyment and
you giggled as you ran back for more.

I was so proud of you Bushra you were able to push yourself to do

something that you hadnt done in the centre before, that takes a
lot of courage and showed me you have lots of confidence.

Te Whariki: Exploration Bushra is exploring the environment

around her and testing her abilities to do different things. She is
gaining more confidence and control over her body and improving
her gross motor skills.

What next: Teachers will provide challenges to develop

Bushras complex learning by encouraging her gross motor skills
while also helping her develop her eye hand co-ordination. We will
ensure both the indoor and outdoor spaces are set up to encourage
Bushra to take risks and extend her confidence.

T. Lynda February 2017

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