Learning Agreement in The Communication Space - Murrsa

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Learning Agreement

Communication Space
Term 2 Week 7 2017

During LA this week, Murrsa has chosen to explore the Communication Space. She
uses her time in this space effectively to develop her writing and literacy skills. She also
explores and utilises the resources available in this space to communicate her ideas
through her drawings and pictures.

Murrsa had spent the first half of this session writing and drawing pictures. Once she
had finished, her teacher had asked her to explain her work.

T: Can you tell me about your work?

Murrsa: I write my name and the Joker.
T: What do you know about the Joker?
Murrsa: It is a cartoon that my brother watches and told me about.
Murrsa: I also did an S.
T: What else can you tell me about your work?
Murrsa: Im not sure

Murrsa used the letter stamps available to add to her work and recognised the letter S
from her name. Murrsa uses her imagination for her drawing and is able to illustrate
pictures to resemble the real life object Representational Drawing. Murrsa had
drawn a staircase, a picture of the Joker, and a rainbow. Murrsa will be encouraged to
draw pictures to connect and add to meaning to her writing.

The Communication Space is also a space where students are encouraged to develop
and compose a narrative story. Murrsa was asked by her teacher to create a short
story. She recognised that sentences are key units for expressing ideas. Murrsa uses
symbols to represent letters and understands that the beginning of a sentence starts
from the left to the right hand side of the page.

Murrsa was able to make meaning to her writing. She was able to include Who, What,
Where, When and feelings to her short piece of writing.

T: Can you read your story for me?

Murrsa: Once upon a time, there was a boy outside who didnt tell his mum in the night.
She was very angry.

The Communication Space is one of Murrsas favourite spaces to visit. She has
demonstrated persistence, confidence and creativity and is encouraged to apply these
skills to other areas of her learning.

Murrsa is very engaged in this space and believes that it is a beautiful place for
colouring and writing.

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