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4 er 4 - si i : / ea errata ek - bons 7 no Ls | : . a 4 ae ‘aie 5 so at 5 q Hh deel nee ena Aes Den ee Publish by Thoms Telford Publishing, Thomas Ter! Lt 1 Heron Quay, London IE} AID. URL Inapeg wee theatre come Dissrihosors for ‘Thomas Telford books a EN > ASCE Pros 1801 Nenler Bll Deve, Reston, VA Japan: Mararen Ces 1, Book Deparrmen, 3-10 Nile {Chae Tap 108 Iuctrafta: [DA Basoks and Journals, 648 Whiteborse Rr Mitcharn 3132, Vietosin 91 aan, USA 2chome, list published 288, Reprinted 26 ‘Also available from Thomas Telford Books Menna! orig emimaring, Falitod by MJ. Reall, G\.R. Parke and J. B. Handing, ISBN 45 Heid ngaering: a gla perp. LassounsVernindey Trova. ISBN 0 7277 3218 3 (Consents trends ride aig sont ai mcetnate 2.5. ISIN 072-7 8001 6 1 eatalergue recur for this honk iy aailable Frans the British Libeaty Ess 0 7207 3238 4 © Thay Tekin Limited 2013 AU rights, inching sanslatinn, reserved. Escape as permitted by the Copy ight, Designs seal Parents Net 1988, no part ofthis publication mat be repeaduced, stored ima reteieval sistem ne transmit! in any firm oe by any means, electmnie, mechanical, photocopying tir erbervise, witha the print writen permission of the Bublishing Dieeetoe, Thomas ein Publishing, ‘Thomas Telford J, 1 Heron Quax, Loan B14 4D. “This bow is palshed on dhe understanding that the author sole respansible forthe statements mise and opinions expressed in and that is publication docs ot necessarily imply that such statements anclor epinions are or eer che views oF opinions oF the publishers. While every effort hay fxn make to ensure thatthe statements made and she fapistons expressed in this publication provide a safe arn aeewrate guide, no liability oe responsibility can be accept in tis reapect by the author oe peblishers Typeset hy Acwlemie + Techie, Bristol Prinnel ara heard Great Britain by Antony Rowe Lad Chippentiam, Wiltshiee Dedication ‘To my wile Alison, who has visited many bridges over the years, and to my daughters Sarah and Laura, who may come to use theny one day Contents Preface Disclaimer Acknowledgements List of figures List of tables 1. Prestressed concrete in bridgeworks Introdaction Peineiples of prestressing. Pre-tensioning Post-tenstoning Brief history of prestressed concrete bridges Reficrences 2. Prestressing components and equipment introduction Proprietary systems Wires Strands and tendons Bass Anchorages Tendon couplers Deetin Equipment for placing tendons Stressing jacks References 3. Durabilty and detailing Introduction Recent history of durability issues in the UR Corrosion protection and ducting, Comerete 26 28 31 33 34 4 3 %6 Detaiting Access Stray current protection Paternal tendon replacement References Grouting post-tensioned tendons Introduction Recent history of grouting ut watertal Gr Grouting equipment st material wests Vents and other details outing tals Pre grin Air pressure testing Water pressure testing, Leskayges Genuting procedure Grease and wax grout References Prestress design Inteoduetion General approach Primary and secondary prestress effects Prestress force and losses Friction losses and tendon extension Liste shortening. and strains Relaxation of tendon steel Creep losses Shrinkage losses ‘Tendon ecee Sceviceability limit sate stress check Deticetioms and pre-camber Vibrations and fatigue in tendons Uigimae moment design Shear design Torsion desiga Longitudi Partial peestressing Construction sequence and ereep “Temperacare effeess Concrete properties Application ofthe prestress Desiga procedures co BS M00 ‘Service limit state sisess check 38 40 B a 6 46 r 48 50 St 53 54 34 55 56 Py 38 58 a oo ot 6 7 o 70 ” 8 8 Eo 83 84 = 88 88 9 Ultimate moment resistance Ultimate shear resistance Ulimae torsion Longitudinal shear Partial presteessing Design procedures to AASHTO standard specifications Allowable stress design check Plesural strength ‘Shear capacity Torsion Horizontal shear References Design of details Introduction Anchorages Pre tensioned strand Post-tensioned tendons Cast-in dead-end anchors for post-tensioned tendons Anchor blisters of blocks Anchor pockets, Couplers Duets Diaphragms Deviators Refer Concept design of prestressed concrete bridges Introduction Deek types Selecting the deck arrangement Acticulation and span arrangements Post-tensioning, with internal or external tendons Bridge costs Material quantities References Analysis of prestressed concrete bridges Introduction Traditional approach to deriving forces, moments and shears Dead load and applied loading analysis Deriving the prestress forces and moments Stage-by-stage and creep effects Combining effects 89 90 9 92 92 3 %3 95 95 %6 96 98 98 98 98 99 103 los 106 or 108 no us 19 120 120 121 126 128 129 130 132 133 134 1B 134 135 Br 140 MI Specialist software for the analysis of prestzessed concrete bridges 141 Gi eral description 1 10. 11 12, Input data Analysis of the structure Ourpet Summary Relerences Slab bridges introduction Solid-slab bridges Voidled-slab bridges Design of slab bridges Rete Beam-und-slab bridges inrroduerion General arrangement Construction of fr sity beany and-slab decks Casciny: and transportation af precast beams Hreetion of precast beams Cast Desi of deck slab of heam-and-slals decks General design Stress distribarion through section Precast beams in continuous and inteyen! decks Prestress and reinforcement References In situ multi-cell box girder decks Introduetion « Construction of st multi-cell box girders sneral arrangement Design of first nyalti-cell box girders References In situ single- Il box girder bridges Introduerion General asrangement Construction, span-by-span Construction by balanced cantilever Design of i sta single-cell box gitders Bos behaviour Prestress layout Transverse prestressing of top slab Deck articulation Deck consteuction 143 146 150 150 150 151 151 152 152 154 155 179 180 181 186 189 190 190 191 194 197 201 202 202 202 aos 205 205 14. 16. Precast segmental box girders Introduction General arrangement Casting of segments Stonige and transportation of segments Se general Sczment erection by the balanced cantilever methoxt jgment erection by the span-by-span method Scament erection by the pr Desi exsive phicement method n aspects assaciated with precast segmental decks Prestress tendon fayeat Shear Keys ae joint Design with epnsy or concrete joints Des Typical sezment details Deck erection References: swith dey joins Precast full-length box girders Introduction General arrangement Gassing and storage of the units “Transportation of the units Freetion of the units Des n of full-length precast box girder decks Incrementally launched box girder bridges Inteoxtvetion General arrangement Casting the deck aching the deck Design aspects associated with launched box girder decks Longitudinal desiga during launch ‘Transverse and local design dari Construction tolerances Consteuetion load Lasals on supports during laenching References nine Cable-stayed bridges Intrnduetion Cable-stayed b ide arrangements Construction of conerete cahle-stayed bridges Box girder decks Reamand:slab decks Design aspects associated with ermerete cable-stayed brielyes Contents Contents Analysis of eable-stayed! bridges Deck design and behav Deci dynamic behaviour Stays Temporary hnading, References 17, Other prestressed concrete bridge types Introduction Extra-dosed bridges Fin-back bridges Truss bridges Arch borides Foothridyes References 18. Problems and failures Introduction Prestressing components Wire, strand and tendon failures Tendon extensions Grouting and duces Corrosion Conerete and reinforcement Concrete eracks Honeyeombin Conerete cover lems during construction Failures due to desigan Conseruetion procedures Structural hehavioue problems Problems after opening. Durability Rehabilitation and modifications References Appendix A: Definitions Appendix B: Symbols and notations used Appendix C: Purther reading and useful references, Introduction Books Design gitides and technical reports Anticles Standards, codes of practice and specifications Websites 328 332 332 32 333 3M BS 3 Appendix D: Proprietary systems Introduction Malti-strand systems Esteraal tendon systems Plat-slaly sestems Bar systems Wire prestressing systems Auxiliary equipment Company and person index Project index Subject index 339 339. 30. 346 348 350 354 357 361 362 Contents FF] Preface This book is an expansion of the ehapter on presivessed concrete bridges ia the Manual of Bridge f the practical aspects involved! in the desig el construction of prestressed concrete bridge decks. Concrete remains the mest common material for bridge construction around the world, sal prestressed concrete is Frequently the material of chnice for bridge «leeks witls spans zreater than as the more common highway and rail rid nt As well heen successfully used on some of the Inrger cable-stayed structees, major fiver crossings and urban wiaduers ‘Much has been learnt about presteessed eonerete aver the sis decades since ie was first used on bridgeworks and the current techniques employed in both their design and their construction have evolved greatly fron those used by the extly pioneers such as Prevssiner and Magnel, Hier steengh concrete steels coupled with sophisticated and improvements in the prestressin desiga tools have given prestressed concrete a greater versatility ‘here are many different ways rH slesign and build prestressed conerete bridges and it is true to say every bride is different in one ther. All bridge designers have their own way of doing things and their awn preter ences in the design approach and the details ro adopt, while individual contractors come up wi ifferent solution tor the sime problem. No single publication can cover all the possible ways to design or build prestressed concrete bridges; however, this hank presents rhe authar's expe ences, collected over 25 years in the industry Although there are several good publications covering general prestress cconerete design, and many short articles and uidanee nores on the diferent practical aspeers of designing andl eonsteuering prestressed concrete bridges, there is litle available bringing combine all the aspects of prestressed concrete bridge decks into one volume. ‘Chapters Land 2 cover the general aspects of prestressin, iss principles and the components that make up the prestressing. systems. Chapters 3 and 4 consider durability isues, while Chaprers 3 to 8 gover a range oF general design issues. Chapters 9 to 17 diseuss the design and construesion of itlrent deck finems andl construction rechaiggues. (1 the problems that have occured in the pas. While reviewing the design and constuction of the diferent types of this toetaer, Ie the aimy of this book to peer 18 looks brietly at some of prestressed comerete bridge decks and the prestressing systems used, this hook assumes that the reader has a basic understanding of prestressed and reinforced concrete design, which n be applied to the specific application of bridges ‘The author would welcome comments and dialogue on any of the subjects contained withia this hook, and be exn be eontaeted by e-mail ar nel Preface Disclaimer "The information contained in chis book is basee! on the experience of the vuthor and bis interpretation of current praeticc. AI information and data contained shuuld be checked and verified far use on any particular project. Acknowledgements Where do you seart when there have been so many friends and colleagues who ave assisted me aver the yeats, both in gaining the knowledge to write this ‘ook andl in actively contributing to its contents? Perhaps I should start by shanking Graham Davenport, Keith Simny and [Dick Thomas who wave me she initial encouragement and opportunity to become a bridue engineer, while all the people I have worked with have had some influence on this nok's contents, Many thanks to Tony Gee and Parcners and Hyder Consulting Ltd without cchom this book would not have been completed and tor the many Ayures ane photographs they provided Most of the drawings have been provided by Hyder Consultiny noted otherwise, with help from Ray Purvis and his seam, 4 special thanks also to Louise Smith for help with Chapters 3 and 4 on. durability issues and grouting of tendons; 0 VSL, Freyssinet, DYWIDAG, BBR and McCall's tor the information on their systems permission to publish extracts from their brochures and £0 Zor help with some of the diagrams, ‘The author wishes to acknowledge and thank the following for the figures and drawings provided: Andrew Barbour, Louise Smith, Alan Major, Francis Kung, Peter Fox, Martin Morris, Bill Hard, Tom Williams, Roger Knight, Jonathan Hiscock and all the others from Hyder who have provided photographs over many Stephen Cardwell at VSL. Berard Fortier at Campenon Bernard (aow Vinci) Flemming Pedersen and Robert Uthwatt at Cowi Gordon Clark at Giffords Paul Bottomley at Freyssinet Dr Brenni at BBR Bob Spackman and Stuart Beunton at TGP Joe O'Donovan and ‘Tony Dempsey at Roughaa & O'Donovan Bijan Aalami at ADAPT Ronald Yee at Yee and Associates Jean-Philippe Mathiew at Bouy rues Reknowiedgements Finally, a thank you to Brian Pope and Andy Hexlghinsun fer reading i all through to make sure it made sense. Lapologize should | have missed anyone whe has helped or eantsibuted to. this book; itis nor intentional but more a retleetion on te time taken tw bring it all together. List of figures Chapter | Figure £1 Figure 12 Figare 13 Byker Viaduer, England Ceirig Vineluet, Wales River Dee crossing, Wales Killaeney Overbridge, Ireland Vinduct constructed with preeas: beams Prestressing building blocks Change to stresses in beam Figure 18 Precasting yard for che Bospocus crossing proieet, Turkey Figure 1.9 Internal ducts and anchors prior to concreting Figure 1.10 xternal tendons inside bo girder deck Figure 11 Srressing of post-tensioned tendon LIZ Annet Bridge, France ©1138 Linn Cove Viaduet, USA 1.14 St James's Park Footbridge, England 115 M3 Medway Bridge, England Figure 16 Dornoch Firth crossing, Scotland Figure 117 Brotonae Bridge, France Figore 1:18 Hung Hom Bypass, Hong Kong Figure 1.19 Vase da Gama Bridge, Portugal Figure 1.20 Sunniberg Bridge, Switgerland Figure 1.21 Longest prestressed conérete bridge span length + year Figure 1.22 Sherbrooke Footbridge, Canada Figure 1.23 Peace Footbridge, Korea Chapter 2 Figure 2.1 Multistrand tendon Figure 2.2 Prestressing bar and anchor Figure 2.3. Multistrand tendon live end anchor Figure 24 Strand deacl-end anchorage Figure 2.5. Multisteand rendon coupler Figure 2.6 Prestress bar coupler Figure 2.7 Stee! ducts inside reinforcement cage Figure 2.8 Figure 2.9 Corrugated plastic duet and coupler HDPE: duet List of figures Figure 2.10 Figure 211 Figure 212 Figure 2.13 re 214 Figure 2.15 Posh-through placing of strand Pull-through placing of strand Juck for stressing single strand Jack for multi-strand tendon Jack tor prestressing bar Placing of large prestressing jack ont tendon Chapter 3 Piguere 3.1 Figure 32 Multi-sisand tendon proteetion systems Sout drainage hole Deck desinage ridge inspection unit iit aceess hole Abutment inspection gallery Access through box girder diaphragms Chapter 4 Pigure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 Figure 4.4 Figure 4.5 Figure 4.6 Flaw-cone test Inclined duct test Grout mixing, equipment Anchor cap with grout inlet Concrete capping to anchorage Grout vents Chapter 5 Figure 5.1 Figure 52, Figare 5 Figure Figure 53 Figure 5.6 Figure 5.7 Figure Figure 5.9 Figure 5.40 “igure 3.11 Figure 5.12 igure 5.13 Figure 5.14 Figure 5.15 Figure 5.16 igre 5.7 Precast beam prestressing Prestressing bars used for segment erection ‘Typical post-tensioning layout External tendons inside box gitder Prestress in continuous decks Secondary effects due to built-in supports Prestress stresses on section “Tendon-force profile Relaxation losses in strands 1 initial stress tress distribution due to shear lag affective flange width Ulimate moment of esistance Contribution of haunched slab to shear resistance Longitudinal shear Creep redistribution of moments Stresses generated from temperature gradient Cube r cylinder strengths Chapter 6 Figure 6.1 Figure 62 Figure 64 Figure 6.5 Figure 6.6 Figure 6.7 Figure 6.8 Figure 6.10 Figure 6.11 Figure 6.12 Figure 6.13 Figure 6.14 Figure 6.15 Figure 6.16 Figure 6.17 Figure 6.18 Figure 6.19 Figure 6.20 Figure 6.21 Pro-tensioned steand ar the end of a precast beam End block design End block reinforcement with internal ducts Spread! of stress into flanges Deucd-end anchorage reinforcement Blister and anchor block design Blister reinforcement "Three-dimetisional modelling of anchor blister Restraining curved duets Tendons in curved bottom slab Duets for external tendons Diaphragm arrangements Diaplneayn hanging reinforcement Vertical prestress in diaphragm *U" beam diaphragm ‘Typical box girder intermediate diaphragm Deviator arrangements Concrete beam deviator Concrete block deviator Steel deviator ‘Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deviator Chapter 7 Figure 7.1 Span ranges for differen: deck types Figure 7.2 Precast beams Figure 7.3. In sim box girder Figure 74 Precast segmental box girder Figure 75 Incrementally launched box giedee Figure 7.6 Cable staved bridge Figure 77 Choice for single span decks Figure 78 Choice for multi-span viaducts Figure 7.9. Optimizing bridge costs Figure 7.10 Typical quantities in prestressed concrete decks Chapter 8 Figure 8.1 Grillage model for analysis Figure 82. Longitudinal dead load moment from frame analysis Figure 8.3 Frame model for transverse moment analysis Figure 8.4 Fall length chree-dimensional finite element model Figure 85 Tendon Frietion-loss spreadsheet Figure 8.6 Prestress moments from influence coefficients Figure 87 ADAPT menu window Figure 88 ADAPT traveller defnition Figure 89 Graphical representation of che ADAPT model List of figures Figure 8.10 Stage-by-stage construction by -1D/IPT Figure 8.11 Stage-by-stage construction with a traveller B12 ADAPT output Chapter 9 Figure 91 Balbriggan Bridge, Ireland M4 Overbride, Ireland jure 9.3 Vidled-slab deck section jure 94 Void formers Figure 95 Weights holding void formers down Chapter 10 Figure 10.1 Artis impression of de Bangi SES vialue Figure 10.2 Analee Bridge, Ireland Figure 10.3 Ghantoot Interchange Overbride, United Araby Emirates » recast beam bridge under construction aver river Precast beam bridge over railway “Typical precast beam arrangements Typical precast heam deck section ‘igure 10.8 Precast beam span range Figure 10.9 Insite ladder beam arrangement Fi 10 Beam continuity at pier Figure 10.11 Precast beams on crosshead prior to easting diaph: deck slab sure 10,12 Falsework for fr sity beams and deck slab Figure 10.13 Overhead gantry for ar sin beam and slab deck ‘igure 10.14 Casting bed for pre-tensioned beams Figure 10.15, Jacking frame at end of casting bed with inset of strand jack Figure 10.16 Shutter with strands anchored at ends Figure 10.17 Shutter for post-tensioned precast beam Figure 10.18 Stressing post-tensioned beam Figure 10.19 Beam transporter Figure 1.20 Beam placed by erane Figure 10.21 Gantry for placing, beams Figure 10.22 Formwork and reinforcement being placed Figure 10.23 Deck slab being exst Figure 10.24 Stresses in precast beam deck Figure 10.25. Typieal eeinforcement and prestress arrangement Figure 10.26 Typical deck slaly reinforcement Chapter 11 Figure 11.1 Kwan Tong Bypass, Hong Kong Figure 11.2 ‘Typical box cross-section Figure 11.3 Multi-cell box girder bridye igure 1144 Fullheighe seafolding Figure 115 Figure 11.6 Figure 11.7 Fegure 11.8 Figure 11.9 Fegure 11.10 Figure 11.11 Figure 11.12 Figure 11.13 Figure 12.15, Froure 12.16 Figure 12.17 Chapter Figure 13.1 Fizure 132 Feure 133, Figure 13.4 Figure 13.5, Figure 13.6 Figure 13.7 Figure 13.8 Figure 13.9 Figure $3.10 sgure 13.11 Figure 13.12 re 13.13 gure 13.14 igure 13.15 Formwork being installed Reinforcement and tendon ducts Botreny slab, webs and diaphragm east Stage-by-staye construction Deck nishing muehine Balanced cantilever construction of multi-cell bus: ‘Theee-imensional finite elernent model of deck Longitudinal tendon profile Typical reinforcement arrangement List of figures 12 MTR Island Line, Hong Kong, Malaysia Singapyre Seciond Crossing, Typical single-cell bos ereseseetion Twin-box arrangement ingle-cell hos with struts supporting, side cantilevers Pall-beight scaffolding from the ground Gantry support for Formwork Reinforcement, ducts and web shutters being placed Shutter for top slab herween webs Balanced cantilever construction Balanced cantilever construction of deck Pierhead and setting up of the traveller ‘Travelling form arrangement Travelling form on deck Balanced cantilever construction with bearings “Tendon layout for balanced cantilever construction ransverse tendons profile and anchorage 13 Byker Viaduct, England Belfast Cross Harbour Links, Northern Ireland Bangkok Second Expressway System, Thailand Hung Hom Bypass and Princess Margaret Road Links, Hong Kong Jahen-Ghavali Viaduct, Kuwait General view inside easting yard Casting cell schematic layour Shoreline casting bed Inner shutter ready’ to slide inte position Counter-cast segment positioned Segments on loa line casting bed Long: line formwork Reinforcement assembly jig Reinforcement cage stored ready to be moved to casting cell Inflated tubes in duets during segment casting i=l List of figures vv Figure 13.16 iguee 13.17 “igure 13.18 Figure 13.19 Figure 13.23 Figure 13.24 Figure 13.25 Figure 13.26 Figure 13.27 Figure 13.28 Phyure 13.30 Bigure (3.31 Figure 13.32 Figure 13.33 Figure 13.34 Figure 13.35 Figure 13.36 : aoe: Figure 13.39 Figure 13.40 Figare 13.41 Figure Figure 13. Figure 13.44 Figure 13.43 Pigure 13.46 Figure 13.47 Figure 13.48 Figure 13.49 Figure 13.50 Figure 13.51 Figure 13.52 Figure 13. Chapter igure (4.1 Figure 142 Figure 14.3 Figure 14.4 gore 14.5 Figure 14.6 Seymene setting Survey pins -RMents in stone yard ‘egment on special carrier Seuments lifted by erane at storage yard Cascin ling, books Sexymene prsitioned on rail: mounted bogey Seyment transported by barge Precast segmental deek erection techniques Epoxy being spread over joint °O" rings around ducts at segment joints ements View inside box girder as segment is being positioned Close-up of juint after segment erected Dey jointed segmental deck Deals of seal along top of dey joint Spalling of concrete edges at joint between segments Balanced cantilever ereetion using a yancey szment being positioned Precast segments erceted by crane Precast seyuments erected by ground-level gantry Precast sexments erected br lifting frame Prop and tie to stabilize cantilever Stabilizing bracket around pier Shutter for ie stn stitch at midspan Frame 1o align eantilevers Overivead gantry for span-by-span erection Segments hanging from gantry Underslung truss for span-by-span erection Litting arm on underslang gantry Progressive placing of segments with props Preseress layout for balanced cantilever deck Prestress layout for simply supported deck Shear key arrangements Reinforcement for large shear keys imate behaviour of beam with dry joints and external tendons ‘Typical segment arrangement Web and hottom sb transition detail ‘Temporary prestress for s 14 Saudi Arabis-Bahrain Causeway Vasco da Gama crossing, Portugal Singapore MRT Confederation Bridge, Canada Casting cell shurters Pre-assembled reinforcemen’ Unit being concreted List of figures Completed precast unit stored Beam with lifting. gantry Beam transporter Beam being moved on to deck Beam being transported by barge Placing, beams by gantry Cantilevered deck being lifted into place 5. Deck on bearings Stitch for deck continuity 15 Dorock Finh viaduet, Seatland Hiasdel Viaduct. Turkey Deck daring launel over pices ‘Typical launched deek section “Tendon anchorage details Casting area behind abutment ‘Typical easting and launching sequence for deck Formwork arrangement Onter formwork assembled Casting cell looking towards deck Conereting the deck slab ‘emporary bearings for launch Combined permanent and launch bearings Pash launching jack 5 Pulling arrangement Guides fixed to piers and bearing plinths being prepared Launching nose on deck Bending moments in deck during launching Bending moment range in deck during launching Analysis of bottom slab and web during launch Forces on substructure during launching 16 Sunshine Skyway Bridge, USA Vasco da Gama Crossing, Portugal River Dee Crossing, Wales Conerete deck arrangements for cable-stayed bridges Multi-stay areangements Balanced cantilever construction Deck cast partly on falsework and partly with traveller Lifting deck segments into place ‘Vasco da Gama Crossing cable-stayed bridge layout 16.10. Yamuna cable-stayed bridge lavout re 16.11 Form traveller for casting deck List of figures Figure 16.12 Figure 16.13 Figure 16.14 Figure 16.15 Figure 16.16 Figure 16.17 Figure 16.18 Figure 16.19 Figure 16.20 Figure 16.21 Figure 16.22 Figure 16.23 Chapter Figure 17.1 Figure 172 Figare 173 Figure 17-4 Figure 17.3 Figure 176 Figure 17.7 Figure 17.8 Figure 17.9 Figure 17.10 Figure 17.11 Figure 17.12 Chapter Figure 18.1 Figure 18.2 Figure 183 Figure 18.4 Figure 18.5 Figure 18.6 Figure 18.7 Figure 18.8 Form travellers being lifted into position Beam-and-slab dleck under construction Prefabricated reinforcement cage Stays being installed Simplistic analysis medel ‘Threesdimensional analysis mode! Deflectedt shape of cable-stayed deck nement profile Axial farce in deck Bending moments durin deck eantilevering Deck detleetions during cantilevering Stay anchorage arrangement 7 Extradoved anc! fin-back bridge arrangements ‘Tsakuhara Bridge, Japan Sunnibery Bridge, Switzerland Barton Creek Bridge, USA Bubiyan Bridge, Kuwait Boulonnais Bridge, France Vecchio Bridge, Carsiex Ghadesville Bridge, Australia Barclang Bride Footbridge, Singapore Footbridge, Hong Kong, Kilmacanogue stressed-ribbon footbridge, Ireland Incomplete grouting Spalling at deviator Deviator failure Honeycombing around anchors Congested reinforcement Honeycombing and voids in concrete Precast beam dropped Segments toppling in storage yard Appendix D Figure D1 VSL. typical tendon and steel duct sizes Figure D2 VSI. PT-PLUS™ duet sizes Figure D3 VSL anchorage type EC Figure D4 VSI. dead-end anchorage type H Figure D5 VSL enuplers types K and V Figure D6 VSI jack details Figure D7 VSI- anchorage blocksout and jack clearances Ds py = DIO pit 212 care DIS core DIG care DIS. gure DI6 Picure DIT = Sure DIS VSI. texternal” stressing ancherage type Hid VSL ‘external’ stressing anchorage type Ldlan Ereyssiner slabstress tenons DYWIDAG prestressing, bars DYWIDAG bur post- tensioning details DYWIDAG bar anchor details DYWIDAG bar coupler DYWIDAG bar duct sizes DYWIDAG bar jack dara BBRY wite tendons BBRY standaed wire tendons BBRY w BBRY wire couplers BRV wire jack details DYWIDAG scrand pushing equipment DYWIDAG hydraulic pump dart DYWIDAG grouting equipment List of figures chores List of tables Chapter 2 Table 21 Wire, strand and her properties ‘Table 22 Multissteand tendon sine Chapter 5 Table 5.1 “Typical friction evetficients ‘Table 5.2 ‘Tendon arse inside duce Prestressed concrete in bridgeworks Introduction Jon; however, prestressing, ‘and compressive capa Figre 1.1. Brker | England. C) Prestressed concrete bridges jane 1.2. Griting Vala, Wake, Reprednid euartesy ab Tony Ge and Partucs Copsright nice overbridges and underbridges, including the Killarney Overbridge in Fig, 1.4, have also utilized prestressing with either iv sit ar precast concrete beams rete bridges has given the bridge engineer Of bridge form and in the construction prestressed conerete is frequently the Development of prestressed cor increased flesibility in his select techniques available, As a resel material of choice for bridges. Spans range trom les precast beams, as in Fig. 1.3, to more than 450m for cable-st ed bridges. Pigore 1.3. River Dee erasing, Wale, Repradned conrtery af Gifford, Copsright reeered. 2 ced concrete bridges include a wide variety of different forms: from rom beams to bos givder {from simply s i functions range from the carrying of pede road or rail trafic and they make up a Sgnifieant p stock in existence today n of prestressed concrete bridges both eatly influences and is n the construction process envisaged. (The construction sequence cal considerations in positioning the tendons influe ich more than the desire to achieve a cone conerete shape is often dictated by the placement of the prest Prestressed concrete in bridgeworks Prestressed concrete bridges tendons and their anchorages, while the need for rapid construction of difficulties with access may dictate the type of steucture and construction methodology adopted. On the other hand, the assumptions made in the analysis and design may govern the construction method and sequence adopted. Solutions using precast segments (sce Chapter 13) are used over difficult ground or where rapid construction is necded. ‘The deck may be Taunched (sce Chapter 15) over a deep valley to reduce the need for falsework and to minimize the disruption and environmental impact on the landscape below. Precast beams (see Chapter 10) are used where access to the ground underneath is restricted, and stay cables (see Chapter 16) allow longer spans and reduce the number of piers. In all eases the design and the construction methodology must be developed together Durability and maintenance requirements feature prominently in any design produced today as lessons learnt from problems with existing, bridges are fed back into the industey. Aesthetics are another important consideration, as designers strive to improve the appearance of bridges 0 fit into the environment. ‘Today’s bridge designer bas to take into account all these factors in order to develop the optimum solution for any particular bridge project undertaken After deciding the type of bridge struccure to be used and the construction approach to be adopted, the design of the prestressed concrete deck is carried ut, This usually involves the use of specialist software, although hand caleu- Iations or spreadsheets are valid approaches that are still widely used by many designers. The analysis must accurately model the effect of the presteess and applied load on the structure, to ensure that all the strength and serviceability requirements are met. This often includes three-dimensional finite-element modelling, as well as stage-by-stage analysis with che creep and shrinkage behaviour included. ‘The many aspects that contribute 10 the design and construction of prestressed concrete bridge decks, including the materials and equipment used, the design requirements and procedures, and the consteuction tech- niques adopted, are covered in subsequent chapters. In this first chapter ‘only the basic principles of prestressing are discussed, and a brief history of prestressing and prestressed concrete bridges presented Principles of prestressing Force tsansfer between the prestress tendon and the concrete achieves prestressing of the concrete member. Tendons are pulled and stretched and then anchored against the concrete, with the tension in the tendon being balanced by compression inthe concrete. In this way an external compressive force is applied to the concrete and is used to counter the tensile stresses generated under the bending moments and sheat forces present. ‘The tendons are placed either within the conerete member as intemal tendons, or alongside the concrete as external tendons, and can be unbonded or bonded to the concrete. They can be pre-tensioned or post-tensioned and consist of wire, strands or bas; however, their effect on the concrete, and the busi principles of design, are the same inal eases (a) Winout pressing bose ogahar nig (0) Wn tacks pressd together Pry ly ve¥weY The effect of prestressing can be demonstrated by attempting to pick up a +: © of children’s building blocks, as depicted in Fig. 1.6. By pushing the ends «cher, and applying a ‘prestressing’ force to the blocks, i is possible ro pick " up; however, ifno force were applied to the ends then the row of bricks Id fall apart. The joints between the blocks ate unable to resist tension s-4. without the ‘prestressing’ force, they open up under their self-weight. » the ‘prestressing’ force applied the joints are kept in compression

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