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A review of production, properties and advantages

of biodiesel

Vijay Kumar Mishra & Rachna Goswami

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properties and advantages of biodiesel, Biofuels, DOI: 10.1080/17597269.2017.1336350

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A review of production, properties and advantages of biodiesel

Vijay Kumar Mishra and Rachna Goswami
Department of Bio-Sciences, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Nuzvid, Krishna District 521202, Andhra Pradesh, India


Continuous use of fossil fuels (non-renewable natural resources) are depleting fastaly and its Received 13 March 2016
burning cousing accumulation of carbon dioxide in the environment. Renewable carbon Accepted 22 July 2016
neutral transport fuels are required for environmental and economic sustainability. Biodiesel KEYWORDS
derived from oil crops is a potential renewable carbon neutral alternative to petroleum fuels. It Biodiesel; alternate fuel;
consists of monoalkyl esters of long-chain fatty acids and is primarily produced by direct use vegetative oil;
and blending, microemulsions, thermal cracking (pyrolysis) and transesterication. The most transesterication; renewable
commonly used method for biodiesel production is transesterication of vegetable oils and
animal fats. There are several processes available for the transesterication reaction including
batch process, supercritical processes, ultrasonic methods and microwave methods. The factors
which inuence the transesterication reaction are water content of oils or fats and free fatty
acids, molar ratio of glycerides to alcohol, catalysts, reaction time and reaction temperature. In
this present review, the importance, history, properties, sources and techniques for production
of biodiesel are described.

Introduction International (International Association for Testing and

Materials) as a fuel composed of monoalkyl esters of
The demand for petroleum has been continuously
long-chain fatty acids derived from renewable vegeta-
increasing due to industrialization and modernization.
ble oils or animal fats meeting the requirements of
Economic development has led to a high demand for
ASTM D6751. Vegetable oils (edible and non-edible)
energy. The energy supplied to full the demand is
and animal fats are mainly composed of triacylglycerols
derived from fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal and
which consist of long-chain fatty acids chemically
natural gas. International Energy Agency (IEA) [1] and
bound to a glycerol (1,2,3-propanetriol) backbone. Tri-
Shahid and Jamal [2] predict that the world will need
glycerides hold promise as alternative diesel engine
50% more energy in 2030 than today, of which 45%
fuels [6,7]; [8]; [9]. Direct use of vegetable oils and/or oil
will be accounted for by China and India [3]. Climate
blends is generally considered to be unsatisfactory and
change is presently the most serious global environ-
not practical for either direct-injection or indirect-injec-
mental problem. If the average global temperature
tion diesel engines. The acid composition, high viscosity
increases by more than 2 C, nearly one million species
and free fatty acid (FFA) content of used vegetable oils
could become extinct and hundreds of millions of peo-
and/or oil blends, as well as gum formation due to oxi-
ple could lose their lives [4]. It is estimated that nearly
dation and polymerization during storage and combus-
4.1 billion metric tons of CO2 will be released into the
tion, carbon deposits, and lubricating oil thickening, are
atmosphere from 2007 to 2020. Additionally, it is
some of the more obvious problems [7,10,11]. Signi-
expected that extra 8.6 billion metric CO2 will be
cant work has gone into developing vegetable oil deriv-
released into the atmosphere from 2020 to 2035. It is
atives that approximate the properties and
estimated to be around 43% increase for the aforemen-
performance of hydrocarbon-based diesel fuels. Prob-
tioned projected period (International energy outlook
lems encountered in substituting triglycerides for diesel
2010 [5]; The
fuels are mostly associated with their high viscosity, low
non-renewable natural resource consumption rates and
volatility and polyunsaturated character [11]. Three
CO2 in the atmosphere increase daily, prompting many
main processes have been investigated in attempts to
researchers to look for alternative fuels friendlier to the
overcome these drawbacks and allow vegetable oils
environment than fossil fuels. Biodiesel is attractive
and oil wastes to be utilized as a viable alternative fuel:
because it is environmentally friendly (low emissions of
pyrolysis, microemulsication and transesterication [7].
carbon monoxide and particulate matters), renewable,
Among these, transesterication is the most common
highly degradable, zero toxicity and does not release
and most widely accepted.
hydrocarbons. Biodiesel is dened by ASTM

CONTACT Vijay Kumar Mishra;

Equal contribution
2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

The chemical process by which biodiesel is prepared and his invention provided the foundation for a society
is known as the transesterication reaction. This reac- fuelled with clean, renewable, locally grown fuel [17]. In
tion involves triacylglycerols reacting with short-chain emergency situations (in the 1930s and 1940s), vegeta-
monohydric alcohols normally in the presence of a ble oils were used as replacements for diesel fuel [10].
suitable catalyst (alkali, acid or enzyme) at elevated Today, countries are turning to using biofuels due to
temperatures to form fatty acid alkyl esters (FAAE) and its renewable sources and reduction in pollution [17].
glycerol [12]. Transesterication is the easiest and most In France, rst trials with vegetable oil methyl and
cost-effective process to produce biodiesel. ethyl esters were carried out in 1940. At the same time,
Compared to diesel, biodiesel produces no sulphur, Belgian scientists were using palm oil ethyl ester as a
no net CO2, less carbon monoxide, zero particulate fuel for buses. Research was slow until the late 1970s
matters, no smoke and no hydrocarbons. Biodiesel pro- and early 1980s, when concerns about high petroleum
duces more oxygen. More free oxygen leads to com- prices motivated extensive experimentation with fats
plete combustion and reduced emissions [3,13,14]. and oils as alternative fuels [18,19]. Biodiesel, also
Biodiesel has lubricating properties and cetane ratings known as mono alkyl ester, started to be produced
compared to low sulphur diesel fuels. Its caloric value widely in the early 1990s and since then production
is about 37.27 MJ/kg which is 9% lower than regular has been increasing steadily. In the EU, biodiesel was
Number 2 petrodiesel. Variations in energy density of promoted in the 1980s as a means to prevent the
biodiesel are more dependent on the used feedstock decline of rural areas while responding to increasing
than the production process. These variations are less levels of energy demand. However, it only began to be
than for petrodiesel. The major feedstock for biodiesel widely developed in the second half of the 1990s [20].
is fat or oil from animals and plants. There are more Production of biodiesel is a current and technologi-
than 350 oil-bearing crops identied as possible sour- cal area for researchers because of the increase in
ces for biodiesel production [3]. Generally, the econ- petroleum demand and the environmental advan-
omy of biodiesel production depends on two crucial tages. The most common and effective method of bio-
factors: feedstock and catalyst (determines the number diesel production is the transesterication of vegetable
of steps and synthesis route) [15]. oils and animal fats. It is not a new process; it was pre-
Biodiesel has been utilized in Brazil, Indonesia, sented in 1853 by Duffy and Patrick. Since that time,
Malaysia, the US, France, Germany and other European many studies have been carried out using different
countries [3]. Globally, annual biodiesel production is oils [18].
increasing (15 thousand barrels per day in 2000; 289
thousand barrels per day in 2008) [3,14]. It is accepted
Source of biodiesel
that 85% of biodiesel production comes from the
EU [3,4]. The demand for biodiesel in Europe was 10.5 Biodiesel can be produced from vegetative oil, waste
billion litres in 2010 [3]. cooking oil and animal fats. Biodiesel can also be pro-
In the present review, an attempt is made to review duced from algae, microalgae and fungi. However,
the importance, history, properties, sources and techni- most work has been done on oil-bearing plants. The
ques for production of biodiesel. rst step is selection of feedstock. There are more than
350 oil-bearing crops recognized as potential sources
for production of biodiesel globally [3]. The commonly
History of biodiesel
used feedstocks for production of biodiesel are shown
Rudolf Diesel designed the diesel (i.e. compression in Table 1. The most important factor for biodiesel pro-
ignition) engine to run on many fuels including coal duction is the availability of a wide range of feedstocks
dust suspended in water, heavy mineral oil and vegeta- [3,2,21,22]. The feedstock should full two main
ble oil. Diesels early engine experiments were cata- requirements: low production costs and large-scale
strophic failures. In 1900 he showed his engine at the production. The availability and production of biodie-
World Exhibition in Paris, running on 100% peanut sel feedstock depends on the geographical locations,
oil [16,]. In climatic condition, local soil texture and conditions,
1911, Diesel stated: The diesel engine can be fed with and agricultural practices. Biodiesel feedstocks are
vegetable oils and would help considerably in the divided in four categories [3,11,18,2325]:
development of agriculture of the countries which use
it. In 1912, Diesel said: The use of vegetable oils for 1. Edible vegetable oils such as rapeseed, soybean,
engine fuels may seem insignicant today. But such peanut, sunower, palm and coconut oil.
oils may become in course of time as important as 2. Non-edible vegetable oils such as jatropha, kar-
petroleum and the coal tar products of the present anja, sea mango, algae and halophytes.
time. Diesel died in 1913. His engine was later modi- 3. Waste or recycled oil.
ed to run on the polluting petroleum fuel we now 4. Animal fats such as beef tallow, yellow grease,
know as diesel. Nevertheless, his ideas on agriculture chicken fat and by-products from sh oils.

Table 1. Common feedstocks for biodiesel production.

Group Edible oils Non-edible oils Animal fats Other sources
Name of feedstocks Soybeans (Glycine max) Jatropha curcas Pork lard Bacteria
Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Mahua (Madhuca indica) Beef tallow Algae (Cyanobacteria)
Safower Pongamia (Pongamia pinnata) Poultry fat Microalgae (Chlorellavulgaris)
Rice bran oil (Oryza sativum) Camelina (Camelina sativa) Fish oil Tarpenes
Barley Cotton seed (Gossypium hirsutum) Chicken fat Poplar
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Groundnut Karanja or honge (Pongamia Switchgrass
sorghum pinnata) Miscanthus
Wheat Cumaru Fungi
Corn Abutilon muticum Latexes
Coconut Cynara cardunculus
Canola Neem (Azadirachta indica)
Peanut Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis)
Palm and palm kernel (Elaeis guineensis) Passion seed (Passiora edulis)
Sunower (Helianthus annuus) Moringa (Moringa oleifera)
Tobacco seed
Rubber seed tree (Hevca
Salmon oil
Tall (Carnegiea gigantea)
Coffee ground (Coffea arabica)
Nagchampa (Calophyllum
Croton megalocarpus
Pachira glabra
Aleurites moluccana
Terminalia belerica
References [3,26] [3,27] [3,26,28] [29], [3];

First generation biodiesel feedstocks are those crops second generation feedstock. The use of these types of
which are initially used for biodiesel production. Edible feedstocks eliminates the costs to safely dispose of
oils resources, for example soybean, palm oil, sun- them [3].
ower, safower, rapeseed, coconut and peanut, are Janaun and Ellis [22] and Lin et al. [25] studied pro-
considered to be rst generation. Feedstock planta- duction of biodiesel from genetically engineered
tions are well established in several countries. More plants such as poplar, switchgrass, Miscanthus and big
than 95% of the world total biodiesel is produced from bluestem. These genetically engineered feedstocks can
edible oils: rapeseed (84%), sunower oil (13%), palm create bioenergy crops not associated with food crops.
oil (1%), soybean oil and others (2%) [3,30]. However, Therefore, they represented a sustainable biodiesel
consumption of edible oils is increasing due to the feedstock for the future. However, precautions in bio-
food versus fuel crisis. Major environmental problems safety must be considered for these types of feed-
are expected, such as serious destruction of vital soil stocks. Additionally, further research is required to
resources, deforestation and usage of the available ara- identify new oil crops to meet the increasing demand
ble land. for biodiesel. A variety of tools including plant breed-
Over the last 15 years, the price of crops has dramat- ing, molecular breeding and biotechnology are
ically increased: it is no longer feasible to produce bio- required to increase oil production from conventional
diesel from edible oil sources. One possible solution is crops and to develop new oil crops for specic regions.
to use non-edible oil feedstocks. The main non-edible
oils for biodiesel production are: jatropha or ratan-jyote
Biodiesel production technologies
or seemaikattamankku (Jatropha curcas), karanja or
honge (Pongamia pinnata), Aleurites moluccana, The second step in biodiesel production is extraction of
Pachira glabra nagchampa (Calophyllum inophyllum), oil. In the oil extraction process, the oil contained in the
rubber seed tree (Hevca brasiliensis), Desert date (Bal- seeds is extracted. The main product of this process is
anites aegyptiaca), Croton megalocarpus, Rice bran, Sea crude oil and the important by-products are seeds or
mango (Cerbera odollam), Terminalia belerica, neem kernel cakes. There are three common methods for
(Azadirachta indica), Koroch seed oil (Pongamia glabra extraction of the oil:
vent.), mahua (Madhuca indica and M. longifolia),
Tobacco seed (Nicotiana tabacum L.), Chinese tallow, 1. Mechanical extraction.
silk cotton tree (Ceiba pentandra), jojoba (Sim-mondsia 2. Solvent extraction.
chinensis), babassu tree and Euphorbia tirucalli. Non- 3. Enzymatic extraction.
edible oils for production of biodiesel is a second gen-
eration feedstock. Animal fats used for biodiesel pro- The mechanical method (by mechanical expellers or
duction are mainly beef tallow, poultry fat and pork presses) is the most conventional. In this method,
lard. Waste oils and grease can also be considered as a whole seeds, kernels or a mixture of both are used, but

common practice is to use whole seeds. The extraction used to compensate for cooler ambient temperatures.
yields of oil though the mechanical method is 68 There were no coking or carbon build-up problems.
80% [3]. Only kernels are used as feed for the chemical The most important process was ltering and the only
extraction method [31]. In the solvent extraction tech- problem reported was lubricating oil contamination
nique, extraction of oil from seed is by use of a liquid (viscosity increased due to polymerization of polyun-
solvent. Several factors inuence the oil extraction rate saturated vegetable oils). The lubricating oil had to be
(such as particle size, type of liquid chosen, tempera- changed every 40004500 miles.
ture and agitation of the solvent). Three techniques Some advantages of the use of vegetable oils as die-
use the solvent method for oil extraction: sel fuel are: (1) liquid nature-portability, (2) heat content
(80% of diesel fuel), (3) ready availability and (4) renew-
1. Hot water extraction. ability. The disadvantages of the use of vegetable oils as
2. Soxhlet extraction. diesel fuel are: (1) higher viscosity, (2) lower volatility
3. Ultrasonication technique. and (3) unsaturated hydrocarbon chains reactivity. For
both direct and indirect diesel engines, pure vegetable
The most promising technique for oil extraction is the oils and/or blends have generally been unsatisfactory,
enzymatic technique. In this process, appropriate impractical and difcult [10]. It was observed that high
enzymes are used to extract oil from vegetable sources. viscosity, acid composition, FFA content, as well as gum
Alkaline protease gives better results in aqueous enzy- formation due to oxidation and polymerization during
matic oil extraction. Additionally, ultrasonication pre- storage and combustion, carbon deposits and lubricat-
treatment is a useful step in aqueous oil extraction [3,31]. ing oil thickening are obvious problems.
The most common problems associated with crude
vegetable oils are high viscosity, low volatility and
polyunsaturated characters. These problems can be
overcome by four methods: direct use and blending Pyrolysis is also known as thermal cracking. Pyrolysis
(dilution), pyrolysis, microemulsion and transesterica- refers to a chemical change due to the application of
tion [3,11,18,2325]. thermal energy in the presence of a catalyst and in the
absence of air or nitrogen.
The substrates for the pyrolysis method for produc-
Direct use and blending
tion of biodiesel can be vegetable oils, animal fats, nat-
In 1980 it was suggested that vegetative oil could be ural fatty acids or methyl esters of fatty acids. It has
used as fuel [10]. The concept of using edible oil as fuel been observed that the pyrolysis of triglycerides to
means petroleum will be alternating fuel rather than obtain biodiesel, it is suitable for diesel engine. The liq-
vegetable oil and alcohol being the alternatives and uid fractions of the temperature based conversion of
some form of renewable energy must being to take vegetable oils are likely to approach diesel fuels. This
the place of the non-renewable resources [6]. In South type of decomposition of triglycerides produces alka-
Africa, researchers studied sunower oil (during an oil nes, alkenes, alkadienes, aromatics and carboxylic
embargo). Pre-combustion chamber engines were run acids [3,10,11,18,23,35,36]. It has been observed that
with a mixture of 10% vegetable oil to maintain total the pyrolyzate had lower viscosity, ash point and
power without any alterations or adjustments to the pour point then petroleum diesel fuel and equivalent
engine in Caterpillar, Brazil, in 1980. At that point, caloric values [3]. Singh and Singh [32] reported that
substituting 100% vegetable oil for diesel fuel was not the pyrolysis process is effective, simple, zero wastage
practical, but a blend of 20% vegetable oil and 80% and pollution free. The cetane number (CN) of the
diesel fuel was practical and worked [10,32]. Some pyrolyzate vegetative oil or fat was lower. Pyrolyzed
short-term experiments used a 50/50 ratio of vegeta- vegetable oils have an acceptable quantity of sulphur,
tive oil and diesel. water and sediments and give acceptable copper cor-
The rst international conference on plant and vege- rosion values but unacceptable ash, carbon residual
table oils as fuels was organized in Fargo, North Dakota, and pour point [37]. The pyrolysis process can be
in August 1982. The primary concerns discussed at this divided into three subclasses by operating condition:
conference were: cost of the fuel; effects of vegetable conventional pyrolysis, fast pyrolysis and ash pyroly-
oil fuels on engine performance and durability; and fuel sis. The mechanism of pyrolysis of triglycerides is given
preparation, specications and additives. Production of by Schwab et al. [38]. The scheme of the thermal crack-
oil, processing of oilseed and extraction of oil also were ing process is shown in Figure 1.
considered at this meeting [33].
A diesel eet was powered with ltered used frying
oil or waste cooking oil [34]. Used cooking oil or waste
cooking oil and a blend of 95% used cooking oil and Microemulsion formation is a potential solution for the
5% diesel fuel were used. Blending or preheating was problem of viscosity of vegetable oil. Microemulsions

Figure 1. Thermal cracking process and procedure for biodiesel production.

are transparent, thermodynamically stable colloidal in the micellar solubilization of methanol in triolein
dispersion. Microemulsions are a colloidal equilibrium and soybean oil. Methanol was often used due to its
dispersion of optically isotropic uid having micro- economic benet over ethanol. Short-term perfor-
structure (with dimensions generally 1150 nm) mance of both ionic and non-ionic microemulsions of
formed spontaneously from two normally immiscible aqueous ethanol in soybean oil are nearly as good as
liquids and one or more ionic amphiphiles. Microemul- No. 2 diesel fuel [3,10,23,32,35].
sions can be formed by use of solvents such as metha-
nol, ethanol, hexanol, butanol and 1-butanol.
Microemulsions with these solvents meet the maxi-
mum viscosity requirements for diesel fuel. The range For synthesis of biodiesel, triglycerides are reacted with

of droplet diameter in microemulsions are 1001000 A. alcohol (methanol) in a reaction known as transesteri-
Microemulsions can be developed from vegetable oils cation or alcoholysis. Transesterication produces
with an ester and dispersant (co-solvent), or vegetable methyl esters of fatty acids that are biodiesel and glyc-
oil, alcohol, surfactant and cetane improver, with or erol (Figure 2). The transesterication reaction under-
without diesel fuel. All microemulsions developed with takes three steps. First step is triglycerides convert to
butanol, hexanol and octanol met the maximum vis- diglycerides, second step is diglycerides convert to
cosity requirement for diesel fuel. The 2-octanol was monoglycerides, and third step is monoglycerides
found to be an effective amphiphile in the micellar sol- nally convert to glycerol (Figure 3) [30]. This process
ubilization of methanol in triolein and soybean requires 3 mole of alcohol for 1 mole of triglyceride to
oil [10,39]. Schwab et al. [39] used the ternary phase produce 1 mole of glycerol and 3 mole of fatty acid
equilibrium diagram and the plot of viscosity versus esters, i.e. biodiesel (Figure 2). The reaction is equilib-
solvent fraction to determine the formation of emulsi- rium. Industrial processes use 6 mole of methanol for
ed fuel. All microemulsions with butanol, hexanol and each mole of triglyceride [7]. This surplus amount of
octanol met the maximum viscosity requirement for methanol conrms that the reaction is driven in the
No. 2 diesel. The 2-octanol was an effective amphiphile direction of methyl esters, i.e. towards biodiesel. Yield

Figure 2. Transesterication reaction.


Figure 3. Steps involved in the transesterication process.

of methyl esters exceeds 98% on a weight basis [7]. and methanol. Biodiesel production by the transesteri-
Transesterication is catalysed by different catalysts, cation method is by two types: catalytic and non-
i.e. acids, alkalis [7,30,40,41] and lipase enzymes catalytic.
[42]; [30]). Transesterication catalysed by an alkali cat-
alyst is about 4000 times faster than an acid-catalysed Catalytic transesterication
reaction [7,40]. Subsequently, alkalis such as sodium The catalysts for the transesterication of triglycerides
and potassium hydroxide are generally used as com- are classied as alkali, acid, enzyme or heterogeneous.
mercial catalysts at a concentration of about 1% by Alkali catalysts such as sodium hydroxide, sodium
weight of oil. Alkoxides, for example sodium methox- methoxide, potassium hydroxide and potassium meth-
ide, are even better catalysts than sodium hydroxide oxide are more effective [41]. The preferred acid cata-
and are being increasingly used. Use of lipases enzyme lysts are sulfuric, hydrochloric and sulfonic. Biodiesel
offers important advantages, but is not currently feasi- also can be synthesized by the use of heterogeneous
ble because of the relatively high cost of the cata- catalysts. Heterogenous catalysts include enzymes, tita-
lyst [7,40]. The alkali-catalysed transesterication nium-silicates, alkaline-earth metal compounds, anion
process is carried out at approximately 60 C and atmo- exchange resins and guanidines heterogenized on
spheric pressure, as methanol boils off at 65 C and organic polymers [43]. Catalytic transesterication of
atmospheric pressure. At 60 C and atmospheric pres- vegetable oils/animal fats with methanol is an impor-
sure conditions, the reaction takes about 90 min to tant industrial method used in biodiesel synthesis. Also
complete. A higher temperature can be used in combi- known as methanolysis, this reaction is well studied
nation with a higher pressure, but this is very and established using acids or alkalis, such as sulfuric
expensive. acid or sodium hydroxide, as catalysts. However, these
Both ethanol and methanol can be used to alcohol- catalytic systems are less active or completely inactive
ize the transesterication reaction of biodiesel produc- for long-chain alcohols. Usually, industries use sodium
tion. The low cost, chemical (shortest chain of alcohol) or potassium hydroxide or sodium or potassium meth-
and physical (polar) properties of methanol make it the oxide as catalyst, since they are relatively less expen-
rst preference in chemical reactions. Methanol and oil sive and quite active for this reaction [18,44]. The
are immiscible; hence the reaction mixture contains different catalysts used in transesterication are shown
two liquid phases. in Table 2.
To prevent yield loss due to saponication (i.e. soap
formation), the oil and alcohol should be dry and the Alkali-catalysed transesterication. The transesteri-
oil should have a minimum FFA. Biodiesel is recovered cation reaction is catalysed by alkaline metal alkox-
by repeated washing with water to remove glycerol ides [39,53], hydroxides [41,54,55] and sodium or
Table 2. An overview of use of different catalysts in transesterication for biodiesel production.
Type of catalyst Used feedstock % Yield Benet of using homogeneous catalyst Drawback of using homogeneous catalyst References
Homogeneous alkali catalysts Pretreated/rened vegetable oils 9698  Reaction rate is very fast  Pre-treatment required for vegetable oils as feedstock (FFAso1 wt%) which will [45,46]
(NaOH, KOH)  Mild condition required for reaction increase the production cost of biodiesel.
 Low cast and widely available (NaOH, KOH)  Sensitive to water and FFA can cause soap formation if high amount of catalyst
is used.
 Recyclability of catalyst is very difcult
Heterogeneous alkali catalysts Pretreated/rened <90  Comparatively faster reaction  Pre-treatment required for vegetable oils as feedstock (FFAso1 wt%) which will [15,47];
(CaO, ZnO, mixed oxides) vegetable oils  Reactions are low energy intensive increase the production cost of biodiesel.
 Occur at mild conditions  Sensitive to water and FFA can cause soap formation if high amount of catalyst
 Separation of product is very easy by ltration is used.
 Catalyst leaching may result in product contamination
Homogeneous acid catalysts Waste and crude vegetable oils Up to  Free from FFA and water content in the oil  Rate of reaction are very slow [24,48]
(H2SO4, HCl) containing large amount of FFA 99  Esterication and transesterication reactions can  Corrosive nature of acids like H2SO4, HCl
simultaneously catalyse  Problem of corrosion on reactor and pipelines
 This catalyst system preferable for low grade  Catalyst recovery is not easy
feedstock oil with very  High concentration of catalyst can increase the acid value of biodiesel, requiring
high FFA content (e.g., waste cooking oil, crude extensive washings which generate huge amount of wastewater
non-edible oils)  Requires high alcohol/oil ratio
 Saponication reaction not taking place
Heterogonous acid Suitable for waste and crude <90  Free from FFA and water content in the oil  Rates of reaction are very slow compared to alkali catalysts [49,50]
catalysts (AC vegetable  Esterication and transesterication reactions can  In some cases it is a complicated and expensive synthesis route
supported-SO3H, SBA-15, HPA, oils containing large amount of FFA simultaneously catalyse  Energy demanding, requires high alcohol/oil ratio
etc.)  Easy separation of catalyst from product and  Catalyst leaching may result in product contamination
 Saponication reaction not taking place
 Non-corrosive to reactor and reactor parts
Enzyme (lipase) Suitable for pretreated/rened 99  Free from FFA and water content in the oil  Reaction rate are slower, even slower than acid-catalysed transesterication [51,52]
vegetable oils as well as waste and  Purication steps are simple  Highly expensive
crude vegetable oils containing  Mild reaction conditions required  It is sensitive to alcohol, typically methanol that can deactivate the enzyme
large  Low alcohol/oil ratio required
amount of FFA
Ionic liquids Depends on the nature of IL used; for  Ionic liquid can act as both solvents and catalyst  High cost [15]
acidic, waste and crude oils or and  Separation of products is easy  Slow reaction rate compared to the conventional catalytic systems even for basic
for  Depending upon its chemical properties, can act as ionic liquids
basic, rened or pretreated oils both acid or base catalyst  Separation of ionic liquids and glycerine is difcult
Carbon based Depends on the nature of the catalyst; <90  This catalyst system can be reused  Reaction rates are slow [15,47].
catalysts for acidic, waste and crude oils or  Synthesis route is simple  Leaching
and  Inexpensive  High methanol to oil molar ratio used
for basic, rened or pretreated oils  High thermal stability of catalyst
 Large surface area and uniform distribution of
active particles

potassium carbonates [18,56,57]. Alkaline catalyst- transesterication has been largely ignored mainly
based transesterications show high conversions for because of its relatively slower reaction rate [68].
obtaining vegetable oils with high quality, but the oils
contain signicant amounts of FFA which do not con- Enzyme-catalysed transesterication. Transesterica-
vert into biodiesels but into soap [58]. These FFA react tion can also be catalysed by enzymes. The most com-
with the alkaline catalyst to produce soaps which hin- monly used enzyme for transesterication is lipase.
der the separation of biodiesel, glycerine and wash Lipase of different organisms are reported such as Can-
water [59]. Triglycerides are readily transesteried dida antarctica [69,70], Candida rugasa [71], Pseudomo-
batchwise in the presence of an alkaline catalyst at nas cepacia [72,73], immobilized lipase (Lipozyme
atmospheric pressure and 6070 C temperature with RMIM) [74,75], Pseudomonas sp. [76] and Rhizomucor
an excess amount of methanol [11]. The alkali (NaOH miehei [76,77]. The enzymatic transesterication of soy-
or KOH) catalytic transesterication reaction is a more bean oil with methanol and ethanol was investigated
time-consuming process. In addition, removal of these using a commercial, immobilized lipase (Lipozyme
catalysts is technically difcult and brings extra costs RMIM) [74]. In this investigation, the best conditions
to the nal product [60,61]. Alkoxides of alkaline group were observed in a solvent-free system with ethanol/
element (as CH3ONa for the methanolysis) are the oil molar ratio of 3.0, temperature of 50 C, and enzyme
highly active catalysts, since they give very high yields concentration of 7.0% (w/w). They obtained a yield of
(>98%) in short reaction times (30 min) even if they 60% and reaction duration was 1 h. Shah and
are applied at low molar concentrations (0.5 mole %). Gupta [73] obtained a 98% yield by using P. cepacia
Hydroxides of alkaline elements (KOH and NaOH) are lipase immobilized enzyme on celite material at 50 C
cheaper than metal alkoxides but comparatively less in the presence of 45% (w/w) water and duration was
active. However, these are a good alternative since 8 h. As for the enzyme-catalysed system, the transes-
they can give the same high conversions of vegetable terication reaction is more time consuming than the
oils just by increasing the catalyst concentration to 1 other two catalytic methods of transesterication [68].
2 mole % [62]. The most economic thing about this The lipase of both extracellular and intracellular will
transesterication process is that some of the metha- catalyse the transesterication of triglycerides in either
nol can be recovered and that glycerine (used in phar- aqueous or non-aqueous systems effectively. Enzy-
maceuticals and other applications) is produced as a matic catalysed transesterication methods can over-
by-product. In this process, the glycerin needs to be come the problems mentioned above either by alkali-
removed continuously otherwise it will convert to or acid-catalysed transesterication [7].
formaldehyde or acetaldehyde when burned; both are The disadvantage of the lipase-catalysed process is
health hazards [18]. the high cost of the lipases used as catalyst [69]. The
enzyme reactions are very specic and chemically
clean. Due to the alcohol acting as inhibitory to the
Acid-catalysed transesterication. The transesteri- enzyme, a specic strategy is to feed the alcohol into
cation process is catalysed by sulphuric [63,64], hydro- the reactor in three steps of 1:1 mole ratio each. The
chloric [64,65] or organic sulphuric acids [18]. The reaction rate is very slow, with a three-step sequence
reaction was conducted at four different catalyst con- requiring 440 h, or more. The reaction conditions are
centrations, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.25 M HCl in the presence modest, from 3545 C [78].
of 100% excess alcohol and the result was compared
with 2.25 M H2SO4 and the decrease in viscosity was Non-catalytic supercritical methanol
observed [66]. H2SO4 has superior catalytic activity in transesterication
the range of 1.52.25 M concentration. In general, acid- The transesterication of triglycerides for production of
catalysed reactions are performed at high alcohol-to- biodiesel by supercritical alcohol such as supercritical
oil molar ratios, low-to-moderate temperatures and methanol (SCM), ethanol, propanol and butanol has
pressures, and high concentration of acid catalyst. proved to be a most promising process [79]. The critical
Acid-catalysed reactions for biodiesel production temperatures and critical pressures varies with alco-
require high alcohol-to-oil molar ratios to obtain good hol [18]. Saka and Kusdiana [80] developed a catalyst-
product yields in practical reaction times. However, free method for biodiesel production by employing
biodiesel yields do not proportionally increase with supercritical methanol. The supercritical treatment at
molar ratio. For example, for soybean methanolysis 350 C, 43 MPa and 240 s with a molar ratio of 42 in
using sulphuric acid as catalyst, ester formation signi- methanol is the optimum condition for transesterica-
cantly improved from 77% using a methanol-to-oil tion of rapeseed oil to biodiesel fuel. Demirbas [60]
ratio of 3.3:1 to 87.8% with a ratio of 6:1. Higher molar observed the changes in percentage yield of methyl
ratios gave only moderate improvement until reaching esters (biodiesel) with supercritical methanol method
a maximum value at 30:1 ratio (98.4%) [67]. Even with with a molar ratio of 41. The critical temperature and
its insensitivity to FFA in the feedstock, acid-catalysed the critical pressure of methanol were 512.4 K and

8.0 MPa, respectively. He concluded that increasing the FFA and water causes soap formation. This process
reaction temperature, especially supercritical tempera- consumes catalyst and reduces catalyst effectiveness,
tures, had a favourable inuence on ester conversion. both of which result in a low conversion to biodie-
For ethanol, the critical temperature and the critical sel [82]. Available water has negative effects on the
pressure were 516.2 K and 6.4 MPa, respectively. The yields of methyl esters in catalysed transesterication
non-catalyst options are designed to overcome the methods [79]. In acid-catalysed transesterication, fatty
reaction initiation lag time due to the extremely low acids can be formed by the reaction of carbocation II in
solubility of the alcohol in the triglyceride phase. the presence of water in the reaction mixture [83].
Another method which is phasing to commercializa- FFA reacts with the alkaline catalyst to produce
tion is the use of a co-solvent. Tetrahydrofuran (THF) soap. Soap production in alkali-catalysed transesteri-
acts as a co-solvent which solubilizes the methanol. cations creates difculty in separation of the biodiesel,
With this technique, reaction duration decreases, i.e. 5 glycerin and wash water [59]. For continuous reaction
10 min, and there are no catalyst residues in either the by the base catalyst to completion, a FFA value lower
ester or the glycerol phase. THF as a co-solvent is than 3% is needed [41].
chosen, in part, because its boiling point is very The presence of water has been more negative
close to methanol. This method requires a temperature effect on trans esterication than that of the FFAs. Ma
of 30 C. A non-catalytic approach is the use of a et al. [28] reported the transesterication of beef tallow
high (42:1) alcohol to oil ratio, with supercritical catalysed by sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in the presence
conditions (350400 C and more than 80 atm or of FFA and water. The water and FFA content of the
1200 psi). The reaction duration is about 4 min [78]. beef tallow had to be maintained below 0.06 wt% and
The reaction by supercritical methanol has some 0.5 wt%, respectively. Using NaOH catalysed transester-
advantages [81]: ication, methyl esters can usually be prepared in high
yields for low FFA oils, being nearly quantitative for the
1. Glycerides and free fatty acids are reacted with palm oils containing <1% FFA. For example, the yield
equivalent rates. of methyl esters from RBD (rened, bleached, deodor-
2. Diffusion problems are eliminated by the homo- ized) palm oil with about 0.05% FFA was 98% [83].
geneous phase.
3. The process tolerates water in the feedstock; the
The effect of molar ratio and type of alcohol
catalytic process requires the periodical removal
of water in the feedstock or in the intermediate One of the most important factors that affect the yield
stage to prevent catalyst deactivation. of ester from the transesterication reaction is the
4. The catalyst removal step is eliminated. molar ratio of alcohol to triglyceride. Although the stoi-
5. If high methanol:oil ratios are used, total conver- chiometric molar ratio of methanol to triglyceride for
sion of the oil can be achieved in a few minutes. transesterication is 3:1, higher molar ratios are used
to enhance the solubility and to increase the contact
Some disadvantages of the one-stage supercritical between the triglyceride and alcohol molecules [84].
method are: Higher molar ratios result in greater ester conversion in
a shorter duration. In the transesterication of peanut
1. Very high operational pressures (2540 MPa) oil with ethanol, a 6:1 molar ratio liberated signicantly
required. more glycerine than a ratio of 3:1 [85].
2. The high temperatures required so heating and The effects of molar ratio on the transesterication
cooling costs are very high. of sunower oil with methanol were investigated by
3. High methanol:oil ratios (usually set at 42) Freedman et al. [53]. They obtained the results for sun-
involve high costs for evaporation of the ower oil transesterication, in which the molar ratio
unreacted methanol. varied from 6:1 to 1:1 and concluded that 98% conver-
4. The process does not explain how to reduce free sion to ester was obtained at a molar ratio of 6:1. The
glycerol to less than 0.02%. transesterication of Rice bran oil with methanol was
studied at molar ratios of 4:1, 5:1 and 6:1. At molar
ratios of 4:1 and 5:1, there was signicant increase in
Effect of reaction parameters on conversion yield when the reaction time was increased from 4 to
yield of transesterication 6 h. Among the three molar ratios studied, ratio 6:1
gave the best results. Noureddini et al. [84] reported
Effect of free fatty acid and moisture
that at all mixing levels the molar ratio of 8:1 results in
In the transesterication process the FFA and moisture signicantly higher conversions than 6:1. The molar
content are key parameters for determining the viabil- ratio is much more effective than the catalyst on the
ity of the vegetable oil [41]. In this process, FFA and transesterication reaction [86]. The molar ratio is asso-
water always cause a negative effect. The presence of ciated with the type of catalyst used. Acid-catalysed

transesterication reactions require the use of high palm oil transesterication with methanol (6:1) and 1%
alcohol-to-oil molar ratios to obtain good product KOH, the reaction was examined at different tempera-
yields in practical reaction times. However, the yield of tures [93]. After 4 min, ester yields were 73 and 82% for
ester does not proportionally increase with molar ratio. 50 and 65 C, respectively. The effect of reaction tem-
For example, for soybean methanolysis using sulphuric perature on production of propyl oleate was examined
acid, ester formation signicantly improved from 77% at 4070 C with free immobilized P. uorescens
using a methanol-to-oil ratio of 3.3:1 to 87.8% with a lipase [94]. The conversion ratio to propyl oleate was
ratio of 6:1. Higher molar ratios of methanol-to-oil observed to be highest at 60 C, whereas the activity
showed only moderate improvement until reaching a decreased at 70 C.
maximum value at a 30:1 ratio (98.4%) [67]. The effect Scientists have employed a microwave system to
of molar ratio of dibutyltin oxide to dimethyl carbonate heat the chemical reactions on both laboratory and
(DMC) on the transesterication of DMC with phenol industrial scales. Transesterication can be imple-
was in the presence of triic acid (Bu2SnO/CF3SO3H = mented in both batch and continuous-ow systems, of
1/1) at 180 C transesterication studies. The yields of which batch is the most common process due to its
methyl phenyl carbonate (MPC) and diphenyl carbon- simplicity. In comparison with conventional heating, a
ate (DPC) increased rapidly with increasing molar ratio microwave heating system is an effective instrument
of dibutyltin oxide/DMC = 0.02. Above 0.02, however, to speed up the transesterication [30].
the yields of MPC and DPC remained unchanged [87].
Canakci and Gerpen [88] reported the effects of differ-
Properties and qualities of biodiesel
ent alcohol types on acid-catalysed transesterication
of pure soybean oil. They obtained yields of 87.8 and Biodiesel quality advancements are being developed
to 95.8% after 48 and 96 h of reaction. globally. When biodiesel is produced from different
scale plants of varying origins, property and qualities, it
is necessary to have a standardization of biodiesel
Catalyst effect
quality to ensure engine performance without any dif-
Catalysts used for the transesterication of triglycerides culties [3,23,25]. Austria was the rst country to dene
are alkali, acid or enzyme. Alkali-catalysed transesteri- and approve standards for rapeseed oil methyl esters
cation is much faster than acid-catalysed transesteri- as a diesel fuel. The standard properties and qualities
cation and is most often used commercially [10]. of biodiesel have been dened in France, Germany,
May [83] investigated the effect of different catalysts Italy, the Czech Republic and the US [3,41]. The proper-
on methanolysis of RBD palm oil with a low FFA con- ties and qualities of biodiesel must hold with interna-
tent of <0.1%. In that study, it was found that Na, tional biodiesel standard specications. These
NaOH and KOH were the most effective catalysts. The specications take account of the American Standards
authors investigated the effect of different catalyst for Testing Materials (ASTM 6751-3) or the EU (EN 14
concentrations on base catalysed transesterication 214) Standards for biodiesel fuel [21]. There are also
during biodiesel production from vegetable oil by standards from Germany (DIN 51 606), Austria (ON)
means of ultrasonic energy [55]. The best yields of and the Czech Republic (CSN) [25]. The properties or
ester were obtained when the catalyst was used in quality of biodiesel are characterized through physico-
small concentration, i.e. 0.5% wt/wt of oil. Meneghetti chemical properties. Some of these properties are CN,
et al. [89] investigated the effect of different types of caloric value (MJ/kg), density (kg/m3), viscosity (mm2/
catalyst at variable temperatures during the produc- s), cloud and pour points ( C), ash point ( C), acid
tion of free and bound ethyl ester (FAEE) from castor value (mg KOH/g-oil), ash content (%), water content
oil. Results from the different studies showed that and sediment, copper corrosion, distillation range, car-
hydrochloric acid is much more effective than sodium bon residue, sulphur content, glycerine presence (%
hydroxide at higher reaction temperatures. The results m/m), phosphorus (mg/kg) and oxidation stability. The
of different catalyst studies are shown in Table 2. chemical and physical properties of biodiesel depend
on the type of raw material (i.e. feedstock) and their
composition of fatty acids [3,21,25,95].
The effect of temperature and time
Transesterication can occur at different temperatures
depending on the type of vegetable oil or fat
used [10,41]. Few reports are available for the transes- Viscosity describes the ability of a fuel to ow. This
terication reaction at room temperature [9092]. Enci- characteristic plays an important role in the operation
nar et al. [90] studied the transesterication reaction of fuel injection equipment and spray atomization,
with ethanol of Cynara cardunculus L. oils using alkali mostly at low temperatures when the increase in vis-
catalyst sodium and potassium hydroxides and cosity affects the uidity of the fuel. The viscosity of
reported 91.6% conversion at room temperature. For biodiesel is 1015 times greater than that of diesel

derived from fossil fuels. This is due to its large molecu- lter plugging point (CFPP) is the temperature at which
lar mass and large chemical structure [3]. At low tem- the test lter starts to plug because fuel constituents
peratures, biodiesel becomes highly viscous or may have started to crystallize or gel. CFPP is used as indica-
even solidify. The higher viscosity of biodiesel can tor of low temperature operability of fuels and reects
affect the volume ow and injection spray characteris- their winter weather performance. At low operational
tics in the engine. At low temperatures, it may even temperature, fuel may thicken and might not ow
compromise the mechanical integrity of the injection properly which affects the performance of fuel lines,
pump drive systems. The maximum acceptable limit of fuel pumps and injectors. CFPP denes the fuels lter-
viscosity according to ASTM D445 ranges are 1.96.0 ability limit, having a better correlation than cloud
mm2/s and 3.55.0 mm2/s in EN ISO 3104 [3,23,9598]. point for biodiesel as well as diesel. CFPP is measured
using ASTM D6371 [3,41,95].
Fuel density and relative density
Weight per unit volume denes the density of a fuel. Cetane number
Oils are denser having more energy [3]. The density of The sign of ignition characteristics or ability to auto
biodiesel can measured according to EN ISO 3675/12 ignite quickly after being injected is known as the CN
185 and ASTM D1298 standard. With this reference of fuel. Better ignition quality is always associated with
standard, density should be tested at the temperature higher CN value [3]. For using as biodiesel, CN is one of
reference of 15 or 20 C [99]. Relative density is the den- the most important parameters considered during the
sity of the fuel compared to the density of water. The methyl esters selection procedure [41,95,97,103]. CN
relative density of biodiesel is required to make mass increases with increasing fatty acid chain length and
to volume conversions, calculate ow and viscosity increasing saturation. A higher CN represents the
properties, and is used to determine the homogeneity shorter time between the ignition and the initiation of
of biodiesel tanks [3]. fuel injection into the combustion chamber of the
engine [104,105]. Biodiesel has higher CN than conven-
Flash point tional petroleum diesel fuel, which indicates higher
combustion efciency. CN of diesel specied by ASTM
Flash point is the temperature at which the fuel will D613 is 47 min and EN ISO 5165 is 51.0 min [105].
ignite when exposed to a ame. Fuel volatility varies
inversely with ash point. The ash point of biodiesel is
higher than the prescribed limit of petroleum diesel, Titre
which is safe for transport, handling and storage pur-
pose [21,41,95]. Biodiesel has a ash point greater than The temperature at solidied oil change to liquid oil is
150 C, while conventional diesel fuel has a ash point known as titre [3]. The titre property of fuel is impor-
of 5566 C. Demirbas [100] stated that the ash point tant because the transesterication process for biodie-
values of fatty acid methyl esters are signicantly lower sel production is fundamentally a liquid process, and
than those of vegetable oils. The limit of ash point in oils with high titre may require heating, which

ASTM D93 is 93 C and in EN ISO 3679 is increases the energy requirements and production
120 C [3,97,101]. costs for a biodiesel plant [104].

Cloud point, pour point and cold lter plugging Oxidation stability of fuel
point (CFPP)
The oxidation property of fuel is one of the valuable
The characteristics of biodiesel at low temperatures is factors that helps assess the quality of biodiesel. Oxida-
an important quality criterion. Partial or full solidica- tion stability is an indication of the measure of oxida-
tion of the fuel may cause blockage of the fuel lines tion, potential reactivity with air, and the need for
and lters, leading to fuel starvation, problems of start- antioxidants [3]. Oxidation takes place because of the
ing, driving and engine damage due to inadequate unsaturated fatty acid chains presence and the double
lubrication. The cloud point of biodiesel is the temper- bond in a molecule, which react immediately with the
ature at which wax crystals rst become visible when air oxygen after exposure [21]. The chemical composi-
the fuel is chilled. Pour point is the specic tempera- tion of biodiesel fuels makes it more susceptible to oxi-
ture at which the total wax out of solution is sufcient dative degradation than fossil diesel fuel. The
to gel the fuel. Pour point is the lowest temperature at Rancimat method (EN ISO 14 112) is the oxidative sta-
which the fuel can ow. For the measurement of pour bility specication in ASTM D6751 and EN 14 214. A
point, ASTM D2500, EN ISO 23 015 and D97 procedures minimum IP (110 C) of 3 h is required for ASTM D6751,
are used. Biodiesel has higher cloud point and pour whereas a more stringent limit of 6 h or more is speci-
point compared to conventional diesel [3,97,102]. Cold ed in EN 14 214 [106].

Lubrication properties of fuel diglycerides and monoglycerides left in the reaction

mixture. Each of these compounds still contains a glyc-
Atadashi et al. [21] proposed that the lubrication prop-
erol molecule that has not been released. The glycerol
erties of biodiesel are more than diesel. The lubrication
portion of these compounds is referred to as bound
properties of a fuel can help to increase the engine
glycerol. When the bound glycerol is added to the free
life [3]. Lapuerta et al. [105] stated that FAAE (biodiesel)
glycerol, the sum is called total glycerol. According to
have better lubrication properties, but can contribute
ASTM specication, total glycerol must be less than
to the formation of deposits (plugging of lters)
0.24% of the nal biodiesel product as measured using
depending on degradability, glycerol (and other impu-
the gas chromatographic method described in ASTM D
rities) content, and cold ow properties. Biodiesel pro-
6584 and 0.25% in EN 14 105 [3].
vides signicant lubricity improvement over diesel
fuel [24]. A high value of lubricant property of biodie-
sel might result in reduced friction loss and thus Available water and sediment in fuel
improve brake effective power [107].
Water and sediment contamination in biodiesel are
housekeeping issues. The presence of water can be in
Acid value of fuel two modes: dissolved water or suspended water drop-
lets. While biodiesel is normally considered to be insol-
Acid number is also known as neutralization number. It uble in water, it takes up considerably more water than
is a determination of FFA contained in a fresh fuel sam- diesel fuel. Biodiesel can contain as much as 1500 ppm
ple. FFA are the saturated or unsaturated monocarbox- of dissolved water while diesel fuel usually contains
ylic acids that occur naturally in fats, oils or greases but 50 ppm. Sediment may be suspended rust and dirt par-
are not attached to glycerol backbones [3]. Fatty acid ticles or it may originate from the fuel as insoluble
varies with carbon chain length and in the number of compounds formed during fuel oxidation [97,112].
unsaturated bonds (double bonds). Higher acid value Water in the fuel generally causes corrosion of engine
indicates a higher amount of FFA. Acid value is fuel system components. The most direct form of cor-
expressed as mg KOH required for neutralizing 1 g of rosion is rust, but water can become acidic with time
FAME. The effect of higher acid content causes severe and the resulting acid corrosion can attack fuel storage
corrosion in the fuel supply system of an engine. Acid tanks. Water contamination can lead to microbial
value is determined using ASTM D664 and EN 14 104. growth. Yeast, fungi and bacteria can grow at the inter-
Both standards approved a maximum acid value for face between the fuel and water at the bottom of a
biodiesel of 0.50 mg KOH/g [108]; [97,109]. storage tank. These organisms produce sludges and
slimes that can cause lter plugging. Some of the
Free glycerin organisms can convert the sulphur in to the sulphuric
acid which can corrode metal fuel tanks. The standard
Free glycerol refers to the amount of glycerol remain- of water content and sediment for biodiesel in ASTM
ing in the nished biodiesel. The amount of free glyc- D2709 and EN ISO 12 937 specications is 0.05 (vol %)
erol in biodiesel is dependent on the process of max [97,110].
production. The availability of glycerol in biodiesel may
be due to insufcient separation during washing of the
ester product. Glycerol is insoluble in biodiesel so Ash of sulphate
almost all of the glycerol is easily removed by settling Ash content describes the amounts of inorganic con-
or centrifugation. Free glycerol can cause injector cok- taminants such as abrasive solids, residue of catalyst
ing and damage to the fuel injection. ASTM specica- and soluble metal soaps contained in the fuel. The bio-
tion requires that the total glycerol should be less than diesel is ignited and burned and then treated with sul-
0.24% of the nal biodiesel product. It is measured by phuric acid to determine the percentage of sulphated
using a gas chromatographic method described in ash present. ASTM D874 standard mentions that the
ASTM D6584 and EN 14 105/14 106. This property has samples can have a maximum 0.02% of sulphated
limit maximum of 0.02% [97,110]. ash [97].

Total glycerol Carbon residue

Total glycerin is calculation of how much triglyceride Carbon residue of the fuel expresses the carbon
leftovers into methyl esters. Total glycerin is the sum of depositing property of fuel after combustion. Carbon
free glycerin, monoglycerides, diglycerides and trigly- residue shows a high correlation with presence of FFA,
cerides [111]. Each transesterication reaction step pro- higher unsaturated fatty acids, soaps, glycerides, poly-
duces a molecule of a methyl ester of a fatty acid. If the mers and inorganic impurities. Although it is not only
reaction is incomplete, then there will be triglycerides, composed of carbon, the term carbon residue is found

in all standards. The range of limit of carbon residue Advantages and disadvantages of biodiesel
standard ASTM D4530 is max. 0.050% (m/m) and EN
Several advantages are associated with biodiesel. Bio-
ISO10370 is max. 0.30% (m/m) [95,97].
diesel fuel has 1011% oxygen. This makes a fuel with
high combustion characteristics [21,23,103,113115].
Corrosion of copper strip Burning of biodiesel produces 78% less CO2 on a life-
cycle basis when compared to conventional diesel fuel.
The copper corrosion test evaluates the corrosion pro- It also produces less smoke due to free soot [113]. It is
pensity of fuel when used with copper, brass or bronze renewable, non-toxic, non-ammable, portable, readily
parts. A copper strip is warmed to 50 C in a fuel bath available, biodegradable, sustainable, eco-friendly and
for 3 h followed by comparison with a standard strip to free from sulphur and aromatic content. This property
determine the degree of corrosion. Corrosion resulting makes biodiesel an ideal fuel for heavily polluted cities
from biodiesel might be induced by some sulphur and urban areas. Biodiesel also produces less particular
compounds by acids; thus, this parameter is correlated matter in the ambient air and hence reduces air toxic-
with acid number. ASTM D130 standard mentions that ity; therefore, it provides a 90% reduction in cancer
the samples can have class 3 and EN ISO 2160 has class risks and neonatal defects due to its less polluting com-
1 [97]. bustion [2,23,98,113]. Biodiesel production facilitates
rural development to recycle degraded lands. In addi-
tion, biodiesel has good potential for rural employment
Cold soak ltration
and economic gain [114]. Biodiesel is climate neutral,
Cold soak ltration is the newest property of biodiesel an important element of energy use and develop-
in ASTM D6751. The cold soak ltration test is done to ment [23,113,114]. The CN of biodiesel (6065 depend-
determine if crystals form at low temperatures and do ing on the vegetable oil) is higher than petroleum
not re-dissolve when the biodiesel goes back to a diesel [103] thus it reduces ignition delay [2,23,98,115].
higher temperature. ASTM D6751 procedure involves Biodiesel production can be increased easily. Produc-
chilling 300 mL of biodiesel fuel for 16 h at 4.44 C, and tion of biodiesel requires less time compared to petro-
then allowing the sample to warm to room tempera- leum diesel because there is no need for drilling,
ture. When the sample has warmed to 2022 C, it is l- transportation or rening. Each country can produce
tered through a 0.7 mm pore size lter paper. The time biodiesel locally. There is no requirement to pay tariffs
for all 300 mL to pass through the paper is reported in or similar taxes to the countries from which oil and
seconds. The maximum permissible test result for cold petroleum diesel is imported [115]. Biodiesel has good
soak ltration is 360 s [3]. lubricity properties which improves lubrication in fuel
pump and injector units. Increased lubrication
decreases engine wear and increases engine ef-
Visual inspection ciency [23,98]. Biodiesel is very safe for transportation,
The visual inspection test of biodiesel is used to nd handling, distribution, utilization and storage due to its
the presence of water and particulates. The haze value higher ash point (100170 C) than petroleum diesel
is found by placing a chart behind a clear jar of biodie- (6080 C) [2]. Biodiesel deceases the environmental
sel and referencing how the lines compare to six differ- effects of waste products and can be made from used
ent pictures with haze ratings from 1 to 6, with 1 being cooking oils and lards [115]. Biodiesel may not require
the least amount of particulates and 6 being the high- engine modication up to B20, however higher blends
est. A haze rating of 1 is the clearest, i.e. no water and may need some minor modications [35].
particulate matter; while a haze rating of 6 means that Disadvantages are also associated with biodiesel. It
the biodiesel is very cloudy, i.e. water and particulate has 12% lower energy content than petroleum diesel,
matter. Visual inspection of biodiesel is usually deter- leading to an increased fuel consumption of 210%.
mined by ASTM D4176, Standard Test. Method for Free Biodiesel has higher cloud point, pour point, and nitro-
Water and Particulate Contamination in Distillate Fuels gen oxide emissions than diesel. Biodiesel has lower
(Visual Inspection Procedures), Procedure 2 [3]. volatilities that cause the formation of deposits in
engines because of incomplete combustion character-
istics [2,3,23,98]. It causes unnecessary carbon deposi-
Presence of phosphorous, calcium and magnesium tion and gum formation (polymerization) in engines
and the oil gets contaminated and suffers from ow
According to ASTM D6751, phosphorous content in
problem. Biodiesel has comparatively high viscosity
biodiesel must be less than 10 ppm, and calcium and
(1118 times petroleum diesel) and lower volatility
magnesium combined must be less than 5 ppm. Pres-
than petroleum diesel and thus needs higher injector
ence of phosphorous is determined by using ASTM
pressure [115]. Biodiesel stability of oxidation is lower
D4951. Calcium and magnesium are determined using
than petroleum diesel. Biodiesel can be oxidized into
EN Standard 14 538 [3].

fatty acids in the presence of air and causes corrosion another way to reduce the production costs. Because
of fuel tanks, pipes and injectors [95,115]. Biodiesel has water is present in the system, the biodiesel glycerol is
a high oxygen content, thus it produces relatively more concentrated. Biodiesel properties are character-
higher NOx levels than diesel in the range of 1014% ized by physicochemical properties including CN, den-
during combustion [3,95]. Biodiesel can cause corro- sity, viscosity, cloud and pour points, ash point, acid
sion in vehicle materials (cooper and brass) such as value, copper corrosion, glycerine and oxidation
fuel system blockages, seal failures, lter clogging and stability.
deposits at injection pumps [95]. Most biodiesels
(more than 95%) are derived from edible oil. Many
reports claim that this may give rise to further eco- Future prospects for biodiesel
nomic problems. By converting edible oils into biodie-
Acceptance of the Kyoto protocol and clean develop-
sel, food resources are being used as automotive fuels.
ment mechanism (CDM) will lead to more biodiesel
Large-scale production of biodiesel from edible oils
production around the world. Production of biodiesel
may create global imbalance in the food supply-and-
is expanding rapidly, driven by energy security and
demand market [98]. Low engine speed and power,
other environmental concerns. Given geographic dis-
high price, high engine wear and engine incompatibil-
parities between demand and supply potential and
ity are the main disadvantages [98]. If the transesteri-
supply cost, expanded trade in biodiesel makes sense.
cation process is not economic then the cost of the
The global potential for biodiesel production is not
fuel increases. These oils require expensive fatty acid
clear, but it could supply a substantial percentage of
separation or expensive acid catalysts [3,95]. Transes-
transport fuel demand. With the increase in global
terication has environmental effects such as waste
human population, more agricultural land will be
disposal and water requirement for washing and soap
needed to produce food for human consumption.
formation. [3,95].
Thus, the insufcient lands could increase the produc-
tion cost of biodiesel feedstock. These problems are
Conclusion already being experienced in Asia where vegetable oil
prices are relatively high. The same trend will eventu-
Energy is a primary requirement to preserve economic
ally occur in the rest of the world. Therefore, non-edi-
growth and maintain standards of human growth
ble oil, genetically engineered plants and microalgae
index. The transportation sector is the second largest
feedstock are possible solutions to this problem and
energy demanding sector after the industrial sector
can ensure the sustainability of biodiesel production in
and accounts for 30% of total delivered energy. Nearly
the future. Supporting policies are important to pro-
all fossil fuel energy consumption in the transportation
mote biodiesel research and make their prices compet-
sector is from oil (97.6%). However, the expected
itive with other conventional sources of energy.
decrease of fossil fuels and the environmental prob-
Further developments in the use of by-products will
lems associated with burning them has encouraged
enhance the economic viability of the biodiesel pro-
many researchers to investigate the possibility of using
duction process overall.
alternative fuels. Biodiesel is a very promising resource.
The two key reactions in biodiesel production are
esterication and transesterication. These reactions Disclosure statement
are inuenced mainly by the type of feedstock oil, reac-
tion conditions, catalyst used, and alcohol to oil molar No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
ratio. The wide range of available feedstocks for biodie-
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