Handbook On Sustainable Tourism

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The growth of tourism in coastal areas which has reached

its peak in recent decades, exerts pressures on environmental
and cultural resources of the coastal areas, and affects nega-
tively social, economic and cultural patterns of tourist destina-
tions. Despite of the still prevailing growth trends, those who
manage and invest in tourism are increasingly aware that its
sustainability in coastal areas is strongly dependent upon the
quality of this particularly fragile environment.
In addition, today’s tourists seek for a variety of experienc-
es in a well-preserved and distinctive natural environment. At
the same time people living in traditional tourist destinations
are increasingly aware of and concerned for their natural, his-
toric and cultural heritage. Therefore, there is a need to mini-
Although there are no reliable data on coastal tourism
mise tourism-induced problems and secure both sustainabil-
alone, it is generally considered to be one of the fastest
ity of tourism industry and coastal resources used by other growing forms of tourism in the past decades. The World
sectors. In this respect increased attention must be given to Tourism Organisation (WTO) statistics show that 12 of the
proper planning and better integration of tourism in coastal 15 world’s top destination countries in 2000 were countries
development. with coastlines.
Within the last 10 years various efforts have been made The coastal zone is an area of intense activity, an area of
to integrate sustainability in coastal zone development. The interchange within and between physical, biological, social,
Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre (PAP/ cultural and economic processes. Any changes generate
RAC) and UNEP elaborated and assembled a set of principles chain reactions usually in different systems whose environ-
and methodology for the sustainable management of coastal mental conditions will be subsequently altered. An effective
zones within an integrated coastal zone management ap- management of coastal areas should be based not only on
proach (ICZM, also known as ICAM, Integrated Coastal Area an analysis of individual activities and their impacts, but also
Management). on the combined effects of sectoral activities on each other
and on coastal resources.
UNEP, the European Union, and other international or-
ganizations (FAO, OECD, and the coastal union-EUCC) fully In order to minimise tourism-induced problems and se-
support the principles of ICZM because its methodological cure both sustainability of tourism industry and coastal re-
framework is perceived as the most appropriate for the de- sources in relation also to other sectors, increased attention
velopment and the management of coastal zones. It aims a must be given to proper planning and better integration of
comprehensive understanding of the relationships between tourism in coastal development.
coastal resources, their uses, and the mutual impacts of Negative impacts and conflicts are due mainly to in-
development on the economy and the environment. ICZM comprehension of coastal environment and inadequate
methodology focuses on facilitating horizontal and vertical di- planning. This means that better knowledge of physical
alogue through participatory processes, and on agreements and biological environments of coastal zones, identification
and compromises between all parties involved in the use of existing and potential uses, assessment of their mutual
of coastal resources. For more information about the ICZM compatibility and their individual compatibility with the en-
methodology: www.pap-thecoastcentre.org vironment, and finally, development of integrated strate-

gies and plans, offer a good solution for a more socially, MAIN ACTIVITIES AND EXPECTED RESULTS
environmentally and economically sound development.
This project has reviewed existing planning mechanisms
One of the greatest challenges faced by coastal man-
on the assessment of the modalities of tourism developments
agers is giving tourism development a proper place within
and of the variety of stakeholders involved. This assessment
the integrated coastal management in order to increase its
has aimed at the elaboration of a methodology that uses the
long-term sustainability. Therefore, in planning tourism de-
ICZM principles for the sustainable development of tourism
velopment, it is of utmost importance to focus on proper di-
activities in coastal areas.
mensioning of tourism growth with regard to the capacity of
local systems. To this end, proper tools must be offered to On this basis, a step by step implementation guide has
decision-makers that need to have a clear idea of possible been created to be used on the field for the implementa-
tourism pressures and ways to respond to these pressures. tion of the methodology and is based on a series of “to-do”
cards. This guide will be available in hard-copy and electron-
ic format.
The pilot project has been implemented in Split, Croatia
OBJECTIVE with the objective of testing the applicability of the developed
framework in the pilot destination.
The main objective of the project is to promote sustaina-
The guide dissemination is been made through capacity
ble use of resources in coastal areas by focusing on sustain-
building seminars in the Mediterranean region and largely
able tourism planning and management. More specifically,
distributed to the participants of the Destinations Project
the project aims at:
workshops in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
• Contributing to the conservation of biodiversity of
coastal areas

• Promoting the participatory management approach PARTNERS

among the operational stakeholders in the tourism
sector The project “Sustainable Coastal Tourism: The Integrat-
ed Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Approach” is being
• Enriching the operational capacity of institutions developed by UNEP in collaboration with UNEP/PAP/RAC,
and people dealing with tourism development and/ the pioneers of the work on ICZM. The pilot implementation
or coastal area management, in the tourism private of the project will take place in Croatia with the cooperation
sector and at the local authorities/governments level of the Croatian Ministry of Tourism, UNDP, and a local NGO.

• Raising awareness about the importance of sustain-

ability and integrated management in the planning
and management of tourism activities in coastal ar-

This project is one of the first attempts to use the ICZM Helena Rey de Assis
United Nations Environment Programme
framework for a specific sector and to create a practical
Division of Technology, Industry & Economics
manual to be used by planners and managers. The efficient
Sustainable Consumption & Production Branch
implementation of the Mediterranean ICZM Protocol (the rati- 15 rue de Milan; 75441 Paris Cedex 09; France
fication process is on-going in several countries) will require Tel: +33 144371450; Fax: +33 1 4437 1474
the availability of such kind of documents. E-mail: tourism@unep.fr

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