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Spouse Prediction Astrology-Beautiful Wife and Handsome

Husband by date of birth and Time

By admin - July 4, 2017 1527 0

We have already discussed about Beautiful wife by astrology in a detail way but Here we are going to use a composite method to
do spouse prediction astrology. We will try to give you information about how you can use this method for Future husband
prediction by date of birth and time. With Vedic astrology we can predict about Spouse career & profession as well as if you are
going to stay within country or outside of country after marriage.

This spouse prediction astrology method will help you to Know lot of things about your Future husband or wife your own birth
chart casted by Date of birth and time. There are 4 steps-1.Check the 7th House and the 7th Lord. 2. Check Venus for Men &
Jupiter for women 3. Check The Upapada Lagna 4. Check the Darakaraka. Now Lets discuss every point to know how we can
use this technique for future spouse prediction through Date of birth and Time.

Importance of Planets in 7th house for Predicting Spouse in

Lets discuss the Role of the 7th House and 7th Lord for Life partner prediction in astrology. Lagna or Ascendant is our Physical
existence. 7th house is exactly opposite to our Ascendant. So it is the mirror house of our self. Wife or Life partner are that
mirror. Again we have to remember that there can be difference between what we want and what we get. Moon is our Mind. So
the 7th house from moon is the mirror of our mind. So 7th house from Moon will tell us about what our mind want or what type
of partner we want in spouse prediction in astrology. So it means we have to check the sign of the 7th house, planets posited in
7th house and position of 7th Lord from both Lagna and Rashi for spouse prediction in astrology. For example, suppose you are
Taurus Lagna and Mithun Rashi. Your 7th house from Lagna is Scorpio which is a martian sign and secretive sign. So you can
get a spouse who can be secretive, revengeful, quarrelsome etc. But as your 7th house is having Sagittarius sign, your mind
always want a person who will be ethical, loyal, upright, religious, knowledgeable etc. So there is a difference between what you
want and what you get. So lets discuss about the impact of 7th house sign & Planets in spouse prediction astrology.

If Sun is Placed in 7th House, Your Life partner can be from very good family, very generous, ambitious etc. But your spouse
can be dominating at times and can also be egoistic. Sun is a dry planet. So its placement in 7th house is not considered
Auspicious. If this sun is exalted in Navamsa or Saptamsha, aspected by benefic planet like Jupiter or Moon, you can expect
your spouse to have elegant personality and very good nature. But if it afflicted, then the dark side of Sun like egoistic, hot
tempered etc will be more prominent.

If Moon is Placed in your 7th house, your spouse can be very much emotional, soft hearted, sentimental etc. Moon is the queen
of the planetary kingdom and its placement in 7th house is very good. 7th house Moon is capable of giving beautiful spouse in
astrology. He or she can be very much home loving and family oriented person. But the problem of this placement is that wife or
husband can be very much Moody. As moon has the phenomenon of waxing and waning, similarly these persons mood swings
too much.

If Mars is placed in the 7th house, your spouse can be hot temper, head strong and aggressive and dynamic in nature. He or she
will be very much industrious and will love activity. These persons can be full of energy and they can be very good in bed. But If
Mars is afflicted, it shows a quarrelsome nature and in some cases it also gives manglik Dosha.

If Jupiter is Placed in 7th house, this is a Blessing from Lord. It can give you a spouse of very good Moral character. He or she
can be well educated, ethical, loyal, religious in nature. Though your partner may be critical at time, overall its a good placement
to have in Horoscope.

If Mercury is Present in the 7th house, you can expect your partner to be intelligent, jovial, talkative, witty. But this placement
can be detrimental for physical happiness from marriage as Mercury is an eunuch planet. When Mercury is placed in the 7th
house, spouse can be much younger. Seeing this placement in Horoscope we can predict beautiful wife by astrology.

When Venus is placed in the 7th house of the Horoscope, there is high chance that your wife will be extremely beautiful. This is
the best placement for marital happiness. With Venus in 7th house, your spouse can be very artistic, sober and soft nature person.
He/She can be very romantic, fond of luxury and all sort of comforts. It generally indicate a good Life partner. Remember Venus
and Mercury is the main planet for beautiful wife prediction astrology.

If Saturn is Placed in 7th house, the spouse can be very dutiful, responsible, practical, hard working person. Thous Saturn
position in 7th house is not considered great in spouse prediction astrology because it creates delay in marriage. But the best part
is that it gives a stable relationship. With Saturn in 7th house you can get much older spouse. The age difference with spouse will
be more when Saturn influences the 7th house. These persons may not be very romantic in nature but they can be very faithful or

If Rahu is Present is in the 7th house, the partner can be advanced in mentality. He/She does not want to follow the rules of the
society. They can be very sharp and intelligent. Rahu can also indicate foreign spouse if other planetary factors are helpful but if
it is afflicted it can destroy a married life. Rahu in 7th house also indicates inter caste marriage.

When Ketu is placed in 7th house, the spouse can be very spiritual and religious in nature. But as Ketu is a headless planet,
he/she may not be able to express his/her views clearly. he/she can be very good at mathematics, computers etc.

So far we have discussed the role of the planets posited in 7th in spouse prediction astrology. Now we will discuss the role of the
sign which is in 7th House.

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Role of the signs in Future Spouse prediction Vedic astrology

When we are discussing beautiful spouse in astrology, we can not ignore the sign of the 7th house. So now Lets talk about the
sign of the 7th house.

If Aries is the sign of 7th house, the spouse can be very courageous, aggressive, dominating nature. He/She can be sports loving
and very energetic.

If Taurus is the sign of 7th house, the person can be very practical, grounded, materialistic, always seeks for security and also
love arts and music.

If Gemini is the sign of 7th house, the person can be of very unsteady nature. He/she loves multi tasking. Full of energy, intellect
and always wants to try something new.

If cancer is the sign of 7th house, the person can be very emotional, soft by heart, sympathetic, protective about family. But
he/She can be Moody.

If Leo is the 7th house, the future spouse can be very Proud. They always think that they are better than the other person. He/She
want respect in relationship and wants to be the driving force in the relation.

If Virgo is the 7th house sign, the spouse can be very logical and analytical. He/She will love to judge everything from Logic. It
also indicate that the spouse can be a very good businessman. The person can be a perfectionist.

If Libra is the 7th house sign, the spouse can be very balanced, artistic, refined.
If Scorpio is the 7th house sign, the spouse can be secretive, revengeful, very intense, emotional.

If Sagittarius is the 7th house sign, the spouse can be learned, religious, to some extent rigid and of righteous nature. But they are
very status driven person.

If Capricorn is the sign of 7th house, the spouse can be very hard working, Focus, goal oriented and practical.

If Aquarius is the 7th house sign, the spouse can be very religious, spiritual, introvert, workaholic kind of person.

If Pisces is the 7th house sign, the spouse can be very soft, sensitive, emotional nature person.

Now Lets see what is the Role of 7th lord in Future spouse prediction Vedic astrology. If the 7th lord is placed in 11th house, you
are going to find your spouse from your friends circle or social circle. If 7th lord and 11th lord is conjunct and in a good house, it
also indicate that you can have a rich Spouse. 7th lord in 4th house is a indication that your spouse may be known to your
mother. 7th lord in 9th house is a indication that you may meet your spouse during higher education or your spouse may be from
distant place. when the 5th lord is placed in 7th house or 5th lord & 7th lord is conjunct, it indicates that the Love relationship
can convert into marriage. 7th Lord in 6th house indicate that your spouse may be known to your maternal uncle. This way 7th
lord also disclose so many things about our marriage partner and helps in spouse prediction astrology.

Venus and Jupiter for Spouse Prediction in Astrology

Venus and Jupiter is one of the most important planet for spouse prediction in astrology. Venus is the main Planet for Marriage or
any kind of relationship. In males chart Venus not only signify marriage but it also signify Marriage partner or Wife. In case of
Female Jupiter signifies Husband. Actually girls wants some one energetic and vibrant as boyfriend but when it comes to
husband they prefer some one who is wise and can guide them. That is why Mars signifies Boyfriend or male friend in case of
female and Jupiter signifies husband.

Jupiter is also the planet of growth. After marriage our family grows. We have Kids and in laws. So Jupiter plays the Pivotal role
in marriage relationship. So the Placement of Jupiter is important for future husband prediction astrology and placement of
Venus is important for beautiful wife prediction in vedic astrology.

Jupiter or Venus in Aries-When Jupiter or Venus is in Aries Sign, the husband can be very dynamic, active, straightforward,
confident, dominating nature. The spouse will be well respected in society. The future spouse will have all the Martian quality or
Aries quality.

If Jupiter or Venus is in Taurus-The husband or wife can be very grounded, materialistic, very refined, artistic, stable and
trustworthy person.

When Jupiter or Venus is placed in Gemini, the spouse can be very intellectual, versatile,talkative, fun loving, expert in multi
tasking. They can have good communication skill.
If Jupiter or Venus is in cancer, the spouse can be very emotional, sensitive, tender, sympathetic to others. This is a very good
placement in respect to spouse prediction astrology as Venus and Jupiter both are very comfortable in Cancer.

If Jupiter or Venus is in Leo sign-They can be very Proud, Arrogant and they want to dominate everything. They can be very
much attention seeker. They do not want to compromise in anything in life.

In this way we can Use the sign energy to Know about the Nature and Character of our husband and wife. So the Placement of
Venus and Jupiter needs to be checked during spouse prediction astrology.

Importance of Upapada Lagna for Future Spouse prediction in Vedic Astrology

Through Date of birth and Time
Upapada Lagna is another important criterion for life partner prediction based on date of birth. You can read How to calculate
Upapada Lagna for understanding the calculation part if you do not know. Upapada Lagna, Its Lord, dara Pada(A7) and Arudha
Lagna can also reveal lot of things in future spouse prediction in astrology. If the Arudhal Lagna(AL) and Upapada Lagna(UL),
there can be lack of understanding between the couple. They can try to ignore each other. If the Arudha Lagna and Upapada
Lagna is in 6-8 position from each other, then also same result is indicated in spouse prediction astrology. If Arudha Lagna and
Upapada Lagna is conjunct, this is a Indication of Love marriage and Good relationship.If Upapada Lagna(UL) is conjunct with
Venus and Ketu is in 7th house, it can give multiple relationship. So UL has a special importance during spouse prediction
astrology. The Darapada (A7) indicates physical relationship or short term relationship in spouse prediction astrology.

The Planets who are in 7th to UL can some act as opposing force to the relation. For example If Sun is in the 7th house of
Upapada Lagna, Father of the person can create obstacles in this marriage. If Mars is in 7th house from Upapada Lagna, brothers
can oppose the marriage where as if moon is in 7th house from UL, mother can oppose the marriage.

If the Upapada Lagna(UL) lord is exalted and in good dignity, it indicates a high status of the spouse. If the Upapada Lagna is
aspected by Jupiter, the spouse can be wise, knowledgeable and law abiding. If Mars is aspecting the Upapada Lagna, it
indicates a dynamic and confident person as spouse in astrology.

The Navamsa Position of the UL lord has to be seen because it also reveals about the family background in spouse prediction
astrology. You can read the the importance of Navamsa in Marriage

Importance Darakaraka in Spouse Prediction Astrology

Darakaraka is the Planet which gets the Lowest Degree in Horoscope. There are Two types of Karakas-Naisargik Karaka or fixed
Karaka and Chara Karaka or dynamic Karaka. in case of Sthira Karaka or Fixed Karaka the significators are fixed like Sun is the
Karaka for Soul, Moon is the Karaka for Mind, Venus is Karaka for marriage and Spouse etc.But in case of Chara Karaka, these
significators changes in each Horoscope. Like the planet which is having highest degree is Called Atmakaraka, the next highest
degree planet is known as Amatya Karaka etc. If you want to Know about what is Atmakaraka and how it affects our Kundli, i
have a detail piece of article, you can refer that.

The Darakaraka is the planet which has Lowest degree in Kundli. It represents our spouse in Kundali. If the Darakaraka(DK) and
Atmakaraka (AK) is conjunct it is a very good Yoga. When Different Planets become darakaraka (DK), spouse nature can be
according to that planet only.

Darakaraka Sun: Whn darakaraka is Sun, the native Spouse can be a person with good leadership quality, confident, stead fast
and with high self respect. The qualities of the Sun will be prominent in the spouse.We have to see the Aspect of the Planets also
during spouse prediction astrology. If Sun is aspected by its friends like Mars, Jupiter, Moon, the partner will add value to the life
of the native. But if it is aspected by its enemy like Rahu or Saturn, the spouse will be unhappy from the spouse. We have to
check the strength and aspect both in Navamsa(D9) as well as in Saptamsha.

Darakaraka Moon-When Moon becomes the Darakaraka, the spouse can be emotional, caring, home loving and soft hearted. The
will be very flexible. If saturn or Rahu afflicts this moon, it will give the selfish tendency, meanness of mind etc. If Jupiter
aspects, it will give wisdom and knowledge to the person.

Darakaraka Mars-When Mars becomes the Darakaraka, The Spouse can be very head strong, competitive nature. he/she will
always be ready to fight. If Mars is afllicted by Planets like Saturn or Mars the dark side of Mars Like fighting, abusing etc will
be prominent. But if it is being aspected or conjunct by friends like Jupiter or Moon, it will show its courage and dynamism in
good work. The Native will be happy with spouse.

Darakaraka Venus-When a Person has got Darakaraka venus, the spouse will be very romantic, artistic and refined in Nature. He
or she will be very much interested in Look and Beauty.

Darakaraka Jupiter-When a person has Jupiter as Darakaraka, the spouse can be very Loyal, religious, optimistic and status

One thing we have to remember that if the Darakaraka and Atmakaraka is Placed in 6-8-12 position from each other, it can
delays the marriage.

we can use this composite approach in spouse prediction astrology and can get lot of information about beautiful spouse in

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