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Tax 42 The following are examples of circumstances

Chapter 3 which may be taken into consideration whether

Properties included in decedents estate the transfer was made in contemplation of death

a. Age and health of the decedent at the time of the

Properties to be included in the estate gift, especially where he was aware of a serious
1. Properties that are still owned by decedent at the
time of his death, to the extent of his equity or b. Length of time between the gift and the date of
interest in such property, whether as exclusive death. A short interval suggests the conclusion
owner, conjugal or community property owner or that the thought of death was in the decedents
common owner mind, and a long interval suggests the opposite

2. Assets or properties owned by decedent during c. Concurrent making of a will or making a will within
his lifetime but were no longer owned by him at a short time after the transfer
the time of his death, because these properties
have been transferred during his lifetime by way Thus, there is a transfer in contemplation of death
of taxable transfer as follows: when:

a. The decedent transferred the possession or

a. Transfer in contemplation of death enjoyment of his property to another, but this
b. Revocable transfers transfer was intended to take effect only upon his
c. Property passing under the general power of death
d. Transfer for insufficient consideration b. The decedent transferred title to the property but
retained for his lifetime the right to possess or
enjoy the property of the income thereform, or the
The inheritance of a person includes not only rights to designate whom shall possess or enjoy
the property and the transmissible rights and the same
obligation existing at the time of his death, but also
those which have accrued thereto since the opening This does not apply when the sale is in good faith and
of the succession. for an adequate and full consideration.

Illustration 3-1
Decedents interest
When the doctor informed Concha that she is
suffering form terminal cancer, she decided to donate
1. Dividends declared by a corporation before death her house and lot worth P1,000,000 to her friend,
of stockholder although paid after death, if the Migay.
decedent was living on the record date
2. Partnership profits even if paid after death of 1. Is this a transfer in contemplation of death?
3. Proceeds of life insurance policy payable to a Yes, because the thought of death induced
recoverable beneficiary Concha to donate her property. Considering that the
4. Right of usufruct if transferable to the heirs transfer was made in contemplation of death, it is
subject to estate tax and not donors tax.
Transfer in contemplation of death
2. How about if the house and lot were sold at its
means that it is the thought of death, as a actual value of P1,000,000 and after the sale,
controlling motive, which includes the disposition of Concha spent the entire amount before her
the property for the purpose of avoiding estate tax death?

the main reason behind this provision is to reach There is no transfer in contemplation of death
ingenious schemes to evade the estate tax liability, subject to estate tax because there was a bona fide
by the use of other forms of conveyances rather sale for an adequate and full consideration in money
than by succession or transfer mortis causa or moneys worth.

Moreover, the proceeds from the sale of

property is not included as part of the gross estate
because the amount has been fully spent before her
3. How about if after selling the house and lot, Illustration 3-2
Concha dies without being able to spend money,
will the amount from part of her gross estate? Atong donated real property worth P500,000
to Bardagol during his lifetime. An item in the deed,
Yes, it is included in the gross estate as part however, grants the donor the right to revoke the
of decedents interest. donation at will.

4. If shortly before she died, she lent the entire

amount to her friend Boy Ngato, who issued a 1. Is the P500,000 subject to donors tax or to estate
promissory note. Will the receivable note form part tax?
of her gross estate?
The revocability of the donation at will of the
Yes, the value of the note receivable shall be donor made the donation ambulatory. Furthermore,
included in her gross estate (whether Boy Ngato is no right was vested in the donee while the donor is
insolvent or nor), but under decedents interest. alive. Therefore, the donation is subject to estate tax.

2. Suppose the deed of donation contains a

Revocable Transfers condition that Atong could reacquire only the land
upon the giving of a 30-day notice to Bardagol. Is
This contemplates a situation where the the donation subject to donors tax or to estate
decedent transfers the enjoyment of his property to tax?
another, subject to his right to revoke the transfer at
will, with or without notifying the transferee, anytime The donation is still mortis causa donation,
before he dies. subject to estate tax because the requirement of
notice has not changes the ambulatory nature of the
Thus, the gross estate shall include the value donation.
of any property which the decedent has at any time
made a transfer by trust or otherwise: 3. Suppose that Atong found out one day that he has
a terminal cancer and had only 6 months to live.
a. With reserved power to alter, amend, revoke or He then relinquished his right to revoke under the
terminate donation for a consideration of P1.00/ Does this
subject now the donation to donors tax instead of
Where the enjoyment thereof was subject at estate tax?
the date of his death to any chance through the
exercise of a power (in whatever capacity This is still a revocable transfer because the
exercisable) by the decedent alone or by the relinquishment of the right to revoke was made in
decedent in conjunction with any other person contemplation of death. Therefore the donation
(without regard to when or form what source the remains subject to estate tax.
decedent acquired such power) to alter, amend,
revoke or terminate
Property passing under general power of
b. With such power relinquished appointment

When any such power which would bring the A power of appointment is a right to designate
property in the taxable estate, is relinquished in by will or deed the person or persons who are to
contemplation of the decedents death. receive certain property form the estate of a prior
It should be noted that revocable transfers
shall not be included as part of the gross estate A power of appointment may be either
where the transfer is a bona fide sale for an adequate general or limited (special).
and full consideration in moneys worth.
Special power of appointment: one which
authorizes the donee or holder of the power to
appoint only among a restricted class or designated
class persons other than himself

If he can only appoint beneficiaries other than himself,

his estate, his creditor or the creditors of his estate,
then the power of appointment is a special one
because his power to appoint is limited to a certain
class of persons only.
General power of appointment: If the donee can Illustration 3-4
appoint any beneficiary including (A) himself, (b) his
estate, (c) his creditor, or (d) the creditors of his Mama Mathay sells her car worth P500,000
estate, then the power of appointment is a general to Mommy Milli for P200,000 in an arms length bona
one. fide transaction.

1. Is the difference of P300,000 between the fair

If the power of appointment is general, the decedent market and the selling price includible in the gross
is practically the owner of the property, and so the estate of Mama Mathay upon her death?
property is deemed part of his gross estate. But if the
power is specific, the decedent is only trustee to the No, because the transfer of the property does
property, and so it should not be included in his not fall under any of the following: transfer in
estate. contemplation of death, revocable transfer, and
property passing under general power of
Illustration 3-3
Hence, the difference of P300,000 is subject
Alaskador died living a will whereby it was to gift tax.
stipulated that his lot situated in Cagayan de Oro City
shall go to Buskador, and that should the latter decide 2. Suppose it turns out later that Mama Mathay sold
to transfer the property, he is free to give it to her car for insufficient consideration because she
anybody. knew she was dying. At the time of her death, the
value of the car has appreciated to P600,000. Is
the difference subject to gift tax?
1. Is the power of appointment general or special?
No, because the transfer was made in
Since the power of appointment granted by contemplation of death. Therefore, the difference
Alaskador to Buskador is not limited by any between the fair market value at the time of death and
restriction, the power of appointment is general. It is, the selling price must form part of the gross estate.
therefore, subject to estate tax. The amount of gift tax paid, if any, can be claimed as
a tax refund.
2. How about is the will expressly provides that
Buskador can appoint only either of his parents? 3. How about if it is proven that no consideration was
given not eh transfer of the property?
The power of appointment is special because
the right of Buskador to appoint transferred to the In that case, the entire value of the property
property is restricted to certain person/s. at the time of death (P600,000) and not the difference
between the fair market value and the selling price
shall form part of the gross gift.
Transfers for insufficient consideration

If any of the above transfers, trusts, interest, Proceeds of Life Insurance

rights or powers enumerated and described (transfer
in contemplation of death, revocable transfer, property This takes place when a person takes out an
passing under general power of appointment) is insurance policy in his own life and appoints
made, created, exercised or relinquished for an somebody as beneficiary.
adequate consideration in money or moneys worth,
there shall be included in the gross estate only the The proceeds of life insurance covering the
excess of the fair market value, at the time of life of the insured are includible in the gross estate,
death, of the property otherwise to be included on except when:
account of such transaction, over the value of the
consideration received therefore by the decedent. 1. The beneficiary appointed in the policy is not the
estate of the deceased, his executor or
If an inter vivos transfer of the decedent is administrator; and
proven to be fictitious, the total value of the property 2. The person designated as beneficiary is
at the time of death shall be included in the gross irrevocable
It should be noted that there is a need to
expressly stipulate the irrevocability of the designation
because in the absence of any stipulation, the law
provides that the designation is revocable.
The rule applies even if the proceeds never The rule on taxability or non-taxability of life
formed part of the estate because they were paid by insurance proceeds is illustrated in the following table:
the insurer to the beneficiary of the estate

The proceeds of life insurance payable to the Matrix 2

persons estate, on which the premiums were paid by
the conjugal partnership, constitute conjugal property,
and the other half pertains to the surviving spouse. Case Policy Beneficiary Taxable
If the premiums were paid partly with 1 Revocable Yes Yes
paraphernalia and partly conjugal funds, the proceeds
are in like portion paraphernalia in part and conjugal 2 Revocable No Yes
in part.
3 Irrevocable Yes Yes
4 Irrevocable No No
Illustration 3-5 5 Silent No Yes

Phil insured his life for P1,500,000. IN the

The beneficiary is the estate of the deceased, his
policy, he appointed Stan as the beneficiary. executor or his administrator

1. In case of death of Phil, will the proceeds form the The law speaks of policies taken out by the
insurance policy be subject to estate tax? decedent upon his own life. Thus, proceeds of a
group insurance policy taken out by the company for
its employees are not subject to estate tax.
It depends.
Moreover, proceeds of accident insurance
If Stan is the executor or administrator of the are not also includible in the gross estate because the
estate of Phil, the proceeds shall be included in the tax code specifically mentions only like insurance
gross estate and, therefore subject to estate tax. This policies.
rule holds true whether the designation of Stan as
beneficiary is revocable or irrevocable.
Estate of an Absentee
If Stan is neither the executor nor the
administrator, the proceeds of insurance shall be Absentee
exempt from estate tax provided that his designation
as beneficiary is irrevocable. Otherwise, it shall be
a person who disappears from his domicile, his
subject to estate tax. whereabouts being unknown, and without leaving
an agent to administer his property, or when the
If the policy is silent, his designation is power conferred to an agent has expired
revocable. Hence the proceeds shall be subject to
estate tax.
after an absence of seven years, it being
unknown whether or nor the absentee still lives, he
2. Supposing the designation of Stan is revocable, shall be presumed dead for all purposes, except
will the proceeds from part of the conjugal or of for those of succession
the exclusive property of Phil?
the absentee shall not be presumed dead for the
If the premiums were paid out of the conjugal purpose of opening his succession till after an
funds, then the proceeds are conjugal. However, if the absence of 10 years. If he disappeared after the
money used in paying the premiums were taken from age 75 years, an absence of 5 tears shall be
the exclusive properties of Phil, then the proceeds sufficient in order that his succession may be
shall be considered as exclusive properties. opened.
The following shall be presumed dead for Effect of absence upon the contingent rights of
all purposes, including the division of the estate the absentee
among the heirs:
Whoever claims a right pertaining to a person
1. A person on board the vessel lost during a sea whose existence is not recognized must prove that he
voyage, or an aeroplane which is missing, who was living at the time his existence was necessary in
has not been heard of for 4 years since the loss of order to acquire said right.
the vessel or aeroplane.
Upon the opening of succession to which an
2. A person in the armed forces who has taken part absentee is called, his share shall accrue to his co-
in war, and has been missing for 4 years; heirs, unless he has heirs, assigns, or a
representative, they shall, as the case may be, make
3. A person who has been in danger of death under an inventory of the property.
other circumstances and his existence who has
not been known for 4 years. The provisions of the preceding paragraph
are understood to be without prejudice to the action of
petition for inheritance or other rights which are
If the absentee appears, or without appearing vested in the absentee, his representative or
his existence is proved, he shall recover his property successors in interest.
in the condition in which it may be found, and the
price of any property that may have been alienated or These rights shall not be extinguished save
the property acquired therewith; but he cannot claim by lapse of time fixed for prescription. In the record
either fruits or rents. that is made in the Registry of the real estate which
accrues to the co-heirs, the circumstance of its being
subject to the provisions of this articles shall be
Illustration 3-6 stated.

On May 20, 2004, a ship named MV Pricess Those who may have entered upon the
of the Pacific sailed from Matnog, Sorsogon. Lalo was inheritance shall appropriate the fruits received in
seen to have boarded the ship but since then nothing good faith so long as the absentee does not appear,
was ever heard of him. He was not also seen to have or while his representatives or successors in interest
alighted the ship when it reached the port if Allen, do not bring the proper actions.

Q1: For purposes of succession when is Lalo Illustration 3-7

presumed to be dead?
Antonino and Barcadero are the sons of
The absentee is presumed dead for purposes Calayucay. When Calayucay died, Antonio has been
of succession on May 20, 2014 or 10 years after his presumed dead under the law.
absence, unless he disappeared at an age of more
than 75 years in which case 5 years is sufficient in Q1: Who is entitled to the inheritance of Antonino
order that his succession may be opened. from Calayucay?

Barcadero unless Antonino has an heir,

Q2: How about if the ship sunk somewhere in San assignee or a representative. In which case, the
Bernadino Strait and his body was never recovered. representative may register the property in his own
For purposes of succession, when was Lalo name but Antonino may later on recover if he turns
presumed to have died? out to be alive, unless he lost the right by prescription.

On May 20, 2014, the exact date that the ship Q2: Who is entitled to the fruits of the inheritance?
The rights to the fruits is given to the person
who was awarded the property so long as the
absentee has not reappeared, or while his
representatives or successors in interest do not bring
the proper actions. This right ceases when either the
absentee reappears or the proper action has been

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