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WS15_reading quiz 1 NAME:_____________________________ SEC: ____

1) A vector is defined by ___________________________ and _____________________________.

2) Circle the correct answer: ( TRUE FALSE ) If a whole system is moving at a constant velocity
then this means that some parts of the system may not be in equilibrium.

3) When setting up equilibrium equations to solve a system, the sum of the forces must always be equal
to _________________.

4) If I am solving an equilibrium problem for a point in two dimensions and the system contains a spring:

a. How many equations will I need to write to solve my system? _____________________

b. How many unknowns can I have if I want to be able to converge on a numerical solution?

5) Circle the correct answer: Being able to draw a complete and correct free body diagram is a
( very important , somewhat important , not that important ) part of solving engineering
equilibrium problems.

6) Circle the correct answer: The moment of a force measures a tendency of a body to
( translate , rotate ).

7) Circle the correct answer: ( TRUE FALSE ) A moment is a scalar.

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