Heraldry Symbols and Meanings

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Heraldry symbols and their meanings A - D

ML Mural Art - Heraldry Art - Exclusive heraldry art on canvas -

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Heraldry symbols
In this section of our website we would like to give you some additional information relating
to the symbols of coat of arms, a variety of icons, colors and heraldic animals. We have
selected some of the most common coat of arms symbols, from time to time we update our
list. In addition to the graphics, we have added some detailed descriptions. Of course there
are many more heraldic symbols as shown here.
There are many imaginative variations and combinations in every crest design that identifies
the particular carrier /owner of a family crest.

Please note that the following listed symbol descriptions and meanings have been
compiled from a variety of heraldic sources. Besides these symbols being
globally used, the opinions and interpretations between heraldic researchers
may vary slightly. We update our page regularly with heraldic symbols !

Heraldic Tincture, Metals & Colors


Gold / Or
Silver - White / Argent

respect, virtue Cleanliness, wisdom, innocence,
and majestic - sincerity, peace and joy

Red / Gules
Black / Sable
Blue / Azure

Eagerness to
Grief and
serve his Steadfastness, strength
country. truth & loyalty
Warrior & martyr

Green / Vert Maroon / Murray (Tawny or
Purple / Purpure

Freedom, beauty, Victorious -

Majesty, justice
joy, health and hope Persevering Worthy
and sovereignty
loyalty in love in the battle ambition

Examples of heraldic shield divisions

more examples of Heraldry Shield Divisions

Faith Military strips or

Defense or protection Protection Rule and authority
and protection Belt of Valor

Stands for Honor - reward for

military strength performance Protection
strength or bravery.
or fortitude. of eminent service
Dividing lines

Represents fire, or
the radiation
represents Represents Represents the walls of a
the sun. symbolizes
Earth & Country the sea or water clouds and air fortress
also fame and glory
or city

Coat of Arms on leather Coat of Arms Logo

Family crest on canvas

Novelty crests

Heraldic symbols in alphabetical ranking

In addition to the following symbols, we have collected a few examples of each for your reference
as to how the heraldic symbols can be used for a family crest / Coat of Arms design.

Acorn Anchor Angel

The character of the acorn is The anchor is a symbol of The angel is always in full view,
independence, strength and salvation, shown with
antiquity represents hope and religious steadfastne the wings extended and upright. He is
ss. the
bearer of the good news as well
as dignity,
honor and glory.

Ant / Emmet Annulet - Ring

Symbol of the . The antelope means

ant traditionally meant one harmony, peace
who the workers a strong, and political wisdom. The
wise and antelope
foresighted in all his affairs. was occasionally considered Symbol for fidelity -
a symbol the purity and also representing the fifth son
speed used.


Apples symbolize generosity, happin

Antlers represent strength and ess,
fortitude. peace and salvation. All kinds
The anvil - symbol of honor of fruit
were as symbols of God's goodness

Naked Arm Arrow

Armored Arm

Bare arm represents an Arrows symbolize martial readiness.

Represents a person industrious people, If is represented by a cross, it is
who served as a someone who believes in hard represents a disease as a
senior work result of the war.
person has or leader possess

Ass - Donkey Axe - Hatchet

Stands for patience and

humility Symbol of execution of military duty

Old World
Medieval battle family crest plaque
Ornate knight shield shields -wood or Gold leaf gilded
steel knight shield

Bat Beacon - Lighthouse
Represents awareness of the Somebody who is watchful, who
powers gave
of darkness and chaos. a signal in time of danger

Bay Leaves / Laurel
Barrel / Tun

He wears the emblem

In antiquity it was a sign of strength,
of peace cunning and cruelty in the
Seen and stillness. A symbol of protection
It may symbolizes a vendor victory and glory, especially of the clan. A bear is also a
of beer or wine, hospitality after one symbol of
long, inner struggle. healing
and personal health and bravery.

Bee Bells

The bee is a sign

of industry, creativity,
wealth, diligence
and eloquence. Represents industry and perseverance
the Egyptians
used it as a symbol of One who is not afraid of
royal power. signaling his
approach in war and peace

Bezant / Gold Roundles

Birds of all
Symbol for justice, virtue, wealth and species (blackbirds,
prosperity thrushes, red
Roundels can be in different colors bird) provide peace
and affection for
the home and family.
Symbol for liberality,
felicity, and peace




The open book signifies manifestation.

When closed, signifies counsel.
Books are generally a symbol of learning/
The boar is the symbol of Governor or magistrate
a champion with the wild
he is a fierce fighter.
Boars head stands for

Buckle / Belt Bull

A bull, also known as an ox,
represents bravery and generosity,
The horns are the strength and
Victorious fidelity in authority fortitude.
The calf is
a old heraldic tradition with the
properties of patience, humility and
sacrifice connected.

Family crest on
Family crest on wooden wooden Family crest on
plaques plaque with gold Coat of Arms seal
wooden plate
leaf wash

Castle Cat

The camel symbolizes The castle symbolizes spiritual strength

temperance, and vigilance, as well as at home
patience and perseverance. and safety. A symbol of liberty,
vigilance and courage.

Chess Rock Cinquefoils Clouds

Symbol of strategic thinking
Represents mystery,
Stands for hope and joy obscured truth

Chains Cock Crescent

Chains are a symbolic

representation The crescent moon is a
the salary is He is a bird of great courage in
battle, symbol of hope
acceptable and important One who has been
services. Therefore, it is a sign of hero, one who
fought with courage and perseverance honored by the
. sovereign



As with
all crowns, is the heavenly crown
a symbol of
victory, sovereignty and empire.
There are several meanings It is a visible sign
depending of success, therefore,
what kind of cross - the term "coronation", and its
For examples,... the Eight son, importance The cypress is the symbol of
Faith - Serviced in the Crusades, as decoration of death and
cross and sword together = the ultimate level of rank eternal life.
unshakeable faith and power, wear the crown,
a great honor.

A crow is a permanent settlement

and a quiet life

Double crest -wedding crest - Double crest on glass

wooden box ornament
Coat of Arms on hand crafted tiles

Deer Drops

One who has endured torrents of

Symbol of constancy liquids, as in battle,
One who will not fight unless Yellow:
provoked; gold Blue: tears
Green: oil White:
peace and harmony water
Black: pitch or tar Red:

Dog Dolphin Dove

The dog is the
symbol for courage, loyalty
and vigilance

It represents swiftness,
diligence, The dove is a symbol of the soul
charity and love and
Holy Spirit. It
means peace and purity.

Dragon Duck


Ducks can deceive

A dragon with his sharp eye, is their enemies in many ways by
the flying, running, swimming
guardian of treasures. He is or diving. Therefore, they are a
also symbol
the bravest of all the creatures Ready for war of a person of many resources.


In-text: (Familytreesandcrests.com, n.d.)
Your Bibliography: Familytreesandcrests.com. (n.d.). Heraldry Symbols & Meanings, Coat of Arms
Symbols A- D. [online] Available at: http://www.familytreesandcrests.com/heraldry-symbols.htm
[Accessed 22 Jul. 2017].

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