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Throw the cube and answer the questions.

1. Your best friend

2. The things that you prefer to do in your free time

3. Your favorite book

4. Your style of clothes

5. Your qualities

6. Your favorite music

7. What did you do last sunday?

8. Describe your room

9. Your favorite food

10. The game that you love to play

11. Have you ever forgoten an important thing?

12. Talk about your next weekend

13. Talk about your family

14. Talk about your last holidays

15. Something dangerous for you

16. Your favorite subject

17. Something that you are afraid of

18. Something that you are proud of

19. Your favorite country

20. Your favorite season

21. What do you do normaly in the evenings

22. The last present that you got

23. Your favorite animal

24. Tell me about situations that make you laugh

25. Your favorite tv programme

26. Something that you worry about

27. Your last dream

28. Tell me about your plans in the close future

29. One job that you like

30. One thing that you would like to have

31. What do you think about smoking

32. Your ideal partner/boyfriend

33. Your ideal house

34. Your worst nightmare

35. The happiest moment in your life

36. One person that you don't like

37. What do you hate to do

38. The most important thing that you have

39. What do you think about this game

40. Describe one lucky day for you

41. One funny story

42. Describe one unlucky day for you

43. One supernatural power you would like to have

44. What would you like to do if you will have one million euros

45. One book that you don't like

46. Describe your favorite actor

47. Your worse flaw

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