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International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156

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Water resource impacts during unconventional shale gas development:

The Pennsylvania experience
Susan L. Brantley a,, Dave Yoxtheimer a, Sina Arjmand b, Paul Grieve a, Radisav Vidic b, Jon Pollak c,
Garth T. Llewellyn d, Jorge Abad b, Cesar Simon b
Earth and Environmental Systems Institute and Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, United States
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, United States
Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc., 196 Boston Ave, Suite 3000, Medford, MA 02155, United States
Appalachia Hydrogeologic and Environmental Consulting, LLC, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Improvements in horizontal drilling and hydrofracturing have revolutionized the energy landscape by allowing
Received 16 July 2013 the development of so-called unconventional gas resources. The Marcellus play in the northeastern U.S.A. doc-
Received in revised form 17 December 2013 uments how fast this technology developed: the number of unconventional Marcellus wells in Pennsylvania (PA)
Accepted 17 December 2013
increased from 8 in 2005 to ~7234 today. Publicly available databases in PA show only rare evidence of contam-
Available online 10 January 2014
ination of surface and groundwaters. This could document that incidents that impact PA waters have been rela-
tively rare and that contaminants were quickly diluted. However, rm conclusions are hampered by i) the lack of
Unconventional shale gas information about location and timing of incidents; ii) the tendency to not release water quality data related to
Environmental impact specic incidents due to liability or condentiality agreements; iii) the sparseness of sample and sensor data
Hydraulic fracturing for the analytes of interest; iv) the presence of pre-existing water impairments that make it difcult to determine
Hydrofracturing potential impacts from shale-gas activity; and v) the fact that sensors can malfunction or drift.
Water quality Although the monitoring data available to assess contamination events in PA are limited, the state manages an
Marcellus Shale online database of violations. Overall, one fth of gas wells drilled were given at least one non-administrative no-
tice of violation (NOV) from the PA regulator. Through March 2013, 3.4% of gas wells were issued NOVs for well
construction issues and 0.24% of gas wells received NOVs related to methane migration into groundwater. Be-
tween 2008 and 2012, 161 of the ~1000 complaints received by the state described contamination that implicat-
ed oil or gas activity: natural gas was reported for 56% and brine salt components for 14% of the properties. Six
percent of the properties were impacted by sediments, turbidity, and/or drill cuttings. Most of the sites of ground-
water contamination with methane and/or salt components were in previously glaciated northern PA where
fracture ow sometimes allows long distance uid transport. No cases of subsurface transport of fracking or
owback uids into water supplies were documented. If Marcellus-related owback/production waters did
enter surface or groundwaters, the most likely contaminants to be detected would be Na, Ca, and Cl, but those
elements are already common in natural waters. The most Marcellus-specic ngerprint elements are Sr, Ba,
and Br. For example, variable Br concentrations measured in southwestern PA streams were attributed to permit-
ted release of wastewaters from unconventional shale gas wells into PA streams through municipal or industrial
wastewater treatment plants before 2011. Discharge has now been discontinued except for brines from a few
plants still permitted to discharge conventional oil/gas brines after treatment. Overall, drinking water supply
problems determined by the regulator to implicate oil/gas activities peaked in frequency in 2010 while spill
rates increased through 2012. Although many minor violations and temporary problems have been reported,
the picture that emerges from PA is that the fast shale-gas start may have led to relatively few environmental in-
cidents of signicant impact compared to wells drilled; however, the impacts remain difcult to assess due to the
lack of transparent and accessible data.
2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction huge new shale gas reservoirs for exploitation (Engelder, 2011; MIT,
2011). High-volume, high-pressure, multi-stage hydrofracturing of hor-
Over the last decade, the techniques of horizontal drilling and hy- izontally drilled wells in the Marcellus formation in Pennsylvania began
draulic fracturing (hydrofracturing) have improved and opened up in 2004 with Range Resources' Renz discovery well, which has since
lead to drilling of 7234 Marcellus wells as of November 2013 (Fig. 1A).
Corresponding author at: 2217 EES Building, Pennsylvania State University, University As of June 30, 2013, 4177 of the wells had been hydrofractured. The
Park, PA, USA, 16802. wells that are hydraulically fractured with the new techniques are

0166-5162/$ see front matter 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156 141

both costlier and more productive than conventional wells in the technically recoverable reserves of the Marcellus alone could be
northeast. The Marcellus is an organic carbon-rich black shale sufcient to supply the U.S.'s current demands for decades. The fair-
which underlies an area of approximately 95,000 mile2 ranging way of the formation underlies ~ 70% of the state of Pennsylvania
from New York to Virginia to Ohio. Based on some estimates, the (PA).

Fig. 1. A) Marcellus Shale wells as of 2013 in Pennsylvania plotted on a map of physiographic provinces: N7000 wells drilled in the Appalachian plateau of PA. Through December 2012,
3500 wells were producing at rates ranging on average from b0.1 to N20 million ft3/day (MMCF/day) as shown. B) Locations of unconventional gas wells drilled in Pennsylvania that re-
ceived at least one non-administrative violation (see text) between 1/1/2005 and 11/1/2013 based on the PA DEP Oil and Gas Compliance Report and Spud External Data. C) Map
documenting the % of spudded wells in each county that received at least one NOV from the PA DEP through 11/1/2013 for casing, cementing or well construction issues. Counties colored
white or very light pink have no spudded wells or no NOVs for wells, respectively. D) Plot showing the approved surface water and groundwater withdrawal locations in the Susquehanna
River Basin (SRB, not including public water supply locations) based on shapeles produced by the SRB Commission and released 9/10/13. Pink and blue circles represent withdrawals by
active oil/gas or other companies respectively.
142 S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156

Fig. 1 (continued).

At the same time that this unconventional shale energy develop- such impacts in databases of publicly available water quality data.
ment has created new economic opportunities in PA and surrounding While our focus in the paper is PA where the development of the
states, it has also caused environmental issues, including both permitted Marcellus Formation has been most rapid, the treatment is of interest
and unintentional discharges of drilling-related contaminants into sur- for all regions of unconventional shale gas development. We use data
face waters as well as cases of methane migration into water supplies from the United States Geological Survey and the Environmental
(Entrekin et al., 2011; Osborn et al., 2011; Vidic et al., 2013; Wilson Protection Agency as well as from the ShaleNetwork database. This
and VanBriesen, 2012). Here we treat shale energy development in database is accessible using HydroDesktop (
Pennsylvania as a case study of potential environmental impacts of and includes data from citizen scientists, universities, agencies, industry
shale gas gas migration, release of contaminating uids, water con- and other private entities. Data from citizen scientists are included only
sumption, and sediment discharge. We also ask whether we can see where groups have followed standards of quality control.
S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156 143

2. Notices of Violations (NOVs) uids that return are known as production waters. In contrast to these
wastes, fracking solutions contain many types of compounds used to
The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is the primary oil hydrofracture the well (Table 3).
and gas regulator in PA. The DEP publishes an online database of Notices
of Violations (NOVs) issued for companies developing unconventional 3. Positive determination letters
gas wells (
Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?/Oil_Gas/OG_Compliance). Here, these data Issues were also investigated by looking at positive determination
are used to estimate rates of violations. letters (PDLs) issued by the PA DEP. The DEP issues a PDL to a property
All 115 violation codes for the NOVs (2005 through 11/1/2013) were (i.e., private residence, church, business, farm) that has registered
rst binned into 9 categories (Appendix). Many violations describe a complaint about a water supply when the DEP nds that oil/gas
issues that were readily xed or that had ephemeral impact. Table 1 activity conventional or unconventional has impacted the water
summarizes wells drilled and NOVs per category per year, including supply. This determination follows an investigation that includes analy-
permitting and recording violations (i.e., administrative-type NOVs), ses by a certied laboratory. For example, for water supplies situated
including all repeats. Table 2 shows the same data per county after all within the regulatory setbacks for a given oil/gas well, PDLs are issued
repeats per well and per NOV type were removed. After removing for diminishment of quantity or when post-drill samples are deleteri-
administrative NOVs and repeats per well, we calculate that 1416 of ously affected compared to pre-drill samples. The DEP also considers
7234 (19.6%) spudded wells received NOVs before 11/1/2013 (see the timing of impact, the integrity of the water and gas wells, and per-
column labeled Year in Table 1). As shown in the rst column of meability of the local rock formations. In some cases the DEP presumes
Table 1, the fraction of spudded wells receiving at least one NOV de- an operator is liable according to the Oil and Gas Act because the oper-
creased from 29% (2008) to 15% (through 11/1/2013). The unconven- ator chose not to or could not rebut the presumption of liability for
tional gas wells that received at least one NOV are clustered on a map example if pre-drill samples were not analyzed. Before 2012 when Act
of PA (Fig. 1B). Clusters roughly correspond with hotspots of drilling 13 was passed, the PA Oil and Gas Act decreed that operators of both
activity, especially in the southwest and northeast (Fig. 1A). conventional and unconventional oil/gas wells were presumed liable if
In Fig. 2, the number of non-administrative NOVs was re-adjusted by water supplies within 1000 ft were impacted within 6 months (unless
removing repeats in each category for each well; however, if a well rebutted). After Act 13, stipulations increased to 2500 ft and 12 months
received NOVs in two different categories, this repeat was retained or respectively for unconventional wells. PDLs are public records kept by
if a well received NOVs in the same category in a subsequent year this the PA DEP.
repeat was retained. After these corrections, the non-administrative The PA DEP has stated that it received ~1000 complaints about pos-
NOVs increased from 6 in 2005 to a maximum of 717 in 2010 (see num- sible impacts on water supplies from 2008 to 2012 (Table 4). PDLs were
bers above bars on gure). Fig. 2 documents that since 2008 the fraction issued for 161 of 969 complaints (i.e., 17%). These 161 letters include
of NOVs for cementing/casing issues peaked in 2011. Likewise, the frac- both unconventional and conventional wells. Although no online re-
tion of wells that were not restored in a timely and proper manner in- cords of the letters are maintained by the PA DEP, an open records re-
creased. The fraction of erosion/sedimentation and pit/impoundment quest yielded an independent check of the DEP numbers by L. Legere
NOVs decreased while the fraction of issues related to pollution events (Scranton Times-Tribune) and a map was published with the letters in
remained relatively constant. Pollution events included contamination collaboration with FracTracker (
by owback/production waters, fracturing uids, fuels, test waters, or gas-drilling-complaints-map-1.1490926?parentPage=2.2127).
drilling materials. Flowback is uid that returns to the surface soon The DEP classies the water impacts into broad cases of disruption
after hydraulic fracturing: once gas production commences, aqueous of quantity or quality of water supplies by well location. These cases can

Table 1
Notices of Violations (NOVs) by PA DEPa.

Yearb A B C D E F G H I Total NOVs Spudded wells

2005 1 2 2 2 6 13 8
4/8 12.5% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 75.0%
2006 4 4 1 2 3 3 1 18 37
8/37 10.8% 10.8% 2.7% 5.4% 8.1% 8.1% 2.7%
2007 3 4 15 4 1 1 1 29 115
15/115 2.6% 3.5% 13.0% 3.5% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9%
2008 2 27 9 151 2 30 52 41 314 335
98/335 0.6% 8.1% 2.7% 45.1% 0.6% 9.0% 15.5% 12.2%
2009 7 333 27 180 3 10 107 128 122 917 817
203/817 0.9% 40.8% 3.3% 22.0% 0.4% 1.2% 13.1% 15.7% 14.9%
2010 98 485 39 164 7 40 154 273 260 1520 1599
355/1599 6.1% 30.3% 2.4% 10.3% 0.4% 2.5% 9.6% 17.1% 16.3%
2011 123 395 6 242 4 28 168 150 240 1356 1963
352/1963 6.3% 20.1% 0.3% 12.3% 0.2% 1.4% 8.6% 7.6% 12.2%
2012 60 285 1 58 12 21 104 72 179 792 1348
227/1348 4.5% 21.1% 0.1% 4.3% 0.9% 1.6% 7.7% 5.3% 13.3%
2013c 24 149 17 39 25 83 26 92 455 1012
154/1012 2.4% 14.7% 1.7% 3.9% 2.5% 8.2% 2.6% 9.1%
The 115 violation codes (see Appendix) in the compiled data from the PADEP Oil and Gas Compliance Report were binned into major categories; violations were then sorted from
oldest to youngest based on the Violation Date and binned into the 9 categories. Values show the number of each violation category per year where repeat NOVs for each category and
well were not removed. The percentages indicate the number of each violation type divided by the total number of spudded wells that year. Categories: A = Cementing, casing, and
other well construction issues; B = Did not maintain best practices; C = Encroachment issues; D = Erosion and sedimentation issues; E = Failure to plug adequately; F = Failure to
restore; G = Permitting or reporting issues; H = Pit and impoundment issues; I = Pollution incident.
Small numbers in each cell summarize the number of wells with at least one non-administrative NOV (i.e. category G NOVs was removed) divided by the number of spudded wells that
year: for data in this column, all repeats per well have been removed over the entire dataset. 1416 wells received at least one non administrative NOV out of 7234 wells spudded between
2005 and 2013.
Through Nov 1, 2013.
144 S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156

Table 2
Percent of wells with violations in each categorya.

County # Wellsb A B C D E F G H I

Allegheny 31 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.2% 0.0% 0.0% 6.5% 0.0% 3.2%
Armstrong 174 4.0% 4.6% 1.1% 2.3% 1.7% 5.2% 8.0% 0.0% 5.2%
Beaver 33 0.0% 3.0% 0.0% 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.0% 0.0% 3.0%
Bedford 1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
Blair 6 50.0% 16.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 16.7% 16.7% 50.0%
Bradford 1214 6.1% 9.1% 0.8% 6.1% 0.2% 1.1% 5.6% 4.9% 6.5%
Butler 253 1.2% 6.7% 0.0% 3.6% 2.4% 0.0% 3.6% 0.4% 4.7%
Cambria 7 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 28.6% 14.3%
Cameron 16 12.5% 25.0% 6.3% 31.3% 0.0% 18.8% 37.5% 18.8% 12.5%
Centre 63 0.0% 9.5% 0.0% 4.8% 0.0% 4.8% 4.8% 12.7% 20.6%
Clarion 25 16.0% 16.0% 0.0% 12.0% 24.0% 16.0% 20.0% 12.0% 16.0%
Cleareld 150 3.3% 10.0% 0.7% 2.0% 0.7% 0.7% 3.3% 2.7% 10.7%
Clinton 100 2.0% 18.0% 0.0% 8.0% 0.0% 1.0% 12.0% 11.0% 8.0%
Columbia 3 33.3% 66.7% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%
Crawford 3 0.0% 66.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0% 33.3%
Elk 64 10.9% 6.3% 1.6% 15.6% 15.6% 6.3% 18.8% 1.6% 1.6%
Fayette 242 0.8% 2.5% 0.4% 3.3% 0.0% 2.1% 1.7% 4.1% 2.9%
Forest 22 0.0% 13.6% 0.0% 18.2% 0.0% 9.1% 4.5% 4.5% 13.6%
Greene 613 0.2% 3.1% 0.5% 2.0% 0.0% 0.3% 3.6% 2.1% 2.4%
Huntingdon 1 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Indiana 48 2.1% 0.0% 0.0% 6.3% 0.0% 6.3% 2.1% 4.2% 2.1%
Jefferson 37 10.8% 29.7% 0.0% 16.2% 35.1% 13.5% 21.6% 5.4% 5.4%
Lackawanna 2 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Lawrence 30 0.0% 13.3% 0.0% 0.0% 10.0% 0.0% 6.7% 0.0% 3.3%
Luzerne 2 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Lycoming 817 6.6% 11.0% 0.2% 5.4% 0.0% 0.9% 5.9% 7.0% 6.2%
McKean 74 2.7% 8.1% 0.0% 4.1% 10.8% 1.4% 14.9% 6.8% 5.4%
Mercer 15 0.0% 6.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.7% 0.0% 0.0%
Potter 70 14.3% 30.0% 1.4% 32.9% 0.0% 5.7% 52.9% 20.0% 18.6%
Somerset 25 0.0% 4.0% 0.0% 4.0% 4.0% 8.0% 8.0% 20.0% 24.0%
Sullivan 77 3.9% 19.5% 1.3% 19.5% 0.0% 0.0% 6.5% 5.2% 16.9%
Susquehanna 821 2.7% 17.5% 0.7% 10.4% 0.1% 1.3% 11.2% 11.9% 9.0%
Tioga 827 1.7% 12.3% 1.1% 7.1% 0.0% 1.0% 6.8% 7.9% 5.1%
Venango 6 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 16.7% 16.7% 33.3% 0.0% 16.7%
Warren 5 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% 20.0% 0.0%
Washington 932 0.3% 4.8% 0.5% 2.3% 0.0% 1.4% 1.7% 0.6% 5.5%
Wayne 5 20.0% 40.0% 0.0% 80.0% 0.0% 0.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0%
Westmoreland 253 0.4% 2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 0.8% 1.6% 2.4% 4.3% 6.7%
Wyoming 167 6.0% 10.8% 0.0% 7.8% 0.6% 0.6% 7.8% 7.2% 13.8%
# Total 7234 236 689 43 430 59 107 469 402 477
3.3% 9.5% 0.6% 5.9% 0.8% 1.5% 6.5% 5.6% 6.6%
Data from the PADEP Oil and Gas Compliance Report from 1/1/2005 through 11/1/2013 were compiled and the 115 violation codes were categorized into 9 major violation types
(see Appendix). The table shows the percentage of wells in each county that had at least one NOV in each category after duplicates for a given NOV type were removed.
Spudded wells from 1/2005 through 10/2013 compiled from the PADEP Spud Data Report.

indicate water supplies that are impacted for multiple properties or by supply wells were affected by methane migration possibly from just
multiple oil/gas wells. According to the DEP (K. Sunday, pers. comm.), one gas well (K. Sunday, PA DEP, pers. comm.).
conventional wells typically impact one or at most a few water supplies The data in Table 4 show that between 2008 and 2012 ~ 32
per case, and on average 2.1 cases per year received at least one PDL that properties were affected per year (= 161/5) by unconventional +
implicated such conventional oil/gas activity between 1987 and 2008 conventional oil/gas activity. From the compilation however, only 85
(Table 4). In contrast, unconventional wells can affect more than a few of the 161 PDLs implicated companies known to develop unconvention-
drinking water wells: for example, at Dimock, PA, 18 private water al wells, i.e. a rate of 17 properties per year (=85/5). This value of 17 is

Fig. 2. Percent of unconventional shale-gas wells drilled in PA that received at least one NOV in a given category per year, after permitting and reporting violations were removed. Colors
indicate each category of violation shown in Table 1 from 5/2005 until 11/2013. NOVs received by one well but for two different categories were each counted, as were NOVs for the same
category but in different calendar years. Above each bar, the fraction indicates the total NOVs as a fraction of the wells drilled during the calendar year.
S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156 145

Table 3
Partial list of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing uids.

Additive type Example compounds Toxicological information for pure compounds Ecological information

Gelling agent Guar gum Can cause skin disorder Slowly biodegradable
Fumaric acid Eye, respiratory irritation
Crosslinker Boric acid Carcinogenic; liver, heart damage Partially biodegradable
Ethylene glycol Birth defects Low sh toxicity
Monoethanolamine Eye, skin, respiratory irritation
Breaker uid Ammonium persulfate May cause redness, pain, coughing Not determined
Diammonium peroxydisulfate
Surfactant Ethanol Carcinogenicity (may impact liver and kidney) Not determined
Isopropyl alcohol May cause nausea, headache
2-Butoxyethanol Eye, skin, respiratory irritation
Biocide Glutaraldehyde, 2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide, Irritant, may cause redness, dermatitis Not determined
Dimethyl oxazolidine
Corrosion inhibitor Methanol, Propargyl alcohol, Isopropanol Carcinogenicity (may impact liver and kidney) Not determined
Eye, skin, respiratory irritation
Friction reducer Polyacrylamide, petroleum distillate Eye, skin, respiratory irritation Slowly biodegradable
Scale inhibitor Ethylene glycol May be toxic to kidneys, liver, central nervous system Biodegradable
Eye, skin, respiratory irritation

similar to the number of properties (15 (=3217)) per year that were 4. Types of contamination
contaminated by conventional oil/gas activity (Table 4). It is somewhat
surprising that the rate of PDLs for conventional wells was higher than To understand the types of impacts, we separated the 161 PDLs be-
before 2005, even approaching the value for unconventional energy tween 2008 and 2012 into overlapping categories of contamination:
companies. a) 56% (90 cases) reported contamination by natural gas (with or with-
The number of problematic unconventional gas wells related to the out dissolved iron, manganese, aluminum, total dissolved solids (TDS),
PDLs is not reported directly by the PA DEP. However, it is likely that or brine salts); b) 14% (23 cases) reported brine components such as so-
the 83 cases documented between 2008 and 2012 (Table 4) implicate dium, barium, chloride, or total dissolved solids (this category included
83 problematic oil/gas wells. Some of these were conventional wells as- 8 cases where natural gas contamination also occurred); c) 14% report-
sociated with the 76 (=16185) PDLs that mention conventional ener- ed contamination by iron, manganese, and/or aluminum without brine
gy companies. K. Sunday (PA DEP) stated that only a few properties salt components or natural gas; d) 4% reported contamination by sedi-
were contaminated per conventional oil/gas well before 2008 (pers. ments, turbidity, and/or drill cutting contamination without brine salt
comm.). Therefore, setting the ratio of PDLs per problematic conven- components or natural gas; and e) 15% reported no information about
tional well to a value between 1 and 4, we calculate from 7 to 64 prob- the cause of disruption. A few cases reported diminishment of water
lematic unconventional wells between 2008 and 2012 (=8376/1 or supply and one reported oil contamination from an older well.
8376/4 respectively). In turn, these problematic wells contaminated Given that many PA residents worry that components used in hy-
85 properties (averaging ~12 or ~1.3 PDLs/unconventional well respec- draulic fracturing uids may enter drinking water by subsurface migra-
tively). This equates to problematic unconventional gas wells compris- tion, it is notable that one of the 161 PDLs reported methane, brine
ing 0.1 to 1% of the 6061 spudded wells between 2008 and 2012. This components, iron and other metals along with detectable toluene. The
conclusion, based on the PDLs, is consistent with the number of wells toluene was present well below the maximum contaminant level goal
documented by the PA DEP to have received NOVs for methane migra- (MCLG) of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Toluene
tion into groundwater from 2008 to March 2013 (Vidic et al., 2013): 16 has been detected in some hydraulic fracturing uids and owback
problematic wells (0.24% of spudded wells). Given all these consider- (Hayes, 2009) but it can also enter water supplies from activities other
ations, we therefore conclude that approximately 20 unconventional than oil and gas, such as leaking underground fuel storage tanks or
gas wells impacted water supplies deleteriously between 2008 and surface releases of fuels. In the PA case with toluene, the toluene was
2012. not positively determined to be due to oil and gas activity.
It is not clear why the number of reported water impact cases In fact, only two incidents nationwide have been reported where
peaked in 2010 while the number of spudded wells peaked in 2011 fracturing uids have allegedly entered groundwater or drinking
(Table 4, Fig. 3). Given the increasing media scrutiny, it is unlikely that water through wells or geologic media in the subsurface (Vidic et al.,
the PA DEP became less vigilant after 2010. In fact, as the play devel- 2013). Neither of these disputed incidents (one in West Virginia
oped, the environmental regulations were strengthened. For example, in 1987 and one in Pavillion, Wyoming) has been investigated in
the PA Act 13 in 2012 increased the setback distances for drilling the peer-reviewed literature. The U.S. EPA review in 1987 (U.S.
unconventional shale gas wells from private and public water supplies. Environmental Protection Agency, 1987) indicated that hydraulic frac-
In addition, owners of properties that worked out private solutions for turing was responsible for groundwater contamination in Jackson
environmental problems with gas companies were only required to re- County, WV in 1982. Gelatinous material (fracturing uid) along with
port the issues to PA DEP after 2011. Furthermore, the DEP noticed in- white bers was found in the water sample from a well located
consistencies in how issues were handled prior to 2011 and a new b1000 ft from a vertical gas well (U.S. Environmental Protection
program to ensure consistency was implemented in late 2011. By Sep- Agency, 1987). However, some allege that the gel came from the ush
tember 2012 the PA DEP required for the rst time that PDLs be ap- uid that was used to remove loose rock cuttings prior to cementing
proved by central administration. Thus, while it is possible that the the well and not from the hydraulic fracturing uid. Regardless, 4 aban-
peak in 2010 is related to changes on the part of PA DEP, it appears doned gas wells drilled in the 1940s are present within 1700 ft of the
more likely that the number of cases peaked in 2010 because the indus- new gas well and may have served as conduits for contamination.
try improved its environmental record due to increases in local geolog- The other controversial example involves gas wells drilled in the
ical experience, increased care in the face of increased media scrutiny, or sandstone formation near Pavillion, WY (U.S.A.). Initial EPA ndings
increased care due to tighter regulations. (DiGiulio et al., 2011) suggested contamination in water wells. Two
146 S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156

Table 4
PA water impacts from oil/gas activity based on cases and positive determination letters

Before 2008 (i.e. conventional oil/gas activity)

# cases that received 1 or more pos. determ. letters (PDLs) due to 128
oil and gas activity, 1987 to 9/2012b
# cases that received 1 or more PDLs, 20082012 83
# cases that received 1 or more PDLs before 2008 (=12883) 45
Number of PDL/case before 2008b A few

20082012 (conventional + unconventional gas activity)

# unconventional wells spudded 6061

# of homes, farms, businesses, or churches sent letters by PA DEP 969
or named in a consent orderc,d
As of 9/2012, # of the 969 letters that indicated investigation 66 (7%)
remained incomplete or unclear
As of 9/2012, # of investigations that concluded oil/gas activities 742 (77%)
were not implicated
As of 9/2012, # of the 969 complaints that received PDLs (i.e., oil 161 (17%)
and gas impacted the water supply)
As of 9/2012, # of the 969 complaints that received PDLs where 85
the company drilled unconv. wellsd
# of cases used to bin the 161 PDLs (20082012) 83
Average PDL/case (=161/83) 1.9 Fig. 3. Number of unconventional shale-gas wells spudded in PA per year (black squares,
Largest reported number of water supplies impacted for one case 18 plotted after division by 100) and number of major spills (N400 gal, see Table 5) reported
(Dimock, PA)b for PA associated with these shale gas activities (red circles). Blue triangles indicate the
# PDLs for contamination by natural gas + other issues 90 (56%) number of cases reported by PA DEP per year where either unconventional or convention-
# PDLs for contamination by brine components + natural gas 22 (14%) al oil or gas activity was implicated in the impact of one or more water supplies (see text).
# PDLs for contamination by brine components + natural gas 8 (5%) Black triangles document the number of new producing wells (divided by 100) per year,
# PDLs for contamination by Fe + Mn + Al without gas or salt 23 (14%) i.e., the number of wells completed by hydraulic fracturing and brought into production
# PDLs for contamination by sediment/turbidity/drill cuttings 6 (4%) per year. Data derive from PA DEP, U.S. EPA, and media reports as described in the text.
without gas or salt The number of new producing wells in 2010 was assessed by doubling the number of
# PDLs without info about water impact problem 21 (13%) new producing wells in the second half of 2010 (375) because data for the rst half of
# PDLs that mentioned explosions 1 the year were not available.

# cases receiving 1 or more PDLs for each year

2008 16
2009 15
2010 29 concentrations in hydrofracturing uids may be difcult to detect
2011 (# affected water supplies reported as 27b or 32d) 18 when diluted into natural solutions that already contain natural organic
2012 (# affected water supplies reported as 19b or 18d) 5
compounds. In fact, if hydrofracturing uids were to return upward to
Rates contaminate shallow groundwater, they would most likely be accompa-
nied by brine from the subsurface. In turn, the brines have distinctive
Cases/year that received 1 or more PDLs before 2008, i.e., for 2.1
conventional oil/gas activity (=45/21) chemical signatures (e.g., Fig. 4B, C). This means that, instead of organic
Properties/year that were impacted before 2008, i.e., by 2.1 to 8.4 components, the most likely mode of detection of hydrofracturing uids
conventional oil/gas activity (assuming 14 PDLs/case) would be by analysis of inorganic components such as Na, Cl, Ba, Sr, or Br
Properties per yr (20082012) where conv. or unconv. oil/gas 32.2 (Vidic et al., 2013). In the 161 PDLs summarized in Table 4, the DEP con-
activity was implicated (=161/5)
cluded that brine components present in 4 water supplies in McKean
Impact per well from 2008 to 2012 County could have been due to inltration of hydraulic fracturing uids
(see Fig. 4A).
Minimum # unconv. wells that caused problems assuming each 7
problematic conv. gas well caused 1 PDL (=83(76/1)) However, detection of salts is not a smoking gun for subsurface
Maximum # unconv. wells that caused problems, assuming each 64 transport of hydraulic fracturing uids. Salts can also derive from sur-
problematic conv. well caused 4 PDLs (=83(76/4)) face discharges of waste, as noted by the DEP for another location in
Estimated range in % of spudded unconventional gas wells that 0.12 to 1.1% McKean County, or from de-icing road salts. In addition, even at moder-
caused problems (=7/6061 to 64/6061)
ate depths, PA groundwater is contaminated with natural brines that
a have migrated upward over geological time from the deep Salina forma-
tion (Fig. 4D) (Poth, 1962; Rickard, 1989). Another source of brine in
drilling-complaints-map-1.1490926?parentPage=2.2127. The PA records include con-
ventional and unconventional oil/gas activity; unconventional activity began in 2008. A drinking water is contamination by drill cuttings, i.e., fractured pieces
PDL indicates oil/gas activities were implicated in water supply impact at 1 property. of drilled rock that can contain entrained salts. The DEP has documented
Personal communication, K. Sunday (PA DEP). several water supplies that were contaminated by cuttings including at
Between 2008 and Sept 2012. least one in McKean County. Thus, although salt contamination might
Personal communication, L. Legere.
be a useful indicator of deep subsurface contamination if it occurred,
proving that salts entered an aquifer at depth due to drilling/
deep monitoring wells were installed to ascertain groundwater quality. hydrofracturing is difcult due to the multiplicity of salt sources.
However, subsequent water analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey
(Wright et al., 2012) failed to conrm these initial ndings. The EPA is 5. Casing leaks, cementation problems, and well
no longer conducting work on the Pavillion, WY case but state regula- construction problems
tors continue the investigation.
One reason it is difcult to ascertain whether deeply-emplaced By analyzing PA DEP Marcellus Shale well records from 2005 to
hydraulic fracturing uids have returned to a surcial aquifer is that de- March 2013, Vidic et al. (2013) concluded that 219 out of 6466 wells
tection of organic compounds such as toluene or others used at low received NOVs for well construction problems, including casing or
S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156 147

Fig. 4. A. Location of the townships associated with the 22 determination letters from PA DEP for violations that reported brine components (NaCl, Ba, or TDS) in drinking water supplies
(some symbols overlap). Average concentrations reported in ShaleNetwork database (accessed through as of May 2013 for owback chemistry for unconven-
tional gas wells in each county of PA are shown in (B) for Cl and (C) for Ba. White indicates no data were available. (D) Depth to the Salina evaporate formation plotted based on well
information (dots) where data are available (Rickard, 1989). Contours are not plotted for the southern part of the state due to lack of data.

cementing issues. This rate of problems (3.4%) lies within the range (1 depending upon the geology: 1) conductor casing, the largest casing
5%) of newly constructed shale wells that are estimated to require with largest diameter (~20 in.), is set through the overburden; 2) sur-
workover for the surface string to pass pressure testing requirements face casing (~16 in.) is installed through the groundwater zone, typical-
(King, 2012). In contrast to this relatively high rate of well issues, ly to 500 ft or more below grade; 3) coal protection casing (the same as
between 2005 and March 2013 only 16 wells (0.24% of the total number surface casing or smaller) is installed through coal seams; 4) intermedi-
of spudded wells) received NOVs for methane migration into ground- ate casing (~9 in.) may be installed to seal off oil, gas, or brine-bearing
water. All 16 cases were in northern PA. zones in the upper several thousand feet; 5) production casing
Well logging allows operators to interpret the geological subsurface (~5.5 in.) is used to the bottom of the well.
and then to design wells with sufciently deep casing and cement to The borehole diameter is typically several inches larger than the di-
prevent methane migration. Many of the migration issues in PA have ameter of the steel casing inside it; therefore, cement grout and/or other
been related to improper design and construction of wells for the local sealants are installed around the outside of each casing string to seal the
geology. During installation, several sections (i.e. strings) of steel casing annular gap between the pipe and the rock (King, 2012). Cement is
are installed telescopically in boreholes (King, 2012) to various depths pumped down the center of the casing and pushed out the bottom
148 S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156

and around the outside of the casing. This emplacement method maxi- 6. Geographic distribution of problems
mizes the cement coverage and stops leakage of hydrocarbons or
brines; however, physical limitations in some cases result in only a Fig. 1C shows the % of wells in each county that received well
partial seal. It is critical to center the casing in the borehole so that the construction NOVs. The gure documents that a higher fraction of
cement is even in thickness. Irregularities in the wellbore can make wells received construction violations in the northeast and, especially,
proper cement placement difcult. the north central parts of the state as compared to the southwest. Like-
A variety of mechanisms can cause oil and gas wells to develop gas wise, PDLs from the PA DEP between 2008 and 2012 mostly reported
leaks along the casing and can lead to contamination of water resources brine components (Fig. 4A) and methane (Fig. 5) contaminating water
by hydrocarbons or brines: e.g., channeling, poor cake removal, shrinkage, supplies in the northern part of the state.
and high cement permeability (Dusseault et al., 2000). Cement bond logs The uneven distribution of salt and methane contamination could be
are a useful tool to verify that adequate volume of cement has been due to differences in i) inspector numbers or practices among the DEP
installed within the desired intervals. If suspected zones of inadequate inspection regions, ii) practices of companies in each county, or iii) geo-
cementing are identied then remedial measures can be applied, such logical conditions. Here we consider the possibility of geological effects.
as injection of additional cement or other sealant into the zone of concern Specically, we argue that the fractured rocks of the upper Devonian
(known as a squeeze job). Lock Haven and Catskill Formations in northern PA, perhaps inuenced

Fig. 5. Map showing all the known concentrations of methane measured in groundwater in NY, PA, WV, and MD that have been published to date with latitude and longitude information
(Appalachia Hydrogeologic and Environmental Consulting, 2012; Breen et al., 2007; Kappell and Nystrom, 2012; Moore and Buckwalter, 1996; Pham and Bolton, 2013; Sloto, 2013; White
and Mathes, 2006). Some of the blue symbols are data released by PA DEP for drinking waters supplies where oil/gas activities were not implicated by contamination: red symbols
represent gas contamination of water supplies where the DEP concluded that oil/gas activities were implicated.
S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156 149

Fig. 6. A 3D LiDAR image of the site of a tracer test that was completed in Potter County (north central PA). A) Br was injected into the quarry oor and monitored at spring seeps, a
perennial spring and a southwest (SW) tributary. Samples were collected 1.3 km away at the spring seeps (625 msl) at ~12 h intervals for 5.5 weeks and analyzed for total Br via U.S.
EPA laboratory method MCAWW 300.0. Samples were collected over 12 h manually and with automatic samplers. B) Map-view of tracer study with superimposed joint orientations
measured at the quarry. C) Tracer breakthrough curve measured at spring seeps. No bromide was detected above 2.5 mg/L at the perennial spring and SW tributary.

by glaciation and subsequent isostatic rebound, facilitate fast migration shortest ow-paths between quarry and spring seeps are consistent
of groundwater and methane over long distances in the presence of nat- with tracer transport rates of 7.5 103 m s1.
ural or gas well-induced pressure gradients. For example, Fig. 6 illus- This tracer study exemplies potential contaminant migration path-
trates the highly anisotropic and rapid transport of a tracer in a test ways from gas drilling sites for a number of reasons: 1) the quarry loca-
conducted at a bedrock quarry in the Huntley Mountain/Catskill Forma- tion on the hilltop is analogous to the topographic and hydrogeologic
tions in Potter County in summer 2012. Bromide was used as a tracer position of most gas drilling sites in PA; 2) similar systematic bedrock
because it is chemically conservative and is present at low background fractures (joints) are present throughout the Appalachian Plateau
concentrations (b 2.5 g/L). The test was designed to assess potential (although shifting orientation clockwise from west to east across the
transport between the quarry bottom and spring seeps in an upland val- plateau); 3) gas-well pad construction often involves partial excavation
ley 1.3 km away. The seeps plot along a line that is perpendicular to the of bedrock which can expose fractures; and 4) pollution incidents at gas
expected groundwater ow paths based on topography (Fig. 6). A solu- well pads are not uncommon. Importantly, this study emphasizes that
tion with 9 kg of NaBr was injected into open vertical fractures outcrop- surface leakage into bedrock fractures poses a high risk for contaminant
ping in the quarry oor at an elevation of 695 m above sea level (msl). transport into groundwater indeed, this transport mechanism is
An additional 6.8 kg was injected 2123 days later. The initial break- much more likely than upow from thousands of feet depth through
through of tracer occurred 2 days later at the spring seeps and peaked geological media.
1015 days after injection. The second peak is due to the second tracer In addition to the location and orientation of fractures, another key
application. In contrast, bromide was never detected in samples collect- issue that may vary geographically is the presence at shallow depths
ed at a perennial spring and adjacent SW tributary (Fig. 6). of gas in excess of hydrostatic pressure. For example, such gas common-
This example shows that a tracer migrated 1.3 km perpendicular ly exists at shallow depths in the north central part of the state: this
to the hillslope, i.e., perpendicular to the direction that most high pressure gas can make it difcult to seal cements in boreholes
hydrogeological models would predict for topographically-driven (Vidic et al., 2013). Zones that have gas pressure higher than hydrostatic
groundwater ow in the area without prior knowledge of anisotropy of pressure and are not adequately sealed can result in sustained gas
joints. Near-vertical bedrock fractures (joints) measured at the quarry pressure against the casing and can result in gas migration upward.
(Fig. 6B) document two fracture orientations, one trending toward the
spring seeps and one coincident with adjacent valley orientations. Pre- 7. Environmental impacts of methane migration in PA
sumably most of the tracer moved along fractures coincident with the
valley alignment to the SE of the quarry because only a relatively small Although incidents of methane migration due to shale gas activity
amount of total tracer mass reached the spring seeps (0.250.5%) and have been identied (Fig. 5), methane in PA groundwater is also present
nothing was observed at the perennial spring nor the SW tributary. The naturally due to both high-temperature maturation of organic matter
150 S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156

at depth and low-temperature bacterial processes (Laughrey and of methane in water wells in that area (8085% (Molofsky et al., 2011;
Baldassare, 1998; Whiticar, 1999). Both thermogenic and biogenic gas Osborn et al., 2011)) is higher than in a wider regional area that includes
move through faults upward from depth or laterally from swamps or southwestern PA (24% (Boyer et al., 2012)) where pre- and post-drilling
glacial till. Faults commonly channelize gas to valley oors where it concentrations were statistically identical. Thus, the geological regime
emits in seeps or in wells (Boyer et al., 2012; Llewellyn et al., 2013; in northern PA is conducive to stray gas migration (Llewellyn, in
Molofsky et al., 2011; Warner et al., 2012). Methane can also derive review; Warner et al., 2012). Again, a possible explanation is that iso-
from anthropogenic sources unrelated to unconventional shale gas static rebound following glacial retreat could have re-opened ancient
such as gas storage elds, coal mines, landlls, gas pipelines and aban- tectonic fracture systems. With such enhanced permeability, gas and
doned gas wells. If methane, known to have low solubility (26 mg/L at uid migration may be more prevalent than in settings located beyond
1 atm and 20 C), enters water wells as a solute, it generally degasses. the front of glacial advance.
Therefore, methane is not regulated as a health hazard in the U.S.A. In addition to these cases of methane seepage, several Marcellus
but high gas levels are problematic due to the potential for explosion. Shale wells have experienced blowouts during fracturing operations.
Gas explosions were reported in PA long before Marcellus gas drilling In such cases, mechanical failure or human error led to uncontrolled re-
(Gough and Waite, 1990). lease of fracturing uids that required emergency response to shut the
Most of the time, methane leakage from gas wells is minor and is well. The blowouts that have occurred over the last several years in
easily repaired. However, at least one case attributed to Marcellus Cleareld, Tioga, and Bradford Counties in PA were widely reported
wells contaminated 18 water supplies: in that instance gas reportedly and resulted in signicant nes from PA DEP. Little data are available
caused an explosion of a private water well in the northeastern town to assess the long-term impacts of these events.
of Dimock PA (Table 4) (PA Dept of Enviro Protection, Notice of Violation
to Cabot Oil and Gas, Feb 27, 2009). A study of 60 groundwater wells in
that area, including wells in NY (Osborn et al., 2011), also showed that 8. Orphaned or abandoned wells
the average (19.2 mg CH4/L) methane concentrations were higher
when sampled within 1 km of active Marcellus gas wells. However, Another type of incident occurs when a new shale gas well intercon-
that study revealed that 85% of the sampled drinking-water wells had nects with an orphaned gas or oil well that was never properly sealed.
detectable methane regardless of proximity to drilling. No pre-drilling PA DEP has estimated that approximately 350,000 oil and gas wells
water quality data were available. An even larger study of N 1700 pre- have been drilled in Pennsylvania since the rst commercial oil well
drilling water wells in the general area similarly showed that 78% of (the Drake well) was drilled near Titusville in 1859, and that over
wells contained detectable methane (Molofsky et al., 2011); however, 200,000 oil and gas wells were installed in PA before record keeping
those researchers concluded that the topographic position (i.e. water was required in 1955. The locations of most of these unrecorded wells
wells in valleys) was a better predictor of the presence of elevated are unknown. They were likely never properly sealed and therefore
methane concentrations than the proximity of gas wells. may leak into the atmosphere or into ground- or surface waters. An ex-
The study of wells near Dimock on the PANY border (Osborn et al., ample of the danger of orphaned wells occurred in June 2012 when a
2011) found that when water wells were sampled within 1 km of active Marcellus operator drilling at the Guindon well pad in Union Township,
drilling, the gas that was present had higher 13C concentrations as ex- southeastern Tioga County, PA caused methane to discharge from a
pected for thermogenic gas. The thermogenic signature was attribut- nearby abandoned gas well (known as the Butters' Well), from a nearby
ed to origin in the Marcellus Formation. However, using samples private water well, from French Lick Creek, and from a seismic borehole.
collected by the PA DEP and Cabot Oil & Gas Corp., Molofsky et al. The methane discharge was large enough near a roadside that it was
(2011) asserted that the isotopic signatures of thermogenic methane reported in the media as a methane geyser reaching N9 m in the air.
reported by Osborn et al. (2011) are not consistent with gas from the The event resulted in temporary evacuation of several residents living
Marcellus but rather from less thermally mature gas from shallower within a mile of the well.
formations. Molofsky et al. state that a similar isotopic signature While methane migration in Tioga county had been well known pre-
could be created by a mixture of Marcellus Shale gas with methane vious to the event rock formations beneath some parts of the county
from other sources, but they argue that the location of gas-rich have been used as storage for natural gas (Breen et al., 2007) this
water wells in valleys is not consistent with stray gas being caused event was unique. According to the DEP, the Butters well was drilled
by Marcellus drilling. in 1932 to a depth of 5392 ft but was never commercially productive.
Much discussion continues as to whether the stray methane gas The presence of the well, known to both the DEP and the operating com-
identied by Osborn et al. was caused by drilling or natural processes pany, was indicated in original records indicating the well was sealed
(Davies, 2011; Jackson et al., 2013; Molofsky et al., 2011; Schon, from 4033 to 5392 ft below grade. It is not known how methane migrat-
2011). For example, the average concentrations for the Osborn et al. ed toward the wells, borehole, and surface water, but drilling operations
samples are similar to values from PA and WV groundwater sampled may have promoted migration along a fault. PA DEP worked with the
by the U.S. Geological Survey before Marcellus hydrofracturing began, operator to are off nearby Marcellus wells to reduce subsurface gas
or U.S.G.S. samples in NY where high-volume hydrofracturing of Devo- pressure. In addition, the Butters' well was sealed with cement and
nian shale is banned (Fig. 5). Fig. 5 shows all the known concentrations packers by the operator to prevent additional releases. These efforts
of methane measured in groundwater in NY, PA, WV, and MD that have reduced the Butters' well bore pressure readings from N 1000 psi to
been published to date with latitude and longitude information b600 psi as of December 2012. The nearby Guindon wells are now
(Appalachia Hydrogeologic and Environmental Consulting, 2012; producing. Based on a review of PA DEP's database, no NOV was issued
Breen et al., 2007; Kappell and Nystrom, 2012; Moore and Buckwalter, for this event to date.
1996; Pham and Bolton, 2013; Sloto, 2013; White and Mathes, 2006). Such events are especially of concern as drilling progresses to
Data are also published for PA DEP measurements for cases that were northwestern PA where the majority of older wells were drilled. In
presumed due to oil and gas activity (red symbols, i.e. PDLs as described many cases, no construction or location records are available. Old
in Table 4) or did not implicate oil/gas (blue). Methane measurements wells can be difcult to detect when the steel casing has rusted
reported without geographic locations are not included (Jackson et al., away, been removed for scrap, or used during the 1940s for war ef-
2013; Molofsky et al., 2011, 2013; Osborn et al., 2011; Warner et al., forts. Currently, operators are not required to locate abandoned or
2012). orphaned wells prior to drilling although it is in the best interest
Although the methane sampled by Osborn et al. may or may not for operators to survey since they are responsible for environmental
have derived from the Marcellus, it is notable that the rate of detection damages.
S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156 151

Table 5
Major spills to water bodies in Pennsylvania as of Sept 2013.

Date County Receiving water body Spilled material Volume (gallons)

2008 to 2013 (N400 gal)

Nov 23, 2009a Bradford Webier Creek Fracking and owback 4200 to 6300
Mar 19, 2011b Bradford Towanda Creek Produced water 4700
Dec 13, 2012c Butler Thorn Creek Drilling uids Unknown
May 24, 2010d Blair Bobs Creek Flowback Unknown
Jul 30, 2010e Cameron Unknown Drilling mud 1500
Oct 12, 2009e Cleareld Little Laurel Creek Flowback 7980
Mar 26, 2010f Clinton Queens Run Drilling mud 8000 to 12,000
Jan 29, 2011g Clinton headwaters of the South Renovo water supply Fracking 3400
Sep 10, 2012h Sullivan Mill Creek Sediment Unknown
Oct 15, 2012i Indiana Blacklick Creek Bentonite Unknown
Mar 13 & 14, 2010j Lycoming Pine Creek Airfoam 180 gal/min
Aug 12, 2010k Lycoming Big Run Hydrostatic testing water 25,200
Nov 16, 2010l (spilled over prev. 65 d) Lycoming Trib. to Sugar Run Flowback and produced 6300 to 57,373
Before Nov 22, 2010m Lycoming Trib. to Sugar Run Fracking ~13,000
Jan 6 & 15, 2012n Lycoming Pine Creek Brine 8200
Oct 9, 2012c Lycoming Trib. to Slack Run Sediment Unknown
Dec 27, 2012c Lycoming Brion Creek Hydrostatic test (water, sediment) 232,604
Nov 21, 2012o Lycoming Muncy Creek Fracking 4275
Aug 20, 2012p Sullivan Harts Run Bentonite ~10,000
Sep 4, 2012c Sullivan Black Water Run Turbid discharge Unknown
Dec 19, 2012c Sullivan Wellman's Creek, Salt Lick Creek Discharge Unknown
Jan 1, 2013g Sullivan Big Bottom Run Sediment Unknown
Sep 16 & 22, 2009q Susquehanna Stevens Creek Water/liquid gel mixture 8000
Jul 29, Aug 2 & 10, 2011r Susquehanna Laurel Lake Creek Drilling mud 1500
May 26, 2009s Washington Cross Creek Flowback and brine 4200
Oct 6, 2009t Washington Brush Run Flowback 10,500
Dec 4 & 5, 2009u Washington Dunkle Run Fracking uid Unknown
Jul 5, 2011e Washington Ten Mile Creek Drilling mud 2400
Oct 31, 2011v Washington Hopewell Township Flowback 16,800
Oct 30, 2009e Westmoreland Unknown Diesel 790
Mar 13, 2013w Wyoming Washington Township Fracking 227,000 (at rate of 800 gal/min)
April 30, 2013x Wyoming Washington Township Flowback ~9000
Email exchange with PA DEP.
Considine et al. (2012)
Discharge reported to be enough to completely discolor creek.
Volz et al. (2011) reported that Blacklick creek was monitored and wastewater efuent was found entering this creek (
josephine_execsumm_2011chec.pdf); Wilson and VanBriesen (2012) (; other details de-
scribed here: (
DEP ned Atlas Resources LLC $97,350. The spill contaminated a high-quality watershed in Hopewell Township.

9. Spills and leaks of contaminants other than methane leaked because of construction problems related to soil compaction or
liner failure.
Fuels, fracturing chemicals, produced uids, hydrostatic test water, To quantify these spills we assessed records kept since 2005 by the
sediments, and drill cuttings or muds have been released into PA waters PA DEP. Spills of drilling muds, owback/production water/brine,
due to trucking accidents, well blowouts, or leaking tanks, valves, or hydrofracturing uid, drilling components (such as Airfoam), or natu-
pipes (Table 5, Fig. 3). These releases generally result in localized im- ral sediments recorded by the PA DEP are posted online (http://www.
pacts to soil, surface or groundwater that require remediation and mon-
itoring. In addition, a few centralized impoundments have failed or aspx?/Oil_Gas/OG_Compliance). However the PA DEP often does not
152 S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156

give as much information as presented in the media, making spill most likely to detect Marcellus-related impacts (e.g. Na, Ca, Cl, Sr, Ba,
assessments difcult at best. Reports from DEP and the media were Br).
often difcult to reconcile at least in part because DEP records are Another contaminant of interest which acts chemically like Ba is the
generally terse with respect to the extent of impact. Table 5 presents radioactive element radium. Ra is found in relatively high concentra-
an assessment of the largest spills between 5/2005 and 6/2013 based tions in Appalachian basin brines (Rowan et al., 2011). While most Ra
on the online database, our eld observations, reports in PA DEP ofces, is removed during treatment of brines with sodium sulfate before dis-
and multiple media sources. charge, some radium is discharged when oil/gas brines are released
To date, at least 32 spills N400 gal occurred (Table 5). Of into streams and the Ra is in turn precipitated in stream sediments
spills N 400 gal, 9 were brine (e.g. owback and/or produced waters), (Warner et al., 2013). Warner et al. document Ra-containing sediments
9 were drilling muds/uids, 7 were gel or fracking uids, 5 were hydro- in Blacklick Creek, a stream that has long received oil/gas brine
static test waters or sediments, 2 were unknown in nature, and 1 was discharge in western PA.
diesel fuel. The number of large spills per year has increased since
2008, with a dip in 2011. The number of spills reported through June 10. Bromide
in 2013 likely does not include all relevant spills because a time lag al-
ways occurs between incident date and NOV posting date. As shown One of the signature solutes for Marcellus, bromide (Br), is typically
by Fig. 3, the spills per year are increasing even though the new wells present in owback water between 2 and 15 mmol/L (Barbot et al., 2013;
spudded per year and contamination cases per year have been decreas- Haluszczak et al., 2013; Hayes, 2009). These values are much higher than
ing since the 20102011 period. Given the volumes of uid involved in levels in PA waterways: before 2003, Br in surface waters in PA counties
hydrofracturing to bring a spudded well into production, spills per year with shale-gas development averaged 0.90 1.0 mol/L (Vidic et al.,
could be increasing because the number of completions of wells per 2013). However, after 2010, many waters in shale-gas development
year is still increasing (Fig. 3). areas were reported with Br concentrations more than 3 standard devia-
Based on Table 5 and Fig. 3, the probabilities of large leakage events tions above this average (Vidic et al., 2013). However, the data reported
are low (32 large spills for more than 7000 wells spudded or 4000 wells by Vidic et al. before and after 2003 generally derive from different
completed); nonetheless, the public is concerned because some spilled waterways, making it difcult to compare water chemistry impacts
constituents are toxic (Table 3). In the Appalachian basin, the most con- from shale-gas development.
centrated constituents of the owback/production uids are Na and Cl The possibility that Br concentrations have increased in PA water-
(Barbot et al., 2013; Blauch et al., 2009; Haluszczak et al., 2013; ways is important with respect to human health (Ferrar et al., 2013;
Warner et al., 2012). Therefore, the most likely contaminants to be de- States et al., 2013; Wilson and VanBriesen, 2012). Concentrations of
tected are these ions. Other major ions present at high concentrations bromide above 100 g/L (1.25 mol/L) in source waters for publicly
include Mg and Ca. Some of these waters were originally discharged owned treatment works can lead to formation of bromine where free
through either municipal or centralized industrial wastewater treat- chlorine is used as a disinfectant (Ferrar et al., 2013). Bromine can sub-
ment plants, providing partial treatment prior to discharge into PA sequently react with organic matter to form brominated trihalometh-
streams. However, concern about impacts on surface waters led the anes (THMs). In turn, THMs have been associated with increased risk
state to discourage this disposal practice in May 2011 (Maloney and of cancers and other maladies. Therefore, the concentrations of total
Yoxtheimer, 2012; States et al., 2013; Wilson and VanBriesen, 2012). THMs permissible in drinking water are regulated under the federal
The industry now increasingly recycles brines for new hydrofracturing. Safe Drinking Water Act. Brominated THMs are more harmful than chlo-
Based on PA DEP records, ~87% of owback and produced uids were rinated THM species. Publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) and in-
recycled in 2012 (Maloney and Yoxtheimer, 2012) and has continued dustrial wastewater treatment plants (IWTPs) may be permitted in PA
through June 2013. to treat and discharge wastewater from conventional oil and gas opera-
Although present at lower concentrations, Ba, Sr, and Br are com- tions and efuent from coal mines (Warner et al., 2013). Until May 2011
monly found in distinctive concentrations or ratios in brines associated in PA, shale gas operators were permitted to discharge shale gas-
with unconventional gas wells. Ba is typically present in Marcellus produced brines to POTWs and IWTPs for treatment and discharge to
owback/produced waters in the range of 2000 to 8000 mg/L surface waters.
(Hayes, 2009) (data accessible through ShaleNetwork on www. In 2010, the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) ob- The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for public served that the concentration of total THMs and the relative fraction
drinking water systems as regulated by the U.S. EPA under the Safe of brominated THMs increased in its nished water. States et al.
Drinking Water Act for Ba is 2 mg/L. Barium can potentially cause gas- (2013) concluded that the increase was due to elevated Br in the
trointestinal disturbances and muscular weakness upon exposure to Allegheny river source waters, and that most of the Br in the river de-
levels above the EPA drinking water standards. Sr is typically present rived from IWTPs that were permitted to release wastewaters from
in owback/production waters in the range of 10007000 mg/L Marcellus Shale and conventional oil and gas wells. Coal-burning
(Hayes, 2009); however, the EPA has not published a drinking water power plants were also observed to sometimes release bromides to
standard for Sr. the river. Several research groups have looked at these data (States
It is difcult to document impacts from historic records of concentra- et al., 2013; Wilson and VanBriesen, 2012). The data show that 1) bro-
tions in PA surface waters from the U.S.G.S. for Ba and Sr over the last mide concentrations at the PWSA Allegheny river intake are elevated
few years when discharge of brines was occurring via municipal and in- compared with bromide concentrations in the less impacted uppermost
dustrial treatment plants in certain watersheds or when spills may have locations in the Allegheny River; 2) bromide concentrations generally
occurred (Vidic et al., 2013). Vidic et al. (2013) reported that concentra- increase as water moves through the Allegheny River system due to in-
tions for a wide dataset of Ba and Sr in Pennsylvania river waters sam- puts from IWTPs and, to a lesser extent, due to discharges from coal-
pled before 2003 in areas of unconventional shale-gas production red power plants; 3) bromide concentrations were especially high
averaged 27 32 and 550 620 g/L (detection limits = 10 during periods of low ow in the river; 4) higher Br concentrations in
and 10100 g/L respectively). Impacts are hard to assess because back- Allegheny river water correlate with higher brominated THMs in n-
ground data tend to be sparse for any given waterway, many PA rivers ished water from the PWSA. These observations led the PA DEP to im-
have other sources of contamination, and few headwater sites have pose a voluntary ban in April 2011 on discharge of unconventional
been monitored where effects of shale gas activity are likely to be shale gas brine through POTWs and IWTPs into streams.
most impactful. Even when headwaters have been monitored, Even after the ban in 2011, however, Br concentrations in the Allegheny
samples often have not been analyzed for the suite of elements deemed river have not decreased signicantly (see data in ShaleNetwork through
S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156 153 One possible explanation is that discharges of As shown on the gure, even pristine waters contain the indicator
Marcellus brines continued after May 2011 by several IWTPs despite the elements: the ngerprinting is not unambiguous.
ban (States et al., 2013). In addition, States et al. proposed that high concen- Given such issues, it is difcult to nd examples of analyses that doc-
trations of bromide observed in the Clarion River after May 2011 may doc- ument spills for Pennsylvania waters. For example, data recovered with
ument illegal dumping into that upstream tributary of the Allegheny River, HydroDesktop ( from U.S.G.S. NWIS, EPA, and
perhaps because the voluntary ban had taken away other avenues of dis- Shale Network for the Pennsylvania area did not reveal unambiguous
posal. Regardless, some of the IWTPs were still legally releasing Br- evidence for any of the large spills in Table 5. Difculty in documenting
containing wastewaters from conventional oil and gas into the Allegheny spills in published datasets likely occurs because i) high rates of precip-
River through 2013. Although such conventional-waste discharges are not itation and water ow generally dilute contamination quickly; ii) the
likely to explain why bromide jumped in concentration in 2010, such dis- sensor and sampling network is not very dense nor located very strate-
charges can contribute high bromide concentrations that could lead to gically compared to sites of shale gas activity which are generally locat-
health risks. Three of the brine plants received notices from the U.S. EPA ed in uplands; iii) many rivers in PA are already contaminated making it
in May 2013 concerning violations of their permits (States et al., 2013). difcult to see new pollution events; iv) few background data are avail-
able in many areas for all appropriate analytes; v) contamination events
11. Case examples of spills have been relatively rare; vi) it is difcult to determine the locations,
timing, volume, and nature of pollution events.
If a spill occurs, contaminants are likely to increase concentrations As an example of the difculties in documenting spills into surface
above background. However, background concentrations in PA rivers waters with public data, Fig. 8 is presented for one spill. The spill, into
are highly variable because of impacts from acid mine drainage Bobs Creek near PA Route 164, occurred approximately on May 24
(AMD), agriculture, road salt, or municipal waste. In addition, the abun- 2010. Bobs Creek is a Class A trout stream in Juniata Township, Blair
dant precipitation generally dilutes concentrations of many elements, County. Drilling at a ridgetop above the creek was accompanied by a
making background concentrations highly variable. Given these charac- spill of owback water that ran off the pad into a containment pit, and
teristics, long-term datasets of water quality are needed if contamina- likely into the stream. The PA DEP sampled the creek on June 7 2010
tion is to be identied. However, long-term datasets are rare for both up- and downstream from the spill because of the reported spill. Sr,
the large rivers and the small upland streams where most shale gas Ba, and Cl concentrations in the stream at Pavia, PA are plotted versus
well pads are located (Vidic et al., 2013). time in Fig. 8AC. Both Sr and Ba showed measureable increases in con-
Instead of using concentration to document spills, a better route may centration downstream of the spill site immediately after the spill. How-
be analysis of ratios of indicator elements since ratios stay constant ever, the dataset for Ba is very short-term and highly variable, making it
despite dilution. For the Marcellus brines, ratios of indicator elements impossible to assess if Ba documented the spill. In contrast, Sr shows a
such as Ba, Cl, Br, Sr, and SO4 could be useful. For example, the Ba/Cl clear spike after the spill which then returns to background. The longest
and Br/SO24 ratios may help ngerprint water types as shown in duration data set is available for Cl (data from Weyandt and
Fig. 7. Oil/gas brines tend to be lower in sulfate and higher in Ba and Reynoldsdale PA are also plotted before 1993 to assess a longer term
Br: the higher the Br/sulfate ratio, the more likely that brine inputs are baseline for Cl): since the 1990s, the concentration only increased
indicated. In contrast, AMD is high in sulfate and variable in Ba and Cl: above 322 mol/L (i.e. the mean + 3 for data before 2008) ve
the lower the Br/sulfate ratio, the more likely the AMD input. Nonethe- times. These Cl spikes were in February when road salt is often used, ex-
less, some brines have signicant sulfate, driving Ba to lower levels as cept for the spike on 6-7-2010 in the sample downstream from the spill
barite (BaSO4) precipitates (Blauch et al., 2009). Likewise, waters that (Fig. 8C). Bobs Creek is also monitored by the Susquehanna River Basin
are both brine- and AMD-impacted such as the blue up-triangles on Commission (SRBC) remote water quality network which includes a
Fig. 7 can overlap with non-impacted streams. The blue triangles de- conductivity sensor (Fig. 8D). However, few data are available prior to
rive from Blacklick Creek, a heavily AMD-impacted stream that also the spill.
has been receiving permitted discharge of brines. These brines derive
from conventional oil/gas activity and, before 2011, from unconvention- 12. Sediment discharges
al gas activities (Warner et al., 2013; Wilson and VanBriesen, 2012).
Several researchers have demonstrated that increased land distur-
bance because of well pads and pipeline construction could increase
the discharge of sediments into streams, raising total suspended
solids concentrations (Drohan and Brittingham; Entrekin et al., 2011;
Olmstead et al., 2013). Propagation of accidental sediment discharges
through the receiving water streams may have both short- and long-
term environmental impacts. As mentioned above, drilling muds and
cuttings retain many trace components present in the black shale or
brines, including metals such as barium and strontium, naturally occur-
ring radioactive material (NORM) and pyrite. While some of these ma-
terials are toxic in themselves, pyrite can also oxidize and form
sulfuric acid thereby potentially impacting water quality by decreasing
pH and releasing metals. In addition, removing vegetation for drilling
sites can cause excess runoff and sedimentation which are harmful to
river ecosystems, especially in sensitive headwater streams. Human
error, unexpected geological conditions, storms and ooding are addi-
tional causes of surface water contamination by drilling wastes.
Lack of controls for erosion of drilling sites has led to many NOVs
concerning sediments and erosion (Tables 1, 2) but the relative fraction
of NOVs due to these issues has decreased with time (Fig. 2). To date,
Fig. 7. Ratios of Ba, Cl, SO4, and Br may be useful to distinguish rivers with impacts from
however, no estimate of sediment discharge volumes has been complet-
acid mine drainage (AMD) versus oil and gas brines or shallow brines. Blacklick Creek ed for PA. Several large releases of drilling mud uids (Table 5) have
(blue triangles) is contaminated with both AMD and permitted oil and gas brine discharge. been reported in the range of 103 to 104 gal. As one example, Larrys
154 S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156

Fig. 8. Data available to assess a possible owback spill into the Class A trout stream, Bobs Creek. Spill was discovered running off a pad site, leaking out of a containment pit on May 24,
2010 (red line). Data derived from U.S. Geological Survey, Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC), and PA DEP, all accessed in the Shale Network database (
PA DEP samples from upstream and downstream of the spill location are indicated.

Creek comprises a small watershed (89.1 mile2) that empties into the 13. Water quantity issues
West Branch of the Susquehanna River. The watershed was adversely
affected by coal and iron mine activities in the 19th century but water Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing of shales for natural gas
quality has been considered good since 2006 (Entz-Rine, 2011) and require larger amounts of water than vertical wells because of the larger
the watershed supports public water supplies that utilize 4 groundwa- volume of shale that is stimulated. The shale properties and the lengths
ter and 2 surface water locations. Some of the water is sold to the indus- of the lateral boreholes strongly impact the quantity of water used in
try for fracturing operations (Fig. 1D). According to the SRBC, only
1.9 miles remain impaired by acid mine drainage out of 48.5. As of
2013, 15 natural gas drilling pads lie within the watershed. No oil or
gas industrial discharge is permitted.
On October 19, 2011, a pipeline that was being bored under a
streambed fractured, discharging bentonite and other mud to the
creek. Fig. 9 shows turbidity in Larrys Creek (near Salladsburg, PA,
data from ShaleNetwork accessed through HydroDesktop (www. measured by the SRBC turbidity sensor, plotted
along with precipitation (near Williamsport, PA) for a ve-month peri-
od around the date of the sediment discharge. As shown on the gure
throughout the period before the spill, turbidity varied little except dur-
ing large precipitation events. However, between 10/19/11 and late
November, turbidity increases occurred even without precipitation in-
creases, and for an extended period the sensor registered above back-
ground either due to sediment or to a problem with the sensor
(arrow). Unlike solutes, sediments released in accidents such as this
one can remain in riverbeds for long periods of time, creating long-
term impact. Such impacts can be assessed using one-, two- and
Fig. 9. Data accessible from Shale Network through HydroDesktop showing turbidity
three-dimensional models of hydrodynamics, sediment transport, and measured before and after a mud spill by a SRBC turbidity sensor in Larrys Creek, and
bed morphology to predict changes in physical parameters like temper- precipitation at a nearby rain station. The spill occurred on Oct 19, 2011 (dashed line). Sen-
ature, density, and chemical activity (e.g. Motta et al., 2010). sor response to the sediment (which may indicate fouling) is indicated by the arrow.
S.L. Brantley et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 140156 155

fracturing. On average, it takes about 400,000 gal of water to fracture iii) the sparseness of sample and sensor data for the analytes of interest;
each 500 ft of well bore for the Marcellus Shale. Water consumption iv) the presence of pre-existing water impairments that makes it dif-
typically ranges from 4 to 5 million gal of water per well ranging over cult to determine potential impacts from shale-gas activity; and v) the
a 25 day period with about 10% of this water returning as owback. fact that sensors can malfunction or drift. Although some waterways
Throughout the northeast, water for drilling and fracturing activities throughout the state are now monitored, drilling and hydraulic fractur-
is mainly supplied from surface waters including lakes and streams, but ing of the Marcellus has proceeded so rapidly that the sampling and
it can also be extracted from groundwater, private or municipal sources, monitoring density is not sufcient to document impacts over either
or from reused produced water. Throughout the Susquehanna River the long term or short term, especially in headwater streams near
Basin (SRB), both surface and groundwaters are permitted for with- many well pads.
drawal by oil and gas companies (Fig. 1D). Only 13% of water used be- If state regulator data are used to assess impact, the conclusion that
tween 2008 and 2011 in the SRB for hydrofracturing the Marcellus emerges for PA is that signicant environmental water resource prob-
Shale was derived from recycled owback or production waters lems are occurring at a low rate per well: ~ 20 unconventional gas
(U.S. EPA, 2012), but as of 2012, PA DEP records show that 87% of wells were implicated unambiguously in contamination of water sup-
owback was recycled. plies and ~ 30 large spills were reported during the period when
Water withdrawals by the gas industry may impact long-term eco- N6000 unconventional gas wells were drilled and N 4000 completed.
logical health in some settings (Soeder and Kappell, 2009; Weltman- In addition, the water supply contamination cases per year for both con-
Fahs and Taylor, 2013). Changing the ow of streams can result in ventional and unconventional energy companies decreased since 2010.
changes in water temperature, sediment transport, and channel On the other hand, although the number of large spills per year associ-
shape, all of which can adversely affect river biota (Poff et al., 1997; ated with unconventional wells was small, it increased through 2012. In
Weltman-Fahs and Taylor, 2013). To assess changes on ecosystems, addition, almost 20% of shale-gas wells in PA have received Notices of
metrics such as uvial biomass, diversity and population of aquatic spe- Violations, documenting that the frequency of small incidents is high.
cies must be assessed. In general in PA, fresh water withdrawal from Overall, the development of Marcellus Shale gas in PA was accompa-
water bodies is likely to produce only temporary, local impacts since nied by increasing regulations, intense media attention, and unease on
the water usage for gas-production activities represents 0.06% of the the part of some members of the public. Maintaining the so-called social
total water usage in the Marcellus region (Arthur et al., 2010; Moniz license for shale gas development into the future depends upon public
et al., 2011). However, extraction of the same volume of water during acceptance of the activity. More data must be shared publicly and
low streamow periods has a larger impact than extraction during a pe- more investigations of impacts on watersheds and water supplies
riod of higher stream ow. Low streamows can affect municipal water must be completed transparently for a complete analysis of impacts.
supplies, industrial water needs (e.g. power generation), recreation, Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://dx.
and health of aquatic life (Arthur et al., 2010). Best Management
Practices include limiting withdrawals to periods of high streamow,
or emphasizing withdrawals from multiple sources (Soeder and
Kappell, 2009).
The SRBC regulates withdrawals and pass-by ow on a monthly
This research was funded by a grant from the National Science
basis for most waterways in the center of the state (Fig. 1D). Water ex-
Foundation to SLB (RCN-SEES funding, OCE-11-40159). J. Pollak cites
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support from the National Science Foundation for the Consortium for
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Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc.
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drawals in the SRB occur near the drilling sites which are largely located
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