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CEGB111 Engineering Laboratory

Project 1

Name Muhamad Zulhusni bin Che Razali CE097466

Muiz Muhaimin bin Azizul Kahar CE097581

Muhamad Ikromi bin Che Halim CE097465

Nurfatin binti Mahmood CE099157

Siti Natassia binti Nazri CE099018

Section 04

Demonstrators Name : Miss Rasyikin bte. Roslan

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 1

Table of Content

i) Anorthosite

Introduction 4-5


Type of Rock 6-8

Mineral Content
Physical Properties
Colour & Appearance

Uses 9-11

ii)Hornblende Andesite

Introduction 12


Type of Rock 13-15

Mineral Content

Uses 15-16

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 2

iii)Green Quarzite

Introduction 17-18


Type of Rock 18-25

Mineral Content

Uses 25-27

iv) Pink Quarzite

Introduction 28-29


Type of Rock 29-33

Mineral Content

Uses 34

v) Amphibolite

Introduction 35


Type of Rock 36-39


Uses 39

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 3


Anorthosite is an igneous mono mineralic rock that is composed of plagioclase feldspar ( over
90% of the rock is composed of this mineral). Plagioclase is a very common mineral group, more
than half of the earhs crust is composed of it. Therefore, it is not really surprising that there is
rock type that is almost exclusively composed of plagioclase. Besides, anorthosite is sometimes
named plagioclase or labradorite as well.


Anorthosite is usually defines as a leucocratic rock. This can be defines as felsic or not mafic.
Leucocratic mineral are those that are relatively rick in silicon and aluminium but contain little
iron and magnesium. Felsic minerals ( quartz , feldspar , muscovite) are generally lighter than
mafic mineral ( pyroxene , hornblende , biotite , olivine ) but not always. Some plagioclase
fledspars are definitely darker than bright green olivine crystal and some pyroxenes are colorful
as well/ anorthosite in many cases is not light colored at all. This is the result of tiny Fe-Ti Oxide
inclusions in plagioclase crystals that give them bluish-black hue.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 4


Formation Of Anorthosite Rock

Anorthosite is a type of igneous rocks. Transformation of anorthosite takes place in three steps-
metamorphism, weathering and erosion.

Metamorphism of anorthosite: it is change in arrangement of minerals and texture in the pre-

existing rocks. Anorthosite rock undergoes metamorphism. Unlike in formation of anorthosite,
the rock does not melt into liquid magma.

Weathering of anorthosite:- the breaking down of rocks when they come in contact with the
earth's atmosphere, ecology and water is called as weathering. Talking about weathering of
anorthosite, this rock undergoes weathering. Weathering of igneous rocks leads to formation of
sedimentary rocks. Weathering is further classified as chemical and mechanical weathering.

Anorthosite erosion: the weathered small fragments of rock are carried from one place to other
by a process called erosion. Anorthosite rock undergoes erosion. Erosion is one of the important
aspects in the life cycle of a rock.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 5

Type Of Rock

Anorthosite is one of the important type of rocks. If we have to define anorthosite in general,
anorthosite is a granular igneous rock composed largely of labradorite or plagioclase anorthosite
comes under igneous rocks. All igneous rocks have similar properties and formation process.



Class of anorthosite is igneous rocks. All igneous rocks are further classified as intrusive
rocks and volcanic rocks. Anorthosite class gives the category of rocks in which anorthosite falls.


The texture of anorthosite gives the characteristics associated with its grain
size. Anorthosite texture provides information about the shape of grains and the orientation of
crystals within the rock. Anorthosite texture also provides the additional information about the
formation of anorthosite from magma or lava. The texture of anorthosite is foliated, glassy.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 6


Mineral Content

Based on the anothosite rock in figure 4 above, the mineral content includes Amphibole,
Clinopyroxene, Ilmenite, Magnetite, Olivine and Orthopyroxene.

Physical Properties

Physical properties of rocks are used to identify the type of rocks and to discover more about
them. There are various physical properties of anorthosite like hardness , grain size , fracture ,
streak , luster and strength which defines it. The physical properties of anothosite rock are vital
in order to determine its anothosite texture and anothosite uses.


Anorthosite rock is found in black, bluish - grey, brown, green, grey, light greenish grey, pink,
white colors. How do rocks get their colors? Well, the secret behind the color of rocks is in their
composition and origin place. Anorthosite color depends on anorthosite texture and on the
environment in which it is found. The color of rock is not a reliable property in the study of rocks
as it changes within the rock

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 7

Appearance of anorthosite

The appearance of anorthosite is layered, banded, veined and shiny. The appearance of
anorthosite depends on the percentage of impurities in it. Anorthosite texture is one of the
important aspects to determine its appearance.


The physical properties of anorthosite depend on its formation. The hardness of anorthosite is 5-
6. The streak of anorthosite is white whereas its fracture is irregular. Luster of anorthosite is
pearly to subvitreous. Anorthosite cleavage is irregular.

Specific heat capacity

Specific heat capacity is defined as the heat capacity per unit mass of rock. Specific heat capacity
or specific heat is one of the important properties of anorthosite. The specific heat capacity of
anorthosite is 0.84 kj/kg k. Properties of anorthosite also include resistance of anorthosite to heat,
water, pressure, impact etc. It helps in determining the parameters to which anorthosite offers
resistance. If we talk about anorthosite resistance, anorthosite is heat resistant, impact resistant,
pressure resistant, scratch resistant, wear resistant.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 8

Uses Of Anorthosite Rocks.

Many types of rocks are the building blocks of structures from ancient times and are still being
used for the same. Similarly, there is wide range of uses of anorthosite. Check out anorthosite
uses in architecture, construction and medical industry.


Due to impressive anorthosite texture, considerable strength and hardness, it has various
architectural uses. Anorthosite uses in architecture are as building stone, as facing stone,
decorative aggregates, garden decoration, homes, interior decoration, monuments.

Interior uses:

- decorative aggregates , floor tiles , homes and interior decoration.

External uses :
- As building stone , as facing stone and garden decoration.


CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 9

For Industry

Rocks are used for various purposes starting from construction of roads, bridges, buildings to pot
in kitchen, as a gem stone or just for decorating your garden. However, some rocks have rare
properties. Anorthosite uses in construction industry include as dimension stone, cement
manufacture, for road aggregate. Anorthosite rock is not yet used in the medical industry. Some
types of rocks have exceptional properties and can be used in medical industry.

Construction industry

- As dimension stone, cement manufacture, for road aggregate

Figure 6

Antiquity uses

- Artifacts, jewellery, sculpture and small figurines

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 10

Figure 7:

Other uses

- Gemstone
- Creating artwork

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 11

Hornblende Andesite

Location: Mineral County, Nevada , USA


Andesite is the most common volcanic rock after basalt . It is porphyritic, that is, consists of
coarse crystals embedded in a granular or groundmass. Having a silica content of 57%, it is in
the intermediate category (5266% silica) of the silicicmafic scale. The large volcanic mountain
chains of North and South America , including the Andes are composed largely of andesite.
Indeed, andesite is common in all the mountain-building zones that rim the Pacific Ocean. The
transition from the oceanic crust of the main basin of the Pacific to the andesitic rocks around its
perimeter is termed the andesite line. The crust on the deep-sea side of the andesite line is a
product of sea-floor spreading , and the andesitic mountains on the other side are a product of
orogenic volcanism. The andesite line thus marks the geological border of the true Pacific basin.
The primary ingredient of most andesites is andesine, a feldspar of the plagioclase series. Smaller
amounts of quartz or minerals rich in iron and magnesium such as olivine , pyroxene, biotite, or
hornblende are also present. Andesites are ordered in three classes according to the identity of
their non-feldspar components from most silicic to most mafic , these are quartz-bearing
andesites, pyroxene andesites, and biotite and hornblende andesites. All are intermediate in
composition between diorite an intrusive igneous rock consisting mostly of plagioclase feldspar
and rhyolite , a volcanic rock having the same composition as granite. In other words, andesites
are higher in feldspar than rhyolite but lower in feldspar than diorites. Andesite derives its name
from the Andes Mountains of South America. In the Andes it occurs as lava flows interbedded
with ash and tuff deposits on the steep flanks of stratovolcanoes. Andesite are found above

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 12

subduction zones in Central America, Mexico, Washington, Oregon, the Aleutian Arc, Japan,
Indonesia, the Philippines, the Caribbean and New Zealand, among other locations.


Andesite is an extrusive igneous, volcanic rock, of intermediate composition, with aphanitic to

porphyritic texture. Feldspar may be present in minor amounts. Andesite can be considered as
the extrusive equivalent of plutonic diorite. In rocks there is minerals, andesite is rock while
hornblende is minerals. In andesite , there are several different type of minerals such as feldspar,
quartz and hornblende. The name of this rock depends on the percentage of mineral , it is named
as hornblende because there is more than 5% of hornblende.

Andesite is typically found in lava flows produced by stratovolcanoes because these lavas cooled
rapidly at the surface they are generally composed of small crystals. The mineral grains are
usually so small that they cannot be seen without the use of a magnifying device. Some
specimens that cooled rapidly contain a significant amount of glass, while others formed from
gas-charged lavas have a vesicular or amygdaloidal texture.

Andesite can also form away from the seduction zone environment. For example, it can form at
ocean ridges and oceanic hot spots from partial melting of basaltic rocks. It can also form during
eruptions at continental plate interiors where deep source magma melts continental crust or
mixes with continental magmas. There are many other environments where andesite might form.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 13


This rock is generally fine-grained, aphanitic. Massive structure, often porphylitic with
phenocrysts standing out in a vitreous or
fine-grained groundmass.

The black phenocrysts are hornblende, the white crystals are plagioclase. The greyish areas
between the phenocrysts display some tiny mineral crystals but are mostly too fine-grained to see
any crystal grains.

This andesite is so packed with plagioclase and hornblende phenocrysts that it almost looks like
a coarse-grained. A close look reveals a fine-grained grey groundmass surrounding the

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 14

Mineral Content

Groundmass generally of pyroxene (augite) and plagioclase, possibly with minor amounts of
amphibole (hornblende) and glass; phenocrysts of plagioclase and often pyroxene, occasionally
olivine or amphibole.
Silica (SiO2) content - 52%-63%.


Variable, but typically bluish-grey or grey (lighter coloured than basalt


Commonly associated with lava flows and domes, particularly in regions with marked tectonic
activity. Found as a major constituent of the volcanics in Andes of South America and the
Cascades of Western North America. It also can be used as aggregate in the construction and
roading industries but often not ideal for concrete aggregate because of high silica content.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 15


CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 16

Green Quartzite
Rock Given:

1. Name: Green Quartzite

2. From Echo lake Ontario Canada

The name is from German and it origin

name is Quarzit means it hard non-
foliated Methamorphic which was
originally pure quartz sandstone.
Sandstone is converted into quartzite
through heating and pressure usually
related to tectonic compression
within orogenic belts. Pure quartzite is
usually white to grey, though quartzites
often occur in various shades of pink
and red due to varying amounts of iron
oxide (Fe2O3). Other colors, such as
yellow, green, blue and orange, are due
to other mineral impurities.

Formation : When sandstone is

cemented to quartzite, the individual
quartz grains recrystallize along with the former cementing material to form an interlocking
mosaic of quartz crystals. Most or all of the original texture and sedimentary structures of the
sandstone are erased by the metamorphism. The grainy, sandpaper-like surface becomes glassy
in appearance. Minor amounts of former cementing materials, iron oxide, silica, carbonate and
clay, often migrate during recrystallization and metamorphosis. This causes streaks and lenses to
form within the quartzite.

Orthoquartzite is a very pure quartz sandstone composed of usually well-rounded quartz grains
cemented by silica. Orthoquartzite is often 99% SiO2 with only very minor amounts of iron oxide
and trace resistant minerals such as zircon, rutile and magnetite. Although few fossils are
normally present, the original texture and sedimentary structures are preserved.

The term is also traditionally used for quartz-cemented quartz arenites, and both usages are found
in the literature. The typical distinction between the two (since each is a gradation into the other)
is a metamorphic quartzite is so highly cemented, diagenetically altered, and metamorphosized
so that it will fracture and break across grain boundaries, not around them.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 17

Quartzite is very resistant to chemical weathering and often forms ridges and resistant hilltops.
The nearly pure silica content of the rock provides little for soil, therefore, the quartzite ridges
are often bare or covered only with a very thin layer of soil and (if any) little vegetation.


Quartzite is a nonfoliated metamorphic rock composed almost entirely of quartz. It forms when
a quartz-rich sandstone, is altered by the heat, pressure, and chemical activity of metamorphism.
These conditions recrystallize the sand grains and the silica cement that binds them together. The
result is a network of interlocking quartz grains of incredible strength.

As we know metamorphism is the proses not change the state of the rock it change in the solid
condition by action of pressure and temperature. In this case this type of rock is non foliated that
is dynamic regional.

The interlocking crystalline structure of quartzite makes it a hard, tough, durable rock. It is so
tough that it breaks through the quartz grains rather than breaking along the boundaries between
them. This is a characteristic that separates true quartzite from sandstone.


Geologists have used the name "quartzite" in a few different ways, each with a slightly different
meaning. Today most geologists who use the word "quartzite" are referring to rocks that they
believe are metamorphic and composed almost entirely of quartz. A few geologists use the word
"quartzite" for sedimentary rocks that have an exceptionally high quartz content. This usage is
falling out of favor but remains in older textbooks and other older publications. The name
"quartz arenite" is a more appropriate and less confusing name for these rocks. It is often difficult
or impossible to differentiate quartz arenite from quartzite. The transition of sandstone into
quartzite is a gradual process. A single rock unit such as the Tuscarora Sandstone might fully fit
the definition of quartzite in some parts of its extent and be better called "sandstone" in other
areas. Between these areas the names "quartzite" and "sandstone" are used inconsistently and
often guided by habit. It is often called "quartzite" when rock units above and below it are clearly
sedimentary. This contributes to the inconsistency in the ways that geologists use the word


Quartzite is a metamorphic rock, consisting of small grains of Quartz which have been
recrystallized to form a tough interlocked mass. It is formed through heat and pressure or through
gradual silica cementation at lower temperatures and pressures.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 18

Green aventurine is a variety of quartzite which contains included platy crystals of the green
chrome-rich fuchsite mica, which are responsible for green colour of the rock and for red glow
seen under the Chelsea filter. Some of this material may show a greenish glow under UV.

Rich white to reddish brown colour of aventurine quartz is caused by presence of iron.

Quartzite can be used for beads, cabochons and other small articles of jewellery.

Most green aventurine quartz comes from India. Reddish brown varieties occur in the south of
Spain. Bluish white quartzite with red to brown patches and pyrite inclusions has been reported
from the Idar-Oberstein area, Rheinland Pfalz, Germany


As its name indicates, a quartzite is a rock composed essentially of quartz. It is usually light in
color. Quartzite has been formed from sandstone by the forces of intense metamorphism. It is a
common and widely distributed rock. Quartzite is a firm, compact rock which breaks with an
uneven, splintery or conchoidal fracture, and is composed of grains of quartz-sand united by a
cement consisting of the same material, that is, of deposited quartz. They are in general
metamorphosed sandstones, and while no hard and fast line can be drawn between the two rocks,
since all degrees of transition can be found between them, the quartzites are much harder and
firmer than the sandstones; the latter have a more or less sugary or granular feeling and
appearance; the individual grains are distinctly visible to the eye or lens, while in the quartzites
the fractured surface is uneven, splintery or conchoidal; the luster vitreous or greasy, like that of
quartz, and the grains are imperceptible or nearly so. This difference arises chiefly from the fact
that in breaking the sandstone the fracture takes place in the cement, leaving the grains unaltered
and outstanding, while in quartzite the grains are so firmly cemented, that there is nearly a
homogeneous substance formed and the fracture takes place through cement and grains alike.
This difference will serve as a practical distinction between the two rocks.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 19


This quartzite sample shows the cross-bedding that is

preserved in some quartzites. The cross-bedding was
created when it was soft sandy sediment, preserved
when it was turned to a hard sandstone, and still
preserved when it was metamorphosed into quartzite

Got small sand gain near the top a small

Layer of small pebbles granules

A handy way in the field is to see if a broken surface cuts across grains or around grains. In this
wetted surface, the cloudy white blobs are pebbles/granules cut in half by the fracture. This is a
quartzite. In a sedimentary rock, the grains would still be whole and sticking out from the


CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 20

General Quartzite Ridge-Forming Quartzite

Quartzite Under a Microscope

Quartzite Scree

Fuchsitic Quartzite Green Quartzite

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 21


Minerals and General Properties. While some quartzites are very pure in mineral composition,
others carry in greater or less abundance other minerals, which may be in part remains of original
mineral grains, such as feldspar mixed with those of quartz, or new ones which have resulted
from the metamorphism of the clay or lime cement, which formerly filled the interstices between
the grains of the sandstone. Such are muscovite, chlorite, kyanite, epidote, etc. Iron hydroxides
may be converted into magnetite or hematite, and carbonaceous substance into graphite. These
resultant minerals are usually of microscopic size, and may give the rock a distinct color green,
blue, purple, black, etc.; sometimes they are large enough to be clearly seen with the lens. The
most important of them is muscovite, which, as it increases in amount, gives the rock a more
schistose character, through which it attains a capacity for cleavage along the planes of the mica.
Eventually this produces a transition into mica-schist, as previously explained under that rock.

1. Muscovite
Chemical Formula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2

While predominantly a potash mica, nearly all muscovite contains some soda, due to the
isomorphous mixture of the paragonite molecule. It also frequently contains small amounts of
ferrous and ferric iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, lithium, fluorine, titanium, etc.

Colors: Colorless or of some light shade of green, gray, yellow or red.

Hardness: 2

Density: 2.76 to 3.1 Cleavage: Perfect basal cleavage that is very easily developed as it is in
all the Mica minerals. The cleavage folia are flexible and elastic.

Crystallography: Monoclinic

The axial angle is nearly 90. It occurs in tabular crystals with a prominent base. The presence of
prism faces having angles of 60 and 120 with each other gives the plates a diamond-shaped
outline, making them simulate orthorhombic symmetry. If the clinopinacoid faces are also
present, the crystals become hexagonal in outline with apparently hexagonal symmetry. The
prism faces are roughened by horizontal striations and frequently taper. Muscovite is very stable
under surface conditions. Its principal weathering change is into a partially hydrated substance,
which may be called hydromuscovite. It alters also into scaly chlorite mineral products, into
steatite, and serpentine. Sericite is a yellowish or greenish muscovite that occurs in thin, curved
plates in some schists and metal ore veins. Fuchsite is a chromiferous variety of an emerald-
green color. The name muscovite was so called from the popular name of the mineral, Muscovy-

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 22

glass, because of its use as a substitute for glass in Russia. Mica was probably derived from the
Latin micare, meaning to shine.

2. Chlorite
Chemical Formula: (Mg,Fe)5Al2Si3O10(OH)8

Magnesium Iron Aluminum Silicate. The chlorites are a group of phyllosilicate minerals.

Colors: Green of various shades.

Rarely pale green, yellow, white, rose-red. All group members are strongly pleochroic in shades
of green in green varieties, yellow and brown in brown varieties, and violet and carmine in rose

Hardness: 2.0 to 2.5

Density: 2.6 to 2.8

Cleavage: One perfect parallel to the base. Similar to the micas in many ways.

Crystallography: Monoclinic

Usually foliated massive or in aggregates of minute scales; in finely disseminated particles;

earthy. It is found in six-sided tabular crystals, with prominent basal planes. Similar in habit to
the crystals of the mica group, but distinct crystals rare.

Luster:. Vitreous glassy luster. It is transparent or translucent.

3. Kyanite
Chemical Formula: Al2SiO5

Kyanite is a fairly common product of metamorphism in certain schists. The mineral is a basic
metasilicate. The name kyanite is from the Greek word kuanos, suggesting a sky blue color
noticed in many specimens.

Colors: blue or colorless, blue-green, rarely orange or black

Hardness: 5 parallel to length of crystals, 7 at right angles to this direction.

Density: 2.8 to 3

Cleavage: Perfect parallel to the pinacoids.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 23

Crystallography: Triclinic - pinacoidal

Crystals Very few crystals are well developed. Their habit is columnar or tabular. More
frequently the mineral occurs in long, flat, isolated blades, or in diverging flat plates. Some
crystals are very complex. Twinning is common according to several laws, most of which,
however, yield twins in which the basal planes of the twinned individuals are parallel..

Luster:. Glassy, Vitreous to pearly luster (pearly on clevages).

4. Epidote
Chemical Formula: Ca2(Al-Fe)3(OH)(SiO4)3

Silicate of aluminum, calcium and iron, with water. Epidote differs from the monoclinic dimorph
of zoisite (clinozoisite) in that it contains an admixture of the corresponding iron silicate which is
unknown as an independent mineral. Since it consists of a mixture of an aluminum and an iron
compound its exact composition necessarily varies by location.

Colors: Typically some shade of green, including pistachio green, blackish green, and a dark oil
green. Occasionally brown or rarely even red. Streak is gray.

Hardness: 6.5

Density: 3.3 to 3.5

Cleavage: Perfect basal cleavage

Its cleavage is very perfect parallel to (00I).

Crystallography: Monoclinic

Crystals are often much elongated parallel to the ortho-axis with a prominent development of the
faces of the orthodome zone, giving them a prismatic aspect. Striated parallel to the ortho-axis.
Terminated usually only at one end of the ortho-axis and most commonly by the two faces of a
pyramid. Twinning shown at times.

Luster:. Vitreous luster. Transparent to translucent and strongly pleochroic, appearing dark green
in one direction, and brown in a direction at right angles to the first.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 24

Muscovite Chlorite Kyanite Epitode


Quartzite has a diversity of uses in construction, manufacturing, architecture, and decorative arts.
Although its properties are superior to many currently-used materials its consumption has always
been low for various reasons. The uses of quartzite and some reasons that it is avoided are
summarized below.

1. Architectural Use
In architecture, marble and granite have been the favorite materials for thousands of years.
Quartzite, with a Mohs hardness of seven along with greater toughness is superior to both in
many uses. It stands up better to abrasion in stair treads, floor tiles, and countertops. It is more
resistant to most chemicals and environmental conditions. It is available in a range of neutral
colors that many people prefer. The use of quartzite in these uses is growing slowly as more
people learn about it.

2. Construction Use
Quartzite is an extremely durable crushed stone that is suitable for use in the most demanding
applications. Its soundness and abrasion resistance are superior to most other materials.
Unfortunately, the same durability that makes quartzite a superior construction material also
limits its use. Its hardness and toughness cause heavy wear on crushers, screens, truck beds,
cutting tools, loaders, tires, tracks, drill bits, and other equipment. As a result, the use of quartzite
is mainly limited to geographic areas where other aggregates are not available.

3. Manufacturing Use

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 25

Quartzite is valued as a raw material because of its high silica content. A few unusual deposits
have a silica content of over 98%. These are mined and used to manufacture glass, ferrosilicon,
manganese ferrosilicon, silicon metal, silicon carbide and other materials.

4. Decorative Use
Quartzite can be a very attractive stone when it is colored by inclusions. Inclusions of fuchsite (a
green chromium-rich variety of muscovite mica) can give quartzite a pleasing green color. If the
quartzite is semitransparent to translucent the flat flakes of mica can reflect light to produce a
glittering luster known as aventurescence. Material that displays this property is known as
"aventurine", a popular material used to produce beads, cabochons, tumbled stones, and small
ornaments. Aventurine can be pink or red when stained with iron. Included dumortierite
produces a blue color. Other inclusions produce white, gray, orange or yellow aventurine.

5. Stone Tool
Quartzite has been used by humans to make stone tools for over one million years. It was mainly
used for impact tools, but its conchoidal fracture allowed it to be broken to form sharp edges.
Broken pieces of quartzite were used for crude cutting and chopping tools.Quartzite was not the
preferred material for producing cutting tools. Flint, chert, jasper, agate and obsidian all can be
knapped to produce fine fine cutting edges which are difficult to produce when working
quartzite. Quartzite served as an inferior substitute for these preferred materials.

Example Picture:

Quartzite Countertop: A kitchen island

countertop made of quartzite. In the
dimension stone industry some quartzite is
sold as "granite" as in that industry any
hard silicate rock is often called "granite".

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 26

"Aventurine": Pieces of green, yellow and
reddish-orange " aventurine" from India.
These pieces of rough average about 1 inch
across and were sold for making tumbled
stones in a rock tumbler. Much of the
"aventurine" sold for lapidary use is
actually quartzite. Often it exhibits no

Quartzite Arrowhead: Quartzite was often used as a tool by early people. It is durable enough for
use as impact tools, such as hammerstones. It breaks with conchoidal fracture which made it
useful for tools with sharp edges, such as hoes, axes and scrapers. Although it is very difficult to
knap, some ancient people were able to knap it into knife blades and projectile points. The photo
shows a quartzite arrowhead found in Alabama. If the arrowhead is turned under a bright light
the grains in the quartzite produce a sparkling

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 27



Quartz is one of the most well-known minerals on earth. It occurs in basically all mineral
environments, and is the important constituent of many rocks. Quartz is also the most varied of
all minerals, occurring in all different forms, habits, and colours. There are more variety names
given to Quartz than any other mineral. Although the Feldspars as a group are more prevalent
than Quartz, but Quartz is the most common mineral. Pink quartzite is used as both a decorative
landscape stone (called "Tiffany Pink" and "Pink Starburst") and as gravel under railroad tracks.


Because it is a metamorphic rock, quartzite forms under metamorphic conditions. It often forms
along plate boundaries where the motion of Earth's tectonic plates creates the temperature and
pressure conditions needed for metamorphism to occur. It is considered to be a non-foliated
metamorphic rock, meaning it does not exhibit any clear layering of its minerals as foliated
metamorphic rocks, like gneiss or schist. Instead, it is irregular in its shape, and can appear to be
almost blob-like at times. It does not form foliation because it does not undergo any shearing or
sideway stresses when it is undergoing metamorphism.

Unlike many other types of metamorphic rock, which can form from almost any type of parent
rock, quartzite only forms from one specific type of parent rock - quartz sandstone. Because the
sandstone could have included traces of other types of minerals, the resulting quartzite can have
a range of colours. Red and pink quartzite form when iron oxide minerals are present. Greens
and blues can result from copper or fluorine, and yellows and oranges are also possible. The
colours are almost entirely a result of the colour of the parent quartz sandstone, and not a result
of metamorphic conditions alone. Pure white quartzite, the most common form, will form from
extremely pure sandstones that are almost entirely silicon dioxide (SiO2) in composition.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 28

However, quartzite most typically forms during mountain-building events where continents
collide with each other. Because it is so dense and tough, quartzite is extremely resistant to
weathering and erosion.


The pink quartz is a regional metamorphism occurs due to changes in pressure and temperature
over a large region of the crust. Mountain building due to the collision of continents or island
arcs on closure of ocean basins is associated with the most significant areas of regional
metamorphism in which thickening of the crust and tectonic forces lead to increased temperature
and pressure. Regional metamorphism also occurs at subduction zones, in the subducting plate
and in overlying continental crust. Typically rocks formed by regional metamorphism have
experienced deviatory stress producing foliations. Rock types such as slate, schist, gneiss and
granulite are typical of regional metamorphism.

A wide range of metamorphic rocks are produced by regional metamorphism, depending on the
prevalent pressure and temperature conditions, the nature of the protolith rocks, and the pressure
and temperature path followed during metamorphism. Metamorphic faces and grades are
established to describe the products of regional metamorphism and the conditions under which
they form. Low grade metamorphic rocks form at low pressures and temperatures, medium grade
metamorphic rocks experience higher pressures and temperatures. Those which have experience
significant partial melting are known as migmatites.


Until recently, all pink-coloured Quartz was thought to be Rose Quartz, the pale pink to reddish-
rose, semi-precious stone of beauty and love cherished since antiquity for its power to heal the
heart and stimulate romantic devotion. Its ability to be polished and carved into jewelery and
marvelous ornamentation has made it a favourite since civilizations began. Rose Quartz is found
in abundance around the world and occurs only in massive form, with no crystal faces, edges and
terminations. It is hazy to translucent, and is usually found in the cores of granite pegmatites. Its
color is due to trace amounts of titanium, iron, or manganese in the massive material, and
contains microscopic fiber inclusions of rutile or a borosilicate similar to dumortierite that can
occasionally produce a cats eye or star effect. The colour of Rose Quartz is very stable and
will not fade with heat or direct sunlight, and though it has also been called Pink Quartz for
decades, here is where mineralogical confusion begins. pink quartzite is used as both a
decorative landscape stone which called "Tiffany Pink" and "Pink Starburst")and as gravel under
railroad tracks.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 29


Quartzite is a hard, non-foliated metamorphic rock which was originally pure quartz
sandstone. Sandstone is converted into quartzite through heating and pressure usually related
to tectonic compression within organic belts. Pure quartzite is usually white to grey, though
quartzite often occur in various shades of pink and red due to varying amounts of iron oxide
(Fe2O3). Other colours, such as yellow, green, blue and orange, are due to other mineral

When sandstone is cemented to quartzite, the individual quartz grains recrystallize along with the
former cementing material to form an interlocking mosaic of quartz crystals. Most or all of the
original texture and sedimentary structures of the sandstone are erased by the
metamorphism. The grainy, sandpaper-like surface becomes glassy in appearance. Minor
amounts of former cementing materials, iron oxide, silica, carbonate and clay, often migrate
during recrystallization and metamorphosis. This causes streaks and lenses to form within the


The Pink Quartzite is a Proterozoic quartzite that is found in region around the intersection of
Minnesota, South Dakota, and Iowa, and correlates with other rock units throughout the upper
mid-western and south western United States. It was formed by braided river deposits, and its
correlative units are thought to possibly define a large sedimentary wedge that once covered the
passive margin on the then-southern side of the North American craton.

The Sioux Quartzite is a red to pink Proterozoic quartzite. It is a thick stratigraphic unit (~3000
m[2]) that crops out in south western Minnesota, south eastern and south-central South Dakota,
north western Iowa, and a small part of north eastern Nebraska. It is correlated with other
sandstone and quartzite units across Wisconsin (at Rib Mountain, Baraboo, Barron, Waterloo,
and Flambeau), south eastern Iowa, southern Nebraska, and north-central New Mexico and
southeast-central Arizona .

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 30


1) This rock is mostly pink in colour, although some pieces may also be reddish, grey, or

2) massive, with generally small grain size,. sometimes saccharoiraidal, grain size ( sand
size,1/16-2 mm) dependent on original detritus. with a naked eye are usually sand-sized
bits of quartz.

3) generally non foliated. but may appear schistode with increasing mica

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Quartzite generally comprises greater than 90% quartz. some quarts are containing up to 99%
quartz, and are the largest and purest concentrations of silica in the Earth's crust. Although a
quartz-rich sandstone can look similar to quartzite, a fresh broken surface of quartzite will show
breakage across quartz grains, whereas the sandstone will break around quartz grains. Minor
amounts of former cementing materials, iron oxide, silica, zircon and a little amount of mica and
feldspar which often migrate during recrystallization and metamorphosis.

1) sulphides

Sulfide in systematically named sulfanediide is an inorganic anion of sulfur with the chemical
formula S2. It contributes no color to sulfide salts. As it is classified as a strong base, even dilute
solutions of salts such as sodium sulfide (Na2S) are corrosive and can attack the skin. Sulfide is
the simplest sulfur anion.

Sulfides also occur in metamorphic rocks such as quartzite where sulfate minerals are broken
down by heat and pressure, and in sedimentary rocks where they are formed by the action of
sulfate-reducing bacteria. The sulfide mineral specimens you see in rock shops come from the
deep levels of mines, and most display a metallic luster.

2) zircon

Zircon is the oldest mineral on earth and is found in the crust of the earth. It occurs as a common
accessory mineral in igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks and as grains in sedimentary rocks. It is
a common constituent of most sands and has been used for thousands of years. Zircon is a
September birthstone.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 32

Zircon is quite durable, rating a 7.5 on Mohrs hardness scale, however it is known to suffer from
abrasions, and its facets can be chipped. Jewellery therefore take special care when handling the
stone. If you own zircon jewellery, you should take special care to keep it wrapped up and away
from anything than can damage it.

In the middle ages, zircon was believed to help the wearer sleep, and to bring prosperity, honour
and wisdom. Zircon is now believed to have the ability to increase ones self-confidence, and to
aid the wearer in loving the self as well as others, as it opens up the heart and brings compassion.
Zircon is known to be a grounding stone that inspires and motivates and gives guidance when
guidance is needed, therefore helping to achieve ones goals. Zircon has also been known to
bring prosperity, especially with stones that contain golden or yellow colours. As the pink
quartzite is a pink colour which can me awesome jewellery as contain of zircon.

3) Small amount of Micas and feldspar

Quartz (SiO2) is present in almost all rocks. It is hard, resistant to chemical weathering and has
no cleavage, which means it is also resistant to physical weathering. It is abundant in silica-rich
igneous rocks, like granite and rhyolite. Because it is so resistant to erosion, it is also found in
most sedimentary rocks (even if as very small grains). It is pervasive in most metamorphic

Feldspar (K,Na,Ca)(AlSiO4) is probably the most common mineral in the earth's crust. They are
present in abundance in all and in many igneous rocks. Feldspars are susceptible to both
chemical and physical weathering, breaking down into clays.

Mica is really a whole host of minerals, muscovite, biotite and chlorite being the most
common. Mica is soft and can be distinghed by it perfect cleavage, which means the mineral
breaks into very thin sheets. It is easily eroded to form clay minerals. Mica is abundant in silicic
igneous rocks and is the main component of many metamorphic rocks (add enough heat and
pressure to clay and it becomes mica). Schist is a metamorphic rock composed almost entirely
of mica.

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1) Gem trade
In addition to all the practical uses, Quartz is essential to the gem trade. Many varieties
are faceted as gems. Amethyst and Citrine are the most well-known gem varieties. Rose
Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Rock Crystal, and Aventurine are also cut or polished into gems.
Small colourless Quartz crystals are worn by some as pendants for good luck.
2) Decorative stone
Quartzite is a decorative stone and may be used to cover walls, as roofing tiles, as
flooring, and stair steps. Its use for countertops in kitchens is expanding rapidly. It is
harder and more resistant to stains than granite.
3) Road construction
Crushed quartzite is sometimes used in road construction. High purity quartzite is used to
produce ferrosilicon, industrial silica sand, silicon and silicon carbide.
4) Dimensional material for building
Quartzite breaks to form flat surfaces, making it useful as a dimensional material for
building facades, roofing and stairs. It provides interesting textures and high durability.
While the demand for quartzite is less than other types of dimensional stone, demand for
the stone still exceeds its production. The use of quartzite as crushed stone is generally
limited to areas where it is more readily available than other types of material.

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 34

Rock given : Amphibolite

It contains amphibole, especially the species hornblende and actinolite, as well as plagioclase .
Amphibolite is a coarse-grained metamorphic rock that is composed mainly of green, brown or
black amphibole minerals and plagioclase feldspar. The amphiboles are usually members of the
hornblende group. It can also contain minor amounts of other metamorphic minerals such as:
biotite, epidote, garnet, wollastonite, andalusite, staurolite, kyanite and silimanite. Quartz,
magnetite and calcite can also be present in small amounts.

Amphibolite is a rock of convergent plate boundaries where heat and pressure cause regional
metamorphism. It can be produced through the metamorphism of mafic igneous rocks such as
basalt and gabbro or from the metamorphism of clay-rich sedimentary rocks such as marl or
graywacke. The metamorphism sometimes flattens and elongates the mineral grains to produce a
schistose texture.

Metamorphic rocks composed primarily of amphibole, albite, with subordinate epidote, zoisite,
chlorite, quartz, sphene, and accessory leucoxene, ilmenite and magnetite which have a protolith
of an igneous rock

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 35

Type of Rocks

Amphibolite is a grouping of rocks composed mainly of amphibole and plagioclase feldspars,

with little or no quartz. It is typically dark-colored and heavy, with a weakly foliated or schistose
(flaky) structure. The small flakes of black and white in the rock often give it a salt-and-pepper

Amphibolites need not be derived from metamorphosed mafic rocks. Because metamorphism
creates minerals based entirely upon the chemistry of the protolith, certain 'dirty marls' and
volcanic sediments may actually metamorphose to an amphibolite assemblage. Deposits
containing dolomite and siderite also readily yield amphibolites (tremolite-schists, grunerite-
schists, and others) especially where there has been a certain amount of contact metamorphism
by adjacent granitic masses. Metamorphosed basalts create ortho-amphibolites and other
chemically appropriate lithologies create para-amphibolites.

Tremolite, while it is a metamorphic amphibole, is derived most usually from highly

metamorphosed ultramafic rocks, and thus tremolite-talc schists are not generally considered as


The name amphibole used to include tremolite, actinolite, tourmaline and hornblende. The group
was so named by Hay in allusion to the protean variety, in composition and appearance,
assumed by its minerals. This term has since been applied to the whole group. Numerous sub-
species and varieties are distinguished, the more important of which are tabulated below in two
series. The formulae of each will be seen to be built on the general double-chain silicate formula

Four of the amphibole minerals are among the minerals commonly called asbestos. These are:
anthophyllite, riebeckite, cummingtonite/grunerite series, and actinolite/tremolite series. The
Cummingtonite/grunerite series is often termed amosite,or Brown Asbestos and riebeckite is
known as crocidolite or Blue Asbestos. These are generally called amphibole asbestos.[2]

Amphibolite is a coarse-grained regional metamorphic rock . It is composed mostly of the
mineral amphibole. Amphibolite have very little to no quartz . While amphibole refers to a group
of minerals , amphibolite is referred to this single mineral . Amphibolite is a rock which is found
nearly in convergent plate boundaries where heat and pressure cause regional metamorphism .
Amphibolite can be produced through metamorphism of mafic igneous rocks like or from the
metamorphism of clay-rich sedimentary rocks

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 36

Origin :

Amphibolite is relatively common. It is found in regions that have been affected by regional
metamorphism. Amphibolite is found throughout the Appalachian Mountain chain. For example,
significant quantities of amphibolite are found in the Gore Mountain region of the Adirondack
Mountains in New York State. They are also found in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
on the Tennessee-North Carolina border. Other states along the Appalachian Mountains
producing amphibolite are Maine, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and North Carolina.


Top view

This sample contains small reddish garnet

crystalson the right part of the sample

Colour : Black

Side view

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 37

Example of other amphibolite

A contact between amphibolite (on the

right) and tonalite pegmatite. Dark mineral
in the lower left is biotite

Folidated garnet amphibolite

Shiny amphibolite because of luster

properties from hornblende

CEGB111 Geology Laboratory 38

Mineral inside the rock

Amphibolites define a particular set of temperature and pressure conditions known as the
amphibolite facies

Amphibolite facies equilibrium mineral assemblages of various protolith rock types consist of:

Basalt ortho-amphibolite; hornblende/actinolite albite biotite quartz accessories;

often remnant greenschist facies assemblages including, notably, chlorite
High-magnesia basalts; as ortho-amphibolite, but may contain anthophyllite, a Mg-rich
Ultramafic rocks; tremolite, asbestiform amphibole, talc, pyroxene, wollastonite,
prograde metamorphic olivine (rarely)
Sedimentary para-amphibolite; hornblende/actinolite albite biotite quartz garnet
(calcite wollastonite)
Pelites; quartz, orthoclase albite, biotite actinolite garnet staurolite +/-

Usage :

Use in a lot of industry

Road construction : Because of it harder than limestone and heavier that granite , amphibolite is
quarried and crushed for use as a aggregate in highway construction and as a ballast stone in
railroad construction .

Architectural : Higher quality stone is quarried, cut and polished for architectural use. It is used
as facing stone on the exterior of buildings, and, as floor tile and panels indoors. Some of the
most attractive pieces are cut for use as countertop . Reason for use ,b ecause of its attractive
textures, dark color, hardness and polishability and its ready availability. In these architectural
uses amphibolite is one of the many types of stone sold as "black granite".

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