Aztec Magic - Walter Cobb

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A Monograph by Walter Cobb

CopyrightStarlight Books2014

According to legend, the Aztecs arrived from a

place in the north called "the place of the seven
caves," and settled in a valley around Lake
Texcoco, in the centre of modern Mexico City. The
Aztec were guided by the "Hummingbird from the
South," and when they arrived at the lake, they saw
an eagle which was perched on a cactus devouring
a snake, on an island in the lake.
This vision fulfilled a prophecy and the
Aztecs built the city of Tenochtitlan on a great
artificial island, which today is in the heart of
Mexico City.
The Aztecs believed in four great ages,
known as the Five Suns, that preceded the
present world each of which ended in a
Our age, the fifth age, escaped destruction
due to the sacrifice of a god "full of sores," who
was transformed into the Sun.
Important in Aztec religion were the sun,
moon and the planet Venus, all of which held
different meanings and were connected to different
deities and places.
The Aztec pantheon is comprised of many
gods related to different themes . For the Aztecs
especially important deities were Quetzalcoatl
god of civilization and order, and Tezcatlipoca a
god of destiny and fortune. Each of these gods
were both worshipped in an Aztec religious
practice in which living persons would
impersonate specific deities and be revered as a
god, and often ritually sacrificed.
Lesser gods worshipped by the Aztecs

Ayauhteotl - goddess of vanity and fame -

Chantico - goddess of personal treasure - Sun
Chiconahui - a fertility goddess - Venus
Cochimetl - god of commerce, bartering,
and merchants - Sun
Huehuecoyotl - god of indulgence -
Itzpapalotl - a night demon - Moon
Tonatiuh - a sun god and heavenly
warrior - Sun

Glance through the list of Aztec gods, the desires

those gods control, and the celestial body
associated with each god for what you desire. If
you desire a luxurious new home, big screen TVs
in every room, an indoor swimming pool, or any
other outrageous indulgence, Huehuecoyotl can
help you to realize it. A need to succeed in
business can be fulfilled by Cochimetl. If you wish
an enemy to be tormented by bad dreams,
Itzpapalotls help should be sought. if you wish to
receive a dose of prosperity, then Chantico is the
one to call. The only other thing you need to know
is that the tl in a gods name is pronounced

This Ritual should first be worked on a Sunday.

Visualize the horizon. It will be dark, and then the
sun will begin to rise. Chant the name of the Aztec
god whose help you seek at least seven times until
the sun is directly above you. It is at this moment
that you must visualize your desire in detail. Do
this for five minutes. Repeat daily for seven days.
A more traditional way of working this Ritual is to
go outside and, as the sun begins to rise, chant the
name of the Aztec god seven times and state your
purpose aloud.


This Ritual should first be worked on a Friday.
Visualize the sky. It will be dark, and then the
morning star (Venus) will appear. Chant the name
of the Aztec god whose help you seek at least
seven times until the morning star shines bright and
clear. It is at this moment that you must visualize
your desire in detail. Do this for five minutes.
Repeat daily for seven days.
A more traditional way of working this
Ritual is to go outside before the sun has risen,
seek out the morning star in the night sky above,
chant the name of the Aztec god seven times and
state your purpose aloud.


This Ritual should first be worked on a Monday.
Visualize the horizon. It will be dark, and then the
moon will begin to rise. Chant the name of the
Aztec god whose help you seek at least seven
times until the moon is directly above you. It is at
this moment that you must visualize your desire in
detail. Do this for five minutes. Repeat daily for
seven days.
A more traditional way of working this
Ritual is to go outside and, as the moon begins to
rise, chant the name of the Aztec god seven times
and state your purpose aloud.

In this short introduction to the world of the Aztec,

I have shown you how to blend the psychic power
of your own mind with the creative forces of the
ancient Aztec gods, to create a unique kind of
magic toward attaining any desire you wish
fulfilled. May the Mighty, Quetzalcoatl, be with

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