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Home of the Royal Knights

5445 King Arthurs Way
Milton, FL 32583 Principal, David Sigurnjak
(850) 983-5540 (850) 983-5545 FAX Asst. Principal, Tonya Shepherd

Mr. Pape

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Welcome to 6th Grade World History! I am your childs teacher, Josh Pape. I am looking forward to a fantastic
and successful year full of world history! Lets have a great year by working together to create a wonderful
educational experience for your child. Important information pertaining to 6th grade world history is listed

20% of a students grade is obtained from Formative 1.
(Classwork, participation, etc.)

30% of a students grade is obtained from Formative 2.

(Vocabulary Quizzes, minor projects, etc.)

50% of a students grade is obtained from Summative.

(Chapter Tests, major projects, etc.)
Extra Credit
Extra credit questions may be offered on tests and quizzes depending upon content tested. Additional extra
credit may be offered.

Late Work

Online Grade Portal

Grades will be updated weekly. Format will include assignment name, date assigned, date due and possible
points earned. If the assignment has a question mark for the grade, this simply means it is past the due date
and I have not entered grades yet. If the grade column is blank, it means that I have not entered a grade yet. If
a student has a zero for a grade, it means they didnt turn it in on time and it will not be accepted late. Or, it is
possible a student could have a zero entered in the grade book if they didnt put their name on their paper. If
thats the case, there is no penalty. They must find their paper on the No Name door and turn it in. Ill edit
the grade as soon as they turn it in with their name on it.

Students and parents are encouraged to check grades often and can access the online grade portal by visiting and clicking on ClassLink and then the Student/Parent Portal icon. You will need
the student ID number (which can be located on the students barcode in their planner or you can contact our
guidance office to obtain that information) and their password.
Grading Scale
A 90-100 A student who makes an A does the always participates
following: accomplishes all goals
completes all class work accurately
always completes independent work accurately
performs well on all tests and quizzes
successful with all learning goals
B 80-89 A student who makes a B does the participates most of the time
following: accomplishes most goals
completes most class work accurately
completes most independent work accurately
performs well on most tests and quizzes
successful with most learning goals
C 70-79 A student who makes a C does the participates some of the time
following: accomplishes some goals
completes some class work accurately
completes some independent work accurately
performs well on some tests and quizzes
successful with some goals
D 60-69 A student who makes a D does the participates seldom
following: accomplishes few goals
seldom completes class work accurately
seldom completes work accurately
seldom performs well on tests and quizzes
successful with few learning goals
F 50-59 A student who makes an F does the participates never or very little
following: accomplishes very few or no goals
completes very little or no class work accurately
completes no or very few independent work accurately
performs poorly on tests and quizzes
fails to succeed with almost all learning goals

Chapter tests and vocabulary quizzes could include a variety of multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank,
and written response questions. If a student scores below a 70/C, the opportunity for remediation and
reevaluation is available with the possibility of scoring up to a 70/C to replace the original test score. It is the
responsibility of the student to contact me if they would like to retake a test and we can set up a time to
remediate on particular skills, then they can retake the test. I am available to review or give retake tests on
most mornings from 8:40 -9:00 a.m. Students may also come during their elective class period to retake tests,
however they must get approval from me and their elective teacher before doing so.

There will be at least one project each quarter that will count in the 50% category. Class time to work on the
project will be provided, however, some of these projects may require your student to do some of the work at
home. If the student does not turn in the project on the due date, remediation will be provided.

Students are expected to bring all needed supplies to class each day. Supplies include: A folder used ONLY for
world history, pencil, and paper.

Students will keep current work in one pocket of their folder and they will keep their graded/completed work
in the other pocket. I will keep all graded tests filed in my classroom. You or your child are always welcome
to request a copy of any test.
Students will also be issued a student planner on the first day of school. The planner should be filled out with
the agenda for every class period every day. The agenda will be labeled on the board for students to see each
day. This planner helps parents and students stay organized and aware of assignments.

Please do NOT throw away any work. We will clean out folders during class at the end of each nine weeks. If
additional supplies are needed, your child will be informed.

The World History textbook may be accessed online through ClassLink (McGraw Hill ConnectEd). If you or
your child would prefer a hard copy of the textbook in addition to the online text, please let me know and I
will check one out to the student. Hard copies of textbooks will need to be returned at the end of the school
year. There will be a fine if the textbook is lost or damaged.

Generally, students will not have homework for this class, however any unfinished classwork will need to be
completed at home.

Homework Help & Additional Resources

Homework help from a teacher on staff is available in the Media Center most mornings from 8:40 9:00 a.m.

An after school tutoring program is available to students if they are in danger of failing a course. You can
contact our Guidance Office for information on this program or your child can be referred by any teacher.

Classroom Expectations:
1) Be respectful of yourself, your peers, your teacher and class equipment.
2) Be present and on time to class with your materials (pencils, paper, etc.).
3) Listen and follow all instructions the first time they are given.
4) Be positive with your actions, attitudes, and words!

Preparation: Be prepared when the bell rings. This means having all materials out and ready for class
to start. (pencils sharpened, homework out, etc.)
Missing Assignments: For missing assignments, check the Absent? folder upon your return. It is
your responsibility to get your make-up work and turn it in within 3 days of your return to school.
Questions/ Comments: Raise your hand for any questions, and I will come to you, call on you, or
direct you to come see me.
Class Work: All class work is to be completed individually unless otherwise directed.
Leaving the classroom: Students will be required to have their planner in order to leave the
classroom. The planner should also remain in good shape, with no pages torn out.
Leaving your seat: You may get up to sharpen your pencil or use the tissues without asking
permission. You are expected to stay in your seat other than those two things. You may throw any
trash away when you leave the classroom for the day.
Dismissal: All students will remain in their desks until being dismissed by the teacher.

Consequences for not following classroom rules & procedures:

-First Offense: Verbal warning

-Second Offense: Discipline Assignment and Contact Parent/Guardian
-Third Offense: Dean Referral
*Serious offenses will result in an automatic reflection assignment or dean referral.
Bell Schedule

First Bell 9:10-9:14 AM

ITV (announcements) 9:15-9:20 AM
1st Period 9:20-10:11 AM
2nd Period 10:15-11:06 AM
Lunch 11:10-11:40 AM
3rd Period 11:44-12:35 PM
4th Period 12:39-1:30 PM
5th Period 1:34-2:25 PM

6th Period 2:29-3:21 PM

Parent/Teacher Conferences
All parent/teacher/student conferences must be scheduled through the Avalon Middle Guidance Department
at (850) 983-5540 ext. 1119. Please be sure your child attends the parent conference.

Class Website
I have a class website that I update weekly. Announcements, upcoming projects, and daily work may all be
found at

Thank you for your support in our world history adventure. I look forward to working with you and your child
this year. Please go over the above information with your child to ensure he/she understands what is
expected of him/her this school year.

On the attached sheet, please see that you and your child completely fill out the information requested, sign in
the appropriate spaces and return it to me as soon as possible.

If you have any questions concerning the information listed in this letter, please feel free to contact me via e-
mail at (please put your childs full name as the subject) or you can contact me at
983-5540 ext. 1611 from 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Email is the quickest and best way for me communicate.

Thank you,

Josh Pape
Sixth Grade Keyboarding/World History Teacher
SGA Sponsor
Avalon Middle School
Please fill out this page completely and return it to Mr. Pape. Your child will need to keep this letter in his or
her world history folder for you or your child to reference throughout the school year.


Student Information Sheet Mr. Papes World History Class


Students Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Last First Middle

Parent/Guardian #1 Contact Information:

Name _____________________________________________

Relationship to Student __________________________________

Work Phone # ______________________________ Cell Phone # ________________________

Email _____________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian #2 Contact Information:

Name _____________________________________________

Relationship to Student __________________________________

Work Phone # ______________________________ Cell Phone # ________________________

Email _____________________________________________________________________________

**In order for email communication to occur, you MUST have completely filled out and returned the
request any needed information. This form is located on the schools website for your convenience.
Student Agreement

I have read and agree to follow Mr. Papes classroom policies. I further understand that if I choose to
disregard these policies that I am choosing to accept the consequences for my actions.

________________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________

Student Name (printed) Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Agreement

I have read Mr. Papes world history information letter and understand all policies and procedures. I will
contact Mr. Pape if I have any concerns.

Parent/Guardian (printed) __________________________________________ _____________________


Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________

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