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The Gardens of Eden

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

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First Published 1437/2015

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An appreciation of work of the author by Iftekhari Silsila

This note shows as an appreciation of Iftekhari Silsila for the

work of the translation of the below book by the author and
adding of this book Muslim saints and Mystics (Tadhkirtal
Aliyah by Farid al din Attar) which is very famous in the
Western world among the English knowing persons and on their
The link is as follows, which showing the authors name in
the book as Mohammed Abdul Hafeez R.A., on

The Verse Fateha (The opening)

It is difficult Your praise and it is hidden virtues in all

You are visible there at all and are there in everything
All particles, You are created from the beginning to end
You are Sustainer in this world, but also in another world
You are Lord of the worlds and you are forgiver of all
You are kind and Your kind favor is there for all persons
For who are pious then You are merciful to such persons
Your favour is there for them and You are kind to them
You are the owner, all will settle deeds on judgment day
In your hands penalty and a prize and You are the owner
All our worship for Your sake, oh Lord of the two worlds
All are Your slaves from the origin, if he is big or small
For all needs you are must and Your personality is kind
You give all who calls You as You are a kind helper to all
Guide us such right path on which path who went away
With Your graces and passed away on such path indeed
But there will be no such way, which is ignored by You
So who lost and misguided on such way due to your anger
This is pray of your slave and its is request of the lowest
Accept prayer of Sahwi as you are an owner of the worlds.
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator Muslim Saints and Mystics
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar)

1.Who are eligible to enter the heavenly abode........................07
2. What is faith (Eman).? .......09
3. The good works ..................................................................10
4.The reward of the believers and doers of good ..13
5.Who are pious persons?......16
6. The graces for pious persons in gardens of Eden .......17
7. Who are Abrar persons? .....19
8. The graces of Allah for Abrar persons ...19
9.One who repented and accepted faith .........20
10. And for him who feared to stand before his Fosterer during
his whole life period ..21
11 Those are foremost persons......22
12.The companions of the right hand....23
13.Those who do good in this world......23
14.Those who will pray be entered the mercy of Allah.24
15. Those who do different works, Allah make them enter the
16.The description of faith (Eman)............................................27
17. The entry rule of the heavenly abode..................................30
18. Good news before the entry of the heavenly abode............31
19. First conversation of the inhabitants of the garden upon their
entry into garden.......................................................................33
20. The greetings of welcome and peace upon entry into the

21. The width it means length and breadth of the heavenly........

22. The decoration and beautification of heaven.......................40
23.The doers of good work will recognise the heavenly
24. The luxury and high quality surroundings in heaven.........41
25. The addresses in the heavenly abode................................44
26. The heavenly seasons..........................................................46
27. The housing in the heaven...................................................45
28. The servants in the heaven..................................................46
29. The heavenly furniture........................................................46
30.The heavenly dress...............................................................47
31. The heavenly jewellery.......................................................48
32.The heavenly utensils...........................................................49
33.The heavenly provision.......................................................50
34. The heavenly produce.........................................................50
35. The heavenly fruits.............................................................51
36. The heavenly wine..............................................................51
37. The houries of the heaven...................................................53
38. The entry of the parents and children in the heaven..........54
39. The nearness as well as happiness and hospitability of
40. The conversation of heavenly people with inhabitants of the
41. The conversation among the inhabitants of heaven...........58
42. The inhabitants of garden will live there like brothers and
there will be no bad will in them...............................................58

43. Toil will not touch the inhabitants of heaven and they will
not sent out from there...........................................................58
44. The memory of world in the heaven...................................58
45. Those who are doers good will rewarded............................60
46. The inhabitants will be given whatever they desire...........60
47. There will be plenty of provision in the heaven..................61
48.Allah will save from the punishment of hell in the
49.There will not taste death in the gardens...........................61
50. The conclusion.....................................................................61


Today the man is doing hard endeavours to make the world

beautiful and attractive and he is using all his resources to make
it more comfortable and luxureous because in front of him there
is no another world and about it he does not have information
so that whether he will desire for it. So for this reason, he is busy
in this world. And he is busy in day and night to get its comfort
and luxury. The mens every endeavour and trying is for the
sake for the life of the world only. Because he knows that his
all luxury and comfort of life which will end after end of his
life. But, even though he is busy too much badly for this matter.
As a matter of fact this life as per Quranic words Know that
the life of this world is nothing but sport and pastime and pomp
and boasting among yourselves and competition for increase in
wealth and children, it is like rain, the growth of vegetation
through which pleases the farmer, then it dries up and you see it
become yellow, then it becomes broken pieces. And in the
hereafter there is severe punishment and protective forgiveness
and pleasure from Allah. And the life of this world is nothing
but a deceptive provision. (57/20)
Your wealth and your children are only a trial, and there is a
great reward with Allah. (64/15)
No, you prefer the life of this world, while the hereafter is
better and that which remains. (87/16-17)

This mans aim and concerning about the hereafter is nothing

and he do not know anything in this matter as his aim and
purpose are only the world and which he only understand it but
the aim and purpose of Muslims foundation depend upon his
life after death , heaven and hell and but in spite of there is such
comparision then it is very surprising that against heaven the
man is trying hard for the temporary life and using all resources
to get it and trying hard to make it better and beautiful this
mortal world. And the hereafter (heaven) is more million times
beautiful than this temporary abode of the world and it is
planned to compare to this temporary world and the heavenly
abode is perpetual and for which nobody is not taking care and
paying attention in this matter. As the man was heard the name
of the heaven only. But its reality and its more luxury and with
decoration of many more facilities and its beauty and in its
width and its comfort as well as peace and facilities nobody
will not try to find out it never. And if they know its reality of
the heaven then any wise Muslim like true Muslim he will only
try it to get it any way and he will get place in the paradise then
he will realize that he is the person who is working as such
hard day and night for this world and for it he is spending his
capital for it but for comparing the heavenly abode which is
nothing and then at that time his all endeavours and his all
capital will be spent for obtaining the heavenly abode because

comparing to the world which most is beautiful and attractive

and also it will remain for always.
Allah is very Merciful and Who in holy verses of the Quran
has mentioned the details of the paradise but (Muslims ) are bad
luck that they used to read holy Quran in their whole life but
they know the name of paradise but they did not know about its
description that how it is.? The more they know that in its
canals are flowing and in it houries are there. As a matter of
fact in the holy book of Quran, Allah has given the details of
even every small matters in details and with its full description
is mentioned in it. So the man should know the details of the
description of the heavenly abode. So he should compare the
heaven with the world and see that whether this world is more
beautiful and attractive and more comfortable and with its
facilities and whether it will remain for always or not.?. And for
the heaven for which Allah has promised for the persons of faith
and pious ones so then they will do their hard endeavour and
utilized his resources, power and wealth to get the heavenly

The opening

It is difficult for Your praise and it is hidden Your virtue in all

You are visible there in all and You are there in everything
For every particle ,you are creator since the beginning to end
You are Sustainer of all not only in this world but in other world
You are Lord of the worlds and you are forgiver of the worlds
You are kind to all and Your kind favor is there for all persons
Those who are pious then You are merciful to such persons
Your special favour is there for them and You are kind to them
You are owner and everyone settle deeds on judgment day
In your hands there is penalty and prize and you are the owner
All our worships are for Your sake oh Lord of the two worlds
All slaves belong to you from the origin, if he is big or small
For all our needs you are essential and Your personality is kind
You give all one who calls you as You are kind helper to all
Guide us such right path now, on which path who went away
With Your graces and all passed away on such path indeed
But there will be no such way never, which is ignored by You
So who lost and misguided on such way due to your anger
This is prayer of your slave and its is request of your lowest
So accept the prayer of Sahwi as you are owner of two worlds

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator Muslim Saints and Mystics
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar)
& Hasth Bahist
Email :
Hyderabad, India.

The gardens of Eden

Who are eligible to enter the heavenly abode

Allah has created un-number-able persons in the world from

the time of its beginning up to now but all persons will not be
entered in the heaven after the death. But Allah has preserved
heavenly abode for some persons among them. So such persons
will become eligible to enter into the paradise. It is Allahs most
Merciful act of kindness is that he has given us information

about such persons so that we should also do hard endeavour in

this matter and in this way we can include ourselves in the group
of the above persons.
Only persons doing similar types of deeds will not be
eligible for the heaven but doing different types of deeds will be
given eligibility for the abode of the heaven. But in different
people, one thing is a must in them is that they should posses
with them faith. For example, in the world there is most
beautiful and attractive building is there like Taj Mahal
mausoleum is there and where there is entry fee available for
different people there for women, men, children, Indian and
foreign nationals there but there is condition of entry is there
that they should have money with them to purchase the entry
ticket there and if any person one who is wealthy if he does not
have money there then he is not allowed to enter into the Taj
Mahal mausoleum.
Think about one matter carefully that the entry ticket fees for
Taj Mahal is one hundred and five hundred Rupees there and
upon entry there one should see the mausoleum within two
hours and after that he should come out from there and it is not
allowed that one should spend the whole day in Taj Mahal
building. Comparing to it in the heavenly abode at the entry
place there is welcome which will be done for you and inside of
abode there are lovely young male servants and houries are
there for you. Whatever fruits which ever you like you can eat
there and nobody will not stop in this matter. But for entry into

Taj Mahal, you will have to pay Rupees 500 happily and with
But how many persons are there who with happily and
gladly for the willingness of Allah for the sake of heavenly
paradise should pay Rupees 500 to any deserved needy person
in which their stay will be available there for always and its
luxury and comfort comparing to the mausoleum of Taj Mahal
is not possible and it is nothing. So think it over patiently and
cooly in this matter so whether you did not understand this
In this book first there is given information and details of such
person who will enter into the heaven first.
1. And those who believe and do righteous works, those are in
the inhabitants of the garden, they will stay therein.(2/82)

2.What is faith (Eman).?

The faith is described to believe any matter by heart. In the
terminology of the religion for the things on which there should
be belief and which is must or to have faith is a must and as per
quotes of the holy Quran the details are mentioned as follows.

A. The messenger believes in that which is sent down to him

from his Fosterer, along with the believers, all believe in Allah
and His angels and His books and His messengers. We make no
difference between any of His messengers and they say We
hear and we obey, Your protective forgiveness our Fosterer, and
towards You is the destination. .(2/285)
B. Say we believe in Allah and that which has been sent down
on us and that which had been sent down on Ibrahim and Ismael
and Ishaq and Yaqub and the tribes and that which had been
given to Musa and Isa and the prophets, from their Fosterer, we
make no distinction between any of them and we submit to him (
as Muslims). (3/84)
C.By the (time i.e. historic time is a witness that). Man is
certainly as a loss. It means in the both worlds except those
who have believed and did good deeds. .(103/1)
Time or history is a witness that only the righteous were
Understand herewith some details about the faith.
1. The faith (Eman) of Mufassil (detailed)
I believe in Allah, his angels, His books, His messengers, the
last day, and in predestination (taqdir) that all good and bad is
from Allah the highest and I believe in the resurrection after
1. The faith of (Eman) Mujamil (brief)

I believe in Allah as He is understood by His names and His

attributes and I accept all His orders.

3.The good works

For going into the heaven, only the faith is not necessary but
in the holy Quran where is mention of the faith is there and it is
also a mention about good deeds. Only on the faith, there is no
promise of Allah for the giving the heavenly abode. But along
with it is made compulsory of the well deeds. So with faith if
there will no action of good deeds then there will be no
possibility of the entry into the heaven. What are good deeds for
which Allah has mentioned details about in the holy book of
Quran are as follows.
(1) 1. Successful indeed are the believers.
2. Those who are humble during their worship.
3. and those who keep away from what is vain.
4. and those who are active in giving charity (Zakat).
5. and those who guard their private parts
6. except from their mates or those whom their right hands
possess, then they are certainly free of blame,
7.but whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the persons who
8. and those who are keepers of their trusts and their agreements
9. and those who guard their worship
10. Those are the inheritors

11. Who will inherit paradise, they will stay in it. (23/1-2-3-4-5-

2. And the servants of the Allah are those who walk on the earth
in humility and when the ignorant address them they say,
Peace. And those who spend the night prostrating and standiing
before their Fosterer. And those who, when they spend, are
neither extravagant nor niggardly and their spending is
established between these two limits. And those who do not pray
to another god along with Allah, and do not kill any person
whose killing Allah has forbidden except in the cause of truth,
and they do not commit adultery and whoever does that, he will
meet the punishment of his sin. (25/63-64-67-68)
3.And those who, when they are reminded through the signs of
their Fosterer, do not fall down thereat as if deaf and blind.
4. The Muslim men and the Muslim women, and the believing
men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the
obedient women and the truthful men and the truthful women
and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men
and the humble women and the men who give charity and the
women who give charity, and the men who fast and the women
who fast and the chaste men and the chaste women and the men
who remember Allah much and the women who remember
Allah, Allah is certainly protective forgiveness and has prepared
a great reward for them. (33/35)

5. So anything that you are given, is only temporary provision

for the life of this world, and that which with Allah is better and
more lasting for those who believe and put their trust in their
Fosterer, and those who avoid the great sins and indecencies and
when they are angry they protectively forgive, and those who
respond to their Fosterer and establish worship and their affairs
coundesel among themselves and they spend form that which we
have provided them, and those who, when oppression afflicts
them, they defend themselves. and the requital of an evil is an
evil similar to it, but one who pardons and reconciles, then
rewarding him is on Allah, he certainly does not like those who
are unjust. and for him who defends after an injustice was done
to him, then for such, there is no way of blame against them.
6. these are those people who have patience and they say the
truth and obedient, they spend form that which provided on the
way Allah, and ask forgiveness in the last part of the night.
7. (Those are the persons) who spend in prosperity and in
adversity, and they are the restrainers of anger and the pardoners
of mistakes of (mistakers of) mankind, and Allah loves the doers
of good, (3/134)
8. And spend in the way of Allah, and do not make your own
hands responsible for your destruction, and do good, Allah
certainly loves the doers of good. (2/195)

9. and gives wealth out of love for Him to the relatives and the
orphans and the poor and the wayfarer and to those who ask
(beggars) and for setting the salves free, and establish worship
and give charity (Zakat), and those who keep up their
agreements when they make an agreement, and the patient in
poverty and adversity and at the time of conflict. Those are the
persons who are true believers and those are persons who guard
against evil. (2/177)

4.The reward of the believers and doers of good

1. And those who believe and do righteous works, those are the
inhabitants of the garden, they will stay therein. (2/82)
2. And those who believe and do righteous works We will make
them enter the gardens beneath which rivers flow, they will stay
therein for ever, for them there will be clean mates therein and
We will them enter a shady shade. (4/57)
3.Those who believe and do righteous works, their Fosterer will
certainly guide them through their belief, (to) rivers flowing
beneath them in gardens of bliss. (10/9)
4. Those who believe and do righteous works, for them, is
pleasing good and a beautiful place of return. (13/29)
5.And those who believed and did righteous works will be made
to enter the gardens beneath which rivers flow.They will stay

therein by the permission of their Fosterer. Their greetings

therein will be Peace. .(14/23)
6. Those who believe and do righteous works, certainly for
them, gardens of paradise will be the entertainment. (18/107)
7. Allah will certainly admit those who believe and do righteous
works into gardens beneath which rivers flow, they will be
adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls and their
garments therein will be of silk. (22/23)
8. And those who believe and do righteous works, We will
definitely wipe off from them the effects of their evil deeds, and
We will definitely reward them with something better than that
which used to do. (29/7)
9. And those who believe and do righteous works, We will
definitely admit them among the righteous. (29/9)
10. And those who believe and do righteous works, they will
definitely be settled by Us in high places in a garden beneath
which rivers flow, they will stay therein, an excellent reward for
those work for it. (29/58)
11.Those who believe and do righteous works, for them are
gardens of bliss. (31/8)
12. As for those who believe and do righteous works, for them
are gardens as (their) settling place, a gift for what they used to
do. (32/19)

13.Those who believe and do righteous works, for them is

certainly a reward that will never fail. (41/8)
14.Those who say, Our Fosterer is Allah, then are firmly
established on it, the angels certainly come down upon them
saying, Do not fear nor grieve but receive the good news of the
gardens which you are promised. (41/30)
15.You will see those who were unjust, afraid of that which they
earned, and that will befall them. And those who believed and
did righteous works will be in meadows of gardens. They will
have from their Fosterer what they will for. That is the great
grace. (42/22)
16.Those who believe and do righteous works, certainly, for
them are gardens beneath which rivers flow. That is the great
achievement. (85/11)
17.except those believed and did righteous works, then for them
there is an unfailing reward. (95/6)
18.Their reward is with their Fosterer. Gardens of everlasting
bliss, underneath which rivers flow, they will stay therein
forever, Allah pleased with them and they pleased with Him.
That is for him who fears his Fosterer. (98/8)

5.Who are pious persons.?


The other large group of human beings which will be given a

reward of gardens of Eden which belongs to the pious persons.
As per description of Quran, the details of pious persons are
given as follows.
1. This is the book in which there is nothing doubtful, guidance
for those who guard against evil. who believe in the unseen (life
after death) and establish worship and spend from that which
We have provided for them. And who believe in that which is
sent down to you and that which was sent down before you, and
are certain about the hereafter. Those are on guidance from their
Fosterer and those are the persons who are successful. (2/2-3-4-
2.And he who comes with truth and he who testifies it, those are
the persons who guard against evil (39/33)
3. It was only a small part of the night during which they used to
sleep, and they used to ask for protective forgiveness at dawns
and in their wealth, there was a right for him who begged and
for him who was prevented from begging (51/17-18-19)

6. The graces for the pious persons in gardens of Eden

1. And hasten towards protective forgiveness of your Fosterer
and the garden, the extensiveness of which is the skies and the
earth, prepared for those who against evil. (3/133)

2. everlasting gardens, they will enter therein, rivers flowing

from beneath them, for them therein, there will be whatever they
for. Thus does Allah reward those who guard against evil.
3.That is garden which We will make our servants to inherit
who had guard against evil (19/63)
4. Those who guarded against evil will certainly be in a secure
place, in gardens and springs, dressed in fine and thick silk,
facing each other. Thus it will happen. And We will pair them
with fair ones having wide beautiful eyes. Therein, they will call
for every fruit, being secure. (44/51-52-53-54-55)
5. A similitude of the garden, which is promised to those who
guard against evil. It is there are rivers of water without
pollution and rivers of milk the taste of which does not change
and rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers and rivers of
clarified honey and therein for them are kinds of fruits and
protective forgiveness from their Fosterer like those who will
stay in the fire and will be given boiling water to drink so that it
cuts their bowels. (47/15)
6.Those who had guarded against evil will certainly be in
gardens and springs, (51/15)
7.Those who had guarded against evil will certainly be in
gardens and in hapiness, rejoicing because of that which their
Fosterer has given them and their Fosterer protected them from
the punishment of hell. (52/17-18)

8 And the garden will be brought near to those who had guarded
against evil, not being far away. (50/31)
9.For those who guard against evil, there will certainly be
gardens of bliss with their Fosterer. (68/34)
10.Those who had guarded against evil will be in shades and
springs and fruits which they desire. It will said, Eat and drink
pleasantly because of that, which you used to do. Thus do We
reward the doers of good.(77/41-42-43-44)
11.For those who guard against evil, there is certainly an
achievement. Gardens and vineyards, and young women of
equal age, and a full cup. They will hear therein neither useless
talk nor falsehood. Reward from your Fosterer, a gift for the
account of good deeds. (78/31-32-33-34-35-36)
12.And the life of this world is nothing but sport and pastime,
whereas the home of the hereafter is better for those guard
against evil. Do you not then understand.? (6/32)

7.Who are Abrar (holy persons) persons

1.They fulfil their vows and fear a day, the evil of which will
spread far and wide. And they feed for His love, the poor and
the orphan and the prisoner, with food, (Saying ) We feed you
only to seek the attention of Allah, we do not intend to receive
any reward from you nor even your thanks. We certainly fear

from our Fosterer, a distressful day of frowning. (76/7-8-9-


8.Graces of Allah for Abrar (holy persons) persons

1.The righteous will certainly be in bliss. (82/13)
2.No, certainly the record of deeds of the righteous will be in
Illiyin, and what will make you realize what Illiyun is?. It is a
written record. Those who are brought near will witness it. The
righteous will certainly be in bliss. They will be seeing reclining
on couches. You will recognize in their faces, radiance of bliss.
They will be given to drink from a pure drink, sealed. The seal
of which is of musk. So let those who wish to put in conscious
effort, put in a conscious effort for that. (83/-18-19-20-21-22-23-
3. And the righteous will certainly drink from a cup, the
admixture of which will be kafur, A spring from which the
servants of Allah will drink, they will make it go gush forth, a
gushing forth. (76/5-6)
4. We certainly fear from our Fosterer, a distressful day of
frowning.So Allah will save them from the evil of that day and
He will make them to meet radiant happiness and joy, and
reward them with a garden and garments of silk, because they
were patient, reclining therein on couches, they will neither see
the sun or experience intense cold therein. And the shades of

the garden will be near above them and the clusters of it will be
made to hang low be being in their reach, And goblets of silver
and cups of transparent glass will be made to go round about
them, they will be transport as glass but made of sliver which
are measured according to a measure. And they will be made to
drink therein, a cup, the admixture of which will be Zanjabil, a
spring therein, which is named Salsabil. Youths always staying
in attendance will go round them. When you see them, you will
think them to be scattered pearl. And whenever you see, there
you will see only excellence and a great kingdom. Upon them
will be garments of fine green silk and thick silk interwoven
with gold, and they will be adorned with bracelets of silver and
their Fosterer will make them drink a clean drink. This is
certainly a reward for you, and your striving will be
acknowledged. (76-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22)

9.One who repented and accepted faith (Eman)

1.except him who repents and believes and does righteous work,
so those will enter the garden and they will not be dealt with
unjustly in anything, gardens of everlasting bliss which the
Beneficent (Allah) has promised to His servants in the unseen,
His promise will certainly come to pass. (19/60-61)
2.O you who believe: Turn towards Allah with sincere
repentance, perhaps your Fosterer will remove from you effects

of your evil deeds and make you enter gardens beneath which
rivers flow, ( 66/8)
3. Then your Fosterer, for those who do evil in ignorance then
repent after that and amend themselves, your Fosterer, after that,
is certainly Protectively forgiving, Merciful.(16/119)
4. Say, O My servants who have committed excesses against
own souls: Do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Allah certainly
protectively forgives all the sins, He is certainly Protectively
Forgiving, Merciful. (39/53)
5.except those who repent after that and amend themselves, then
Allah is certainly Protectively Forgiving, Merciful. (24/5)

10. And for him who feared to stand before his Fosterer
during his whole life period

1. So which of the bounties of your Fosterer will you both deny.

And for him who feared to stand before his Fosterer are two
gardens. Having in them various kinds. In both of them are
flowing springs. In both of them every kind of fruit will be in
two pairs. Reclining on spreading (like bed sheets, carpets ) the
inner linnings of which will be of silk brocade, and the fruits of
the two gardens will be near. In both of them will be females
who restrain their gaze, whom neither man or jinn touched
before them. As if they were rubies and corals. And besides

these two, are two more gardens. Both, dark green in colour. In
both of them are two springs gushing forth, In both of them are
fruits and date-palms and pomegranates.
In both of them are good and beautiful ones. Fair ones,
confined in pavilions. Whom neither man nor jinn touched
before them, Reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets.
11.Those are the foremost persons
1. And the foremost are the foremost. Those are the persons who
will be brought near, in gardens of bliss, numerous from among
the ancients, and less from among the later, they will be on
couches (encrusted with gold and precious stones, reclining on
them facing one another). Youth always staying (in attendance)
will go around them, with bowls and beakers and cups filled
with drinks from a spring. They will not have headache from it
nor will they be intoxicated. And they will have fruits from what
they choose, and flesh of birds from that which they desire, and
fair ones with wide beautiful eyes, resembling in likeness,
hidden pearls, a reward for that which they used to do. They will
hear therein nothing vain or sinful, but the statement, Peace:
Peace (56/10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-
2. Then if he is from among those near to Allah, then he will
have happiness and fragrance and the garden of bliss. (56/88-89)

12.The companions of the right hand

1.And the companions of the right hand, how will the
companions of the right hand be.? .They will be among thorn-
less lote trees, and clustered plantains, and extending shade,and
water flowing continuously, and fruits in plenty, neither to be
cut off nor forbidden,and raised beds. We have produced them
females, and they are such creation, that we have made them
virgins, loving equals in age, for the companions of the right
hand.Numerous from among the ancients, and numerous from
among the later. (56/27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-
2.but the statement, Peace: Peace (56/26)
13. Those who do good in this world
1. And when it is said to those who guard against evil What has
your Fosterer sent down.? . They said, Good. For those who
do good in this world is good, and the home of the hereafter will
be better, and the home of those who guard against evil is
excellent. (16/30)
2.Whoever does evil, then he will not be rewarded except with
the like of it, and whoever does righteous work from among men
or women and he or she is a believer then those will enter the
garden wherein they will be provided without measure. (40/40)


Those who will pray will be entered the mercy of Allah

1.And those who say, Our Fosterer: Grant to us through our

wives and descendants comfort of the eyes and make us leaders
of those who guard against evil. Those will be rewarded with
high places, because they were patient, and they will be met
therein with greetings and peace.They will stay therein,
excellent will be the dwelling place /time for staying. (25/74-75-

Those who do different works, Allah make them enter the
1. those who fulfil the agreemnet with Allah and do not break
the pledge, and those who join that which Allah has commanded
to be joined and fear their Fosterer and are afraid of an evil
accountablity and those who are patient seeking the attention of
their Fosterer and establish worship and spend from that which
We have provided them, secretly and publicly and turn off evil
with good. For such persons there will be the final good home,
2. Only those believe in our signs who, when they are reminded
through them, fall down porstrate and glorify by praising their
Fosterer and they do not conisder themselves great. Their sides

keep away from thier beds, they pray to their Fosterer in fear
and in hope and they spend from that which We have provided
them. So no soul knows what is hidden from it, of (that which)
comforts the eye (as a) reward for that which they used to do. As
for those who believe and do rightoues works, for them are
gardens as their settling place, a gift for what they used to do
3.The Muslim men and the Muslim women, and the believing
men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the
obedient women and the truthful men and the truthful women
and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men
and the humble women and the men who give charity and the
women who give charity, and the men who fast and the women
who fast and the chaste men and the chaste women and the men
who remember Allah much and the women who remember;
Allah is certainly (ready for their) protective forgiveness and has
prepared a great reward for them. (33/35)
4. Those who say, Our Fosterer is Allah, then are firmly
established ( on it ), the angels certainly come down upon them (
saying ), Do not fear nor grieve but receive the good news of
the garden which you are promised. (41/30)
5. The men who give charity and the women who give charity
and loan to Allah a good loan. He will certainly double it for
them and for them there will be an honourable reward. (57/18)
6. Allah will say, "This is a day when their truth will benefit the
truthful, for them are gardens beneath which rivers flow, they
will stay therein forever," Allah will be pleased with they will
be pleased with Him, that's the great achievement. (5/119)
7. Then as for him whose weights of good deeds are heavy, then
he will lead a life of pleasure. (101/6-7)

8. So their Fosterer responded to them, I do not waste the work

of a single worker among you, whether male or female, some of
you are from others. So those who migrated and were driven out
from their houses and were harmed in My way and who fought
and were slain, I will definitely remove from them the effect of
their evil deeds and I will definitely make them enter the
gardens beneath which rivers flow, a reward from that which is
with Allah and the best reward is with Allah. (3/195)
9.They fulfil their vows and fear a day, the evil of which will
spread far and wide. And they feed for His love, the poor and
the orphan and the prisoner, with food, saying, We feed you
only to seek that attention of Allah, we do not intend to receive
any reward from you nor even your thanks. We certainly fear
from our Foster, a distressful day of frowning. So Allah will
save them from the evil of that day and He will make them to
meet radiant happiness and joy, and reward them with a garden
and garments of silk because they were patient, reclining therein
on couches, they will neither see the sun or experience intense
cold therein. And the shades of the garden will be near above
them and the clusters of it will be made to hang low being in
their reach. (76/7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14)

16.The description of faith (Eman)

There are great thanks of Allah on his slaves and He due to
His kindness has explained us the persons if he will do such and

works it means good works then he will be eligible definitely

make them enter the gardens beneath which rivers flow. A
reward from that which is with Allah and the best reward is with
Allah. For the persons who are going into the gardens of Eden
and for them He will not keep them on limited scale as per their
level of good works and He was done good favour to the
mankind that he was given explanation with full of details of
narration so the men should pay attention in this matter and with
sincerity and only for the sake of Allah do good deeds for
willingness of Allah then he will become rightful person to enter
the gardens of Eden but with it there is one condition is there
which is required to have faith (Eman) with the person of
believe and if any person who do not have faith then if he will
spend lots of money and they feed for His love, the poor and the
orphan and the prisoner, with food and do good works then
those works of good will become useless with Allah so for this
reason he will not become eligible to enter the gardens of
heaven. From an example of this world this matter will be
understood well as well clearly and there will be left no doubt
in this matter and which will be understood from electricity that
one person on the occasion of marriage will arrange decoration
of his big house by spending too much money for the
illumination by electricity by setting many thousand bulbs,
series of lights and flood lights and if there will be no electricity
supply there then there will be no light in any bulb and the
persons huge money which he was used in decoration of
illumination of lights will be going wasteful and loss in this

matter and on the occasion of marriage his big house will be in

darkness and without illumination. Comparing to this in his
neighbor who has only one house bulb and he has electricity
supply in his house so there is light in that house.
One another example in this respect is that one person while
investing many million Rupees has established one car
manufacturing factory and he will think that soon he will
become a billionaire by manufacturing cars from his factory. But
if there will be no supply of electricity in his factory then it will
be not possible for him to manufacture cars in his big factory.
So in the same way, we see that those who do not have faith of
Islam but they spend many millions of Rupees and feed the poor
and in apparent they do good works and if they do not have faith
then they will face the same result of that person who will spend
many million Rupees on the decoration of electrical lights
illumination on his big house but due to electricity supply
failure in his house there will be no light at all and it will be in
total darkness and also that person who has invested many
billion Rupees for the construction of car manufacturing factory
but due to no supply of electricity that person could not
manufacture even a single car.
From the example of electricity then we can understand the
reality of faith and now from this example we take the study of
good works and explain its details. The good works are like the
decoration of the house or it is like car manufacturing factory.
There is supply of electricity in the house but if there will be no

bulb then whether there will be light in house.? Or there is a

supply of electricity is there but there is no factory of car
manufacturing then in that condition there will not possible of
making a single car there. So it is a must that there will require
two things then there will be a benefit in this matter. In the same
way, if there will be faith then there will be no eligibility of
heaven unless there will be no good works. So, for this reason,
faith and good works are compulsory and necessary. So in the
holy book of Quran, there is no verse available about the
promise of the heaven for the reason of only faith.
So for getting the gardens of heaven first of all we should
make our faith strong and well built and if faith is tough then to
feed one hunger person for sake of Allah or to do some extent
service or obedience of the parents or to be patient for any
distress then one person will get eligibility to enter the dwelling
place of heavenly abode. Otherwise as per explanation of the
above if anybody who has done whatever good works without
faith then such works with Allah is not having any value and
worth at all. So for this reason, Allah has given us explanation
first of faith and afterward He has given details of good works.
Allah says that Those who have faith and do good works then
He make enter into the dwelling of heavenly abode and where
they will live for ever.
Allah was given full description about faith in the holy book
of Quran in such a details that if the persons want to understand
then he can understand it easily so that in the hereafter he could

not say that If we would have know that faith which is must
and important for the salvation then why they have not accept
faith and why they will wander in the darkness of misleading
The description about heavenly abode and it will be surprised
to know that how such complete information was given by Allah
in the holy book of Quran in spite of this the man is not
understanding its reality because as it is the fact that in reality
nobody did see by his look and its thinking will be there. In this
connection the description of the heaven by Allah in holy book
Quran are available and those details are given in this book in
below chapters.

The entry rule of the heavenly abode
1. And those who feared their Fosterer will be driven to the
garden in troopers until when they come to it, the doors of it will
be opened and the guards of it will say to them, Peace be on
you, you are happy, so enter it to stay. (39/73)
2. gardens of everlasting bliss, the doors of which will be kept
open for them, (38/50)
3.And the garden will be brought near to those who had guarded
against evil, not begin far away (50/31)

Good news before the entry of the heavenly abode

1. And between them (there will be) a veil, and on the heights
from where one can recognize, there will be men who will
recognize everyone by their marks and they will call out to the
inhabitants of the garden that Peace be on you all. They would
not have yet entered it though they would be in the hope of
entering it.(7/46)

2. Are these the persons about whom you swore that Allah will
not bestow them with His mercy? Enter the garden, there will
neither be any fear on you nor will you grieve. (7-49)

3. And the garden will be brought near to those who had

guarded against evil, not being far away. This is what you were
promised, it is for everyone who turns to Allah being a protector
of His religion. who fears the Beneficent (Allah) without having
seen Him and comes with a heart turning in repentance. It will
be said to him Enter it in peace, that is the eternal day. For
them therein, there will be what they will for, and more from

4. They will not hear its slightest sound and they will stay in
(such a state they will have) what their souls will. The great
horror will not grieve them, and the angels will I meet them
saying, This is your day which you were promised.(21/102-
5. those whom the angels take back (cause to die while they are
good), saying Peace be on you, enter the garden because of that
which you used to do. (16/32)

First conversation of the inhabitants of the garden upon
their entry into garden

1. And we will remove whatever of ill-feeling would be there

in their hearts, rivers will flow beneath them and they will say
Praise is due only for Allah, Who guided us to this and we
would not have been guided had Allah not guided us.
Messengers of our Fosterer indeed came to us with the truth.
And it will be called out to them, thatThis is the garden, you
have been made to inherit it because of that which you used to

2. And they will say, Praise is due only for Allah who has
removed grief from us, Our Fosterer is certainly Protectively
Forgiving, One Who acknowledges. Who has made us alight in
an eternal home out of His grace, neither toil will touch us
therein nor will fatigue touch therein.(35/34-35)
3. And they will say, Praise is due only for Allah who has been
true to us in His Promise and He has made us to inherit the
earth, we can settle down in the garden wherever we will. So
excellent is the reward of the workers. (39/74)

The greetings of welcome and peace upon entry into the

1. Peacewill be the word from the Merciful Fosterer. (36/58)

2. Their greetings on the day they meet Him will be Peace
and He has prepared an honourable reward for them. (33/44)
3. Gardens of everlasting bliss which they will enter along with
those who were righteous from among their parents (forefathers)
and their spouses and their descendants. And the angles will
enter on them from every gate saying, Peace be on you because

of your patience, so for them is happiness of the final good

home. (13/23-24)
4. And those who believed and did righteous works will be make
to enter the gardens beneath which rivers flow. They will stay
therein by the permission of the their Fosterer. Their greeting
therein will be Peace.(14/23)
5. And those who say, Our Fosterer : Grant to us through our
wives and descendants comfort of the eyes and make us leaders
of those who guard against evil. (25/74)
6. gardens of everlasting bliss which the Beneficent (Allah) has
promised to His servants in the unseen, His promise will
certainly come to pass. (19/61)
7.And the garden will be brought near to those who had
guarded (against evil), not being far away. This is what you
were promised, (it is) for every one who turns (to Allah being a)
protector (of His religion).(It will be said to him) :Enter it in
peace, that is the eternal day. (50/31-32-34)
8. then (it will be said), Peace for you, from those of the right
hand. (56/91)

The width it means length and breadth of the heavenly
1. And hasten towards protective forgiveness of your Fosterer
and the garden, the extensiveness of which is the skies and the
earth, prepared for those who guard against evil. (3/133)
2. Be foremost in seeking protective forgiveness from your
Fosterer and the garden, the extension of which is like the
extension of the sky and the earth, prepared for those who
believe in Allah and His messengers. That is the grace of
Allah.He gives it to whom He wills and Allah is the possessor of
great grace. (57/21)
3.And who (ever) you see, there you will see only excellence
and a great kingdom. (76/20)
The decoration and beautification of heaven
1.Those are the limits of Allah so whoever obeys Allah and His
messenger. He will make him to enter gardens beneath which
rivers flow, for staying therein and that is a great achievement.
And those who believe and do righteous works we will make
them enter the gardens beneath which rivers flow, they will stay
therein for ever, for them there will be clean mates therein and
We will make them enter a shady shade. (4/13/57)

Those are the persons for whom there everlasting gardens

beneath which rivers flow. They will be adorned therein with
bracelets of gold and they will wear green robes of fine silk and
thick silk brocade interwoven with gold, reclining therein on
raised couches, excellent the reward and good the resting place.
3.Those who believe and do righteous works, certainly for
them,gardens of paradise will be the entertainment.(18/107)
The doers of good work will recognise the heavenly abode
1. And those are killed in the way of Allah, their deeds will
never be lost. And He will make them enter the garden which
He has made known to them. (47/4-6)

The luxury and high quality surroundings in heaven
1. It is certainly (ordained) for you that you will neither be
hungry therein nor naked, and you will neither by thirsty therein
nor be exposed to suns rays because of plenty of food, drinks,
clothes and the pleasant environment). (20/118-119)
2. On that day the place/time of stay of the inhabitants of the of
the garden will be good, and their resting place the best. They

will stay therein, excellent will be the dwelling place/time for

staying. (25/24-76)
3. Those are the persons for whom there are everlasting gardens
beneath which rivers flow. They will be adorned therein with
bracelets of gold and they will wear green robes of fine silk and
thick silk brocade interwoven with gold, reclining therein on
raised couches, excellent the reward and good the resting place.
4. On that day, the inhabitants of the garden will certainly be in
a joyful occupation, they and thier mates will be in sheds,
reclining on couches.For them there will be fruits and for them
there will be what they ask for.Peace will be word from the
Merciful Fosterer. (36/55-56-57-58)
5. A similitude of the garden, which is promised to those who
guard against evil. In it there are rivers of water without
pollution and rivers of milk the taste of which does not change
and rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers and rivers of
clarified honey and therein for them are all kinds of fruits and
proctective forgiveness from their Fosterer. Are these like those
who will stay in the fire and will be given boiling water to drink
so that it cuts their bowels? (47/15)
6. Those who had guarded (against evil) will certainly be in
gardens and in happiness, rejoicing because of that which their
Fosterer has given them from the punishment of hell. It will be
said to them, Eat and drink pleasantly because of that which

you used to do. They will, recline on couches arranged in ranks

and We will pair them with fair ones with wide beautiful
eyes.And those who believe and their descendants who follow
them in belief, We will unite with them their descendants, and
we will not reduce anything from (the reward of) their deeds.
Every man is in pledge (secrurity) for that which he has earned.
And We will support them with fruit and flesh such as they
desire. Therein they will take from one another, a cup in which
there will be nothing vain nor any sin. And for them , boys will
go around them (they will be as) if they were hidden pearls.
7. In both of them are flowing springs. In both of, them every
kind of fruit will be in two pairs. Reclining on spreadings (like
bed sheets, carpets etc) the inner linings of which will be of silk
brocade, and the fruits of the two gardens will be near. In both
of them will be females who restrain their gaze, whom neither
man nor jinn touched before them. As if they were rubies and
corals. (55/50-52-54-56-58)
8. (They will be) on couches encrusted (with gold and precious
stones) reclining on them facing one antoher. Youths always
staying in attendance will go around them with bowls and
beakers and cups filled with drinks from a spring. They will not
have headache from it nor will they be intoxicated. And they
will have fruits from what they choose and flesh of birds from
that which they desire, and fair ones with wide beautiful eyes
resembling in likeness, hidden pearls, a reward for that which

they used to do. They will hear therein nothing vain or sinful but
the statement,Peace: Peace (56/15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-
9.And the companions of the right hand. How will the
comapanions of the right hand be? They will be among thornless
lote trees, and clustered plantains, and extending shade, and
water flowing continuously, and fruits in plenty, neither to be
cut off nor forbidden. (56/27-28-29-30-31-32-33)
10. and young women of equal age, and a full cup. (78/33)
11. Some faces on that day will be bright, laughting, rejoicing at
the good news (80/38-39)
11. The rightous will certainly be in bliss, they will be seeing
reclining on couches. You will recognize in their faces, radiance
of bliss. They will be given to drink from a pure drink, sealed.
The seal of which is of musk. So let those who wish to put in
conscious effort, put in a conscious effort for that. (83/22-23-
The addresses in the heavenly abode
1. Therein they will not hear any vain talk but peace, and therein
there will be their provision for them morning and evening

2.who fears the Beneficent (Allah) without having seen (Him)

and comes with a heart turning in repentace. It will be said to
him : Enter it in peace, that is the eternal day. ( 50/33-34)
3.There they will take from one another, a cup in which there
will be nothing vain nor any sin. (52/23)
4. They will hear therein nothing vain or sinful but the
statement Peace : Peace (56/25-26)
5.They will hear therein neither useless talk nor

The heavenly seasons
1. and clustered plantains and extending shade, (56/29-30)
2. reclining therein on couches, they will neither see the sun or
experience intense cold therein. (76/13)

The housing in the heaven
1. And those who believe and do righteous works, they will
definitely be settled by Us in high places in a garden beneath

which rivers flow, they will stay therein, an excellent reward for
those who work for it. (29/58)
2. But those who fear their Fosterer, for them are built high
palaces above which are still higher palaces (multi-storey
buildings) beneath which rivers flow, a promise of Allah, Allah
does not go against His promise. (39/20)
The servants in the heaven
1. And for them boys will go around them. (They will be ) as
if they were hidden pearls. (52/24)
2. Youths always staying (in attendance) will go around them
with bowls and beakers and cups filled with drinks from a
spring. (56/17-18)
3. Youths always staying in attendance will go round
them.When you see them , you will think them to be scattered
pearls. (76/19)

The heavenly furniture
1. Those are the persons for whom there are everlasting gardens
beneath which rivers flow. They will be adorned therein with
bracelets of gold and they will wear green robes of fine silk and
thick silk brocade interwoven with gold, reclining therein on

raised couches, excellent the reward and good the resting place.
2. They will recline on couches arranged in ranks and We will
pair them with fair ones with wide beautiful eyes. (52/20)
3. Reclining on spreadings (like bed sheets, carpets etc) the
inner linings of which will be of silk brocade, and the fruits of
the two gardens will be near. (55/54)
4. In gardens of bliss, on couches facing each other. (37/43-44)
5. Reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets. (55/76)
6. (they will be) on couches encrusted (with gold and precious
stones.) (56/15)
7. reclining therein on couches, they will neither see the sun nor
(experience )intense cold therein. (76/13)
8. and cushions set in rows, and carpets spread. (88/15-16)

The heavenly dress
1. Those are the persons for whom there are elverlasting gardens
beneath which rivers flow. They will be adorned therein with

bracelets of gold and they will wear green robes of fine silk and
thick silk brocade interwoven with gold, reclining therein on
raised couches, excellent the reward and good the resting place.
2. Allah will certainly admit those who believe and do righteous
works into gardens beneath which rivers flow, they will be
adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls and their
garments therein will be of silk. (22/23)
3. gardens of everlasting bliss which they will enter, they will
be made to wear therein bracelets of gold and pearls and their
garments therein will be of silk (35/33)
4. dressed in fine and thick silk, facing each other. (44/53)
5. Upon them will be garments of fine green silk and thick silk
interwoven with gold, and they will be adorned with bracelets of
silver and their Fosterer will make them drink a clean drink.

The heavenly jewellery
1. Those are the persons for whom there are everlasting gardens
beneath which rivers flow. They will be adorned therein with
bracelets of gold and they will wear green robes of fine silk and
thick silk brocade interwoven with gold, reclining therein on

raised couches, excellent the reward and good the resting place.
2. Allah will certainly admit those who believe and do righteous
works into gardens beneath which rivers flow, they will be
adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls and their
garments therein will be of silk.( 22/23)
3. gardens of everlasting bliss which they will enter, they will be
made to wear therein bracelets of gold and pearls and their
garments therein will be of silk (35/33)
4. Upon them will be garments of fine green silk and thick silk
interwoven with gold, and they will be adorned with bracelets of
silver and their Fosterer will make them drink a clean drink.
32.The heavenly utensils

1. And goblets of silver and cups of transparent glass will be

made to go round about them, (they will be transparent as ) glass
but made of silver which are measured according to a measure.
2. And a full cup. (78/34)
3. and drinking cups placed ready for use. (88/14)

The heavenly provision

1. Therein they will not hear any vain talk but peace, and therein
there will be their provision for them morning and evening.
2. Whoever does evil, then he will not be rewarded except with
the like of it, and whoever does righteous work from among men
or women and he or she is believer then those will enter garden
wherein they will provided without measure. (40/40)
3. For them there will be a known provision, fruits and they will
be honoured in garden of bliss . (37/41-42)
4. And we will support them with fruit and flesh such as they
desire. (52/22)
5. and flesh of birds from that which they desire,(56/21)

The heavenly produce
1. and the fruits of the two gardens will be near.( 55/54)
2. In both of them are fruits and date-palms and pomegranates.

3. They will be among thornless lote trees, and clustered

plantains. (56/28)

The heavenly fruits
1. For them there will be fruits and for them (there will be) what
they ask for. (36/57)
2. Therein, they will call for every fruit, being secure. (44/55)
3. And they (will have fruits) from what they choose. (56/20)
4. And fruits in plenty, neither to be cut off nor forbidden
5.Those who had guarded against evil will be in shades and
springs and fruits which they desire. (77/41-42)
6. Gardens and vineyards. (78/32)

The heavenly wine

1. A cup from a spring of a drink will be made to go round

among them, white delicious for the drinkers. There will be no
unconsciousness due to it nor will they be intoxicated by it.
2. with bowls and beakers and cups (filled with drinks) from a
spring. (56/18)
3. And the righteous will certainly drink from a cup, the
admixture of which will be kafur, a spring from which the
servants of Allah will drink, they will make it to gush forth, a
gushing forth. (76/5-6)
4. And they will be made to drink therein, a cup, the admixture
of which admixture of which will be Zanjabil, a spring therein,
which is named Salsabil. (76/17-18)
5.and their Fosterer will make them drink a clean drink. (76/21)
6. And a full cup. (78/34)
7. They will be given to drink from a pure drink, sealed. The
sealed of which is of musk. So let those who wish to put in
conscious effort, put in a conscious effort for that. (83/25-26)
8. A similitude of the garden, which is promised to those who
guard against evil. In it there are rivers of water without

pollution and rivers of milk the taste of which does not change
and rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers and rivers of
clarified honey and therein for them are all kinds of fruits and
protective forgiveness from their Fosterer. Are these like those
who will stay in the fire and will be given boiling water to drink
so that it cut their bowels.? (47-15)
The houries of the heaven

1. Say,Shall I inform you of something better thank that.? For

those who guard against evil, there are gardens with their
Fosterer for staying them, beneath which rivers flow, and pure
mates and pleasure from Allah, and Allah is the Seer of His
servants, (3/15)
2. And with them will be females who restrin their gaze, having
beautiful eyes (37/48)
3. and with them will be females of equal age who restrain their
gaze. (38/52)
4. Thus it will happen. And we will pair them with fair ones
having wide beautiful eyes. (44/54)
5. In both of them will be females who restrain their gaze,
whom neither man nor jinn touched before them. (55/56)

6.In both of them are good and beautiful ones. Fair ones,
confined in pavilions. Whom neither man nor jinn touched
before them. (55/70-72-74)
7.They will recline on couches arranged in ranks and We will
pair them with fair ones with wide beautiful eyes. (52/20)
8. and fair ones with wide beautiful eyes resembling in likeness,
hidden pearls (56/22-23)
9.We have produced them females, and they are such creation
that We have made them virgins, (56/35-36)
10. and young women of equal age (78/33)
The entry of the parents and children in the heaven
1. gardens of ever lasting bliss which they will enter along with
those who were righteous from among their parents (forefathers)
and their spouses and their descendants. And the angels will
enter on them from every gate (13/23)
2. they and their mates will be in shades, reclining on couches.
For them there will be fruits and for them there will be what
they ask for. (36/56-57)
3. And those who belive and their descendants who follow them
in belief, We will unite with them their descendants, and We
will not reduce anything from the reward of their deeds. Every
man is in pledge (security) for that which he has earned. (52/21)

4. Our Fosterer. And make them enter the gardens of

everlasting bliss which You have promised them and whoever is
righteous from among their fathers and their mates and their
descendants, You are certainly the Mighty, the Wise. (40/8)
5. So as for him who is given his record of deeds in his right
hand, he will be called to account, with an easy accountability
and he will return happily to his class of people. (84/7-8-9)
The nearness as well as happiness and hospitability of Allah

1. Allah will say This is a day when their truth will benefit the
truthful, for them are gardens beneath which rivers flow, they
will stay therein for ever, Allah will be pleased with them and
they will be pleased with Him, that is the great achievement.
2.Peace will be the word from the Merciful Fosterer. (36/58)
3. And He will make them enter the garden which He has made
known to them (47/6)
4. And If he is from among the companions of the right hand,
then it will be said Peace for you, from those of the right hand
. (56/90-91)
5.Those who are persons who will be brought near (56/11 )

6. Those who guard against evil will certainly be in gardens with

rivers in a confirmed seat, near the King, the holder of power
7. You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the
period hereafter, loving those who resist Allah and his
messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons or
their brothers or their relatives and friends. Those are the
persons in whose hearts He has written down belief and has
strengthened them with a spirit from Him. And He will make
them enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, to stay therein,
Allah pleased with them and they pleased with Him. Those are
members of the team of Allah. Beware : ( the members of) The
team of Allah, they are successful ones. (58/22)
7. O you peaceful soul: Return to your Fosterer pleased and
pleasing (Him) so enter among My servants. (89/27-28-29)
8. Allah pleased with them and they pleased with Him. (98/8)
The conversation of heavenly people with inhabitants of the
1.And the inhabitants of the garden will call out to the
inhabitants of the fire (saying) that, We have found that which
our Fosterer promised us, to be true, so have you too found that
which your Fosterer promised you, to be true . They will say,
Yes , then an announcer will announce among them that ;

Curse of Allah is on the unjust, who turn away (people) from

the way of Allah and seek to make it crooked and they are
rejecters of the hereafter. And between them there will be a
veil, and on the heights from (7/44)
2. Then some of them will turn to others questioning , a
speaker among them will say, I had a comrade of mine who
used to say : Are you of those who confirm that when we die
and become part of the soil and bones, we will indeed be
brought for judgement.? Someone will say, Would you peep
to see him? . So he will peep , then see him in the midst of hell.
He will say, By Allah you had almost destroyed me and had
the favour of my Fosterer not been there, I too would have been
with you among those presented for punishment. The
inhabitants of the garden will say) Then is it that we will not
die, except our first death and we will not be among those who
are punished.? This certainly is a great achievement. So let
those who wish to work, work for something like this (37/50-51-
3. in gardens, asking each other, about the criminals what has
brought you into the hell. They will say, we were not of those
who offered worship and we did not feed the poor and we used
to involve ourselves in idle talk with those involved in idle talk
and we used to deny the day of judgement till death which is
certain came to us so the mediation of mediators will not be of
benefit to them. (74/40-41-42-43)

The conversation among the inhabitants of heaven
1. Their call therein will be You are glorified (above all) O
Allah and their greeting there in will be that Peace, and
another call of theirs will be that Praise is due only for Allah,
the Fosterer of the worlds.10/10

The inhabitants of garden will live there like brothers and
there will be no bad will in them
1. And we will remove whatever of ill-feeling would be there
in their hearts, (7/43)
2. And we will remove whatever ill feeling would be there in
their hearts (they will be like) brothers sitting on couches, facing
each other, (15/47)
Toil will not touch the inhabitants of heaven and they will
not sent out from there
1. toil will not touch them therein and they will not sent out
from there (15/48)

2. Who has made us alight in an eternal home out of His grace,

neither toil will touch us therein nor will fatigue touch us therein

The memory of world in the heaven
1. Then some of them will turn to others questioning , a speaker
among them will say, I had a comrade of mine who used to
sayAre you of those who confirm that when we die and
become part of the soil and bones, we will indeed be brought
for judgemnt.? Someone will say, Would you peep to see
him? So he will peep , then see him in the midst of hell. He
will say, by Allah you had almost destroyed me and had the
favour of my Fosterer not been there, I too would have been
with you among those presented for punishment. The
inhabitants of the garden will say) Then is it that we will not die,
except our first death and we will not be among those who are
punished.? This certainly is a great acheievement. So let those
who wish to work, work for something like this (37/50-51-52-
2.It was only a small part of the night during which they used to
sleep and they used to ask for protective forgiveness at dawns

and in their wealth there was a right for him who begged and for
him who was prevented from begging 51/17-18-19
3. while facing one another they will inquire from each other
saying earlier while were among our people we were certainly
afraid but Allah has been gracious to us and has protected us
from the punishment of the heat wave. We crtainly used to pray
to Him earlier. He is certainly the Benign (obliging) the
Merciful (52/25)

Those who are doers good will rewarded
1. so as for him who is given his record of deeds in right hand.
The inhabitants will be given whatever they desire
1. for them, with their Fosterer, is what they will for that is the
reward of the doer of good, (39/34)
2. We are your protecting friends in the life of the world and in
the hereafter and for you therein, will be what your souls desire
for and for your therein will be what you pray for (41/31)
3. You will see those who were unjust, afraid of that which they
earned, and that will befall them. And those who believed and
did rightous works will be in meadsows of gardens. They will

have from their Fosterer what they will for. That is the great
grace. (42/22)
4. (It will be said to him) : Enter it in peaace, that is the
eternal day. For them therein, there will be what they will for
and from Us. (50/34-35)
There will be plenty of provision in the heaven
1. Whoever does evil, then he will not be rewarded except with
the like of it, and whoever does rightous work from among men
or women and he or she is a beleiver then those will enter the
garden wherein they will be provided without measure. (40/40)
Allah will save from the punishment of hell in the heaven
1. They will not taste death therein, except the first death, and
he will save them from the punshment of hell. (44/56)
3. and thier Fostere protected them from the punishmnet of
There will not taste death in the gardens
1. They will not taste death therein, except the first death, and he
will save them from the punishment of hell. A grace from your
Fosterer, that is the great achievement. (44/56-57)

50. The conclusion

Now you have been read about the facilities, comfort as well
luxury, its decoration and adoration in this book so now tell that
which thing of the paradise can be compared the thing in this
world about dwelling place, provisions, dresses, females mates,
servants therein. So tell in this matter whether some small
portion of it which will be not find in this world. For example
take small example of house servants in this world who are
difficult to get and if get then they demand too much salary for
every month and they will be in worthless persons who does not
perform their duties properly and their age will be more and
more like old or middle age group persons and who will be not
active in work but they will active in more eating and passing
more time in idleness and pass the time without work. Against it
in gardens servants will go round all sides of the inhabitants of
the gardens for asking service and they will not come and go
like the servants of the world and they will presence in the
garden for always in the service of the dwellers of the garden
and who will be such beautiful like hidden pearls and with all
these services they will not been required any renumeration
You have studied in this book about graces in the gardens so
tell from which grace of heaven you can compare with it with
facility of this world. It is fact that you can not compare grace of
garden in any condition. Then why you are running behind the
world?., and why you are wasting all your skill and capital for

the success of the world.? As you know well that death will
come any day and it will disconnect you from the grace and
luxury of the world. As comparing to it in gardens there are
comfort, facilities as well as more luxury is available there and
which will not be snatch by death there.
They will not taste death therein, except the first death, and He
will save them from the punishmnet of hell (44/56)
Now start endeavours for salvation of the death and do good
works for the gardens of heaven and if in exchange of the whole
world if you get gardens then you think in this matter that it is
very costly dealing.
In your spare time think it carefully in this matter as you have
time with you on your guard otherwise except regret and sorrow
nothing will not be there with you and apart from this that you
will become eligible for your entry into the hell.
The Quran has been made easy to understand so that people
could implement it in their lives and so to be vigilant in
implementing the Quran.As Allah has guided the man in this
So, We have made the Quran easy in your language only
that they may be mindful. So be vigilant, they (too) are certainly
vigilant. (44/58-59)
The End.

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