Traumatic Flexor Tendon Injuries in Bullock and Its Management Intas Polivet (2011) Vol.12 (2) 163-164

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Intas Polivet (2011) Vol.

12 (II): 163-164 Clinical Article

Traumatic Flexor Tendon Injuries in Bullocks

and its Management

K. Mohd Arif Basha1, Narayan Bankar2 and R.E. Sushma3

Veterinary Dispensary
Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services
Taluk Huvinahadagali
Dist. Bellary - 583216 (Karnataka)

Two cases of deep digital flexor tendon lacerations in bullocks, one partial and one complete laceration each were
treated surgically and managed. Tenorraphy was performed for complete laceration followed by immobilization.
Satisfactory limb movement was seen after recovery. In case of partial laceration wound was closed and movement
restriction was done. Animals recovered with normal limb movement.
KEYWORDS: Bullock; emergency; flexor tendon laceration; tenorraphy; trauma.
Introduction Treatment
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Tendons are also subjected to trauma as After withholding solid feed for 24 hrs and liquid
muscles. The tendons of the limb are in a more for 18 hrs animal was sedated with xylazine
vulnerable position than tendons in other parts of hydrochloride @ 0.1mg/kg bw intramuscularly and
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by also administering intravenous regional

the body. Spontaneous trauma to the tendons

from sprain or sharp object is a frequent problem. anaesthesia the affected area was aseptically
The flexor and extensor tendons are most prepared for surgical repair. Skin was extended
commonly involved as a result of wire cuts or proximally and distally for wound debridement
injuries incurred while kicking a sharp structure and to further expose severed tendon sheath for
with the hind limb (Oehme, 1980).The prognosis suturing (Fig. 2). Tenorraphy was performed by
for return to the previous level of work is influenced Bunnel Mayer technique using Vicryl No. 2. To
by the factors including degree of skin damage, neutralize the forces acting on the anastomosis
which tendons and ligaments are injured and of the tendon interrupted sutures were placed
whether the synovial structure is involved (Belknap transversely through body of the tendons and the
et al., 1993). Tendon lacerations may be partial skin using Nylon No. 2. Tendon sheath was
flushed with gentamicin. Fascia was closed using
or complete. During partial lacerations overlying
catgut No.1 and skin was opposed routinely (Fig.
soft tissue and skin are closed and secondary
3). The limb was immobilized in slightly flexed
healing is expected. position using a bamboo cast with thick cotton
Case 1 padding allowing a small gap for aeration and
History wound dressing (Fig. 4). Post-operatively, animal
A bullock aged six years was presented with was give Inj. Streptopenicillin 2.5g i/m and
lameness and a history of trauma due to harrow antihistamines for seven days. Animal was
blade resulting in a lacerated wound below left followed upto 45 days post surgery and an
hock joint at plantar aspect (Fig.1). On thorough uneventful recovery was seen with satisfactory
examination, the lacerated wound by flexion and limb movement indicating healing at the site of
extension of interphalangial joints and passing a anastomosis.
sterile gloved finger, it was found that the wound
was deep enough and deep digital flexor tendon Case 2
was completely severed. History
A young bullock of around 4 years of age was
1 Veterinary Officer presented with a lacerated wound at plantar aspect
2 Veterinary Officer, MVC, Huvinahadagali of right metatarsus. On examination, deep digital
3 Veterinary Officer, Mylara flexor tendon was partially severed (Fig. 5).

Flexor Tendon Injuries in Bullocks

Treatment Jordana et al. (2011) studied outcome of tendon

Under local ananesthesia with lignocaine 2% lacerations in 106 horses and concluded that a
subcutaneous tissue and skin was closed high survival rate can be expected after ligament
routinely. Followed by antibiotics, movement lacerations in horses, but only 55% of affected

Fig.1: Deep lacerated wound Fig. 2: Extended skin for Fig. 3: Wound after closure
at the plantar aspect of left exposing body of the tendon (Case 1)
distal metatarsus (Case 1) for suturing (Case 1)
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Fig. 4: Limb immobilized with a Fig. 5: Lacerated wound at the Fig. 6: Wound site showing
bamboo cast (Case 1) plantar aspect of right distal complete healing at 15th post
metatarsus (Case 2) operative day (Case 2)
restriction and rest for next few days. Second horses returned to their previous activity level. The
intension healing was expected at the site of injury. number of structures affected was the major factor
Skin wound was completely healed at 15th day determining whether horses returned to an equal
and sutures were removed (Fig. 6). Animal level of performance.
recovered uneventfully with normal limb References
movement and was followed upto 30 days post Belknap, J.K., Baxter, G.M. and Nickels, F.A. (1993).
surgery. Extensor tendon laceration in horses. J. Am. Vet. Med.
Assoc. 203:428-31.
A severed deep digital flexor tendon below the Jann, Henry, Blaik, Margaret, Emerson, Robert, Tomioka,
fetlock joint results in the animal bearing weight Michiko, Stein, Larry, Moll and David (2003). Healing
only on the heel, a dorsal flexion of the phalynx characteristics of deep digital flexor tenorrhaphy within
the digital sheath of horses.Vet. Surg. 32: 421-30.
and a turned up toe. The digital sheath is opened
when tendon is severed in this area. Care must Jordana, M., Wilderjans, H., Bosewell, J., Cert, V.A.,
be taken to prevent suppurative tenosynovitis. Dewulf, J., Roger, K.W., Smith, M.A. and Martens, A.
Intrathecal tenorrhaphy with external co-aptation (2011). Outcome after lacerations in superficial digital
(in partial limb flexion) for six weeks results in gap flexor tendon, deep digital flexor tendon, suspensory
ligament and/or digital sesamoidean ligament in 106
heeling. Without improved methods for
horses. Vet. Surg. 42: 277-83.
immobilizing the deep digital flexor tendon,
intrathecal tenorrhaphy is unlikely to result in first Oehme, F.W. (1980). Textbook of Large Animal Surgery,
intention tendon healing (Jann et al., 2003). Williams and Wilkins Publishers, U.S.A.


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