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package require tdom

set XML "

<order number='1'>
<customer>John Doe</customer>
<widget sku='XYZ123' />
<widget sku='ABC789' />
<widget sku='asagdsdh123' />
<order number='2'>
<customer>Sorabh Dung</customer>
<widget sku='def123' />
<widget sku='asagh123' />

set doc [dom parse $XML]

set root [$doc documentElement]

proc explore {parent} {

global cntr
set type [$parent nodeType]
set name [$parent nodeName]

if {$type != "ELEMENT_NODE"} {
puts "Node Name - [[$parent parentNode] nodeName] and its Value is
[$parent nodeValue]"

if {[llength [$parent attributes]]} {

puts "parent node - [$parent nodeName] , attributes: [join [$parent
attributes] ", "] and [$parent getAttribute [join [$parent attributes] ", "]]"

foreach child [$parent childNodes] {

incr cntr
explore $child
incr cntr -1

if {$cntr == 1} {
puts "------------"

explore $root

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