HW 2

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Problem Set 2 Due Dec 16

1. A proton of mass 1.000 u has an initial velocity ~v0 and collides with a helium nucleus,
mass 4.000 u that is initially at rest. In the lab frame the proton is scattered through
an angle of 120 . Find the velocities of the proton and helium after the collision
(including the angle of the helium.) Assume a perfectly elastic collision.
2. A proton of mass 1.000 u has an initial velocity ~v0 and collides with a helium nucleus,
mass 4.000 u that is initially at rest. In the lab frame the proton is scattered through
an angle of 120 . Find the velocities of the proton and helium after the collision
(including the angle of the helium.) Assume Q/T0 = 0.25.
3. Problem 7.25 A balloon of mass MB contains a bag of sand, initially of mass m0 and
contains just enough hot air so that it is neutrally buoyant just at ground level (i.e
it is off the earth and buoyant force and weight balance.) Now sand is released at a
constant rate so that all of it leaks out in a time t0 . Assume that the buoyant force
is constant and that air resistance can be neglected. At the time the sand runs out,
(a) the height of the balloon.
(b) the velocity of the balloon
(c) Assume that m0 /MB is small and find Taylor series expansions of your results in
parts (a) and (b). Keep only terms up to first order.
(d) If MB = 500 kg and m0 = 10 kg, and t0 = 100 s, evaluate your results in part
4. Problem 7.27 A rocket travels through the atmosphere where a linear drag force acts,
F~drag = k~v . Find the equation of motion of the rocket, neglecting all other external
forces (like gravity) and show that if the rocket starts from rest, it reaches a final
speed "  #
m 1/

v =V 1

where V is the relative speed of the exhaust fuel, = m

k = constant, and m0 , m are

initial and final masses of the rocket.

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