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Powers, James From SY Ree ST obs ey tan Sent: Thursday, Sepember To: Powers, lames Subject: Statement from the Insitute of Terrorism Research and Response Having trouble viewing this emai? lk hers “Institute of | Terrorism Research ‘and Response. The Institute of Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR) Press Statement 15 September 2010 The mission ofthe Institute of Terrorism Research and Response [sto identify and ‘analyze information that can be leveraged to prevent injury, oss of lfe and destruction of Property {Attines, that means providing guidance onthe pote or deadly acons. At other times, it means providing security personnei guidance regarding staff requirements for. ‘crowd control. For example, in May 2010 ITRR’s Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center (TAM-C) Informed clients of "focused anti-gay chatter among White supremacists and extremist ‘iia supporters." We noted that "Gay pide" events recently served as taaer events for | such radicals; suchas in Belarus and Slovakia, ‘Thus, the IRR briefing coricluded, "based on general analysis and Intemational case study debriefing, TAM-C analysts recommend a somewhat heightened situational ‘awareness at all such pride events.” Similarly, in January 2010, ITRR researchers identified ‘explicit cals for sabotage of ‘major facilities and murder" in "European eco-extremist and anti-capitalist ‘communications." In a separate client document; we further identified an “increasing overlap between anarchists and environmental extremists - with anarchist ‘communications often praising acts of overt eco- terrorism." We also expressed concern that such European extremist views were finding ‘echoes in North America By April 2010, a leading ideologue for the Earth First! organization issued a call for more extreme actions in the service of the environmentalist agenda. "Are we so caught up in @ cycle of civil disobedience that we can't think past it?” he asked. ITRR's analysis of the above communications said: “TAN-C recommends that security personnel responsible for mass transit, telecommunications, ports, fue! stations, coal plants, and other facilities that have been targeted by environmentalist protests in the past take immediate action to heighten situational awareness of pre-adversarial surveillance. Additionally, ‘emergency response and evacuation procedures should be reviewed. ...TAM-C analysts recommend personal situational awareness and appropriate safety Then, in July 2010 the Houston home of an oll company executive was targeted in a bombing, causing significant facial injuries to a woman who opened a booby-trapped package. In subsequent research by ITRR, it was found that anti-capitalist and environmental militants expressed satisfaction with the attack; such as, "Until we destroy ‘enough of their property to make a financial splash or start kiling their executives and decision makers and profiteers, nothing will change, (On 1 September 2010, in the latest escalation, eco-terrorist James Lee held hostages at gunpoint and threatened to detonate explosives at the Discovery Channel headquarters in Washington. Looking at the international jhadist threat, ITRR recently issued the following alert regarding the targeting of Christian-identiied assets worldwide: “Arabic language researchers of the Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center (TAM- C) have identified internal [ihadist] communications... [saying] that the ‘war is. between the church and the mosque. Go ahead you brave ones, burn the churches. Destroy their centers and don’t shame the Koran. We need to attack their churches, soldiers, and all their religious centers around the world. Just attack them all no maiter where. We won't regret our goal, no matter what."" In our review of the communication, ITRR analysts suggested: "Such a desecration titfortat may trigger a more serious worldwide campaign against Christians and Christian symbols, as well as increased targeting of Muslim symbols and mosques. Significant in this regard is that the above communications. have come at a time of heightened anger over perceived insults to Islam, Most recently (14 September 2010), it was reported that France has offically adopted legislation banning the full-face veil in public spaces.” ‘The Institute of Terrorism Research and Response is proud to provide this level of research and analysis fo our many clients. ‘And our clients agree: From a client in the energy sector: “This is a very comprehensive report - thanks for your efforts on our behalf.” From a Fortune 100 company: "Thanke for keeping ue cafe!" Itis precisely thanks to our dedication to keeping people safe that ITRR has become a trusted provider of actionable intelligence to those who need it most. Michael Perelman Co-Director apg tom Institute of Terrorism Research ano Response Bs. 472.2571, BAe Source Material - Samples September 2010 Partially redacted to protect cent privacy. ~ Anei-ay Violence at day ride Events {Ratgeted nctanabie Montoring Ceterrsearchers hav ‘Thaker among whe anremacats and extras iis suppers SUNen agp avant or son volens wi ans goy pena fe cecerly nated ideation of focuses anti-gay “Gey pide events woraae hove “Ts mnt for example, dozens of ng-tais thew stones, eggs ané em bombs Ino crowds ng jar ple pare! nthe EoviernEuropenn cater oBsarus and Slovakia easing thar 10 De Fates. Ste wnt saremacts manages to cancel wt wast have been Slovaks fatever soy de Pattie nines wet volved around ghey taker, ust eight ange attackers were concefcrweseam “Torgtted Actionable Hostring Center anaystshalave that high-pafle LGBT pride vents may da TEsRurtactons fom ievigorsee ded wha supremtest one wolves In Noth Aeris, Several ich gay ae morohes ond feats tae place h Aveo etios dri the monty of tune 2040. ‘anu-gay White supremedist nd fot miltacommuneations are curenty under revow by TAN ina terosam ants; however, aso ths ng No specie treat Today pide event hove been ‘Seniesonctntes boos on Seneal analyte ond terminal ove stay debeeing, TAN-C nalts ‘ommend a somenaehagntenedstusona anreness et a su pride event, (Original released 31 May 2010) co-Terror: ‘Sabotage the System’ and ‘tminate Rots Ectopaan eco eurernet ard aercapals communists & 8 January 2010 and therefer nude spit ale fr sabotage af major aitles end murder, ‘As noted in recent AetionableInelgenceSrernes, eavfonmentalt extremists and asroieted n> rei etn ed atthe Copenhagen Cla change Summ to meaurage more aeons Dy te ‘auras ride One ofthe ost explo ve cals apporety sts from Bagh o another Eropean sa aa says the ec-trrests! awn Engi tansaton) "The only eton i to make sabotage and eliminations, 1 think tt isurectonsts hve an excelent retical ght epee tne eg Gaze, akhougn they nave she heey (suas and 8b Diack). Sortsy tetra toge re rea, ny bib hy eet ney of Pea and enter pltcoty unf/uncesrable people and sre were expel 2 few thousend mes So the nt sion so eininate at, poiane, lading Sgures of corporations and repressive Geoortments 2s wel ap sabaage sytem (Freight wats, cranes at pats, tlecormunicatons eX) ‘ma ae ofan fy aera aor ol to i, ae Sm WELT aun daneness seeyone cow burns vehi tlecarmarationservlss, to Burn immigration ffi, and to buena gs station there ae no aeope around ls enough to bun gas bottle ‘joka a land to ge when Ie overeating, be scat) “Beaton ning nw mcr tay te ty af FEN as kot stbtages and we shou nee tothe nature, te same os nature nlp tous - wa should sabotage preset system ‘ether wth nutneunscenthe sree st whose of ght ans, Unscrew e scrwe at anes In Eirsjumeren ne sry ot cape tearmiaton repent orimaghe some ee) the {aches thay clam mere used“ lest 30 yors from the time af the Angry Brigade in Briain (RAP ahd Red Bgaces ao)" ‘Atotionaly, the communications recommend an anaes of the eco-actvistdemeonsttlons, ang sd pre se Sos es yas a tay made mate cance eh ‘The eco-terorts analy, however, rear "since the entre potest against climate sur of ‘Ereryting ese ls hla behavior where people use whistles and cope push them in buses and take them {eto ermparary estoy (wth buitn strape cages no tolls, Po food and weter, the uel san easy at cacy tore a so 168 arsed In ce dy), Wy wu some ge “The cear cl forthe most wlan forms af eco-terrrtn i gh noteworthy, scoring to Targeted [Rdicnle Honoring Canter anit. TAY recommends tt secutypervnnelresponsbe fr mass ‘Sant telecommsunzatins, prt ual ation, coo ake, end eter facies at have been targeted Sienassrtareinkc Assman, mererey repose and evacaton roceaure shoud be evened Paltiaans, eating tures of heavy industry, and aw enforcement offers sppear to be serous targets of Coming ecvierovat voce Noung secon instance fps tachs on ple, pomtians and Sesins leaders” neludng by erases TABce aaiyts recomend pervoelstustional awareness and ‘Sporopriate stety menses Ge implemented bots on end of Gu. (Onisinally relessed ii Januory 2010) arth Firt!Ideoloque Preparing Groundwork tor Eco-Terrorisny ‘igsingieclogue fr tne racial arth Fst ergeniatn Ros sed a cl for more extreme ations in the service ofthe envranmentaist opens, In reflective ate In an Earth Frat publeaion, am editor dared is fon that "action reports ‘eee dean mac tra Nonny. nee so cup up ace oO dood ot we ening tve to cvi Suobedience. Our preatest srategl aan should be Whether out actions [Sr eecting the tianci orto: ine of te detayers of Earth “Te Earth Fst! Journal rice goes onto advocate taking the strugol ove wild or i” t long Toads, salghter nave, col rin, sivancion bs, prgors,getention centers, border was ona Fipatses" fhe ama "Eat Hrs, the wer enthuses, shoul oe rol of te tongues four enemies Ui esse, they snows coke Upon ke 8 shbane stick inter tat, From sug in Seaiend to Hevica, fam arizona to West Vrgns thee fe resstance to that whch sling Us and Earth le () Ihe wlé'ana be feces fk Ante UB seeneenacmionsiosee ‘Tarot Actionable Honoring Center analysts bellove the call tom Earth Fst» veteran "ec actor rust, for "upping the atte’ i a lneant deveaprant may a0 be seen os a"ce down a extras reere Eusopean sge-streme and avenpiaiseconmunicatane of 8 lauaty 7010 eT farses (ed inthe Aclonobeinetgence Being ort sau 2010. the Srepean eo Sovocstes cluded exp cl for arson,

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