Henkel Norm

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6, JUNE 2017

Hankel Norm Performance of Digital Filters

Associated With Saturation
Choon Ki Ahn, Senior Member, IEEE, and Peng Shi, Fellow, IEEE

AbstractThis brief proposes a new approach to the examina- [15], [16]. Some robust stability results have been presented for
tion and reduction of the undesired memory effect of digital filters 1-D [17] and 2-D digital filters [18], [19] to tackle this problem.
joined with saturation, which is known as system ringing. A new In general, ringing is the undesired response of systems to
criterion is established to ascertain the Hankel norm performance past excitations. Ringing usually arises under several forms of
of digital filters joined with saturation. Using this criterion, it is noise signals in many electronic systems (e.g., oscillations in
possible to check the reduction of undesired responses of the filters
to past excitations. The asymptotic stability for the digital filters digital filters and controllers, gate ringing in power converters,
is ensured without external input under the proposed criterion. and input ringback in clock devices). If we do not check
Three improved criteria for the Hankel norm performance of and reduce the ringing in the system design, it may lead to
digital filters are also presented based on the diagonally dominant low performance or malfunction. In mechanical system design,
matrix approach. A numerical simulation shows the usefulness of ringing can enhance the breakdown when it is associated with
the developed method. resonance. In audio system design, ringing may result in echoes
Index TermsDigital filter, Hankel norm performance, memory before the transient status. Ringing can be regarded as a ten-
effect, saturation. dency of systems to store energy and produce undesired mem-
ory effects for external inputs. Thus, ringing can be quantified
I. I NTRODUCTION using the Hankel norm performance of systems. The Hankel
norm performance measures the undesired memory effects of
D URING the past decades, digital filters have been an impor-
tant technology in electronics engineering. Digital filters
are devices that perform mathematical operations for discrete-
past external input signals on future output signals [20][22].
This naturally raises the following question: Is there a condition
time signals to attenuate or enhance some aspects of such signals. for the Hankel norm performance of digital filters to test and
They have been widely used in many electronics applications, in- reduce the undesired memory effects? Unfortunately, there are
cluding control, communication, audio, and radar [1]. Basically, no answers to this question in the literature, although analysis
digital filters are linear time-invariant systems. However, non- of the undesired memory effects in digital filters is practically
linear phenomena, including saturation and quantization, may important. This fact motivates us to carry out this brief, and this
arise in their implementation based on fixed-point arithmetic. brief answers the question in the positive.
These undesired effects should be avoided or reduced [2][4]. In this brief, we propose a new analysis approach to the
In order to consider and handle these effects, some research has undesired memory effects of digital filters associated with
been performed to test and reduce the nonlinear phenomena saturation based on the Hankel norm performance. A novel
of digital filters [5][14]. On the other hand, high-order and Hankel norm performance criterion for digital filters associated
large-scale digital filters are usually divided into low-order and with saturation is obtained via the linear matrix inequality
small-scale filters when they are implemented with hardware (LMI) approach. The presented criterion can test and attenuate
and software techniques. This situation results in the existence the undesired memory effects of past external inputs on future
of mutual interferences between the low-order and small-scale outputs in digital filters. In addition, three improved criteria for
filters. This may cause poor performance or even divergence the Hankel norm performance of digital filters are discussed
using the diagonally dominant matrix approach. The obtained
criteria also ensure the asymptotic stability result of digital
Manuscript received May 19, 2016; revised July 19, 2016; accepted filters without external input. The results presented in this brief
August 5, 2016. Date of publication August 16, 2016; date of current version are the first results on the memory effect analysis and the
May 26, 2017. This work was supported in part by the National Research reduction for digital filters.
Foundation (NRF) of Korea through the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Fu-
ture Planning under Grant NRF-2014R1A1A1006101, in part by the Energy
This brief is organized as follows. Section II examines a
Efficiency & Resources Core Technology Program of the Korea Institute condition for the Hankel norm performance of digital filters
of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP), granted financial jointed with saturation. Improved criteria are also discussed.
resource from the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, Republic of Korea Section III provides a numerical simulation. The conclusion is
(No. 20142010102390), and in part by the National Nature Science Foundation given in Section IV.
of China under Grant 61573112 and Grant U1509217. This brief was recom-
mended by Associate Editor L.-P. Chau. (Corresponding author: Choon Ki Ahn.)
C. K. Ahn is with the School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, II. M EMORY E FFECT A NALYSIS OF D IGITAL F ILTERS
Seoul 136-701, Korea (e-mail: hironaka@korea.ac.kr).
P. Shi is with the College of Automation, Harbin Engineering University, Let us consider the following digital filter represented by a
Harbin 150001, China; with the School of Electrical and Electronic En- statespace form:
gineering, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia; and also
with the College of Engineering and Science, Victoria University, Melbourne,
VIC 8001, Australia (e-mail: peng.shi@adelaide.edu.au).
x(r + 1) = f (y(r)) + u(r) (1)
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this brief are available online y(r) = Ax(r) + u(r) (2)
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSII.2016.2600499 z(r) = Hx(r) (3)

1549-7747 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

where x(r) = [x1 (r) x2 (r) xn (r)]T Rn is the state where V (x(r))  V (x(r + 1)) V (x(r)), W (x(r)) 
variable, y(r) = [y1 (r) y2 (r) yn (r)]T Rn is the W(x(r+1))W(x(r)), V (x(r)) = xT (r)Qx(r), and W (x(r)) =
output variable, z(r) = [z1 (r) z2 (r) zm (r)]T Rm xT (r)Rx(r). Define (r)  [x(r) f (y(r))]T and (r) 
is a linear combination vector of the state, u(r) = [(r) u(r)]T . Then, J1 (r) satisfies J1 (r) = T (r)1 (r).
[u1 (r) u2 (r) un (r)]T Rn is the external input or dis- 1 < 0 implies J1 (r) < 0. This leads to V (x(r))
turbance, f (y(r)) = [f1 (y1 (r)) f2 (y2 (r)) fn (yn (r))]T 2 uT (r)u(r) < 1 (1 , r) 0. Under the zero initial condi-
Rn is a nonlinear function vector representing the saturation, tion, summing both sides of this inequality from r = 0 to r =
A Rnn is the coefficient of the filter, and H Rmn is T 1 gives
a constant matrix. Throughout this brief,  is denoted by a

T 1 
T 1
block deduced using the symmetry of a matrix. In this brief, 2
we employ the output saturation nonlinearities, i.e., V (x(T )) = V (x(r)) < uT (r)u(r). (12)
r=0 r=0

1, if yi (r) > 1
fi (yi (r)) = yi (r), if 1 yi (r) 1 (4) On the other hand, J2 (r) satisfies J2 (r) = T (r)2 (r), con-

sidering u(r) = 0, r T . If 2 < 0, we obtain J2 (r) < 0.
1, if yi (r) < 1 This results in W (x(r)) + z T (r)z(r) < 1 (2 , r) 0. Sum-
where i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Given a scalar level > 0 and a time ming both sides of this relation from r = T to r = gives
T > 0, the objective is to find a novel criterion satisfying

0 W (x()) < W (x(T )) z T (r)z(r). (13)

T 1
T 2 T r=T
z (r)z(r) < u (r)u(r) (5)
r=T r=0 Using (12) and (13), the condition R < Q implies

T 1
under the zero initial condition. Then, the digital filter is said
to have the Hankel norm performance if condition (5) is z T (r)z(r) < W (x(T )) < V (x(T )) < 2 uT (r)u(r)
r=T r=0
satisfied. Performance (5) can be interpreted as a measure for
the effects of past inputs (the memory of the digital filter) on
the future states. which shows the Hankel norm performance. This completes the
Now, we find a new Hankel norm performance criterion for proof. 
filter (1)(3). Remark 1: From (10), we obtain V (x(r)) < 1 (1 , r) 0
Theorem 1: Given a scalar level > 0, we assume that there for u(r) = 0 in view of condition (4). The Lyapunov stability
exist two matrices 0 < Q = QT Rnn and 0 < R = RT guarantees x(r) 0 as r . Thus, the proposed criterion
Rnn and two scalars 1 > 0 and 2 > 0 such that ensures the asymptotic stability result for the digital filter
(1)(3) without external input.
1 < 0, 2 < 0, R < Q (6) Remark 2: The H performance is represented by

z T (r)z(r) < 2 uT (r)u(r)
1 (1, 1)   r=0 r=0
1 = 0 1 (2, 2)  (7)
which considers the effects of all the inputs on all the states
1 (3, 1) Q 1 (3, 3) on the nonnegative time interval [0, ) [23][26]. Therefore,

2 (1, 1)  it cannot consider and measure the memory effects of digital
2 =
0 2 (2, 2) filters correctly.
The criterion presented in Theorem 1 may be conservative
1 (1, 1) = 1 AT A Q, 1 (2, 2) = Q 1 I
because of two scalars, i.e., 1 and 2 . In the next result, we
1 (3, 1) = 1 A, 1 (3, 3) = Q + 1 I 2 I present an improved condition for the Hankel norm perfor-
2 (1, 1) = 2 AT A + H T H R, 2 (2, 2) = R 2 I. (8) mance of filter (1)(3) with the introduction of the diagonally
dominant matrix approach.
Then, the digital filter (1)(3) has the Hankel norm perfor- Theorem 2: Given a scalar level > 0, we assume that there
mance . exist matrices 0 < Q = QT Rnn , 0 < R = RT Rnn ,
(1) (2)
Proof: Define 0 < P (1) = [Pst ] Rnn , 0 < P (2) = [Pst ] Rnn , 0 <
T (1) T
S (1) = S (1) = [Sst ] Rnn , 0 < S (2) = S (2) = [Sst ]

1 (, r)  f T (y(r)) f (y(r)) (1) (2)

Rnn , L(1) = [Lst ] Rnn , and L(2) = [Lst ] Rnn , such that

[Ax(r) + u(r)]T [Ax(r) + u(r)] . (9) 1 < 0, 2 < 0, R < Q (15)

Then, condition (4) implies 1 (, r) 0 for any > 0. For L(1)

ss > 0, s = 1, 2, . . . , n (16)
1 > 0 and 2 > 0, we introduce the following two new functions: (1) (1)
Lst = L(1)
ss st , s, t = 1, 2, . . . , n, (s = t) (17)
J1 (r)  V (x(r)) u (r)u(r) 1 (1 , r)
2 T
(10)  (1) 
1 st  , s = 1, 2, . . . , n (18)
J2 (r)  W (x(r)) + z (r)z(r) 1 (2 , r)
(11) t=1,t=s

L(2) for k = 1, 2, where s = 1, 2, . . . , n. This shows that the ma-

ss > 0, s = 1, 2, . . . , n (19)
(2) (2)
trices P (1) and P (2) are diagonally dominant. Recalling that
ss st , s, t = 1, 2, . . . , n, (s = t)
Lst = L(2) (20) (4) is associated, and P (k) is diagonally dominant, we can
n obtain f T (y(r))P (k) f (y(r)) y T (r)P (k) y(r) for k = 1, 2,
1 st  , s = 1, 2, . . . , n (21) which implies 2 (P (1) , r) 0 and 2 (P (2) , r) 0 for all
t=1,t=s matrices P (1) and P (2) satisfying (22)(27). Now, we introduce
n   the following two new functions:
(1) (1)
Pss Pst + 2Sst , s = 1, 2, . . . , n (22)
t=1,t=s J1 (r)  V (x(r)) 2 uT (r)u(r) (L(1) , r)
Sst 0, s, t = 1, 2, . . . , n, (s = t) (23) 2 (P (1) , r) (33)
(1) (1)
Pst + Sst 0, s, t = 1, 2, . . . , n, (s = t) (24) J2 (r)  W (x(r)) + z (r)z(r) (L
T (2)
, r)
(2) (2)
Pss Pst + 2Sst , s = 1, 2, . . . , n (25) 2 (P (2)
, r). (34)
Sst 0, s, t = 1, 2, . . . , n, (s = t) (26) They satisfy J1 (r) = T (r)1 (r) and J2 (r) = T (r)2 (r).
(2) (2)
Thus, 1 < 0 and 2 < 0 imply J1 (r) < 0 and J2 (r) < 0.
Pst + Sst 0, s, t = 1, 2, . . . , n (s = t) (27) They result in
where V (x(r)) 2 uT (r)u(r) < L(1) , r +2 P (1) , r 0
1 (1, 1)  
W (x(r)) + z T (r)z(r) < L(2) , r +2 P (2) , r 0.

1 = L(1) A
1 (2, 2)  (28)
P (1) A Q + L(1) 1 (3, 3) Using the proof in Theorem 1, we can show the Hankel norm
performance. This completes the proof. 
2 (1, 1) 
2 = T In Theorem 2, the diagonally dominant matrix approach was
L(2) A 2 (2, 2) utilized to reduce the potential conservatism. However, the
condition presented in Theorem 2 is not an LMI because of
1 (1, 1) = AT P (1) A Q (16)(21). Thus, a computationally efficient LMI-based method
T cannot be used to check the feasibility of the criterion. In
1 (2, 2) = Q L(1) L(1) P (1) addition, if n is large, then it is difficult to select the matrix L.
1 (3, 3) = Q 2 I + P (1) Now, we choose L(k) = L(k) = N (k) in Theorem 2 for k = 1, 2,
where N is a row diagonally dominant matrix. Then, the
2 (1, 1) = AT P (2) A + H T H R following LMI-based criterion is obtained.
Corollary 1: Given a scalar level > 0, we assume that there
2 (2, 2) = R L(2) L(2) P (2) .
(29) exist matrices 0 < Q = QT Rnn , 0 < R = RT Rnn ,
(1) (2)
0 < P (1) = [Pst ] Rnn , 0 < P (2) = [Pst ] Rnn , 0 < S (1) =
T (1) T (2)
Then, the digital filter (1)(3) has the Hankel norm perfor- S (1) = [Sst ] Rnn , 0 < S (2) = S (2) = [Sst ] Rnn ,
T (1) T
mance . 0 < N (1) = N (1) = [Nst ] Rnn , 0 < N (2) = N (2) =
Proof: Introduce the following two new functions: (2) T (1)
[Nst ] Rnn , S(1) = S(1) = [Sst ] Rnn , and S(2) =
T (2)
(L, r)  [y(r) f (y(r))]T Lf (y(r)) S(2) = [Sst ] Rnn , such that (22)(27), i.e.,

f T (y(r)) LT [y(r) f (y(r))] (30) 1 < 0, 2 < 0, R < Q (35)

2 (P, r) f T (y(r)) P f (y(r)) 

(1) (1)
Nss Nst + 2Sst , s = 1, 2, . . . , n (36)
[Ax(r) + u(r)]T P [Ax(r) + u(r)] . (31) t=1,t=s

Condition (4) implies (L(1) , r) 0 and (L(2) , r) 0 for all Sst 0, s, t = 1, 2, . . . , n, (s = t) (37)
matrices L(1) and L(2) satisfying (16)(21). Note that (L, r) (1) (1)
is represented by Nst + Sst 0, s, t = 1, 2, . . . , n, (s = t) (38)

(L, r) = [Ax(r) + u(r) f (y(r))]T Lf (y(r)) (2)
Nst + 2Sst
, s = 1, 2, . . . , n (39)
f (y(r)) L [Ax(r) + u(r) f (y(r))] . (32)

 Sst 0, s, t = 1, 2, . . . , n, (s = t) (40)
(k) (k) (k)
Conditions (22)(27) imply Pss nt=1,t=s (|Pst + Sst | +
(k)  (k) (2) (2)
Nst + Sst 0, s, t = 1, 2, . . . , n (s = t) (41)
| Sst |) nt=1,t=s |Pst | using the triangular inequality


1 (1, 1)  
1 = N (1) A 1 (2, 2)  (42)
P (1) A Q + N (1) 1 (3, 3)

2 (1, 1) 
2 =
N (2) A 2 (2, 2)
1 (1, 1) = AT P (1) A Q
1 (2, 2) = Q 2N (1) P (1)
1 (3, 3) = Q 2 I + P (1)
2 (1, 1) = AT P (2) A + H T H R
2 (2, 2) = R 2N (2) P (2) . (43)

Then, the digital filter (1)(3) has the Hankel norm perfor-
mance . Fig. 1. First component of z(r).
Remark 3: If (36)(41) are satisfied, we obtain

n   1 (1, 1) = AT P (1) A Q
 (k) (k)   (k)   (k) 
Nss Nst + Sst  + Sst  Nst  T
1 (2, 2) = Q F(1) F(1) P (1)
t=1,t=s t=1,t=s
1 (3, 3) = Q 2 I + P (1)
using the triangular inequality for k = 1, 2, where s = 1, 2,
2 (1, 1) = AT P (2) A + H T H R
. . . , n. This shows that matrix N (k) is a row diagonally domi-
nant matrix. 2 (2, 2) = R F(2) F(2) P (2) (50)
Now, we introduce matrices F(k) for k = 1, 2, which are
defined as and F(1) and F(2) are defined in (44)(47). Then, the digital
  filter (1)(3) has the Hankel norm performance .
F(k)  Fst Rnn (44) Remark 4: In [27][29], the asymptotic stability of digital fil-

n   ters joined with the saturation arithmetic was studied. However,
(k) (k) these works do not consider the effects of external disturbances
ss = st + st , s = 1, 2, . . . , n (45)
t=1,t=s or inputs on digital filters in spite of the existence of mutual
(k) (k) (k) interferences or external disturbances between the digital filters
Fst = st st s, t = 1, 2, . . . , n, (s = t) (46) in the hardware or software implementation. In contrast to these
st > 0,
st > 0, s, t = 1, 2, . . . , n (s = t). (47) results, this brief considers the effects of external input and tests
the undesired memory effect of digital filters for external input.
F(k) are row diagonally dominant matrices, where the diagonal
elements are positive. Choose L(k) = F(k) in Theorem 2, where III. N UMERICAL E XAMPLE
k = 1, 2. Then, the following LMI-based criterion is obtained. Consider a digital filter of the form (1)(3), where the system
Corollary 2: Given a scalar level > 0, we assume that matrices are given by
(1) (1) (2) (2)
there exist scalars st > 0, st > 0, st > 0, st > 0, s,
t = 1, 2, . . . , n (s = t); and matrices 0 < Q = QT Rnn , 0.3 0.5 0.1 0
A= , H= . (51)
(1) 0.15 0.3 0 0.2
0 < R = RT Rnn , 0 < P (1) = [Pst ] Rnn , 0 < P (2) =
(2) T (1)
[Pst ] Rnn , 0 < S (1) = S (1) = [Sst ] Rnn , and 0 < Let the Hankel norm performance be = 0.38. The criterion in
T (2) Corollary 1 is feasible using MATLAB. According to Corollary1,
S (2) = S (2) = [Sst ] Rnn such that (22)(27), i.e.,
the digital filter has the guaranteed Hankel norm performance
1 < 0, 2 < 0, R < Q (48) = 0.38. Let T = 50. Now, we apply the external input on the
time interval [0, 49] and do not apply it outside this time
where interval. Figs. 1 and 2 show the first and second components
of z(r), respectively, when the external input is given by

1 (1, 1)   u(r) = 0.1[sin(0.5r) cos(r)]T for 0 r < 50 and u(r) =
T [0 0]T for r 50 under the zero initial condition. The z(r) for
1 = F(1) A 1 (2, 2)  (49)
r 50 represents the memory effect of the digital filter for the
P (1) A Q + F(1) 1 (3, 3) applied external input. Then, we obtain
2 (1, 1)  100
2 = z T (r)z(r)
T r=50 = 0.0548 (52)
F(2) A 2 (2, 2) 49 T
r=0 u (r)u(r)

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