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This is to certify that KRISHNAPRIYA P of class XII B has satisfactorily completed the project prescribed by
Central Board of secondary Education forAISSCE course for the school in he year 2017-18.

Signature of the Principal

Signature of the Teacher in charge

Signature of external examiner



The succesful completion of this task would not be possible without the mention of those people whose
contribution where priceless.

I would like to share my sincere gratitude to my biology techer Mrs Sreekala who gave me the golden
oppurtunity to do this project and respected Principal Sri A chentamarakshan Sir for his unflinching support .

I would also like to thank our lab attendee Mrs Meera for her untiring support. Also I would like to thank my
parents,friends and the Omnipresent for making this project a success.


To study the effects of avenue trees on temperature under canopay and outside .



1 introduction

2 Materials required

3 Procedure

4 Observation

5 Conclusion

6 Precautions

7 Bibiliography



Avenue trees are the trees which are grown on roadside . They provide cool air and shade to the passengers.
Avenue trees keep the air fresh,prevent soil erosion and reduce noise and thermal pollution .The greenery of
the avenue trees makes the area attractive and provide aesthetic beauty . Different types of animals get food
and shelter from avenue trees .

Some of the common avenue trees cultivated in our country are Cassia fistula ,Dalbergio sisso (shisham)
,Azadirachta indica (Neem) ,Acacia arebica (kikar), Albizia lebbeck (Siris ) Eugenia jambolana
(Jamun ),Eucalyptus etc.The tree transpires and imparts shade thus lowers the temperature.


1 An area with avenue trees

2 Thermometers

3 Beakers

4 Water

5 Pen

6 Record notebook



1 Find out an area with sufficient trees and area without trees.

2 Take 3 beaker 3/4 th fiilled with water . Put one thermometer in each of them.

3 Place one beaker under the avenue tree, second beaker near the avenue tree in the open and the third in the
area without trees

4 Record the temperature of the trees in the morning , noon and evening and record the data in the
observatioon table .




The area which is without trees has maximum temperature .The area nearby avenue trees shows comparatively
low temperature while the area under the avenue tree exhibit the lowest temperature .THe low temperature is
due to shade and loss of water vapours through transpiration .



1 Handle the thermometers with care to avoid breakage

2 Do not touch the bulb part of the thermometer while taking the reading

3 Do not keep the thermometer in water continuously



2 Comprehensive Laboratory manual in Biology XII by Laxmi Publications .

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