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Title Page

The Influences Of Motivation On Exim Bank Limited Performance

iii. Acknowledgement

At the very beginning, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to almighty God for giving
me the strength and opportunity to finish the report within the schedule time.

I am also grateful to my Lecturer Sharmin Akter Disha, Southeast University Business School,
for his motivating inspiration, kind direction, valuable suggestions and advices during this report.

I express my sincere gratitude to All my group members for their cordial attitude and extending
help which enabled me to prepare this report properly.

iv. Executive Summary

EXIM Bank Ltd. was incorporated as a public Limited company on the 2nd June 1999 under
Company Act 1994. The Bank started commercial banking operations effective from 3rd august
1999. It obtained permission from Bangladesh Bank on First July 2004 to commence its
business. The Bank carries banking activities through its 83 branches in the country. The
commercial banking activities of the bank encompasses a wide range of services including
mobilizing deposits, providing investment facilities, discounting bills, conducting money transfer
and foreign exchange transactions, and performing other related services such as safe keeping,
collections and issuing guarantees, acceptances and letter of credit.

The report will mainly focus on Investment process manual and Ratio Analysis of Export
Import Bank of Bangladesh LTD. which consists of Chapter one-Introduction, chapter two
Organizational Part, Chapter three- Body of the report, Chapter four-SWOT analysis, Ratio
Analysis and Conclusion.

Here I discussed about the Investment process manual and Ratio analysis of EXIM Bank LTD.
To discuss this I have also given information about the vision, mission, goal, objectives, core
values and all related information of EXIM Bank LTD.

Customers of the bank are moderately satisfied to the service of the bank; employees of the
organization try their best to support the customer.

Chapter One: Introductory Part

v. Table of Content

Chapter One : Introductory Part

1.1Rational Of the study

The success of any organization depends on the ability of managers to provide a motivating
environment for its employees. Motivated employees are more productive, happier, and stay with
the organization longer. One of the primary tasks a manager faces is to find out what motivates
their staff. By understanding employee needs, managers can understand what rewards to use to
motivate them. The challenge of motivating employees has long been recognized as an integral
part of managing leisure-service organizations. The aim of this study was to establish the effects
of employee motivation on the performance of commercial banks in Bangladesh. The research
design employed in this study was descriptive survey method where the target population of this
study was all the employees in Exim Bank Limited.
The study revealed that, motivated employees help organizations to perform well since they are
more productive. To be effective, managers need to understand what motivates employees within
the context of the roles they perform. Of all the functions a manager performs, motivating
employees is arguably the most complex. This is due, in part, to the fact that what motivates
employees' changes constantly. Towards this end, the researcher recommends that, organizations
should try to avoid generational differences among employees in their respective company since
this affects affect their motivation to a great extent. Since monetary factors affect the level of
motivation of the workers to a great extent while an increase in pay would make employees
perform better and be more motivated, organizations should consider.

1.2Objective of the study
The general objective of the study is to investigate the place of motivation in increasing
organizational productivity among manufacturing firms in Exim Bank Bangladesh. The specific
objectives are:
1. To examine the effect of employees motivation on organizational performance
2. To determine the factors that increase motivation of employees in an organization
3. To examine the relationship between employee motivation and organizational performance or
firm growth.

1.3 Scope Of the Study

Scope of this study is limited to the management staff of Exim bank Limited. The nature of the
study precludes the staff of manufacturing firms who are not expected to be involved in
management decision making process of the study group. Issues for investigation are ones
related to the use of the resource-based theory in taking competitive advantage, improving
performance and structural development of the organization.

1.4 Limitations of the Study

The officers were very co-operative but they were extremely busy so there might be some
lacking in collecting information. Moreover they have to deal in a very competitive environment
based on money related activities. I had to prepare this report alone. Every task has some
limitations. I faced some usual constraints during the course of my internship. These are as
Shortage of time:
I had to complete this report within a short period of time. So the time constraint of the study
hindering the course of vast area and time for preparing a report within the mentioned period is
really difficult.
Busy working environment:
The officials had limited time to provide information because of their huge routine work.
Insufficient data:
Some desired information could not be collected due to confidentially of business

Chapter two: Report Part
1.1 History and Background
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited was established in the year 1999 under the
leadership of Late Mr. Shahjahan Kabir, Founder Chairman who had a long dream of
floating a commercial bank which would contribute to the socio-economic development
of our country. He had a long experience as a good banker. A group of highly qualified
and successful entrepreneurs joined their hands with the founder chairman to
materialize his dream. Indeed, all of them proved themselves in their respective
business as most successful star with their endeavor, intelligence, hard working and
talent entrepreneurship. Among them, Mr. Nazrul Islam Mazumder who is an
illuminated business tycon in the Garments business in Bangladesh became the
Honorable Chairman after the demise of the honorable founder chairman. He is also the
chairman of Bangladesh Association of Banks (BAB). Under his leadership, BAB has
emerged as an effective forum for exchanging views on problems being faced by the
banking sector of Bangladesh and for formulating common policy guidelines in addressing such

The Bank starts functioning from 3rd August, 1999 with its name as Bengal Export
Import Bank Limited. On 16th November 1999, it was renamed as Export Import Bank of
Bangladesh Limited with Mr. Alamgir Kabir as the Founder Advisor and Mr. Mohammad
Lakiotullah as the Founder Managing Director respectively. Both of them have long
experience in the financial sector of our country. By their pragmatic decision and
management directives in the operational activities, this bank has earned a secured and
distinctive position in the banking industry in terms of performance, growth, and
excellent management. Under the leadership of Mr. Lakiotullah, the Bank has migrated
all of its conventional banking operation into Shariah Based Islami Banking in the year

In the year 2006, Mr. Kazi Masihur Rahman became the Managing Director of the bank when
Mr. Lakiotullah left the bank after completion of his successful 7 years as MD. Mr. Kazi served in
the bank for next five years. Under his leadership, the bank has been placed on a state of the
art centralized IT platform with two modern data centers where world renowned core banking
software TEMENOS T24 is running along with some alternate delivery channels like ATMs and
SMS banking.

On 25th August, 2011, Mr. Md. Fariduddin Ahmed has joined in the bank as Managing Director.
With his long banking experience, EXIM Bank become fully compliant Bank with adequate
capital and good asset quality. After retirement from Managing Director, he has been
continuing his service for EXIM Bank as Advisor since 27th July 2012.

Dr. Mohammed Haider Ali Miah succeeded Mr. Fariduddin Ahmed on July 25, 2012 and has
created a new dimension in EXIM history becoming the first ever in-house Managing director
and CEO of the Bank. Under his far-sighted leadership, EXIM Bank has not only achieved
uppermost level of performance in almost each arena of its activities but also gained
confidence to place itself as one of the dynamic banks through delivering transparent and
standard banking services to the customers in a compliant manner.

1.2 Ownership Structure and hierarchy
Board of Directors


Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam



Mr. Md. Abdul Mannan


Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Swapan Mr. Mohammad Abdullah Mrs. Nasreen Islam

Mr. Mohammed Shahidullah Al-haj Md. Nurul Amin Mr. Anjan Kumar Saha

Mr. Md. Habib Ullah Dawn Major Khandaker Nurul Afser



Lt. Col. (Retd) Serajul Islam Mr. Ranjan Chowdhury Khandakar Mohammed Saiful
BP (BAR) Alam

Mr. Muhammad Sekandar

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Dr. Mohammed Haider Ali


Executive Committee


Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam



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Mr. Md. Abdul Mannan


Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Swapan Mr. Mohammad Abdullah Mr. Mohammed Shahidullah

Lt. Col. (Retd) Serajul Islam Mr. Khandakar Mohammed

BP (BAR) Saiful Alam

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Ownership Hierarchy:

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1.3 Functions Of EximBank

General Banking is the heart of Banking. Here money collection procedure occurs. Other
services, like cherub encashment, account transfer; account closing, bills and remittance are
provided here. So general banking section is the life blood in banking service. General banking
activities of Exim bank includes the following:

Mobilization of deposits
Receipts and payment of cash
Handling transfer transaction
Operations of clearing house
Maintenance of accounts with Bangladesh bank and other Banks.
Collection of cherubs and bills
Issue and payment of Demand Draft, Telegraphic transfer and Payment Order.
Executing customers standing instructions.
Maintenance of safe deposit lockers
Maintenance of internal accounts of the bank.

While doing all the above noted work exim bank issue cherub-book, Deposit account operating
form, cherub book, ledgers, cash books Deposit account ledgers, preparation statements of
accounts and pass book, balance different accounts and calculates profits.

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1.4 Vision, Mission, Goals and Objective of Exim Bank
Vision: The gist of our vision is Together Towards Tomorrow. Export Import Bank of

Bangladesh Limited believes in togetherness with its customers, in its march on the road to
growth and progress with service. To achieve the desired goal, there will be pursuit of
excellence at all stages with climate of continuous improvement, because, in Exim Bank, we
believe, the line of excellence is never ending. Banks strategic plans and networking will
strengthen its competitive edge over others in rapidly changing competitive environment. Its
personalized quality services to the customers with trend of constant improvement will be the
cornerstone to achieve our operational success.

The Banks mission gives emphasis to:

Provide quality financial services especially in Foreign Trade

Continue a contemporary technology based professional banking environment

Maintain corporate & business ethics and transparency at all levels

Sound Capital Base

Ensure sustainable growth and establish full value to the honorable stakeholders

Fulfill its social commitments and

Above all, to add positive contribution to the national economy

The main objectives of the Export-Import Bank (EXIM Bank) are to:

(i) ensure an integrated and coordinated approach to solving the problems of exporters
(ii) provide special attention to capital goods export and export of technical services
(iii) tap domestic and overseas markets for resources, undertake development and finance activities in the areas of
(iv) provide financial assistance to the exporters and importers and act as the principal financial institution for

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coordinating the working of other institutions engaged in financing exports and imports.
(v) provide refinance facilities to commercial banks and financial institutions against their export-import financing

Chapter Three : The influence on motivation on organizational performance

Motivated employees are inclined to be more productive than non-motivated employees. Most
businesses make some pains to motivate workers but this is normally easier said than done.
Employees are all individuals with different likes dislikes and needs, and different things will
motivate each.

1. Motivated Employees Are More Productive

If employee will satisfied and happy then he/she will do his /her work in a very impressive way, and
then the result will be good, on the other hand motivated employee will motivate other employees in office.

2. Decision-making and practical Expectations

It is important to engage employees in the decision-making process, but create realistic expectations in
the process.

3. Job Description, Work Environment and Flexibility

Employee doing the right job for his personality and skill set, and performing well at the job greatly increases
employee motivation and satisfaction. A safe and non-threatening work environment is necessary
to maintain a high level of employee motivation. Flexible human resource policies, flexible time, work
from home, childcare also be liable to have happier and more motivated workers.

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4. Pay and Benefits
Keeping employees motivated with good benefits is easy. Where to draw the line at generous benefits
that motivate all employees, versus raises and larger salaries to retain and attract the best workers
and keep them happy and motivated to be working for you, are more difficult. .

5. Company Culture
Creating a positive and employee-friendly company culture is a great motivational tool.

6. Job Security:

Job security is identified as the second important factor that enhances employee motivation
is the Organization. Job security is one of the major concerns of employees in this sector now a
days since huge retrenchment has been seen recently. It is a safety factor, according to Maslow.
In the age of downsizing, employees are always in a fear about their job security. If there is lack
of job security, job dissatisfaction will occur. But if it is present in the workplace it will prevent
job dissatisfaction but do not lead to satisfaction.

Chapter Three: SWOT Analysis

The method of recruitment should be improved.
Select the right person for the right job.
Promotion policy should be improved
Management should check the performance of their employees time to time.
Overall work environment should also be improved
Reduce employee turn overrate

Inadequate physical presence
Work Load
Not long years of presence in this country

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Too much regulated by the regional authorities
Cheaper source to fund asset growth
Growing need for alternate banking channel e.g. ATMs
Growing upper middle class and upper class population
New innovative products (already tested in other markets) can be brought to
Overall improvement in the banking sector
Unexplored Global Relationship Banking/ Top Tier Local Corporate market for credit and
non-credit products
Underexplored MFI and NBFI sectors
Increased competition from private banks
Slowdown of global economy
Weak legal structure
Governmental encouragement and approval towards setting up new private

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Chapter Four: Conclusion And Recommendation

4.1 Recommendation

Private employees is of job security. So, private banks must provide an element of security to
employees. Banks can provide security in terms of conditions that until employee will fulfill
these conditions; his/her job will remain secure.

Other important cause of dissatisfaction among private employees is their relationship with
supervisors. Supervisors must have a fair relationship with their employees to keep them
satisfied. It has been found that employees of private sector banks were less satisfied with their
jobs compared to employees of public sector banks. To increase their satisfaction, private
sector banks need to improve job security. Layoff threats are one of the greatest blows to
employee loyalty, even among those whose jobs are not immediately at risk.

Long tenure of working in organizations increases the job satisfaction of employees. the Indian
middle class is very protective towards family members, so private sector banks must launch
special schemes to safeguard the interests of family members of employees. This may be
education facilities for children, pension schemes for employees, accommodation for
employees, gratuity, and other retirement benefits.

4.2 Conclusion:

An extensive review of the topic "Study of the level of job satisfaction among job
work assignees" it was found that the most important factors conducive to job satisfaction
arethe motivational factors: -
Rewards or Payment,
Supportive working environment and
The work itself.
Working hours
Clean and hygienic working place.

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It was also found that the primary source of job satisfaction among Job Work
assigneeswas the sense of achievement experienced by them while on the job.However, in the
same study feelings of dissatisfaction were found to be stemming fromthe work itself. The
same and the work that was repetitive in nature and not apt accordingto the qualification of
some of the employees were seen also some of the major factors leading to
dissatisfaction were:-" Low payment Job tenure (3 months) leading to job insecurity among the
Job Work Assigneesmind the various factors leading to the job satisfaction and by enhancing
the profile of job.Employees tend to prefer jobs that give them opportunities to use their skills
andabilities and offers freedom and feedback. They want pay system and promotion
policiesthat they perceive as being just and ambiguous and in line with their expectations.
When pay is seen as fair that is based on job and individual skills, satisfaction is likely to
result.Employees are also concerned with their work environment for both personalas well as
professional life.So finally it is concluded that the level of job satisfaction is there but need
to be increasedand maintained.

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Robbins Stephen P, Organizational Behavior

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