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12th Graders

The Perks of being a Wallflower

Grade: Date:

Post-Movie Activity

1. What exactly are The perks of being a wallflower? (5 lines)

A "wallflower" is a person -usually in high school- to whom nobody pays attention and fades
in the background, and that nobody really knows. This allows them to see and hear
everything without others noticing and get to know the real people under the appearances
they project. Theyre quiet, introverted and respectful causing confidence in others. Theyre
usually interesting and valuable persons because they know the good and the bad of
human beings and therefore theyre good listener without judging or criticizing people.
2.- What does the teacher Bill mean by We accept the love we think we deserve,
and how does Charlie apply this quotation to his own life? (8 lines)
With the phrase "We accept the love we think we deserve," he means that people dont
dare to express their interest to people who think they're better than them and instead, only
dare to express their love for those who feel theyre same or worse to them. In other words,
who feels flawed or uninteresting he never aspires to the love of a person who seems
perfect for fear of rejection or believe they cant fulfill the expectations of that person.
Charlie applies this phrase to his life by not invite Sam to an appointment and not declare
his love and interest in her. He thinks he cant make her happy because he thinks hes not
at her height, not only by age but by his introversion and psychological problems. He
doesnt aspire to have a romantic love with her in real life and therefore accepts -
resignedly- be Mary Elizabeths boyfriend.
3.- Would you be friends with Charlie? Why or why not? (5 lines)
I think yes, I would be his friend because Charlie, despite having flaws like everyone, has
several qualities that I value very much like to be loyal, not be prejudiced by the physical

appearance of others, be respectful, not be given to invent rumors and be reliable. These
and other traits of his personality make me think that he could be my friend -perhaps not a
"best friend" because we dont share the same interests- but I would count him among my
4.- What do you think about (Susan) Candaces relationship with her boyfriend?
What would you do as a brother or sister? (8 lines)
I think there was something wrong in that relationship from the beginning. I think they not
understood each other. Candace tried to make him the person she wanted. Its reflected as
in the scene where she snatches him a disposable cutlery by others made of metal, as in
the scene in which she accuses him of being a "mom's boy". A situation in which her
boyfriend Derek loses control, exploding emotionally and ends up hitting her. Since then
the relationship is headed for failure.
I have no sister (brothers only) but I am convinced that if I see any man beat my sister, she
could not stop me in return the blows, despite the scandal that could be generated, and I
would have him kicked out of the house. Perhaps the next day, more quietly, I had talked to
my sister and I had met up with her boyfriend to understand if this was something usual or
not and decide what to do about it. It's clear that in no case I had acted as Charlie did.
5.- What is the influence of Charlies friends in his life? Describe one friend. (8 lines)
Charlie's friends have a great influence on his life. But they have both positive and negative
influence. As Charlie is younger than them (hes freshman and theyre seniors), hes
exposed to unfamiliar situations, which hes not ready yet. An example of this is the naive
way hes drugged for the first time or when hes seen taking LSD voluntarily and ends in the
hospital after collapsing in the snow. But despite this, his friends also impel him to be
better. Sam supports and drives him to follow his dream of being a writer (she gave him a
typewriter). Sam is empathetic with him and integrates him into her group of friends. She
gives him confidence. She valued his intelligence and agrees to help her study for exams.
Its this selfless appreciation what makes Charlie happy and makes him overcome his
shyness at school.
6.- Did Mary Elizabeth deserve to be cheated on right in front of her eyes (the truth
and dare game)? (5 lines)
No, she didnt deserve to be cheated that way for two reasons. The first is that no person in
a relationship deserves that, much less if shes been faithful. The second reason is that
besides having grown to become "a couple", Charlie and she were friends from before. For
this reason he should be more honest with Mary Elizabeth and tell her his true feelings and
not reach a situation in which practically he threw them to her face, publicly and without any
7.- With what character from the movie do you feel more represented? Choose one.
(8 lines)

I think I feel more represented with the character of Chris, Charlies older brother, because
like him I have two younger brothers who are also at a different stage of life. Theyre
starting their student life (1st and 3rd grade), while I'm at a stage where I have to think more
seriously about my professional future. In the same way that Chris is already starting his
future in a football team at his University as her sister Candace and Charlie are still in high
school. In addition, Chris tries to provide support and understanding to his brother Charlie,
like I do with my brothers. Both we feel the responsibility of being a "big brother" and
assume this with affection and seriousness, as its seen in the brief appearances of Chris in
the film.

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