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ild orses resent on of BLM
There s room on the ran e for wild horses and burros. onflicts can be resolved on the
small amount of public land that wild horses and livestoc share.


245 Million



100,000,000 155 Million



27 Million
BLM public lands

BLM lands permitted for livestock

BLM lands permitted for wild horses & burros
The costs of the BLM Wild Horse and Burro program Is grossly inflating holding costs for horses. The
have doubled since 2009, from $40 million to nearly cost estimate of $50,000 per unadopted horse is
$80 million in Fiscal Year 2016. Everyone from the grossly inflated and based on a horse spending 27
Government Accountability Office to the Interior years in the most expensive short-term holding a
Department Inspector General, the National Academy scenario that just doesnt occur for any horse.
of Sciences and the BLM itself agrees that the program
is unsustainable, and yet it continues on a collision
course with fiscal disaster. The BLM

Lacks a " strategic plan to manage wild horse and

burro populations " (Office of Inspector General
[OIG], 2016) population growth rates for horses left on the range.

Wastes millions by storing horses in the most

expensive short term holding instead of moving them
into available pasture space in less expensive long
term holding facilities. (OIG, 2016)

Is overpaying on its prison training contracts.

(OIG, 2016, 2013)

Illegally sold 1700 wild horses to a known kill wild horses in holding facilities.
buyer, who in turn sold them for slaughter in Mexico.
(OIG, 2015)
National Survey Results
Q1 Currently in the United States, wild horses are Q3 A 2013 study by the National Academy of
protected under federal law and slaughtering Sciences concluded that administering birth
them is prohibited. Some in Congress are control to wild horse herds provides an
trying to overturn this ban to allow for mass effective, humane and cost-effective way to
slaughter of wild horses. Do you want manage Americas wild horses. Nevertheless,
Congress to continue the ban on horse some members of Congress want to abolish
slaughter OR overturn the ban and allow the humane birth control as a method for
slaughter of wild horses? controlling wild horse populations. This will
Want Congress to continue the ban on horse increase current program costs for US
slaughter ......................................................... 75% taxpayers, and lead to the sale and slaughter
Want Congress to overturn the ban and allow of wild horses. Would you support or oppose
the slaughter of wild horses ............................ 18% the use of humane wild horse birth control
programs instead of slaughtering wild horses?
Not sure .......................................................... 7%
Support the use of humane wild horse birth
Q2 By unanimous Act of Congress, wild horses control as a means of controlling Americas
and burros living on Western public lands have wild horse population ...................................... 76%
been protected as historic symbols of American Oppose the use of humane wild horse birth
freedom for nearly 50 years. But now, some in control as a means of controlling Americas
Congress propose to eliminate this protection, wild horse population ...................................... 15%
allowing for mass slaughter of more than
Not sure .......................................................... 9%
90,000 wild horses and the sale of wild horses
to foreign slaughterhouses for human Q4 If your member of Congress were to support a
consumption. Do you think Congress should measure that would allow the mass killing of
continue to protect wild horses from slaughter, wild horses and unrestricted sales of wild
or do you think we should end protections and horses to foreign slaughterhouses, would you
allow slaughter of Americas wild horses? be less likely or more likely to support them, or
Prefer continuing protection of Americas wild would it not make a difference?
horses from slaughter ..................................... 80% Less likely ....................................................... 65%
Think we should end protections and allow
slaughter of Americas wild horses.................. 15% More likely....................................................... 12%

Not sure .......................................................... 6% Wouldn't make a difference............................. 15%

Not sure .......................................................... 8%

July 12-13, 2017 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

Survey of 556 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
Q5 Regardless of your position on horse slaughter, Q7 If you are a woman, press 1. If a man, press 2.
what do you think is the best reason for
Woman ........................................................... 53%
Congress to continue to protect wild horses:
theyre national symbols of freedom and part of Man................................................................. 47%
the history of the American West; theres a Q8 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a Republican,
proven, cost-effective and humane way to press 2. If an Independent, press 3.
manage them; slaughtering Americas iconic
wild horses to supply horsemeat for human Democrat ........................................................ 43%
consumption in foreign markets is morally Republican...................................................... 32%
wrong; management of wild horses on public
lands should be determined by the will of the Independent.................................................... 24%
American people who strongly oppose horse Q9 If you are Hispanic, press 1. If white, press 2. If
slaughter; or something else? African-American, press 3. If other, press 4.
Theyre national symbols of freedom and part
Hispanic .......................................................... 9%
of the history of the American West ................ 41%
Theres a proven, cost-effective and humane White .............................................................. 74%
way to manage them....................................... 24%
African-American ............................................ 12%
Slaughtering Americas iconic wild horses to
supply horsemeat for human consumption in Other............................................................... 5%
foreign markets is morally wrong .................... 12%
Q10 If you are 18-45 years old, press 1. If 46-65,
Management of wild horses on public lands press 2. If older than 65, press 3.
should be determined by the will of the
American people who strongly oppose horse 18 to 45........................................................... 34%
slaughter ......................................................... 9%
46 to 65........................................................... 36%
Something else ............................................... 10%
Older than 65 .................................................. 30%
Not sure .......................................................... 4%
Q6 In the election for President, did you vote for
Republican Donald Trump, Democrat Hillary
Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson, Green Party
candidate Jill Stein, or someone else?
Donald Trump ................................................. 44%
Hillary Clinton.................................................. 45%
Gary Johnson ................................................. 3%
Jill Stein .......................................................... 1%
Someone else................................................. 7%

July 12-13, 2017 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

Survey of 556 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
BLM Management Not Supported by
No science behind A s the basis of s overpopulation claims mana ement facilitatin
hi h population rowth rates on th ran e.

National Academy of Sciences (2013)

The committee could not identify a science-based rationale used by the BLM to allocate forage
and habitat resources to various uses

How Appropriate Management Levels (AMLs) are established, monitored, and adjusted is not
transparent to stakeholders, supported by scientific information, or amenable to adaptation with new
information and environmental and social change.

Management practices are facilitating high rates of population growth... emovals are li ely to
eep the population at a si e that maximi es population growth rate, which in turn maximi es the
number of animals that must be removed through holding facilities.

" he most promising fertility control methods for free ranging horses or burros are porcine ona
pellucida vaccines and onaCon vaccine for females and chemical vasectomy for males...
Considering all the current options, these three methods, either alone or in combination, o er the
most acceptable alternative to removing animals for managing population numbers.

(Note: Of the three recommended methods, only PZP is available now. The NAS concluded that the
other methods required more research before implementation.)

Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals (2016)

"While action is mandatory if necessary to achieve a thriving natural ecological balance on
public lands, the BLM is left with a great deal of discretion in deciding how to achieve that
Congressional objective.

We reject the State [of Wyomings] arguments the [Wild Horse] Act does not dene the
phrase appropriate management level and thus does not equate it with any requirement to remove
excess animals from a particular HMA the BLM is under no statutory duty to remove animals from
the seven HMAs at issue.
Supported by Science ffective
Saves a ollars
What is PZP?
Little Book Cliffs, Colorado: PZP use has
Porcine Zona Pellucida, or PZP, is a fertility-control stabilized population growth rates in this herd. The
vaccine given to the mares on the range through an last helicopter roundup was in 2009. In 2013, bait
injection or a simple dart. The vaccine prevents trapping was used to remove just 14 horses, who
fertilization and pregnancy via an immune response were all placed locally in adoptive homes.
that does not affect the animals hormonal system.
Pryor Mountains, Montana: According to the
As a result, the vaccine preserves the natural BLM, The Billings Field Office is excited to be on the
behaviors that distinguish wild horses from their cusp of nearly eliminating the need for wild horse
domestic counterparts. It is scientifically proven removals due to the use of PZP. (Jim Sparks, Billings
with over three decades of use and is recommended Field Manager, 2013)
by the National Academy of Sciences for use in BLM
herds as an alternative to roundups and removals.
Cost Effective Alternative to
Success in the Field Expensive Roundups/Removals

PZP works every place it is used properly, including in PZP is a more affordable option than
numerous BLM wild horse herds. continuing to remove horses to long-term holding
facilities. (National Academy of Sciences, 2013)
Spring Creek Basin, Colorado: PZP in use since
2012. The wild horse population has been stabilized PZP use with select removals could save
at 62, and no horses have been removed since 2011. about $8 million over 12 years in one Herd
Bait trapping is prioritized over helicopter roundups Management Area alone. (de Seve and Griffin,
for future removals, if any are necessary. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 2013)

McCullough Peaks, Wyoming: PZP in use since Cost per horse/year in short term
2012. Zero population growth achieved in 2015. No holding:$1,829; Cost for long-term holding:
removals since 2013. Bait trapping is prioritized over $664; Cost of yearly PZP vaccination: $30.
helicopter roundups for future removals, if any are
necessary. For more information about the role
of PZP in wild horse management,
Challis, Idaho: Use of PZP has slowed please visit the American Wild Horse
population growth rates, meaning a longer time
Campaign website at
between roundups (5 years instead of 3 years) and
the need to remove 70% fewer horses from the range.
Bait trapping will be used instead of helicopters to
remove just 50 horses from the range in 2017.

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