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Roas Resto Bar Website with Online Menu and Table Reservation and

Transaction with SMS Notification

Patrick Rodrigo Regine Mae Tillaman Anna Luisa O. Tuonan Junior Balboa
Programmer Document Analyst/Researcher Document Analyst/Researcher Researcher
College of Technology College of Technology College of Technology College of Technology
City of Malabon University City of Malabon University City of Malabon University City of Malabon University
093011426112 09077301251 0921.487.1246 09336452918

places visit and came here because of having a
An online reservation system is an great accommodation and good services they
arrangement made in advance to have menu have.
and table available in the restaurant. While most
restaurants in the vast majority of the world do BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
not require a reservation, and some have no
policy or simply any channel for making one, so- A computerized like Online Websites
called higher-end restaurants mainly in with Reservation and Transactions System is
overcrowded cities often require a reservation, very relevant nowadays. This kind of system can
and some may have tables booked for weeks in be used to have a systemized storage of data
advance. At particularly exclusive venues, it may and information. Also it is convenient to the
be impossible to make a reservation on the customer to have a reservation through online.
same day as the planned visit. The implementation of this system is very useful
to Roas Resto Bar that since 2001 until how is
Online menu and table reservation and still using a manual-based form/paper-based
transaction system provide more hassle-free to system. They having a problem to store the
the customer and to the restaurant. It is efficient, information of their customers because of using
faster and systematically arranged of process in manual system. Also they cannot monitor the
the reservation and transaction of the number of reservation on a specific time and
customers. Furthermore, the system is date that resulting of over accommodation of the
applicable any time and wherever the customers customers. So having the said system is a great
are, they can easily reserve to the restaurant. and future use for them.
Having this kind of system is a great help to the
restaurant to easily manage their reservation
and transaction system also to provide them a
good service with their customers and to gained
more income. General Problem

The Proponents cited the problem that

there is no monitoring of number of reservation
on a specific time and date. There is no proper
Overview of the study storage of information. Delayed recording of the
customers data and services taken. There is no
Roas Resto Bar is located at 143
proper accommodation system for the
Iloveyou St., Brgy., San Dionisio, Dasmarias
City. They started on May 11, 2001. It was customers who wants to make reservation.
unfamiliarized resto when its started but it Having an error in reservation info of different
became known because of their delicious meals customers but having similar services taken.
and great deals. Many customers from different

1. Long and slow of General Objective

processing reservation.
2. Misplacement of the The general objective of this study
customer records because is to enhance the manual reservation system of
of obsolete data storage. the restaurant. And to have a systematic
3. Cannot monitor the number compilation of all the reservation info of the
of reservation on a specific customers.
time and date
Specific Objective
4. Lot of paper works to
compile. 1. To make the processing of
5. Hard to accommodate the reservation short and faster.
customers through phone 2. To place properly the
calls or the customers who records of the customer.
personally drop by on the 3. To monitor the number of
resto. reservation on specific time
and date
4. To reduce paper works.
5. To create a reservation
system whenever, wherever
the customers are through

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