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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT USN 10 Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 201 Microcontrollers ‘Time: 3 hrs. Mar 100 Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part. @ b. Aifler reset, the contents of internal memory of 80SIGith add¥e%s OAH and OBH contains : PART-A £1. Compare the CPU architectres: 9) CISC and RISC: Harvard and i ) Microprocessor with microcontroller. (12 Mars) 4 b Inerace Sto exer KOM and RAM and pain hom, (estar J 2 2. Explain brioty the five addressing modes of 8051 w forcach. 10 Marks 2 5 data 2241 and 33H, rexpoctively, Sketch the cowgggs BMgersal menory from address O7H g to OBH and the value of register SP, after executing foll@wing code: PUSH OA MOV 81H. #OBH. POP 09H, € Write a subroutine which checks the subroutine finds its TWO"s comp] (05 Marks) sa positive number, the sit in same location and returns. (05 Marks) ‘srten ep 3. a. What are assembler directives: four of them, (05 Marks) b. If the XTAL frequency of $05¥is 8 Mlz, find the time taken to execute the following program: MOV R2, #04 MOV RL, #06 WAIT: DINZ R2, QMAIT- (05 Marks) c. Write 8051 ALB whi@h,checks whether the ten numbers stored from external RAM memory en. The program should store accordingly OOH/FFH from 4a 8051 and write an ALP (0 convert the analog voltage connected 10 lay the digital value on LEDs connected to pott-0. WO Marks) b Slepper motor and write an ALP to rotate the motor first +4 steps and (10 Marks) PART-B 5 @_ What is the difference between timer and counter operation of $0517 How to startistop the 1, On completing your answers computor draw dingo coe ines onthe remaining Hank pages. 2. Any revealing of entiation. appeal th evahanor an fr eat imedyounter of 8051 when i) GATE control is not used and ii) GATE control is used. (OS Marks) Jin briefly the interrupts of 805 |. indicate their vector addresses. (05 Marks) Hite an ALP in 8051 which generates a square wave of frequency 10kH. on pin 1.2, using timer-1. Assume XTAL frequency as 11,0592 MHz. What is the minimum frequency that ‘ean be generated? (10 Marks) 1 0f2 : BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative 4; Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 10E: 6 Exon sion ate pins pn 5-232 come & b. Explain how 8051 transmits the character and receives a character serially usi (06 Marks) © Write 8051 C program to transmit serially the message “SWITCH ON’ or ‘SWITCHIOFF” depending on the status of the simple switch connected to pin 1.2. Use 244 7 stop bit, 8 data bls format and assume XTTAL. frequency a 11.0592 MHz. Marks) 7 a Interface an LCD display to 8051 and write an ALP to display the vi coon’ (10 Marks) b. With a block schematic explain the features 8255 PPI chip a Lo aptration (6 Marks) c. If the internal memory 20H contains AH and 07H contaffs 53H4@hat is the content of register A and status of cary bic after executing the fol : MOV C.07H MOV A. #20H ADDC A, 07H (oa Mtarks) Sa. Explain the architecture of MSP430 CPU with it@igtemnal lpck diagram. lo Marks) b. Explain briefly the 3) Clock system andi) +r jodes of operation of MSP430. ‘0 Marks) & & x 20f2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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