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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management


2 hours, 0930 to 1130
Answer both Section 1 and Section 2. Answer ALL questions.
The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets.
Start each answer on a new page.
Answers may be illustrated by sketches where appropriate.
This question paper must be returned to the invigilator after the examination.

You are advised to spend about half an hour on this section, which contains ONE question.

1 (a) Identify FOUR examples of a confined space that may be found in a

workplace. (4)

(b) Outline the typical content of a safe system of work for entry into a
confined space. (10)

(c) Outline the emergency arrangements that might be required for entry into
a confined space. (6)

You are advised to spend about one and a half hours on this section, which contains TEN questions.

2 Identify documentation that is likely to be inspected in a health and safety audit. (8)

3 (a) Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of an employer. (6)

(b) Identify actions an enforcement authority might take if it finds that an

employer is not fulfilling their responsibilities. (2)

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4 Outline reasons why an organisation should review its health and safety
performance. (8)

5 A manager is required to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment on a

work activity.

(a) Identify possible sources of information that might help the manager carry
out the risk assessment. (5)

(b) Outline what is required in order for a risk assessment to be suitable and
sufficient. (3)

6 Identify possible costs to an organisation following an accident in the workplace. (8)

7 Give the meaning of the following different types of incident AND identify a
relevant example for EACH:

(a) injury; (2)

(b) ill-health; (2)

(c) dangerous occurrence; (2)

(d) damage only. (2)

8 Identify key areas that should be addressed in the arrangements section of a

health and safety policy. (8)

9 (a) Outline the health and safety duties of designers, manufacturers and
suppliers of articles and substances. (5)

(b) If those in the supply chain fail to carry out their duties, outline health and
safety consequences in the workplace. (3)

10 (a) Give the meaning of the term safe system of work. (2)

(b) Outline what is meant by the following types of controls within a safe
system of work AND give a practical example for EACH:

(i) technical; (2)

(ii) behavioural; (2)
(iii) procedural. (2)

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11 An employer is setting up a health and safety training programme.

(a) Identify the benefits to:

(i) the employer; (2)

(ii) the worker. (2)

(b) Identify when health and safety training would be provided to workers. (4)

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