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08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.

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The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 View Online


307 items

This list includes the essential readings. Further resources are listed in your course
handbook/Moodle area for this unit. These further readings may not be available from
MMU libraries but our library staff are able to recommend suitable alternatives. Please ask
at the help desk for advice.

General Works (17 items)

Sacred violence: the European crusades to the Middle East, 1095-1396 - Claster, Jill N.,
Book | Further reading

The crusades: Islamic perspectives - Hillenbrand, Carole, 1999

Book | Further reading

Crusading and the crusader states - Jotischky, Andrew, 2004

Book | Further reading

The Crusader states and their neighbours, 1098-1291 - Holt, P. M., 2004
Book | Further reading

Contesting the Crusades - Housley, Norman, 2006

Book | Further reading

The Routledge companion to the Crusades - Lock, Peter, 2006

Book | Further reading

The Crusades: the essential readings - Madden, Thomas F., 2002

Book | Further reading

The new concise history of the Crusades - Madden, Thomas F., c2005
Book | Further reading

The crusades - Mayer, Hans Eberhard, Gillingham, John, 1988

Book | Further reading | Earlier edition/s also available

The Crusades, 1095-1197 - Phillips, Jonathan, 2002

Book | Further reading

The Crusades, c. 1071-c. 1291 - Richard, Jean, 1999

Book | Further reading

The Crusades: a short history - Riley-Smith, Jonathan Simon Christopher, 1987

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Book | Further reading

The Oxford illustrated history of the Crusades - Riley-Smith, Jonathan Simon Christopher,
Book | Further reading

What were the crusades? - Riley-Smith, Jonathan Simon Christopher, 1977

Book | Further reading

The Atlas of the crusades - Riley-Smith, Jonathan Simon Christopher, 1991

Book | Further reading

God's war: a new history of the Crusades - Tyerman, Christopher, 2007

Book | Further reading

The debate on the Crusades - Tyerman, Christopher, 2011

Book | Further reading

Primary Sources (43 items)

Collections (7 items)
The Crusades: a reader - Allen, S. J., Amt, Emilie, c2003
Book | Further reading

Letters from the East: crusaders, pilgrims and settlers in the 12th-13th centuries - Malcolm
Barber, A. K. Bate, 2010
Book | Further reading

The Crusades: a documentary survey - Brundage, James A., 1962

Book | Further reading

Chronicles of the crusades: eye-witness accounts of the wars between Christianity and
Islam - Hallam, Elizabeth M., 1989
Book | Further reading

The Crusades, 1095-1197 - Phillips, Jonathan, 2002

Book | Further reading

The crusades: idea and reality, 1095-1274 - Riley-Smith, Louise, Riley-Smith, Jonathan
Simon Christopher, 1981
Book | Further reading

Byzantines and crusaders in non-Greek sources, 1025-1204 - Whitby, Mary, 2006

Book | Further reading

First Crusade (8 items)

The Gesta Tancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade -
Bernard S. Bachrach, David Stewart Bachrach, Raoul, 2005

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Book | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Self and society in medieval France: the memoirs of Abbot Guibert of Nogent - Guibert,
Benton, John F., Medieval Academy of America, c1984
Book | Further reading

Robert the Monk's history of the First Crusade =: Historia iherosolimitana - Carol
Sweetenham, Robert, 2006
Book | Further reading

The Jews and the Crusaders: the Hebrew chronicles of the first and second Crusades -
Eidelberg, Shlomo, 1996
Book | Further reading

The deeds of the Franks and the other pilgrims to Jerusalem - Rosalind M. T. Hill, 1972
Book | Further reading | AKA Gesta Francorum Et Aliorum Hierosolimitanorum

The Deeds Of God Through The Franks - Levine, Robert, 2004

Book | Further reading

The First Crusade: the chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and other source materials - Peters,
Edward, c1998
Book | Further reading

Robert the Monk's history of the First Crusade =: Historia iherosolimitana - Robert,
Sweetenham, Carol, 2006
Book | Further reading

Second Crusade (5 items)

Berry, V.G. (1948). De profectione Ludovici VII in Orientem (The journey of Louis VII to the
Document | Further reading | Available at the University of Manchester Library

Memoirs of the Papal Court [AKA Historia Pontificalis of John of Salisbury] - Marjorie
Chibnall, John, 1956
Book | Further reading

The Jews and the Crusaders: the Hebrew chronicles of the first and second Crusades -
Eidelberg, Shlomo, 1996
Book | Further reading

The deeds of Frederick Barbarossa - Otto, Mierow, Charles Christopher, Rahewin, 2004
Book | Further reading | Bk. 1, chaps. 34-47, pp.69-81. & chaps. 62-65, pp.101-106

The letters of St. Bernard of Clairvaux - Bernard of Clairvaux, James, Bruno Scott, 1953
Book | Further reading

Third Crusade (3 items)

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

The conquest of Jerusalem and the Third Crusade: sources in translation - William, Edbury,
P. W., c1998
Book | Further reading

Chronicle of the Third Crusade: a translation of the Itinerarium peregrinorum et gesta

Regis Ricardi - Nicholson, Helen J., 2001
Book | Further reading

The crusade of Frederick Barbarossa: the History of the expedition of the Emperor
Frederick and related texts - Magnus, Otto, Loud, G. A., 2010
Book | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Fourth Crusade (4 items)

The capture of Constantinople: the hystoria Constantinopolitana of Gunther of Pairis -
Gunther, Andrea, Alfred J., c1997
Book | Further reading

The conquest of Constantinople - Clari, Robert de, McNeal, Edgar Holmes, 2005
Book | Further reading

Christian society and the crusades 1198-1229 - Peters, Edward, Oliver, Gavigan, John J.,
Book | Further reading

Medieval Sourcebook: Villehardouin: Memoirs or Chronicle of The Fourth Crusade and The
Conquest of Constantinople
Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Fifth Crusade (1 items)

Christian society and the crusades 1198-1229 - Peters, Edward, Oliver, Gavigan, John J.,
Book | Further reading

Crusades of Louis IX (1 items)

Life of Saint Louis IN: Chronicles of the crusades - Jean de Joinville
Chapter | Further reading | Jean de Joinville. Life of Saint Louis. IN

Islamic Sources (7 items)

Travels of Ibn Jubayr - Broadhurst, J.C.
Book | Further reading | pp.300-329

The book of contemplation: Islam and the Crusades -


08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

mah ibn Munqidh, c2008

Book | Further reading

Arab historians of the Crusades - Gabrieli, Francesco, 1984

Book | Further reading

An Arab-Syrian gentleman and warrior in the period of the Crusades: memoirs of


mah ibn-Munqidh


r) -

mah ibn Munqidh, Hitti, Philip Khuri, c2000
Book | Further reading

Early Mamluk diplomacy (1260-1290): treaties of Baybars and



n with Christian rulers - Holt, P. M., 1995
Book | Further reading

The rare and excellent history of Saladin =: or,








usufiyya - Ibn


08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University




usuf ibn


, Richards, D. S., 2002
Book | Further reading

The chronicle of Ibn


r for the crusading period from

mil i'l-Ta'rikh - Ibn

r, Izz

n, Richards, D. S., 2006-c2008
Book | Further reading

Byzantine (2 items)
O city of Byzantium: annals of Niketas

s - Nicetas Choniates, Harry J. Magoulias, 1984
Book | Further reading

The Alexiad - Comnena, Anna, Sewter, E. R. A., 1969

Book | Further reading

Outremer (5 items)
The Gesta Tancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade -
Bernard S. Bachrach, David Stewart Bachrach, Raoul, 2005

The Templars - Barber, Malcolm, Bate, Keith, 2002

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Book | Further reading

Letters from the East: crusaders, pilgrims and settlers in the 12th-13th centuries - Barber,
Malcolm, Bate, A. K., 2010
Book | Further reading

Christian society and the crusades 1198-1229 - Edward Peters, Oliver, 1971
Book | Further reading

Jerusalem pilgrimage 1099-1185 - John Wilkinson, Joyce Hill, W. F. Ryan, Hakluyt Society,
Book | Further reading

2. Origins of the crusade movement (16 items)

The roots of lay enthusiasm for the First Crusade - M. Bull, 1993
Article | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The First Crusade: origins and impact - Phillips, Jonathan, 1997

Book | Essential reading

The first crusade and the idea of crusading - Jonathan Riley-Smith, 2003
Book | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The Formation of the Crusade Idea - E.O. Blake, 1970

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

A Hermit Goes to War: Peter and the Origins of the First Crusade - E.O. Blake, C. Morris,
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Knightly piety and the lay response to the First Crusade: the Limousin and Gascony,
c.970-c.1130 - Bull, Marcus, 1993
Book | Further reading

Views of Muslims and of Jerusalem in miracle stories, c.1000-c.1200: reflections on the

study of the first crusaders motivations - M. Bull
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The origin of the idea of crusade - Erdmann, Carl, Baldwin, Marshall Whithed, Goffart,
Walter, 1977
Book | Further reading

The Papacy and War against the 'Saracens', 795-1216 - John Gilchrist, 1988
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Crusade and Mission: European Approaches Toward the Muslims - Kedar, Benjamin Z.,
Book | Further reading

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

'Policy and Visions: The Case of the Holy Lance at Antioch' IN: War and government in the
Middle Ages - C. Morris
Chapter | Further reading

Crusading as an act of love - J.S. Riley-Smith, 1980

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The first crusaders, 1095-1131 - Riley-Smith, Jonathan Simon Christopher, 1998

Book | Further reading

The motives of the earliest crusaders and the settlement of Latin Palestine - J. Riley-Smith,
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Gregory VII and the Soldiers of Christ - I.S. Robinson, 1973

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The just war in the Middle Ages - Russell, Frederick Hooker, 1975
Book | Further reading

3. Lecture: Crusading aims and motivations AND Seminar: Pope

Urbans famous sermon and the papacys aims for the First Crusade (12

Pope Urban IIs preaching of the First Crusade - H.E.J. Cowdrey, 1970
Article | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The First Crusade: origins and impact - Jonathan Phillips, 1997

Book | Essential reading

Chapter 1 of The first crusade and the idea of crusading - Jonathan Riley-Smith
Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The first crusade: a new history - Thomas S. Asbridge, 2005

Book | Further reading

A Hermit Goes to War: Peter and the Origins of the First Crusade - E. Blake, C. Morris,
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Knightly piety and the lay response to the First Crusade: the Limousin and Gascony,
c.970-c.1130 - Marcus Bull, 1993
Book | Further reading

Views of Muslims and of Jerusalem in miracle stories, c.1000-c.1200: reflections on the

study of the first crusaders motivations IN: The experience of crusading: Vol. 1: Western
approaches - Marcus Bull
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The origin of the idea of crusade - Carl Erdmann, Marshall Whithed Baldwin, Walter Goffart,

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Book | Further reading

The Papacy and War against the 'Saracens', 795-1216 - John Gilchrist, 1988
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Crusade and Mission: European Approaches Toward the Muslims - Kedar, Benjamin Z.,
Book | Further reading

Policy and Visions: The Case of the Holy Lance at Antioch IN: War and government in the
Middle Ages - C. Morris
Chapter | Further reading

The first crusaders, 1095-1131 - Jonathan Simon Christopher Riley-Smith, 1998

Book | Further reading

4. Sources for the First Crusade (9 items)

'Probing the Passions of a Norman on Crusade: the Gesta Francorum et aliorum

Hierosolimitanorum in Anglo-Norman studies: 27: Proceedings of the Battle Conference
2004 - E. Albu
Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The Gesta Francorum as Narrative History - C. Morris, 1993

Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The formation of Turkey: the Seljukid sultanate of


m, eleventh to fourteenth century - Claude Cahen, P. M. Holt, 2001
Book | Further reading

'Introduction' TO: The deeds of the Franks and the other pilgrims to Jerusalem - R. Hill
Chapter | Further reading

The crusades: Islamic perspectives - Hillenbrand, Carole, 1999

Book | Essential reading

Some notes on the Anonymi Gesta Francorum with special reference to the Norman
contingent from south Italy and Sicily in the First Crusade in Studies on the history of
medieval Sicily and South Italy - E.M. Jamison
Chapter | Further reading

The First Crusade: origins and impact - Phillips, Jonathan, 1997

Book | Further reading | BOOK CHAPTERS: | Chaps. 2, 4, 5 & 6

In the Wake of Mantzikert: The First Crusade and the Alexian Reconquest of Western
Anatolia - JASON T. ROCHE, 2009-04
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Crusade and Narrative: Bohemond and the Gesta Francorum - K.B. Wolf, 1991

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

5. Lecture: Power and politics in early Outremer AND Seminar: Seeking

security in the first years of Outremer (12 items)
The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: a dynastic history 1099-1125 - Murray, Alan V.,
Linacre College (University of Oxford), 2000
Book | Essential reading

God's war: a new history of the Crusades - Tyerman, Christopher, 2007

Book | Essential reading | Chaps. 5 & 6

The creation of the principality of Antioch, 1098-1130 - Asbridge, Thomas S., 2000
Book | Further reading

'The Foundation of the Latin States in History of the Crusades - H.S. Fink
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Chapter 4: 'The Crusader States, 1099-1146' IN: The crusades - H.E. Mayer
Chapter | Further reading

The Wheel of Fortune: Seigneurial Vicissitudes under Kings Fulk and Baldwin III of
Jerusalem - H.E. Mayer, 1990
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

'The Growth of the Latin States' IN: A History of the Crusades Vol. 1 - R.L. Nicholson, 1958
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: European colonialism in the Middle Ages - Prawer, Joshua,
1972 (i.e. 1973)
Book | Further reading

'From the First to the Second Crusade in The Crusades, c. 1071-c. 1291 - J. Richard
Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

Chapter 2 of The Latin kingdom of Jerusalem

Chapter | Essential reading

The Title of Godfrey of Bouillon - J. Riley-Smith, 1979

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Paschal II, Bohemond of Antioch and the Byzantine Empire - J.G. Rowe, 1966-67
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

7. Lecture: Christian Society in Outremer AND Seminar: Sources on

Muslim/Christian Relations in the Levant (26 items)
The book of contemplation: Islam and the Crusades -

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

mah ibn Munqidh, c2008

Book | Essential reading

Frankish rural settlement in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem - Ellenblum, Roni, 2002
Book | Essential reading

Seek knowledge: thought and travel in the house of Islam - Netton, Ian Richard, 1996
Book | Essential reading

Crusading and the crusader states - Jotischky, Andrew, 2004

Book | Essential reading | Pp.16-22 & chap. 6

Travels of Ibn Jubayr - Broadhurst, J.C.

Book | Further reading | pp.300-329

Just a bunch of dirty stories? Women in the memoirs of Usamah Ibn Munqidh in
Eastward bound: travel and travellers, 1050-1550 - N. Christie
Chapter | Further reading

The Presentation of the Franks in Selected Muslim sources from the Crusades of the 12th
Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Colonization Activities in the Frankish East: The Example of Castellum Regis (Mi'ilya) -
Ronnie Ellenblum, 1996
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Conflict and cohabitation: Marriage and diplomacy between Latins and Cilician Armenians,
c.1097-1253 IN: The Crusades and the Near East - N. Hodgson
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Chapters 7 & 8 of Latin church in the crusader states: The Secular Church
Chapter | Further reading

An Arab-Syrian gentleman and warrior in the period of the Crusades: memoirs of


mah ibn-Munqidh


r) -

mah ibn Munqidh, Hitti, Philip Khuri, c2000
Book | Further reading

Franks and Natives in the Crusader States: the State of the Question - A. Jotischky
Document | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

An Arab-Syrian Intriguer in the Age of Saladin in The Oxford illustrated history of the
Crusades - R. Irwin
Chapter | Further reading

Usmah ibn-Munqidh: an Arab-Syrian Gentleman at the time of the Crusades

reconsidered IN: The Crusades and their sources: essays presented to Bernard Hamilton -
R. Irwin
Chapter | Further reading

The Crusades and the Christian world of the East: Rough tolerance - MacEvitt, Christopher
Hatch, 2009
Book | Further reading

Latins, Muslims and Greeks in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem - H.E. Mayer, 1978
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Ethnic Identity in the Crusader States: the Frankish Race and the Settlement of Outremer
in Concepts of national identity in the Middle Ages
Chapter | Further reading

The Concordat of Nablus - H.E. Mayer, 1982

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Latin kingdom of Jerusalem - Richard, Jean, 1979

Book | Further reading | Vol. A, part 1, Chaps. 7, 9, 10

Government and the Indigenous in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem in Medieval frontiers:
concepts and practices - J. Riley-Smith
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The motives of the earliest crusaders and the settlement of Latin Palestine - J. Riley-Smith,
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Between East and West: the Jews in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem 1099-1291 - Sylvia
Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Subjected Muslims of the Frankish Levant in Muslims under Latin rule, 1100-1300 -
B.Z. Kedar
Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

Chapters 3-6 of Franks, Muslims and oriental Christians in the Latin Levant: studies in
frontier acculturation
Chapter | Essential reading

Crusade and Mission: European Approaches Toward the Muslims - Kedar, Benjamin Z.,
Book | Further reading

On the Origins of the Earliest Laws of Frankish Jerusalem: The Canons of the Council of
Nablus, 1120 - B.Z. Kedar, 1999

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

8. Lecture: The Churches of Outremer AND Seminar: Sources on the

Latin Church in Outremer (9 items)
'The Latin Church in the Crusader States" IN: East and west in the crusader states: context,
contacts, confrontations : acta of the congress held at Hernen Castle in May 1993, 1 - B.
Chapter | Essential reading

Pages 134-145 of Crusading and the crusader states - A. Jotischky

Chapter | Essential reading

Colonization Activities in the Frankish East: The Example of Castellum Regis (Mi'ilya) -
Ronnie Ellenblum, 1996
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

'Rebuilding Zion: The Holy Places of Jerusalem in the Twelfth Century IN: Monastic reform,
Catharism and the Crusades, 900-1300 - B. Hamilton
Chapter | Further reading

Latin church in the crusader states: The Secular Church - Bernard Hamilton, 1980
Book | Further reading

Aimery of Limoges, Lation Patriarch of Antioch (c.1142-c.1196 and the unity of the
Churches IN: East and west in the crusader states: context, contacts, confrontations : acta
of the congress held at Hernen Castle in May 1993, 1 - B. Hamilton
Chapter | Further reading

The Crusades and the Christian world of the East: Rough tolerance - MacEvitt, Christopher
Hatch, 2009
Book | Further reading

Latins, Muslims and Greeks in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem - Hans Eberhard Mayer,
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Franks, Muslims and oriental Christians in the Latin Levant: studies in frontier acculturation

edar, B. Z., 2006
Book | Further reading

9. Lecture: The Seeds of Jihad and the Second Crusade, 1145-1149

AND Seminar: Byzantine sources on the Second Crusade: John
Kinnamos and Niketas Choniates (7 items)
Distortion, divine providence and genre in Nicetas Choniates's account of the collapse of
Byzantium 11801204 - Jonathan Harris, 2000-03

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Article | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

Niketas Choniates as a source for the Second Crusade in Anatolia - Jason T. Roche
Webpage | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The Second Crusade as seen by contemporaries - Giles Constable, 1953

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Second Crusade and the Cistercians - Gervers, Michael, 1992

Book | Further reading | Esp. 79-128

The Choice of Damascus as an objective of the Second Crusade: a re-evaluation - M. Hoch,

Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Second Crusade: scope and consequences - Phillips, Jonathan, Hoch, Martin, 2001
Book | Further reading

The second crusade: extending the frontiers of Christendom - Phillips, Jonathan, c2007
Book | Further reading

10. Lecture: Outremer: forms of war AND Seminar: Warfare, defence

and the Military Orders (33 items)
Chapter 5: Warfare in the Latin East IN: Medieval warfare: a history - P. Edbury
Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The emergence of the military order in the twelfth century - A.J. Forey, 1985
Article | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The Templars - Malcolm Barber, Keith Bate, 2002

Book | Further reading

The trial of the Templars - Barber, Malcolm, 1978

Book | Further reading

The Social Context of the Templars - M. Barber, 1984

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Supplying the Crusader States: The Role of the Templars IN: Horns of

n - M. Barber
Chapter | Further reading

The new knighthood: a history of the Order of the Temple - Barber, Malcolm, 1994
Book | Further reading

Archaeology of the military orders: a survey of the urban centres, rural settlement and
castles of the Military Orders in the Latin East (c. 1120-1291) - Boas, Adrian J., 2006
Book | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Crusader castles and modern histories - Ellenblum, Roni, 2009

Book | Further reading

The Military Orders and holy war against Christians in the thirteenth century - A.J. Forey,
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Military Orders and the conversion of Muslims in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries -
A.J. Forey, 2002
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The military orders: from the twelfth to the early fourteenth centuries - Forey, Alan, 1992
Book | Further reading

Western warfare in the age of the Crusades, 1000-1300 - France, John, 2003
Book | Further reading

'Warfare in the Mediterranean region in the age of the crusades, 1095-1291: a clash of
contrasts IN: The Crusades and the Near East - J. France
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Battle of Hattin Revisited - B.K. Kedar

Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Saladin and Muslim Military Theory - W.J. Hamblin

Document | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The crusades: Islamic perspectives - Hillenbrand, Carole, 1999

Book | Further reading | Chap. 8

Crusader castles - Kennedy, Hugh, 1995

Book | Further reading

The armies of the caliphs: military and society in the early Islamic state - Kennedy, Hugh,
NetLibrary, Inc, 2001
Book | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Crusader castles - Lawrence, T. E., Pringle, Denys, 1988

Book | Further reading | Earlier edition/s also available

Leper knights: the Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem in England c.1150-1544 - Marcombe,

David, 2004
Book | Further reading

Warfare in the Latin East, 1192-1291 - Marshall, Christopher, 1992

Book | Further reading

Unknown crusader castles - Molin, Kristian, 2001

Book | Further reading

The knights templar: a new history - Nicholson, Helen J., 2001

Book | Further reading

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

The Knights Hospitaller - Nicholson, Helen J., 2007

Book | Further reading

The medieval military orders: 1120-1314 - Nicholas Edward Morton, 2013

Book | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Teutonic knights in the Holy Land, 1190-1291 - Morton, Nicholas Edward, 2009
Book | Further reading

Chapters 18 & 19: Crusader Security and the Red Sea & The Battle of Hattin IN:
Crusader institutions - J. Prawer
Chapter | Further reading | BOOK CHAPTERS: Prawer, J. Crusader Security and the Red
Sea AND The Battle of Hattin. IN: | Chaps. 18 & 19

Hospitallers: the history of the order of St. John - Riley-Smith, Jonathan Simon Christopher,
Book | Further reading

The Templars and the Castle of Tortosa in Syria - J. Riley-Smith, 1969

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Crusading warfare (1097-1193) - Smail, R. C., 1972

Book | Essential reading

The Rule of the Templars

Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

St. Bernard of Clairvaux 'In praise of the New Knighthood'

Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

11. Lecture: The flowering of jihad and the threat to Outremer AND
Seminar: The fruits of jihad and the fall of the first Latin Kingdom of
Jerusalem (15 items)
'Propaganda and Faction in the Kingdom of Jerusalem: the Background to Hattin in
Crusaders and Muslims in twelfth-century Syria - P.W. Edbury
Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

'Muslim responses to the Frankish dominion in the Near East, 1098-1291 IN: The Crusades
and the Near East - Y. Frenkel
Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

Chapters 1 & 2 of Saladin - A.R. Azzam

Chapter | Further reading

William of Tyre: historian of the Latin East - P. W. Edbury, John Gordon Rowe, 1988
Book | Further reading

The reaction of the Syrian Muslims after the foundation of the first Latin Kingdom of
Jerusalem in Crusaders and Muslims in twelfth-century Syria - N. Elisseeff
Chapter | Further reading

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Saladin and Muslim Military Theory IN: The Horns of


n - W.J. Hamblin
Chapter | Further reading

'The Elephant of Christ: Reynald of Chatillon in Monastic reform, Catharism and the
Crusades, 900-1300 - B. Hamilton
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The leper king and his heirs: Baldwin IV and the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem -
Hamilton, Bernard, 2005
Book | Further reading

'The First Crusade: the Muslim perspective' IN: The First Crusade: origins and impact - C.
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The crusades: Islamic perspectives - Carole Hillenbrand, 1999

Book | Further reading

Abominable Acts: the Career of Zengi in The Second Crusade: scope and consequences
- C. Hillenbrand
Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

Chapter 13: Islam and the Crusades - 1096-1699 IN: The Oxford illustrated history of the
Crusades - R. Irwin

Chapter 5: The Islamic reaction, 1097-1193 in Crusading and the crusader states - A.
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Saladin: The politics of the holy war - Lyons, Malcolm Cameron, Jackson, D. E. P., 1984
Book | Further reading

The Crusades, c. 1071-c. 1291 - Richard, Jean, 1999

Book | Further reading | Chap. 6

12. Lecture: The Third Crusade (1188 92) AND Seminar: Byzantium
and Outremer before 1204 (19 items)
Byzantium and the Crusades - Harris, Jonathan, 2006
Book | Essential reading

On the margins of Christendom: the impact of the crusades on Byzantium IN: The
Crusades and the Near East - C. Wright
Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

Latins and Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean after 1204 - Arbel, Benjamin, Hamilton,
Bernard, Jacoby, David

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Book | Further reading

The Byzantine Empire, 1025-1204: a political history - Angold, Michael, 1997

Book | Further reading

The Byzantines and Saladin: opponents of the Third Crusade - 1962

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Byzantium confronts the West 1180-1204 - Brand, Charles M., 1992

Book | Further reading

Byzantium, 1081-1204: An Economic Reappraisal - M. F. Hendy, 1970

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Encounter of Two Societies: Western Conquerors and Byzantines in the Peloponnesus
after the Fourth Crusade - David Jacoby, 1973
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Franks in the Aegean, 1204-1500 - Lock, Peter, 1995

Book | Further reading

Byzantium and the crusader states, 1096-1204 - Lilie, Ralph-Johannes, 1993

Book | Further reading

Secondary works specifically useful for the Third Crusade (9 items)

Philip Augustus: King of France 1180-1223 - Bradbury, Jim, 1998
Book | Further reading

Richard Coeur de Lion: kingship, chivalry and war in the twelfth century - Gillingham, John,
Book | Further reading

The Crusades of Frederick Barbarossa and Henry VI, in K. Setton (ed.), A History of the
Crusades (vol. 2)
Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Chapters 19-21 of Saladin: The politics of the holy war

Chapter | Further reading

Richard Lionheart: bad king, bad crusader? - M. Markowski, 1997

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Chapter 7 of The crusades

Chapter | Further reading

Women on the Third Crusade - H.N. Nicholson, 1997

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Third Crusade: Richard the Lionhearted and Philip Augustus, in K. Setton (ed.), A
History of the Crusades (vol. 2)
Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

The reign of Richard Lionheart: ruler of the Angevin empire, 1189-1199 - Turner, Ralph V.,
Heiser, Richard R., 2000
Book | Further reading

13. Lecture: The Evolution of the Levantine Crusading Movement AND

Seminar: The Crusading Movement between the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries (3 items)

Chapter 8: The Crusade as an institution IN: The Crusades, c. 1071-c. 1291 - J. Richard
Chapter | Essential reading

Were there any Crusades in the twelfth century? - C. Tyerman, 1995

Article | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The invention of the Crusades - Christopher Tyerman, 1998

Book | Further reading

14. Lecture: The Fourth Crusade (1201-1204) AND Seminar: Sources on

the Fourth Crusade: Geoffroi Villehardouin (14 items)
'An Essay on Primary Sources' IN: The Fourth Crusade: the conquest of Constantinople,
1201-1204 - A. Andrea
Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

Geoffrey de Villehardouin and the Conquest of Constantinople - Colin Morris, 1968-02

Article | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The Fourth Crusade: the conquest of Constantinople, 1201-1204 - Queller, Donald E., 1978
Book | Essential reading

Holy War, Holy Relics, Holy Theft: The Anonymous of Soisson's "De terra Iherosolimitana":
An Anaylsis, Edition, and Translation - Andrea, Alfred J, Winter 1992
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Byzantine Empire, 1025-1204: a political history - Angold, Michael, 1997

Book | Further reading | Chaps. 11 & 14

The fourth crusade: event and context - Angold, Michael, 2003

Book | Further reading

The road to 1204: The Byzantine background to the Fourth Crusade - 1999
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Byzantium confronts the West 1180-1204 - Charles M. Brand, 1992

Book | Further reading

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Byzantium and the Crusades - Harris, Jonathan, 2006

Book | Further reading

The Supply Problem and the Sack of Constantinople IN: The Fourth Crusade Revisited:
Atti della Conferenza Internazionale nell'ottavo centenario della IV Crociata 1204-2004,
Andros (Grecia), 27-30 maggio 2004 - J. Harris
Document | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Genoa and the Fourth Crusade - J. K. Fotheringham, 1910

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Outside and Inside the Fourth Crusade - Thomas F. Madden, 1995

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Venetian Fleet for the Fourth Crusade and the diversion of the Fourth Crusade to
Constantinople IN: The experience of crusading: Vol. 1: Western approaches - J.H. Pryor
Chapter | Further reading

Innocent III: leader of Europe, 1198-1216 - Sayers, Jane E., 1994

Book | Further reading

15. Lecture: Trade, commerce and the crusades AND Seminar:

Outremer, Pactum Warmundi and the Italian maritime cities (14 items)
Chapter 5: Trade and navigation IN: Italy in the central Middle Ages: 1000-1300 - M.
Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The Crusading motivations of the Italian city republics in the Latin East, 1096-1104 IN:
The experience of crusading: Vol. 1: Western approaches - C. Marshall
Chapter | Essential reading

Genoese Trade with Syria in the Twelfth Century - Eugene H. Byrne, 1920
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Genoa & the Genoese, 958-1528 - Epstein, Steven, c1996

Book | Further reading

Commercial exchange across the Mediterranean: Byzantium, the Crusader Levant, Egypt,
and Italy - Jacoby, David, 2005
Book | Further reading

Venice, a maritime republic - Lane, Frederic C., (1973)

Book | Further reading | Chaps. 4, 5 & 7 (Chap. 4 electronic below)

Venice, a maritime republic - Frederic C. Lane, (1973)

Book | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Trade of Medieval Europe: the South IN: The Cambridge economic history of Europe:
Vol.2: Trade and industry in the Middle Ages - R.S. Lopez
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Economic life and commerce IN: The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: European colonialism in
the Middle Ages - J. Prawer
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Chapter 8: The Italians in the Latin Kingdom IN: Crusader institutions - J. Prawer
Chapter | Further reading

An economic history of medieval Europe - Pounds, Norman J. G., 1994

Book | Further reading

Agricultural Conditions in the Crusader States IN: History of the Crusades, Vol. V - J.
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The feudal nobility and the Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1174-1277 - Riley-Smith, Jonathan
Simon Christopher, 2002
Book | Further reading

Venice and the Crusaders IN: History of the Crusades - L.B. Robbert
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

16. Lecture: The Fifth Crusade and the crusade of Emperor Frederick II
Hohenstaufen (1215 29) AND Seminar: Sources for the crusade of
Emperor Frederick II (10 items)
The thirteenth-century crusades in the Mediterranean IN: The New Cambridge medieval
history: Vol.5: c.1198-c.1300 - Abulafia, David, 1999
Document | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

Anatomy of a crusade, 1213-21 - Powell, James M., 1990

Book | Essential reading

Frederick II: a medieval emperor - Abulafia, David, 2002

Book | Further reading

The age of the crusades: the Near East from the eleventh century to 1517 - Holt, P. M.,
Book | Further reading | Chaps. 8, 10, 11 & 12

Chapter 13: Islam and the Crusades - 1096-1699 IN: The Oxford illustrated history of the
Crusades - R. Irwin
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Crusading and the crusader states - Jotischky, Andrew, 2004

Book | Further reading | Chap. 9

The crusades - Mayer, Hans Eberhard, Gillingham, John, 1988

Book | Further reading | Chaps. 10 & 13.

Christian society and the crusades 1198-1229 - Edward Peters, Oliver, 1971
Book | Further reading

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

The feudal nobility and the Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1174-1277 - Riley-Smith, Jonathan
Simon Christopher, 2002
Book | Further reading

Ayyubids, Mamluks and the Latin East in the Thirteenth Century - R. Stephen Humphreys
Document | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

17. Lecture: The mid- thirteenth-century Crusading Movement AND

Seminar: Sources for the first crusade of Louis IX (12 items)
Joinville and the Vie de Saint Louis IN: The Crusaders - N. Housley
Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The thirteenth-century crusades in the Mediterranean IN: The New Cambridge medieval
history: Vol.5: c.1198-c.1300 - N. Housley
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Middle East in the Middle Ages: the early Mamluk sultanate, 1250-1382 - Irwin, Robert,
Book | Further reading

Chapter 13: Islam and the Crusades - 1096-1699 IN: The Oxford illustrated history of the
Crusades - R. Irwin
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The rise of the Mamluks IN: The New Cambridge medieval history: Vol.5: c.1198-c.1300 -
R. Irwin
Chapter | Further reading

Louis IX and the challenge of the crusade: a study in rulership - Jordan, William Chester,
Book | Further reading

Crusading and the crusader states - Jotischky, Andrew, 2004

Book | Further reading | Chap. 9

The crusades - Mayer, Hans Eberhard, Gillingham, John, 1988

Book | Further reading | Chaps. 10 & 13

Anatomy of a crusade, 1213-21 - James M. Powell, 1990

Book | Further reading

Ayyubids, Mamluks and the Latin East in the Thirteenth Century - R. Stephen Humphreys
Document | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

'XIV: The Crusades of Louis IX' IN: A History of the Crusades (vol. 2) - J.R. Strayer
Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

'XI: The Fifth Crusade' IN: A History of the Crusades (vol. 2) - T. Van Cleve
Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

19. Lecture: Mongols, Mamluks, and the end of Outremer AND

Seminar: The loss of Acre (1291) and the end of Outremer (9 items)
The rise of the Mamluks IN: The New Cambridge medieval history: Vol.5: c.1198-c.1300 -
R. Irwin
Chapter | Essential reading

The Mongols and the West, 1221-1410 - Jackson, Peter, 2005

Book | Essential reading

Crusading and the crusader states - Andrew Jotischky, 2004

Book | Essential reading | Pp. 237-248

The thirteenth-century crusades in the Mediterranean IN: The New Cambridge medieval
history: Vol.5: c.1198-c.1300 - N. Housley
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Middle East in the Middle Ages: the early Mamluk sultanate, 1250-1382 - Irwin, Robert,
Book | Further reading

Chapter 13: Islam and the Crusades - 1096-1699 IN: The Oxford illustrated history of the
Crusades - R. Irwin
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Ayyubids, Mamluks and the Latin East in the Thirteenth Century - R. Stephen Humphreys
Document | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The Crusade Against the Mongols (1241) - Peter Jackson, 1991-1

Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

XXII: The Mamluk Sultans to 1293' IN: A History of the Crusades (vol 2) - M.M. Zinda
Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

20. Lecture: Colonialism and the crusades beyond the thirteenth

century AND Seminar: Outremer: a European Colony? (10 items)
The Crusading Kingdom of Jerusalem - The First European Colonial Society? IN: The Horns

Chapter | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

The Sepulchre of Christ and the medieval west: from the beginning to 1600 - Morris, Colin,
Book | Essential reading

Supplying the Crusader States: The Role of the Templars IN: The Horns of

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

n - M. Barber
Chapter | Further reading

The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: European colonialism in the Middle Ages - Prawer, Joshua,
1972 (i.e. 1973)
Book | Further reading

The German Empire and Palestine: German pilgrimages to Jerusalem between the 12th
and 16th century - Marie-Luise Favreau-Lilie, 1995-01
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Crusading and the crusader states - Jotischky, Andrew, 2004

Book | Further reading | Pp.16-22

Norman Italy and the Holy Land IN: The Horns of


n - G.A. Loud
Chapter | Further reading

Henry II of England and the Holy Land - Hans Eberhard Mayer, 1982
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Chapter 8: The Italians in the Latin Kingdom IN: Crusader institutions - J. Prawer
Chapter | Further reading

'What the Crusades meant to Europe' IN: The medieval world - C. Tyerman
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

21. Lecture: Imperialism and the legacy of the crusades AND Seminar:
Crusader architecture and the material legacy of the crusades (15

The non-military functions of crusader fortifications, 1187-circa 1380 - K MOLIN, 1997-12

Article | Essential reading | ELECTRONIC

Crusader archaeology: the material culture of the Latin East - Boas, Adrian J., 1999
Book | Further reading

'III: Ecclesiastical Art in the Crusader States in Palestine and Syria' IN: A History of the
Crusades, (vol. 4) - T.S.R. Boase
Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

'IV: Military Architecture in the Crusader States in Palestine and Syria' IN: A History of the
Crusades, (vol. 4) - T.S.R. Boase
Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

Crusader castles and modern histories - Ellenblum, Roni, 2009

Book | Further reading

Frankish rural settlement in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem - Roni Ellenblum, 2002

08/11/17 The Crusades, c.1095-c.1291 | Manchester Metropolitan University

Book | Further reading

Art in the Latin East 1098-1291 in The Oxford illustrated history of the Crusades - J. Folda
Chapter | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

'VII: Painting and Sculpture in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1099-1291' IN: A History of
the Crusades, (vol. 4) - J. Folda
Webpage | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

The art of the crusaders in the Holy Land, 1098-1187 - Folda, Jaroslav, 1995
Book | Further reading

Crusader castles - Kennedy, Hugh, 1995

Book | Further reading

Crusader castles - Lawrence, T. E., Pringle, Denys, 1988

Book | Further reading

Topography and Iconography in Twelfth-Century Jerusalem IN: The Horns of


n - M. Lindner
Chapter | Further reading

Unknown crusader castles - Molin, Kristian, 2001

Book | Further reading

Crusader castles in the Holy Land: an illustrated history of the Crusader fortifications of the
Middle East and Mediterranean - Nicolle, David, 2008
Book | Further reading

The archaeology of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: a review of work 1947-97 - D.

Pringle, 1997
Article | Further reading | ELECTRONIC

22. The Crusades and Film: the Kingdom of Heaven (1 items)

Hollywood in the Holy Land: essays on film depictions of the Crusades and
Christian-Muslim clashes - Nickolas Haydock, Edward L. Risden, c2009
Book | Essential reading


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