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8-Week Pulls & Complexes

8 weeks

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Monday - Day 1
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Snatch (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Dip Snatch +
Snatch Balance - 4 x (1+1+1)
Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (below knee) + Snatch - 70% x
(1+1+1) x 6
Snatch Pull (controlled eccentric in proper position) - 85%x4x4
Halting Snatch Deadlift (knee) (controlled eccentric in proper
position) - 80%x3x4
BackSquat - 70%x6x4
Week 1 of 8

Tuesday - Day 2
Technique Primer: Press in Clean (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Power Clean +Power Jerk - 70% x 2(1+1) x 6
Push Press - 70%x4x4
Back Squat Jump - 20%x3x5 (% of BS)

Wednesday - Day 3
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Clean (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Hang Power
Clean (mid-thigh) + HangClean (mid-thigh) - 4 x (1+1+1)
Clean High-Pull + Hang Clean (below knee) + Clean - 70% x
(1+1+1) x 6
Clean Pull (controlled eccentric in proper position) - 85%x4x4
Halting Clean Deadlift (knee) (controlled eccentric in proper
position) - 80%x3x4
ParallelFront Squat - 65%x4x5

Thursday - Day 4
Technique Primer: Press in Snatch (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Power Snatch + OHS (3 sec hold in bottom) - 70% x (2+1) x 6
Power Jerk + Jerk - 70% x (2+1) x 6 (% of Jerk)
Snatch Balance (3 sec hold in bottom) - 70%x2x5
Box Jump - 3x4

Friday - Day 5
Rest Day

Saturday - Day 6
Technique Primer of Choice: 15 total reps
Snatch - 70%x3, 75%x2, 80%x1, 73%x3, 78%x2, 83%x1, 75%x3,
80%x2, 85%x1
Clean &Jerk - 70% x (3+1), 75% x (2+1), 80% x (1+1), 73% x
(3+1), 78% x (2+1), 83% x (1+1), 75% x (3+1), 80% x (2+1), 85% x
Front Squat - 75%x3x5
Quarter SquatJump - 40%x3x4 (% of BS)

Sunday - Day 7
Rest Day

Monday - Day 8
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Snatch (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Dip Snatch +
Snatch Balance - 4 x (1+1+1)
Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (below knee) + Snatch - 3RM; 90%
x (1+1+1), 95% x (1+1+1) (% of RM)
Snatch Pull (controlled eccentric in proper position) - 85%x4,
Halting Snatch Deadlift (knee) (controlled eccentric in proper
position) - 80%x3, 85%x3x3
BackSquat - 70%x6, 75%x6x3
Week 2 of 8

Tuesday - Day 9
Technique Primer: Press in Clean (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Power Clean +Power Jerk - 2(1+1)RM; 90% x 2(1+1), 95% x
2(1+1) (% ofRM)
Push Press - 4RM; 90%x4, 95%x4 (% ofRM)
Back Squat Jump - 20%x3x5 (% of BS)

Wednesday - Day 10
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Clean (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Hang Power
Clean (mid-thigh) + HangClean (mid-thigh) - 4 x (1+1+1)
Clean High-Pull + Hang Clean (below knee) + Clean - (1+1+1)RM;
90% x (1+1+1), 95% x (1+1+1) (% ofRM)
Clean Pull (controlled eccentric in proper position) - 85%x4,
Halting Clean Deadlift (knee) (controlled eccentric in proper
position) - 80%x3x2, 85%x3x2
ParallelFront Squat - 65%x4x2, 70%x4x3

Thursday - Day 11
Technique Primer: Press in Snatch (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Power Snatch + OHS (3 sec hold in bottom) - (2+1)RM; 90%
x(2+1), 95% x (2+1) (% ofRM)
Power Jerk + Jerk - (2+1)RM; 90% x(2+1), 95% x (2+1) (% ofRM)
Snatch Balance (3 sec hold in bottom) - 75%x2x5
Box Jump - 3x4

Friday - Day 12
Rest Day

Saturday - Day 13
Technique Primer of Choice: 15 total reps
Snatch - 73%x3, 78%x2, 83%x1, 76%x3, 81%x2, 86%x1, 78%x3,
83%x2, 88%x1
Clean &Jerk - 73% x (3+1), 78% x (2+1), 83% x (1+1), 76% x
(3+1), 81% x (2+1), 86% x (1+1), 78% x (3+1), 83% x (2+1), 88% x
Front Squat - 75%x3x2, 80%x3x3
Quarter SquatJump - 40%x3x4 (% of BS)

Sunday - Day 14

Monday - Day 15
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Snatch (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Dip Snatch +
Snatch Balance - 4 x (1+1+1)
Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (below knee) + Snatch - 3RM; 90%
x (1+1+1), 95% x (1+1+1) (% of RM)
Snatch Pull (controlled eccentric in proper position) - 85%x4,
90%x4, 95%x4x2
Halting Snatch Deadlift (knee) (controlled eccentric in proper
position) - 80%x3, 85%x3, 90%x3, 80%x3
BackSquat - 70%x6, 75%x6, 6RM
Week 3 of 8

Tuesday - Day 16
Technique Primer: Press in Clean (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Power Clean +Power Jerk - 2(1+1)RM; 90% x 2(1+1), 95% x
2(1+1) (% ofRM)
Push Press - 4RM; 90%x4, 95%x4 (% ofRM)
Back Squat Jump - 20%x3x5 (% of BS)

Wednesday - Day 17
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Clean (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Hang Power
Clean (mid-thigh) + HangClean (mid-thigh) - 4 x (1+1+1)
Clean High-Pull + Hang Clean (below knee) + Clean - (1+1+1)RM;
90% x (1+1+1), 95% x (1+1+1) (% ofRM)
Clean Pull (controlled eccentric in proper position) - 85%x4, 90%x4,
95%x4, 80%x4
Halting Clean Deadlift (knee) (controlled eccentric in proper
position) - 80%x3x2, 85%x3, 90%x3, 80%x3
ParallelFront Squat - 65%x4x2, 70%x4, 75%x4x2

Thursday - Day 18
Technique Primer: Press in Snatch (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Power Snatch + OHS (3 sec hold in bottom) - (2+1)RM; 90%
x(2+1), 95% x (2+1) (% ofRM)
Power Jerk + Jerk - (2+1)RM; 90% x(2+1), 95% x (2+1) (% ofRM)
Snatch Balance (3 sec hold in bottom) - 75%x2x2, 80%x2x3
Box Jump - 3x4

Friday - Day 19

Saturday - Day 20
Technique Primer of Choice: 15 total reps
Snatch - 75%x3, 80%x2, 85%x1, 78%x3, 83%x2, 88%x1, 80x3,
85%x2, 90%x1
Clean &Jerk - 75% x (3+1), 80% x (2+1), 85% x (1+1), 78% x
(3+1), 83% x (2+1), 88% x (1+1), 80% x (3+1), 85% x (2+1), 90% x
Front Squat - 75%x3x2, 80%x3, 85%x3, 3RM
Quarter SquatJump - 40%x3x4 (% of BS)

Sunday - Day 21
Rest Day

Monday - Day 22
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Snatch (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Dip Snatch +
Snatch Balance - 4 x (1+1+1)
Hang Snatch (below knee) + Snatch - 70%x2x5
Snatch Pull - 80%x3, 85%x3, 90%x3, 80%x3
Halting Snatch Deadlift (knee) - 70%x3x3
BackSquat - 70%x4x3
Week 4 of 8

Tuesday - Day 23
Technique Primer: Press in Clean (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Power Clean +Power Jerk - 70% x (1+1) x 5
Push Press - 70%x3x4
Back Squat Jump - 20%x3x4 (% of BS)

Wednesday - Day 24
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Clean (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Hang Power
Clean (mid-thigh) + HangClean (mid-thigh) - 4 x (1+1+1)
Hang Clean (below knee) + Clean - 70% x (1+1) x 5
Clean Pull (controlled eccentric in proper position) - 80%x3, 85%x3,
90%x3, 80%x3
Halting Clean Deadlift (knee) (controlled eccentric in proper
position) - 70%x3x3
ParallelFront Squat - 65%x3x3

Thursday - Day 25
Technique Primer: Press in Snatch (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Power Snatch + OHS (3 sec hold in bottom) - 70% x (1+1)x 4
Power Jerk + Jerk - 70% x (1+1) x 4 (% of jerk)
Snatch Balance (3 sec hold in bottom of second rep) - 70%x2x4
Box Jump - 3x4

Friday - Day 26
Rest Day

Saturday - Day 27
Technique Primer of Choice: 15 total reps
Snatch - (75%x3, 80%x2, 85%x1) x 3
Clean &Jerk - (75% x (3+1), 80% x (2+1), 85% x (1+1)) x 3
Front Squat - 80%x2x3
Quarter SquatJump - 35%x3x3 (% of BS)

Sunday - Day 28
Rest Day

Monday - Day 29
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Snatch (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Dip Snatch +
Snatch Balance - 4 x (1+1+1)
Snatch - 70%x1x5 OTM, 75%x1x5 OTM, 80%x1x5 OTM - If after
these 15 sets on the minute you feel good, continue to a heavy single
with a max of 5 more singles
Snatch Pull - 90%x2, 100%x2,110%x2x3
Front Squat - 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2, 90%x2x2
BackSquat Jump - 20%x2x5 (% of BS)
Week 5 of 8

Tuesday - Day 30
Technique Primer: Press in Clean (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (knee) - 70% x (1+1)x 5
Power Clean + Power Jerk - (1+1)RM; 90% x (1+1), 95% x (1+1) (%
Push Press - 3RM; 90%x3, 95%x3

Wednesday - Day 31
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Clean (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Hang Power
Clean (mid-thigh) + HangClean (mid-thigh) - 4 x (1+1+1)
Clean &Jerk - 70% x (1+1) x 5 OTM, 75% x (1+1) x 5 OTM, 80% x
(1+1) x 5 OTM - If after these 15 sets on the minute you feel good,
continue to a heavy single with a max of 5 more singles
Clean Pull - 90%x2, 100%x2,110%x2x3
Back Squat - 70%x3, 75%x3x3
Box Jump - 4x3
Thursday - Day 32
Technique Primer: Press in Snatch (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Power Snatch + OHS (3 sec hold in bottom) - (1+1)RM; 90% x
(1+1), 95% x (1+1)
Power Jerk + Jerk - 70% x (1+1) x 5 (% of jerk)
Snatch Balance (3 sec hold in bottom of second rep) - HS; 80%x1,
85%x1, 90%x1 (% of HS)

Friday - Day 33
Rest Day

Saturday - Day 34
Technique Primer of Choice: 15 total reps
Snatch - HS; (80%x1, 85%x1, 90%x1) x 2 (% ofHS)
Clean &Jerk - HS; (80% x (1+1), 85% x (1+1), 90% x (1+1)) x 2 (%
Front Squat - 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2x3
Quarter SquatJump - 40%x3x4 (% of BS)

Sunday - Day 35
Rest Day

Monday - Day 36
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Snatch (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Dip Snatch +
Snatch Balance - 4 x (1+1+1)
Snatch - 73x1x5 OTM, 78x1x5 OTM, 83%x1x5 OTM - If after these
15 sets on the minute you feel good, continue to a heavy single with
a max of 5 more singles
Snatch Pull - 95%x2, 105%x2,110%x2, 110%x2x2
Front Squat - HS
BackSquat Jump - 20%x3x5 (% of BS)
Week 6 of 8

Tuesday - Day 37
Technique Primer: Press in Clean (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (knee) - 70% x (1+1)x 5
Power Clean + Power Jerk - (1+1)RM; 90% x (1+1) (% ofRM)
Push Press - HS

Wednesday - Day 38
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Clean (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Hang Power
Clean (mid-thigh) + HangClean (mid-thigh) - 4 x (1+1+1)
Clean &Jerk - 73% x (1+1) x 5 OTM, 78% x (1+1) x 5 OTM, 83% x
(1+1) x 5 OTM - If after these 15 sets on the minute you feel good,
continue to a heavy single with a max of 5 more singles
Clean Pull - 95%x2, 105%x2,110%x2, 110%x2x2
Back Squat - 70%x3, 75%x3x3
Box Jump - 4x3

Thursday - Day 39
Technique Primer: Press in Snatch (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Power Snatch + OHS (3 sec hold in bottom) - (1+1)RM; 90% x
Power Jerk + Jerk - 70% x (1+1) x 5 (% of jerk)
Snatch Balance (3 sec hold in bottom of second rep) - HS

Friday - Day 40
Rest Day

Saturday - Day 41
Technique Primer of Choice: 15 total reps
Snatch - HS; 80%x1, 85%x1, 90%x1, 85%x1, 90%x1, 95%x1 (%
Clean &Jerk - HS; 80% x (1+1), 85% x (1+1), 90% x (1+1), 85% x
(1+1), 90% x (1+1), 95% x (1+1) (% ofHS)
Front Squat - 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2x3
Quarter SquatJump - 40%x3x4 (% of BS)
Sunday - Day 42
Rest Day

Monday - Day 43
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Snatch (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Dip Snatch +
Snatch Balance - 4 x (1+1+1)
Snatch - HS; (90%x1, 95%x1, 100%x1) x 2 (% of HS)
Snatch Pull - 95%x2, 95%x2,110%x2x3
Front Squat - 70%x2, 80%x2x2, 85%x2x2
BackSquat Jump - 20%x3x5 (% of BS)
Week 7 of 8

Tuesday - Day 44
Technique Primer: Press in Clean (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (knee) - 70% x (1+1), 75% x (1+1)
Power Clean + Power Jerk - (1+1)RM; 90% x (1+1) (% ofRM)
Push Press - 70%x3, 75%x3x3

Wednesday - Day 45
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Clean (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Hang Power
Clean (mid-thigh) + HangClean (mid-thigh) - 4 x (1+1+1)
Clean &Jerk - HS; (90% x (1+1), 95% x (1+1), 100% x (1+1)) x 2
(% of HS)
Clean Pull - 95%x2, 95%x2,100%x2x3
Back Squat - 70%x3, 75%x3x3
Box Jump - 4x3

Thursday - Day 46
Technique Primer: Press in Snatch (ascending weights) - 5, 4, 3
Power Snatch + OHS (3 sec hold in bottom) - (1+1)RM; 90% x
Power Jerk + Jerk - 70% x (1+1), 75% x (1+1) x 3 (% of jerk)
Snatch Balance (3 sec hold in bottom of second rep) - 70% x 2 x 4
Friday - Day 47

Saturday - Day 48
Technique Primer of Choice: 15 total reps
Snatch - HS
Clean &Jerk - HS
Front Squat - 70%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2x3
Quarter SquatJump - 40%x3x4 (% of BS)

Sunday - Day 49

Monday - Day 50
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Snatch (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Dip Snatch +
Snatch Balance - 4 x (1+1+1)
Snatch - 70%x1, 75%x1, 80%x1, 85%x1, 90%x1
Clean &Jerk - 70% x (1+1), 75% x (1+1), 80% x (1+1), 85% x (1+1)
Clean Pull - 90%x2, 95%x2x2
BackSquat - 70%x3, 75%x3x3
Week 8 of 8

Tuesday - Day 51
Rest Day

Wednesday - Day 52
Snatch - 70%x1, 75%x1, 80%x1, 85%x1x2
Clean &Jerk - 70% x (1+1), 75% x (1+1), 80% x (1+1) x 2
Snatch Pull - 95%x2x3
Front Squat - 75%x3x3

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