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This is a close check of the value of 4516 psi obtained by the Horner plot.

Extended Muskat Method

In 1937, Muskat15 proposed the plotting pressure buildup data as
log (p Pws) versus At. Subsequent theoretical studies16'17 indicate that this
graph should be used with caution and only as a late-time analysis method.
Because of the long shut-in times, usually required for pressure buildup data
to reach the Muskat straight line, the method has limited application for
pressure buildup test analysis. However, it appears to be more practical for
analyzing pressure buildup data in producing wells, water-drive reservoirs,
and filled-up waterfloods because of the longer duration of the Muskat
straight line in those systems.18'19
The Muskat method uses a trial-and-error plot with several]? estimates; a
straight line is obtained for the correct]?. Figure 5-13 is a schematic illustra-
tion of the extended Muskat plot.15 If the assumed]? is too high, the plot will
be concave upward; if p is too low, the plot will be concave downward. The
following equations may be used to estimate the permeability, porosity-total
system effective compressibility.



Table 5-3 presents this additional buildup data. Use these data to estimate
the initial pressure/?/ using Muskat method. Figure 5-13 shows the Muskat
data plot.
Estimate the permeability using Eq. 5-47:
Intercept= 180 psi

P1. (estimated)-pwj(psi)

values of

Slope =1 (1/71 hours)

= -1/2.958 days

Shut-in time, At (hours)

Figure 5-13. Muskat data plot.

Check: <\>ct = 0.23 x 17.0 x 10"6 ^ 3.91 x 10- 6 psi.

The skin effect can be computed using Muskat method using the follow-
ing equation:


Calculate p* using the following equation:

The slope of the Muskat plot at straight line may be used to estimate the
drainage area. For a close square: 10


and for a square with constant pressure boundaries (water-drive system)


where A is the area in ft2 and is equal to irr2e and re can be estimated. In Eqs.
5-50 and 5-51, mm is the slope of the Muskat plot and is negative number in
cycle/hr. The following equation may be used to estimate the physical time
range during which Muskat straight line will occur:


Example 5-7 Analyzing Single-Phase and Single-Rate Pressure Buildup

Test Using Horner Plot and MDH Method in Finite Reservoir
A buildup test was conducted on an oil well. The well was produced for an
effective time of 180 days at the final rate. The buildup and other per-
tinent reservoir data are: q0 = 350stb/day, \i0 0.8 cP, /30 = 1.136rb/stb,
ct = 17.0 x 10" 6 PSi" 1 , h = 49 ft, rw = 0.29 ft, </> = 0.23, A = 11.55 acres.
Table 5-4 shows the pressure buildup and calculated data. Assuming the
well is in the center of a closed square, determine:
1. k9 s, pressure drop due to skin and p* using Horner plot.
2. k, s, pressure drop due to skin and p* using MDH method.
3. k, (j)ct and drainage area.

tp = 180 x 24 = 4320 hours
A Horner graph for this test is shown in Figure 5-14. It has the following
Slope of buildup straight line, m = 152psi/log cycle;
/?i/,r = 4510psi;
. p* = 4978 psi.
Table 5-4
Pressure Buildup Test Data

Shut-in time, Af (hr) Shut-in pressure, pws (psi) vr
O 3561
0.333 3851 12,974
0.500 3960 8641
0.668 4045 6478
0.833 4104 4893
1.000 4155 4321
2.000 4271 2161
3.000 4306 1441
4.000 4324 1081
5.000 4340 860
6.000 4352 721
7 4363 618
8 4371 541
9 4380 481
10 4387 433
20 4432 217
40 4473 109
50 4486 87
60 4495 73
70 4500 62
80 4506 55

Permeability-thickness product, using Eq. 5-14:

Skin effect from Eq. 5-17:

From Eq. 5-19:

Slope, m =
Shut-in pressure, pws (psi)

Figure 5-14. Homer's plot.

Figure 5-15 presents an MDH type buildup graph for data of Example
5-7. The appearance of the graph is similar to that of the Horner graph
(Figure 5-14).
The slope of the straight-line portion is 150psi/cycle (from MDH graph).
The plhr is 4510 psi. Find the formation permeability from Eq. 5-14:

The difference in permeability between the two methods is only 1%.

Calculate the skin factor using Eq. 5-17:

From Eq. 5-46:

Slope, m = (4360 - 4510)/(log 1 - log 10)
= 150 psi/cycle
Shut-in pressure, pws (psi)

Shut-in time, At (hour)

Figure 5-15. MDH data plot.

Example 5-8 Analyzing Single-Phase and Single-Rate Pressure Buildup

Test Using Muskat's Method in Finite Reservoir
Rework Example 5-7 using Muskat method.

Solution A Muskat plot of the pressure data of Table 5-5 is shown in

Figure 5-16. Only three points define the straight line in Figure 5-16. From
Figure 5-16, we find
Intercept =

For closed square system using Eq. 5-47:

From Eq. 5^8,

This checks the values given:

Table 5-5
Pressure Buildup Test Data Using Muskat Method

Pi-Pwipsfy for
Shut-in time Af (hr) pm (psi) p = 4507 psi p = 4516 psi p 4525 psi

0 3561 946 955 964

10 4387 120 129 128
20 4432 75 84 93
30 4455 52 61 70
40 4473 34 43 52
50 4486 21 30 39
60 4495 12 21 30
70 4501 6 15 24
80 4506 1 10 19

Intercept, b =175 psi

Slope, mM--0.3960 cycle/hour

= -0.01538 cycle/day

Shut-in time, At (hours)

Figure 5-16. Muskat plot.

The drainage area is calculated using Eq. 5-50:

For data provided in Example 5-8, we find A = 7.72 x 43,560 = 336,283 ft2.
Example 5-9 Analyzing Single-Phase and Single-Rate Pressure Buildup
Test Using Muskat's Method in Finite Reservoir Assuming Well in Center of
Constant Pressure Square (Water-Drive System)
Rework the buildup data in Example 5-8.

Solution For constant pressure square, permeability and porosity-total sys-

tem effective compressibility product are estimated using Eqs. 5-Al and 5-48.
For closed square system using Eq. 5-47,

From Eq. 5-48,

This checks the values given

The drainage area is calculated using Eq. 5-51:

For data provided in Example 5-8, we find A = 7.72 x 43,560 = 336,283 ft2.

Slider's Technique For Analyzing Buildup Test

Slider11 presented in 1971 an entirely new approach to transient pressure
behavior termed as negative superposition. Slider's analysis was based on the
following assumptions:
If the well had been shut-in, no appreciable or measurable change
would have occurred during the shut-in time.
Based on the distance to the nearest boundary, the shut-in time, At,
must be less than the stabilization time, ts.
In the case of pseudo-steady-state, the change in pressure with time is
estimated using the following equations:



In case of a well that is infinite-acting at shut-in, the change in pressure

during the shut-in period, if the well had not been shut-in, is estimated from
the following equation:


If the unchanging pressure assumption is satisfied, then the following

equations are used to analyze a buildup test regardless of whether the well
is infinite-acting, in pseudo-steady state or steady state at time of shut-in:

where Atp is the dimensionless time and is given by


m estimated slope from Horner plot
At = shut-in time on the straight line or its extrapolation at At = lOmin,
i.e., log = 1.0, and A^ is in hours from MDH plot.
The permeability and skin factor are estimated using the following equations:


In cases where the unchanged pressure assumption is not valid, Horner's
method for analyzing buildup test should be used in an infinite-acting
reservoir. For the analysis for buildup test in a bounded (finite) reservoir,
when the unchanging pressure assumption is not valid, Slider introduced a
method in which Apq is plotted versus At on semilog graph paper. The use
of Apq plot for analyzing buildup is used for a well that is in pseudo-steady
state at shut-in. The approximate time when pseudo-steady-state flow began
is given by


The Apg term may also be calculated using the following equation:


where (Ap/Ai)pseudo is estimated using Eq. 5-53 or from field data. The
following example will clarify the Apq plot type of solution.

Example 5-10 Analyzing Single-Phase and Single-Rate Pressure Buildup

Test Using Ap Plot in Finite Reservoir
Rework the buildup data in Example 5-2 using Apq plotting technique,
assuming the well was in pseudo-steady state at time of shut-in and that the
flowing tubing head pressure decline was about 45psi/day (1.66psi/hr). The
well will drain a 45-acre drainage area. Determine the following:
1. Permeability, k
2. Pressure drop due to skin, (Ap)skin
3. Skin factor.

Solution First prepare a plot of Apq versus A^ on semilog graph paper and
find slope m of the straight-line portion of the plot. The Ap plot is shown in
Figure 5-17. The Apq values were calculated using Eq. 5-59; sample calcula-
tions are shown below and results are tabulated in Table 5-6.

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