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‘August 11, 2017 ad Hank-Martin, (familia) :Johnston living beneficiary FINAL NOTICE DEFAULT and WARNING Rescission and Claim Undisputed Hank-Martin-First-in-Time-Standing- Free-Hold-in-Allodium-Status-“19990-No-Name-Road” Timeline- Facts, Evidence, and Witnesses To: ALFRED and YURI SOUZA , RONALD ROBERT DUNN, addressees named herein, and any and all living men and women who claim to have any interest in, or on the land commonly known as: “19990-No- Name-Road", (Coming, California], herein and hereafter simply referred to as “No Name”. Notice to you is notice to your principals, agents, heirs and/or assigns. You are now in DEFAULT. you may be engaged in, or about to commit a fraud. WARNIN The de-facto instrument, (GRANT-DEED - #2011005133], recorded on 5-4-2011, and, any and all alleged subsequent claims regarding “19990 No Name Road”, including the de-facto instrument, (GRANT-DEED - +#2013012139- “Rancho Carpeta Trust”), recorded on 8-25 -2013 at the Tehama County Recorder's Office, [Red Bluff, California}, are hereby VOID-ab-init Whereas, the addressees herein, and all of them, have received “NOTICE-of-May-Sth-2017", which contains Hank's “rescission”, wherein said Notice offers the addressees 14 days to, “respond, and to rebut everything set forth in this NOTICE with which said addressees or any of them disagrees”, and, further requested for anyone claiming interest in said land to bring forth "evidence" of the "valuable consideration", as reflected on page | of the de-facto instrument, (GRANT-DEED - #2011005133- VOID-ab-initio}, and, Whereas, “Notice-of-Default” dated May-25-2017 was sent to addressees, and posted in full view at the [Tehama County] Court House, and at the [Tehama County] Corning Library, and posted in full view on 3 corners at “19990-No-Name-Road” on May 25" 2017, and Notices were received by addressees on May- 26th-2017, (see- exhibit D- “Notice of Default), wherein said Notice offers the addressees and all of them, 5 days to reply in good faith, and said Notice further offers the addressees “ a 30 day grace period to rescind all alleged contracts, and/or to remove any of their presumptions of ownership, title, and/or possession of said land, and to remove any de-facto legal or physical impedance that would knowingly prevent Hank from accessing “19990-No-Name-Road”, (see exhibit F- “CMRR receipts”), and, Whereas, said Notice states that, “silence is acquiescence”, and whereby “ when one otherwise has a duty to speak", and, Whereas, none of the addressees or any of them have responded with any evidence of “valuable consideration”, nor have any of them replied with any dispute, disagreement, or counter-claim; and all of them have remained silent, all have thereby acquiesced, and, Whereas, misrepresentation equates with intentional fraud, and, Whereas any thing of value which is gotten by deception is fraud, FRAUD VOIDS ALL ab initio. nce is equated with fraud page One ofthe Six August 11, 2017 ad Hank-Martin, (familia) :Johuston living beneficiary Timeline Facts, Evidence and Witnesses Regarding - “19990-No-Name-Road” From December 1999 to July 2017 Prior to 12- 30-1999, No Name was wild, non-incorporated, non-developed land which was held in the Phyllis M, La Mance Revocable Trust since 6-10-1987 12-30-1999 -Hank lawfully acquired No Name from Phyllis M. La Mance Revocable Trust 1-18-2007, Hank received a full re-conveyance, of Deed (de-facto instrument), for No Name from Northern California Title Company after making timely payments for 6 years to said Phyllis M. La Mance Revocable Trust From December 1999 until May 2011, Hank-Martin, claimant herein, held No Name in allodium, , and built equity upon the land, (see exhibit B- “Hank's equity list”). Hank paid the de-facto property taxes in a timely manner over the course of that time. Said built equity value is further acknowledged by significant property tax increases between 1999- and 2011 On or about, 4-20-2011, Hank found it necessary to leave No Name due to private circumstances,and sought someone who would care for No Name thereafier. Alfred Souza, a neighbor, showed an interest and convinced Hank that the land would benefit him and his family, (who all lived in one room at the time), and Alfred expressed his enthusiasm and subsequently stated his intent to live on No Name and to improve the land. 5-2-2011 Hank agreed to transfer No Name to Alfred, (and his wife, Yuri Souza), addressees named herein based on a promise of a first lien to Hank, which Alfred provided for Hank along with a quit claim form wherein Hank was promised that he would be given first consideration if Alfred should ever divest himself of No Name. (Alfred never provided a copy of said I" lien to Hank) 5-4-2017 Instrument, (Grant Deed #201 1005133 — VOID ab initio], was recorded at the Tehama County Recorder's Office, [Red Bluff, California), 6-15-2013 A fire broke out on No Name and the property was presumably abandoned at the time of the said fire and the Tehama county Fire Department put it out. 6-17-2013 - Tehama county Fire Department made an inspection on No Name, after which the county began to Notice the addressees herein with an alleged nuisance abatement order. 8-24-2013 - “RANCHO CARPETA TRUST” was created naming Ronald Robert Dunn as grantor/trustee. ‘page Two ofthe Siz August I, 2017 ad Hank-Martin, (familia) :Johnston (Timeline continued) living beneficiary 9- 10-2013, Ronald Robert Dunn recorded a"‘Declaration_of Trust, [document #2014004644 in Tehama County Recorders Office, VOID ab initio), wherein the creation of said trust was dated 8-24-2013, naming RONALD ROBERT DUNN as Grantor, (creator), one day prior to the de-facto instrument, (Grant-Deed- #2013012139 -VOID-ab- initio}, recorded on 8-25 2013, whereon Alfred Souza is named Grantor (creator), and Ronald Robert Dunn is named “Trustee”, one day after Ronald Dunn was named Grantor. In late 2013 Hank saw Alfred in town, at which time Alfred mentioned that a fire had broken out on No Name. Alfred told Hank, “We had to put it ina Trust”, but he never indicated to Hank at that time who he meant by “we", or made mention that he had given away or sold No Name to Ronald Robert Dunn, and he never ‘mentioned attempting to notify Hank of his intent to divest himself of No Name, nor did he ever mention the first. lien which he offered to Hank in 2011 “Suppression of fact, which should be disclosed, is the same in effect as willful misrepresentation”, (see Maxims of Law), 10-16-2013 - “Notice of violation and proposed Administrative penalty”, [Tehama County), was issued to RONALD ROBERT DUNN- TRUSTEE RANCHO CARPETA TRUST 4-30-2014 - Ronald Robert Dunn recorded a Declaration of trust, (alleged trust creation date 8-24-13) wherein Ronald named himself as the “grantor” and ‘trustee’. 6-4-2014 - “Notice to Abate nuisance”, and “Notice of Administrative order to show cause” [Tehama County], was issued to RONALD ROBERT DUNNRANCHO CARPETA TRUST. 6-30-2014 - Tax Default # DEF-140-000-069, [Tehama County], was issued to the alleged “Owner of “RANCHO CARPETA TRUST DUNN, RONALD ROBERT”, 7-1-2015 - Notice of Pending Abatement Proceeding, [Tehama County], was issued to: RONALD ROBERT DUNN, TRUSTEE - RANCHO CARPETA TRUST. 7-16-2015 - Notice - Abatement completed, (sent to Ronald Robert Dunn), 3-8-2016 - Notice of abatement lien recorded, (sent to Ronald Robert Dunn), On 4-20-2017 Hank and a witness visited No Name and found it to be vacant with most of the equity stripped from the land, Hank and said witness went to Alfred Souza's last known address in Flournoy where Alfred ‘welcomed them into his new home which was just next door to his business and prior home. Hank expressed to Alfred and Yuri that he was “looking for a place to land” and he inquired about No Name, (having just been there and witnessing the devolved condition). Alfred informed Hank of an alleged county abatement lien, and told Hank that he ‘gave' No Name away to “Ronald Dunn”, (Alfred faited to mention that fact atthe time he told Hank that he “had to put it in a trust”), leading Hank to believe that Alfred received no valuable consideration from Ronald Dunn. Alfred made no mention of the first lien that he had offered to Hank, and immediately after Hank lefi Alfred's home, Alfred called Ronald Dunn, then called Hank about an hour later and said, “Ronald Dunn ‘just’ leased the land to a third party for the next 5 years”. Said third party(s) who's identity(s) are still unknown, have not responded nor disputed Hank's élaim herein. age Three ofthe Six August 11, 2017 ad Hank-Martin, (familia) :Johnston (Timeline continued) living beneficiary 5-5-2017 - Hank observed that No Name was stripped of the equity which he had built up prior to 2011, with the exception of the following: The cabin's basic structure, (interior walls, appliances, and furnishings were missing), water in the pond, and some trees, (see exhibit B - “Hank's equity list”) Remnants of wood fence, (posts with 2 pieces of metal siding), along a clearing with ground holes which appeared to be evidence of a marijuana crop Later that day neighbors informed him that there has been no visible activity, or use of the land since approximately May 2011 with the exception of someone, (who they perceived to be), growing marijuana on No Name sometime during 2012-2013. 5-5-2017 ~ Hank posted Notice of May-Sth -2017 on the entrance gate at No Name, and posted copies in open view at Tehama County Court house and Corning Library, and also mailed them by certified return receipt to the addressees named herein. 5-25-2017 -Hank posted Notice of May-25th -2017 on the entrance to No Name, and he posted copies in open view at Tehama County Court house and Corning Library, and he also mailed true correct copies by certified return receipt to the addressees named herein. (see exhibit 3, “CMRR receipts”). Hank and a witness also noticed a “well truck” doing something near the well on No Name, As he was posting Notices, a first hand witness, (who has a ‘birds eye view" of No Name), called Hank to say they noticed recent activity on No Name. (ie: a well-truck and other trucks bringing in dirt), and they asked if it ‘was Hank or someone else, (said entities’ identities are still unknown and none have disputed Hank's Notices) 6-7-2017 — The tax record in Tehama County Assessor's Office reflects first tax payments ever made by RONALD ROBERT DUNN on 5-5-2017, which had been delinquent since 2013, (sce " Tax Default # DEF-140-000-069 ” in Tehama County Assessor's Office, issued to RONALD ROBERT DUNN on 6/30/2014). 6-7-2017 - Mail was returned undelivered , Notice of May 5 2017 sent to Ronald Robert Dunn. 6-24-2017 - Mail was returned undelivered , Notice of May 25 2017 sent to Ronald Robert Dunn. (Gee exhibit C- “returned undelivered CMRR's”) More Facts and Evidence The record clearly reflects that Ronald Dunn ignored said county notices for over 2 years, and it also reflects that Ronald Dunn had never paid any taxes on No Name until the very day of Hank's first Notice posted on 5-5- 2017, thus evidencing that he has never executed any alleged duties of the alleged “Trust”, and he has never taken possession of No Name, . The record shows that it was only on the day that Hank served Notice of May 5 2017 on addressees that any taxes were paid on No Name since the creation of the said RANCHO CARPETA TRUST, dated 8-25-2013, naming RONALD ROBERT DUNN as “Trustee. (s¢e exhibit D ~ “tax assessor printout”) The fact that Alfred was able to immediately contact Ronald Dunn on 4-20-2017 is sufficient cause for Hank 10 know that Alfred Souza and Ronald Dunn are in close communication, which gives Hank reason to believe that Ronald was notified by Alfred of Hank's notices of May 5" and May 25" which state, “Notice to you is notice to your principals, agents, heirs and/or assigns”. Hank has every reason to know that Ronald Dunn was noticed via “principal agent” and reason to believe that he is avoiding mail service of said Notices, which were also posted in plain view at the premises of No Name, (and had been promptly removed), and the Notices were posted in other, highly visible locations on May 5 2017 and again on May 25 2017. “Deliberate falsehood in one matter, will be imputed to related matters” (see- “Maxims of Law"), page Four of the Six August 11, 2017 ad Hank-Martin, (familia) :Johnston (Facts and Evidence continued) living beneficiary There is evidence of about 100 ground holes still visible on Google maps image in May of 2017, (date of capture is unknown, but the image was clearly taken after the fire of June 15! 2013, and it was clearly taken before the alleged county abatement clean up which took place on No Name in 2015. Google maps image has not been updated since that time. Said plants were rumored among neighbors to have been seized by law enforcement at some time before the fire incident on June 15 2013. (see exhibit E~ “google image”) Whereas, Hank has probable cause and reason to believe that Ronald Robert Dunn is evading and avoiding mail service which were sent to him on May 5th 2017, and May 25th 2017 based on the facts stated herein which clearly show a pattern and practice of evading his own self proclaimed trust duaies with respect to No ‘Name as outlined in the alleged RANCHO CARPETA TRUST, (VOID ab initio), and furthermore, whether through ignorance, negligence and/or a wanton disregard for his own alleged trust duties, Ronald Robert Dunn allowed the county environmental clean-up to assume the responsibility for No Name and to act under de-facto authority, which consequently incurred a county lien thus causing clouds on the prior clean status of No Name, (which Hank had solely prior maintained for10 years) Whereas, said Notices state, “Notice to you is notice to your principals, agents, heirs and/or assigns”, itis reasonable to presume that Ronald Robert Dunn and all of them have been served with said Notices and each of them and all of them have acquiesced and agreed. No one has disputed or disagreed rendering the said de- Facto ttle instrument(s) cited herein VOLD-ab-initio, and they are of no force or effect of lav ‘Legality is not reality”, “He that gives never ceases to possess until he that receives begins to possess”. (see- “Maxims of Law") Alfred and Yuri Souza never began to possess and thereby Hank-Martin never ceased to possess “No Name”. Although Hank is the only evident injured party in this whole scenario, he is not seeking any monetary damages but simply possession of No Name and the re-establishment of his first-in-time-standing on on the land. Upon their agreement, whether implicit or implied-by-their-silence, and/or upon their rescission of any and all alleged interest and/or presumptions of entitlement, , and/or by any action taken by addressees and/or any of them, 10 dissolve any and all subsequent actions derived of said de-facto instruments, [Grant Deeds, Trusts, etc.]”, (due to mistake or misunderstanding), and/ upon their action to remove any legal and/or physical obstructions that would prevent Hank from gaining physical and sole possession and resuming his non-relinguished “first-in-time-standing-and-free-hold-in-allodium-status” upon No Name, Hank expresses herein, his will is to hold the addressees, and all of them harmless. Furthermore, the required action(s) to rescind their alleged interest(s) will not be considered any admission of guilt upon the addressees, nor will it constitute any admission by Hank that said Grant Deeds/Trusts were ever valid, and, any unwitting mistakes made by addressees and/or any of them are forgiven However, since no action has been taken by addresses, or any of them, to resolve this matter peacefully and privately within the said “30 days to respond”, Hank may lawfully take hostile physical possession of “19990 ‘No Name Road” out of necessity, and he may further be justified in taking court action against said addressees for intentional fraud- “obtaining a sis cof value with intent 10 deceive” and possibly for “conspiracy to obfuscate, conceal and/or a cover up of the true facts of the matter” in an attempt to subvert and/or to deny lawful remedy to Hank, in which case Hank will be forced to seek compensation for his “injury, damages, depreciated value of said land, the loss of equity which has been removed from No Name age Five ofthe Six August 11, 2017 ad Hank-Martin, (familia) :Johnston (Facts and Evidence continued) living beneficiary Hflegal action is sought by addressees, or any of them, after receipt of said notices, Hank may be forced to seek reimbursement for his time, travel expenses, and court costs, and he may also pursue triple damages if it is discovered by the court that deception-equating-to-fraud, was indeed used by Alfred to obtain Hank's mark on the alleged Grant Deed to gain title ownership, (de-facto), of said land, and Hank may also seek whatever remedy the court may find fair and just. Your silence is hereby your acquiescence and agreement with full understanding that said claims and facts of the matter herein are true, correct, and “lavful legal and fully binding upon said addressee(3), without protest cr objection of them or of those who represent them” Failure to comply will be regarded as a breach of good faith. (please find blank “Quit Claim”, [de-facto], attached hereto for your convenience) 1, Hank-Martin, affirm that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, belief, first hand witness, experience, recorded facts and evidence detailed herein, and IAM willing to testify to the same under God's penalties and in any court of competent de-jure jurisdiction, if Iam called to do so. On this day, the-Eleventh-day-of-the-Bighth-month-Two-thousand-and-seventeen, ‘My'“Yes” is “Yes” and My “No” is “No”, my Word is my Boni "byt" ‘ b 2 4 2 Please end your reply (rite shown below), to: (Corning, California] ‘non domestic, without the U.S. “Terry Berke , hereby attest that on this day 8 -/t- 17 “on [Tehama couhty, California], the land, the living man, Hank-Martin: Johnston did appear before me and place his hand on this instrument with the full intent and knowledge of his actions. Kelley Deage, L Caley Bod. hereby attest that on this day 8 *\\-2O'T on [Tehama county; Californiap, the land, the living man, Hank-Martin: Johnston did appear before me and place his hand on this instrument with the full intent and knowledge of his actions. acy -Aypeli Hs a , hereby attest that on this day _ §7-/!-/2 ,on [Tehama county, California], the land, the living man , Hank-Martin: Johnston did appear before me and place his hand on this instrument with the full intent and knowledge of his actions. 3 Six ofthe Six Exhibit - B Genuine Living Beneficiary Reference List Hank's estimated invested equity at 19990-No-Name-Road from 1999-2011. *created road 1.3 miles long, approx. 40! wide), from prior dirt trail (equipment, fuel, labor 100 hours yr. for 10 years - approx. $10,000) *partially maintained adjacent road for neighbors (canal view) *built cabin, 2 story, 1000 sq’, over 5 year period, (approx. $20,000) *finish materials- 4000 board ', redwood and other hard to find timbers, (interior walls now missing) * well drilled, ($5000), *built water tower, installed 6 solar panels (4- 120w, and 2- 240w), and solar pump, (approx. $4,000) *2 propane refrigerators, (vintage- $250 ea) 1200w wind generator, ($600) olive firewood 20 cords,(approx. $4,000) *steel-sheet metal, structural, (scrap value approx. $1000, building value approx $10,000), *steel fencing 40 miles rolled with about 3,000 t-posts, (approx, $10,000 scrap value) trees fruit, shade, landscape, windbreak: - eucalyptus (100), pomegranate 100, 2 cherry, 2 apricot, 4 persimmon, blackberries 200 sq’, fruiting mulberries 4, cactus 100, (40 varieties), succulents- 20 varieties, (approx. $3000) *pond 1/2 acre (equipment and labor to excavate, $2000) *created driveway 1/4 mile (approx. $2000) *carpet 300 bails, 1/2 mile fence, approx $10,000) (recycled repurposed, relieved space at landfill) *5th wheel 24 70's, (approx. $1500) *pull trailer 24' 80's vintage, (approx. $1500) *20' equipment trailer (flatbed) (approx. $1500) *Natural Resource Maintenece, 10 years,(approx. $50,000) *Tax exaction total from 1999-2011, approx. $2,475,00 estimated approximate total = $138,075.00 WIRES =F =; ==s =, =e ==. 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