The Mouse Deer and Crocodile

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Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

The honorable juries and my beloved friends, Thank you for the opportunity given to me. I am the representative of PANDU
class would like to tell you the story entitled the mouse deer and crocodile.

Once upon a time in a jungle lived a clever mouse deer and many crocodiles.

One day, mouse deer went out looking for food. Mouse deer liked berry very much. That time, he saw so many delicious
berries across the river. And the river had really strong wave.

hemmmmm, yummy. Those berries are delicious. I have to go there. But, how???? said the deer

Suddenly, there was something appeared from the depth.

arrrggghhh, I catch you mouse deer, you cannot run anymore, ha ha ha ha said the crocodile.

The deer surprised but he didnt run.

oh, its you crocodile said the mouse deer calmly.

why? Are you not afraid of me? said the crocodile

yes, I am. You are the strongest animal in this river said the mouse deer

thats right. Why dont you run away said the crocodile

The mouse deer thought a while. Actually, he wanted to run, but he also wanted the delicious berries across the river.

Then, the mouse deer got an idea.

crocodile!!!!!, you want to eat me, right? if you want to eat me you have to fulfill my last request!

what is your request? said the crocodile loudly

Before you eat me, I want to eat all the berries across the river. But I cannot go there because of this river

oooo, thats easy. I can take you there. But promise me that you will not run after eating the berries

ok said the deer

come on! get on my back, I take you now

The mouse deer jumped to the crocodiles back and crocodile took him to cross the river.

When they arrived at the river side, mouse deer jumped and started to eat the berries. While the crocodile was very tired
because of the strong rivers wave.

Then, the mouse deer said to the crocodile.

ha ha ha. Are you tired croc????, come on, eat me

The crocodile cannot stood up because he was very tired

Ha ha ha, you cannot eat me. You are stronger than me but I am smarter than you. So bye bye.

You are lie eeeeeer the crocodile screamed loudly

Finally, mouse deer left crocodile alone and finally saved,

Ladies and gentlemen

The value of this story is : be a smart people because a brilliant thinking can defeat a strong body

Thats all my story

Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

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